HomeMy WebLinkAbout876143 SHERIFF'S CERTIFICATE P JRCHASE "" FORECLOSURE SALE dF ,r, ;, THIS CERTIFICATE made on the date below written by the Sheriff of Lincoln .... County, State of Wyoming, to U. S. Bank National Association~ of P.O. Box 2407~ Minneal~olis~ Minnesota 55402. WHEREAS, a Mortgage` was executed by C. J. Books, Inc., A Wyoming Corporation on September 22, 1999, to U.S. Bank National Association, Mortgagee, for the following described real property:;. Parcel 1: Lots 1 and 2 of Block 60 of the Second Addition to the Town of remmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described' on the official plat thereof. Parcel 2: The Easterly 79 Feet of Lot 8 of Block 52 of the Second Addition to the Town of remmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8 and running the southerly along the easterly boundary of said lot a distance of 50 feet; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said lot a distance of 79 feet; thence northerly at .right angles, a distance of 50 feet to the northerly boundary of said lot; thence easterly along said northerly boundary thereof, a distance of 79 feet to the point of beginning, being 50 feet fronting Pine Avenue:, also known as 1002 and 1117 Pine Avenue, Kemmerer, WY 83101. which Mortgage was on October 5, 1999, duly recorded book 436 pr page 563, in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Registrar of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming. The current record owner of the property is C. J. Books, Inc. a Wyoming Corporation. WHEREAS, a delinquency in payments occurred, pursuant to provisions of said Mortgage and the said Mortgagee, did elect to accelerate and declare the power of sale contained in said Mortgage to be operative; that pursuant to the provisions of Wyoming Statutes, 1977, §34-4-101 through §34-4-113 , I, Klm CZark, Deputy Sheriff ., do hereby certify that the property foreclosed is situated in Lincoln county, Wyoming, and more particularly described above, and was duly advertised in the Kemmerer Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation in Lincoln County, Wyoming for four (4) consecutive weeks, to wit: August 16, 23, 30, September 6, 2001, as is more fully shown by the Affidavit of Publication attached hereto; and THAT said prope~y was sold in one parcel at public vendue in accordance with the Notice of Foreclosure Sale at the date and time set forth, to wit: September 12, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. Said sale was made by me, and the above described property was sold to U...: S. Bank National Association~ of P.O. Box 2407~ Minneapolis~ Minnesota 55402~ in the~sUmof $100,000.00 ; and THAT by virtue of the sale and purchase, the payment of money as described above by the Purchaser, and the authority vested in me thereby and by law, I hereby give and grant this, my Certificate of Sale, to U. S. Bank National Assoeiation~ of P.O. Box 2407~ Minneapolis~ Minnesota 55402~ and do hereby certify that the Purchaser, or the Purchaser's assignee, will be entitled to a Sheriffs Deed at the expiration of 3 months and thirty (30) days from thedate of this sale, unless the same shall have been redeemed prior to that date as provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of SePtember ,2001. SHERIFF OF LINCOLN COUNTY STATE OF WYOMING Deputy STATE OF WYOMING } ~' } SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) On this 12th day of September , 2001, before me personally appeared I(±m Clark ., to me personally known, who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his f~ee act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and official seal. / ..-";, ,,'/ ' /' '~ .... '":/ / .._..:~/,.. · ~ ........ ., _ //,; " f-'::~~--'~~fi::--~ ,~otary ~dblie ...... My C0mmissi0n Ex~lres ,, d/,r ~-~: _ 1 ~===~:==::=~===:: ...... My Commission Expkes: AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WYOMING } COUNTY OF LARAMIE } I, John C. Patton, being first duly sworn upon my oath, depose and state as follow: 1. That ! am an Attorney at Law and I have been admitted to practice in the State of Wyoming. I am a member of the firm of Patton & Davison, Attorneys At Law, and I am a resident of the State of Wyoming.. 2. That ! caused a Notice of Intent to Foreclose Mortgage by advertisement and 'sale to be sent to: Record Owners: C. J. Books, Inc., A Wyoming Corporation 1336 Uinta Drive Kemmerer, WY 83101 Chapter 7 Trustee Gary A. Barney .. 267 Main Street Lander, Wyoming 82520 Parties in possession: .. The property is vacant. There is therfore no party in possession. and to all junior lien holders disclosed by a foreclosure guarantee, by Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested, on August 2, 2001 at least ten (10) days before the commencement of publication of the Notice of Sale. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. DATED September 12, 2001. of Patton & Davison STATE OF WYOMING } } SS. COUNTY OF LARAMIE } The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to before me by JOHN C. PATTON on September 12, 2001. Witness my hand and official seal. ~otary ~ub~/~- My Commission e ATTORNEY'S FEE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WYOMING } ~' } ss. 4 3 [) COUNTY OF LARAMIE } I, John C. Patton, being first duly sworn upon my oath, depose and state as follow: 1. That I am an Attorney at Law and ! have been admitted to practice in the State of Wyoming. I am a member of the firm of Patton & Davison, Attorneys At Law and I am a resident of the State of Wyoming. 2. That this Affidavit is being filed pursuant to the provisions of §34-4-112, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, and has been filed with the Sheriffbelow named. 3. That on September 12, 2001, the Sheriff caused a Mortgage to be foreclosed in Lincoln County, Wyoming and that the mortgaged premises were sold by the Sheriff of Lincoln County at 10:00 a.m. on said date. 4. That there is no agreement, express or implied, between himself and my client, U. S. Bank National Association, of P.O. Box 2407, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, nor between myself and any other person for any sharing or division of the $800.00 fee which was charged for this foreclosure except with partners of Patton & .Davison or other attorneys as we may hire to participate in the foreclosure action, or other parties entitled to a fee through foreclosure network agreements. 5. That the mortgage referred to was given by C. J. Books, Inc., A Wyoming Corporation, to U.S. Bank National Association, Mortgagee, for the following described real property: Parcel 1: Lots 1 and 2 of Block 60 of the Second Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln CoUnty, Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof. Parcel 2: The Easterly 79 Feet of Lot 8 of Block 52 of the Second Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly comer of said Lot 8 and running the southerly along the easterly boundary of said lot a distance of 50 feet; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said lot a distance of 79 feet; thence northerly at right angles, a distance of 50 feet to the northerly boundary of said lot; thence easterly along said northerly boundary thereof, a distance of 79 feet to the point of beginning, being 50 feet fronting Pine Avenue. which mortgage was recorded on October 5, 1999, book 436 pr page 563, in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Registrar of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming. The current record owner of the property is C. J. Books, Inc. a Wyoming Corporation. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. ~b~,' 2001. John C~. P~on of Patton & Davison STATE OF WYOMING } } SS. COUNTY OF LARAMIE } The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to befbre me by JOHN C. PATTON on September 12, 2001. Witness my hand and official seal. t~otar~ Pub(~ ---~ .~. My Commis PROOF (2)f'-' F'UBLIGATIOIN VIII'; .WI'A'I'I,; Ill,' \VYI)MINI' i (]mlnl. y of l,imx~ln ~~..... ).'~~ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ' ~~. irs[ ~l~l.' ~3~'~rn Default having been made in the conditions of that certain Mortgage deed dated  September 22, 1999, given by C.J. Books. Inc.~ A Wyoming Corporation, to U.S. Bank (lt:l)C)~s ;ind says [h:tL .... ' is National Association. to secure the payment of one cerlajn Promissory Note of even ..of The I( I';M M I,; I{ f,;ll Parcel I: . .. GAZETTE, a newsI~;~lmr {~f Lots l'and2ofBIotkO0oflheSecondAdditiont01heTownofKemmerer, Lincoln gener,',l circutatitm, I)ulflishttd :t[ County. Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof. · Parcel 2: I(emmerer; Lincnln (;~n~nl y, in The Easterly 79 Fegt of Lot 8 0[Block 52 of the Second Addition to the Town of the SLate of Wyoming_ Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as t~llows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8 and running.the southerly along ThaL the notice, a lrm. ~:~l~3' of the easterly boundary of said lot a distance of 50 Iket; thence westerly along the wh'ich is hereto att:tch{:d, was soulherlyboundaryofsaidloladistanceof791~et:thencenortherlyatrightangles, a  distance of 50 l~et to the northerly boundary of said lot: thence easterly along said' ' Im blisl~ed on the .... (lay northerly boundary thereof, a dislance of 79 I~et to the point of beginning, being 50 feet C~*~. ~O:'j frontingPineAvenue, alsoknownallOO2andlll7PineAvenue, Kemmerer;Wy of ..... , and 83101. wlm published n e; th .;~ 't'~x:~ - Whichmorlagewas~nOcloberS, 1999. duly rec0rded Book 436 PR Page 563, in  the Office of Ihe County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln Countyi ' Corporation. That the hole is in default: and . ...... WHEREAS, the default in said Mortgage has occurred by. reasOn of the failure of' of ~~.. , ~]_. the Mortgagor or assignees to pay the principal and the interest due thereon when the l.m~n g a period of .._~' same became due and payable and said Mortgage contained a powerofsaleto the effect that a default occurring in the condilions thereof will authorize the Mortgagee or its successive weeks. T.h a 1. :~;~id assigns at its or their option to declare the debt secured thereby t0 be d~e and payable newspaper is publish(:d wtxf..ly,' andproceedaccordingtolawloadvertiseandsellsaidpropertytosatisfythesame;and , of each xx,(~l( WHEREAS. no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt  rema'ining secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof, or'if instiiuled such action has been discontinued; and U.S. Bank National Association, of P.O. Box 2407, Minneapo- ......... lis, Minnesota 55402, is the ownor of said Note and Mortgage; and ' WHEREAS, written notice of intent to foreclose the Mortgage by advertise~nent and sale has been served up0p the record owner and party in possession more than ten O · .... ub~cr~bed 'and sworn I.t~ lm days'prior tothe first date of publication of this notice; f(.>r{./m e,~ the.~..~ d;tS, of NOW THEREFORE, Notice is hereby given that the above described real. property .... - -- - ~ _ will be offered for sale and sold by the Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, or his ~~ ........ ~1'~'"') ~ Deputy, to Ihe highest bidder lBr cash'at public vendue at the t~ont ~tepS of the Lincoln ' ~~_&~ Cpunly Courthouse, Kemmerer Wyoming. at the hour 0f I0:00 a.m. on September 12, 2001. ltowever, such sale shall not be held unless a representatiye of the Mortgagee is Notary~'u~lic. I,inco~Jo., W~ present. There is due and owing as 0f the first date or publication the sum of , $555,206,79. Publication will be August 16, 23, 30, September 6~ 2~ I. Such su~n Will __~M y ~om m is~l~__ex pi r{~s l l~{, continue to accrue interest, late charges, and any other penalties as provided by the ~dlty~ o~~;~~ ~O~ mortgage, all lo the dale of sale: and additionally there shall be added lo the indebtedness all costs and attorney's l~es associated wilh the f0mclosure; ~ U.S. Bank National Ass6ciation, Mortgagee ~:-' ::~'::-~ . cio Pa~ton and Davison Attorneys at Law  P.O. Box 945 ' Cheyenne, Wyom'ing 82003 County of ~ State of Aug. 16-23-30-Sep/. 6 ' 0816D Lincolr, ~ Wyoming ..... Uy O~mi~ion Expires 2002 .. NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE TO: Record Owners: C. J. Books, Inc., A Wyoming Corporation 1336 Uinta Drive Kennnerer, WY 83101 Parties iii Possession: The property is vacant. There is therfore no party in possession. 1002 and 1117 Pine Avenue Kemmerer, WY 83101 TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to applicable Wyoming Statutes, and in particular Wyonfing Statutes {}34-4-103, you are hereby notified that U. S. Bank National Association,. of P.O. Box 2407, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, Mortgagee, intends to foreclose by advertisement and sale that certain mortgage given and executed by C. J. Books, Inc., A Wyoming Corporation to secure a Mortgage Note given and executed by C. J. Books, Inc., A Wyoming Corporation. The mortgage was executed on September 22, 1999 and was recorded on October 5, 1999 book 436 pr page 563, in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Registrar of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, to U.S. Bank National Association. The current record owner of the property is C. J. Books, Inc. a Wyoming Corporation. The Note is in default with the date of the last payment being Septmnber 25, 2000. There is due and owing as of the date of first publication the sum of $555,206.79. Such sum will continue to accrue interest, late charges, and any other penalties as provided by the mortgage, all to the date of Sale, and additionally there shall be added to the indebtedness all costs and attorney's fees associated with the foreclosure. THIS NOTICE is sent to you as the record owner and or the person in possession of the mortgaged Premises described as follows: Parcel 1' Lots 1 and 2 of Block 60 of the Second Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof. Parcel 2: The Easterly 79 Feet of Lot 8 of Block 52 of the Second Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyonfing, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8 and running the southerly along the easterly boundary of said lot a distance of 50 feet; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said lot a distance of 79 feet; thence northerly at right angles, a distance of 50 feet to the northerly boundary of said lot; thence easterly alo. ng said northerly. boundary thereof, a distance of 79 feet to the point of beginning, being 50 feet fronting Pine Avenue. by certified mail, with return receipt requested, mailed to your last known address ten (10) days before the commencement of the publication of the Notice of Sale. In cmnpliance with the Fait' Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USCS § 1692, we provide you with the following no'tice and information. (1) The amount of the debt as of the first date of publication is $555,206.79.; (2) The name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed is U. S. Bank National Association; (3) U~fless you, the consumer, within thirty days after receipt of this notice, dispute the validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, we will assume the debt to be valid; (4) If you, the consumer, notify us in writing within the thirty-day period that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, we will. obtain verification of the debt or a copy of the judgment agah~st you, if applicable, and a copy of such verification or judgment will be mailed to you by our firm; and (5) Upon your written request Within the thirty-day period, we will provide you, the consumer, with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. THE DATE of fi~st publication of The Notice of Foreclosure Sale, and the subsequent publication dates are August 16, 23, 30, September 6, 2001. Sale of the premises will be conducted by the Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming on September 12, 2001, at 10:00 a.m., at the front steps of the Lincoln Comity Courthouse, Kemmerer, Wyoming. Dated this ~ day of ,¢~ %~ ~.~-, 2001. U. S. Bank National Association By: ~v Jolm ison ~ '~ ~ P.O. Box 945 ~r "~ :> ~":~ ~'~~' °~ "~'~' ~ o ~ Cheye~me, Wyo~g 82003 .~ ~ x ~' ~~ (307) 635-4111  ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ --~ Attorneys for Mortgagee o ~1~ ~ ~m ~ ~ ~ 434