HomeMy WebLinkAbout925388 '-\ J"'<. Ryan Schwartz, Esq. HATHAWAY & KUNZ, P.c. P. O. Box 1208 Cheyenne, VVl{ 82003-1208 Phone: (307) 634-7723 Fax: (307) 634-0985 000685 ATTORNEYS FOR THE ESTATE OF TED HAROLD THOMPSON STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss: COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Deceased. ) ) ) ) ) Probate No. 2- ð 0 b - S « - ö C- TED HAROLD THOMPSON, ORDER ADMITTING WILL TO PROBATE AND APPOINTING PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE WHEREAS, John Ronald Thompson, Petitioner, has filed a Petition for Probate of Will, in which Petitioner prayed that a certain instrument, filed with the Court in this matter, and purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of TED HAROLD THOMPSON, the Decedent herein, be admitted to probate; that Petitioner be appointed the Personal Representative of the said Decedent's estate; that Letters Testamentary be issued to Petitioner as Personal Representative, and that such other relief as may appear necessary, proper, and equitable be granted; and THE COURT HAVING HEARD the matter presented herein upon the date recorded below; and having examined the Petition for Probate of Will, the certain instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of the said Decedent, all evidence presented by, or on behalf of Petitioner in support of the validity of the said purported Will, and all other evidence properly brought to the attention of the Court; and THE COURT HAVING FOUND that Ted Harold Thompson, the Decedent herein, died on or about the 21 sl day of July, 2006, in the City of Salt Lake, in the County of Salt Lake, in the State of Utah; that the resident status and estate situs of the said Decedent set forth in the Petition for Probate of Will are such that this Court does have jurisdiction over this matter, and venue is placed properly in this Court; that the said instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of the said Decedent was executed in compliance with the formal requirements of the laws of the State of Wyoming; and that John Ronald Thompson is entitled to the issuance of 0925388 000686 Letters Testamentary appointing him as Personal Representatives of the said Decedent's estate; therefore IT IS ORDERED: 1. That the certain instrument previously filed herein, and purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Ted Harold Thompson, the Decedent herein, be, and the same hereby is, admitted to probate in this Court; 2. That John Ronald Thompson be and hereby is appointed Personal Representatives of the said Decedent's estate; 3. That the Clerk of Court forthwith, and at such other times as shall appear necessary in the premises, issue Letters Testamentary in reference to this matter designating John Ronald Thompson as Personal Representatives of the said Decedent's estate; and 4. That no bond is required of the Personal Representatives pursuant to Decedent's Last Will and Testament. ~6~T~T~FO~~?~¿~M}:;:s~·;;:. :)' I, :'~, I Kenneth D. Roberts, Glër~Qf(he:~Tt:¡irç1':<> ,:,.; jt:dicial District Court within;aÞØ-tÒ~~~~jøt:, .>,:,,(, . county and in the State,offbt~~Ø · ::dQ.':r~·' \ \\..' ' hereby certify th. e.... foreg.yOiÌ\lg. tob~" .....~.,~.I~.I.L t.. I':. /' true, and compl~te COry' (' .,'.. ";V"1'i,~t~:tçi7 { .. ' '., ' SIGNED ..,....... .... ..... . ". ORDERADMITIING WILL TO PROBATE ESTATE OF THOMPSON PAGE 2 OF 3