HomeMy WebLinkAbout925360 ~ Ii ~ w « ffi ~ C") ~ .. CÞO::~ ;:OIt)WW _CD··Z~ roMWø - ~~~~æ oQ)Q..:>W ~ ...J LO: :I: Wu ..... Z>- Ñø Z - .....~ML5Z c~~""")ð w~~ u ~wo z wO::O ...J (.) m 0 W u 0::: Z :J AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP 00056:] THIS AFFIDAVIT is made pursuant to W.S. § 2-1-201 by Robert M. Zakotnik and Terry A. Zakotnik, who, being first duly sworn and upon their oath, state as follows: 1. We are the sons of Helen K. Zakotnik who died intestate on April 24, 2006, in Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2. At the time of her death Helen K. Zakotnik was a resident of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 3. We are the sole heirs and distributees of Helen K. Zakotnik, and there are no other heirs or distributees having a right to succeed to the property of Helen K. Zakotnik. 4. The value of the entire estate of Helen K. Zakotnik, wherever located, less liens and encumbrances, does not exceed One hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00). 5. Thirty (30) days have lapsed since the death of Helen K. Zakotnik. 6. No application for appointment of a personal representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 7. As claiming distributees, we are entitled to payment or delivery of any tangible personal property of Helen K. Zakotnik, including deposits held by any bank, savings and loan institution, credit union, asset management service, or like depository. ROb~tL ~~nik Page 1 of 3 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. County of Lincoln ) 0005r.~<jJ """''). .....0· 1:...... J:;;, O"'...I";¡.e-") (,'0 ...,¡If....:.)ù d The undersigned ROBERT M. ZAKOTNIK, being first duly sworn, states that he has read the foregoing Application and hereby affirms the same as the truth, to the best of his knowledge and belief. .-11::< ~. Robert M. Zak~ ROBERT M. ZAKOTNIK, personally known to me did appear before me and, upon being duly sworn, personally did sign the foregoing document and verification thereof this (;¡/Jt~ day of O~f-CJ:XA"- 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 11~/(P<i.O() 7 .;;'Ò~¿¡Y$~::3~j·'-~~>S;:'~~t.iÿ;: [y StEifY A. Wemef . 't;':~;;:,:', . ~!~iiIfY Pt!!I.ro,~;i '; County IJ~ i'~ Ii::;::: ' Slale of P I~. Llncci1. . ., ..~: Wyoming ~~ '",...," 0\ ;!~ ComrrJÌ$¡:;¡\}n ¿..cp¡re« 11/1612007\1,. ,-. -' . ...... . '" ,(. "~~-~ Page 2 of 3 09253EO STATE OF ) ) ss. ) "1,G).O~ ,,.....- IV ,"y ~ >1;) ~ County of The undersigned TERRY A. ZAKOTNIK, being first duly sworn, states that he has read the foregoing Application and hereby affirms the same as the truth, to the best of his knowledge and belief. TERRY A. ZAKOTNIK, personally known to me did appear before me and, upon being duly sworn, personally did sign the foregoing document and verification thereof this day of 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. ~~ ~+J-ru~1PJ Notary Public My Commission Expires: Page 3 of 3 Stale of (J al'¡,JJ¡ A1~ CoUntyOf~L,lJÅ S~ ~k - onf\~\}.Q.N¡,~~ ~q.ZDD~ before me, VI ,,-,an, '\ ~f'Clrun,- Ä:l(lliA ÞI\II ., No.¡no..-lTllte CIt() ker IloCI.. 'JMeDoe. NGIaIy PuÞIIe- personallyappe.ared \e H"''4 i\l\o, l\ Î.c. ~h\\c , \ N.tmII(o) of 1111*(1) [J 138FeElRslly kR&\'!JR te me - OR - ~Ved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the perso~ whose namt$) isliA subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that helaheJthey exeaJted the same in hl~en't~8i~ authorized capacity,Oes), and that by hisJ~8rlt"eIr signatu~ on the instnJmsnt the person.£8f, or thE. entity upon behalf of Which the perso~ acted, executed the instrument. O~~Z53f~O 0005'16G fœ "'=..61.'" - Notary PublIc . CaIIfoInIa RIvMIde CounIf My Comm.....Octt'. OPTIO l Though thtJ dlJtø below 1$ not tequlfed by 1Bw. It m~ ptOv. VØlulIbItÞ to ptWOfJI relying on the cIocument 8nd oouJd pt8vent frauduJtIV IBI1IOV8lIJ1Jd ~nt of this foIm to another rkxument. Description of Attached Documont Tiöe or Type of Document: ß J ju-;Iq lÚ..J tTf- SI J í )11 V/) rsÅ ;P Document Date: ~t..1 j 'ky J Df, - !!J /'2-D/ of/}· Î:Yt.il I ~ Number of Pages; -3 I I I I Signer(s)OtherT.'1anNamedAbove: II /4 I Capaclty(iøs) Claimed by Slgner(s) Signer's Name: '-¡:;Fry 4- 7 A- J¿J)J-{} / k. ~al [J Corporate Offic.:er Title(s): o Partner - [J Limited [J General [J Attorney-in-Fact [J Trustee [J Guardian or Conservator [J Other: Signer's Name: D Individual [J Corporate Officer liUe(s); [J Partner - [J Umited [J General C Attorney-in-Fact IJ Trustee [J Guardian or Conservator [J Other: Top O'tI'Iumb here RIGHT THIJr,18PI{IN I OF ~IÇNF:R Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: S0284CA(FI02I, "2000) 1994 NATIONALNOTARY ASSOCIATION-B23IIRafllIIMIAw.. ~,o. 8ox711M-CInasIe I"I1I1I. 0\ 1I13QØ.7184 I I ~ I I ~. I I ~ I I. I ~ I ~ ~ . I iiì ;f. " ~ ~ ~. , f¡~