HomeMy WebLinkAbout925391 000690 WARRANTY DEED Thompson Land and Livestock Company, a Wyoming general partnership, Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEYS and WARRANTS to Bear River Land & Cattle, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, Grantee, whose address is 2345 N. Woodruff, Idaho Falls, ID 83401, the following described real property, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: SEE ATTACHMENT "A" HERETO The Grantor herein also grants and conveys to the Grantee all Grantor's right, title and interest in and to the water, water rights, water shares (if any), ditch rights, canal ditch shares (if any), wells and well rights, reservoirs and reservoir rights, and reservoir shares (if any) appurtenant to or used or usable in connection with the above described Real Property or any part thereof, all surface water, adjudicated and unadjudicated, appropriated and unappropriated, to-wit: SEE ATTACHMENT "B" HERETO The Grantor herein also grants and conveys to Grantee all of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to the minerals contained in and underlying the real property described in Attachment "A" hereto, reserving unto Grantor fifty percent (50%) of said right, title and interest. TOGETHER with any and all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and improvements thereon, any and all fixtures of a permanent nature thereon, and any and all easements, rights of way, and other ~ghts appurtenant th~; . SUBJECT to general taxes for the year 2006; local improvement districts; guaranteed revenues to utility companies; building and zoning regulations; city, county and state subdivision and zoning law; and easements, reservations, covenants and restrictions presently of record in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming. WITNESS our hands this /5 day of [Æ(!.. ,2006. THOMPSON LAND AND LIVESTOCK COMPANY A Wyoming Partnership By: PARTNER:/k /t%?~~~XJ4Y1- John Ronald Thompson, Partner Date: /:.LII 5-/6 ¿ / PAR1NE~c?~-L.i'~ John Ro Id Thompson Attorney-in-fact for Carole Ann Thompson Goodman, Partner Date: I 0/> S;/ð 6- RECEIVED 12/15/2006 at 3:58 PM RECEIVING # 925391 BOOK: 643 PAGE: 690 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY I WARRANTY DEED PAGE 1 oF2 I 092'-391. . í2. ~ ~ . /. I,' I ',J ,? /1 PARTNER: L:ð/~'{ l ð~-:I ~14§~_.-=--- John RonafõThompson Personal Representative of the Estate of Ted Harold Thompson, Partner Date: 000691 /:z/rs/~ " I I PARTNER:{j)j(u~~~~~ William T. Thompson, Partner Date: /;).- /j-- at ,,-../ 'I' 1;// J PARTNER: ~~(é~U¿) ¿¡i¿{-I/~/2.tL~ Norene Thompson, Partner Date: /.1 ~¿/ /cJ~ ý ..... PAR1NER</~A' .Á7t,~ 1-. Stanley G. Thompso , Jr., Partner / Date: ;:l,,! j-- 0& STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF tiYl~ ) ) ss: ) ACKNOWLEDGMENT On this -.J2 day of [JR.~ , 2ook, before me personally appeared John Ronald Thompson, John Ronald Thompson as attorney-in-fact for Carole Ann Thompson Goodman, John Ronald Thompson as Personal Representative of the Estate of Ted Harold Thompson, William T. Thompson, Norene Thompson and Stanley G. Thompson, Jr., to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that they are the Partners of Thompson Land & Livestock Company, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said partnership and said Partners acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said partnership. Witness my hand and official seal. . ~. ~reVArtFOO() r NOtARV PUlIlIC COON1YŒ STATEŒ ~ /I . C~ d Lf¡COCN Jó Wf~ t/ l~ù .7- IIJ__ - Notary Public) My Commission Expires: I () --- ;) -[) 7 I WARRANTY DEED PAGE20F2 0925391 Attachment "A" Township 23 North. Range 117 West. 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming: Section 5 - NWl/4SWl/4, SEl/4SWl/4 Section 6 - Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, Sl/2NEl/4 (Less parcel deeded to Zebre at Book 119PR, Page 461) Section 7 - Lots 7,8,9, 13, 14, 15, SEl/4NEl/4, Nl/2NEl/4 Section 8 - NEl/4NEl/4, SWl/4NEl/4, Wl/2SEl/4 Section 9 - SWl/4NWl/4 Section 17 - NEl/4NWl/4, Nl/2SWl/4 Section 18 - Lots 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, SWl/4NEl/4, NEl/4SEl/4 Section 19 - Lots 13, 15 Section 20 - NWl/4SWl/4 Section 22 - SWl/4SWl/4 Section 23 - SWl/4SWl/4 Section 26 - NWl/4NWl/4, SWl/4NWl/4 Section 27 - SEl/4SWl/4 Section 28 - NWl/4NEl/4, NWl/4NWl/4 Section 29 - S l/2NWl/4 Section 30 - Lot 10, Sl/2NEl/4 Section 32 - NEl/4SWl/4, SEl/4NEl/4 Section 33 - NWl/4NEl/4 Section 34 - NWl/4SEl/4, NWl/4SWl/4 Section 35 - SWl/4NWl/4 Township 23 North. Range 118 West. 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming: Section 1 - Lots 5, 6, 7, Sl/2NEl/4, Nl/2SEl/4, SWl/4SWl/4, SEl/4SEl/4, SWl/4SEl/4 (Less parcel deeded to Zebre at Book 119PR, Page 461) Section 2 - Lots 5, 6, SWl/4SEl/4, SWl/4NEl/4, NWl/4SEl/4 Section 4 - Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, SWl/4NWl/4, S l/2SWl/4, NWI/4SWl/4 Section 5 - Lot 5 Section 8 - SEl/4NEl/4, El/2SEl/4 Section 9 - NWl/4NWl/4, Nl/2SWl/4, SWl/4SWl/4 Section 11 - SWl/4NEl/4, NEl/4SEl/4, SWl/4SEl/4, NWl/4NEl/4, SWl/4SWl/4 Section 12 - NEl/4NWl/4, Wl/2Wl/2, El/2SEl/4, SEl/4NEl/4 Section 13 - Nl/2SEl/4, Wl/2NWl/4, SEl/4NWl/4, El/2NEl/4 Section 14 - SEl/4SWl/4, NEl/4SEl/4, SWl/4SEl/4, NEl/4NWl/4 Section 17 - El/2, SWl/4, El/2NWl/4, SWl/4NWl/4 Section 20 - NEl/4, El/2NWl/4 Section 21 - SWl/4NWl/4 Section 24 - SWl/4SEl/4, NEl/4SWl/4 Section 25 - NEl/4NWl/4 Section 27 - NEl/4NWl/4 000692 1 0325391 Township 23 North. Range 119 West. 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming: 000693 Lot 69 - (Originally N1/2SW1/4 Section 1 and Nl/2SE1/4 Section 2) All that Part of Tract 67 lying West of the Bear River (Originally SE1/4, S 1/2NE1/4 of Section 5 and NE1/4 of Section 8) All that Part of Tract 77 lying West of the Bear River (Originally SWl/4, SI/2NW1/4, Lots 3, 4 of Section 5 and E1/2SEl/4, SE1/4NE1/4, Lot 1 of Section 6 and NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 7 and Nl/2NW1/4 of Section 8) Section 6 - Lots 9, 10, 11, SE1/4NW1/4 Township 24 North. Range 118 West of the 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming: Part of Tract 79 (Originally Lots 3, 4 of Section 7) Part of Tract 80 (Originally Lots 1, 2 of Section 7) Tracts 97F, 97G (Less parcel deeded to John Russell Thornock, Sr. and Emma Lucy Thornock at Book 509PR, Page 572) Section 6 - Lots 20,21,22,26, W1/2SE1/4 and all of Lot 17 and Lot 25; and that part of Lot 14 and Lot 24 of said Section 6 lying and being situated southerly of the following described existing fence line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 24, NOo028'15"E, 578.54 feet of Comer No.2 of said Tract 97, found as described in the Comer Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; thence S89°0 l' 12"E, 5 83.41 feet along said fence to a point; thence S88°45'49"E, 457.47 feet along said fence to a point; thence S88°50'51"E, 421.64 feet along said fence and an easterly protraction of said fence to the east line of said Lot 14 Section 7 - Lots 5, 10, 11, W1/2NE1/4, NW1/4SE1/4 Section 21 - E1/2SE1/4, NE1/4SWl/4, SE1/4NE1/4, W1/2E1/2, SE1/4SW1/4, NW1/4, NE1/4NE1/4 Section 22 - SW1/4SW1/4 Section 27 - NE1/4, N1/2NW1/4, NW1/4SE1/4, E1/2SE1/4 (Less parcel deeded to Zebre at Book 119PR, Page 461) Section 28 - N1/2NE1/4, El/2WI/2, SW1/4NEl/4, Wl/2SE1/4 Section 33 - SE1/4NW1/4, E1/2SW1/4, NE1/4, SE1/4 Section 34 - NE1/4NE1/4 (Less parcel deeded to Zebre at Book 119PR, Page 461) Township 24 North. Range 119 West. 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming: Tract 42 (Originally El/2W1/2 of Section 32) 2 O~25391 000694 Tract 43 (Originally El/2NEl/4, El/2SEl/4 of Section 31 and Wl/2NWl/4, Wl/2SWl/4 of Section 32 Less parcel deeded to Etcheverry Sheep Company at Book 28PR, Page 429) Tract 44 (Originally Wl/2 of Section 29) Tract 45 (Originally NEl/4 of Section 29) Tract 46 (Originally NWl/4 of Section 28) Tract 50 (Originally Nl/2Nl/2 of Section 27) Tract 51 (Originally NEl/4 of Section 28 Less parcel containing 35.21 acres, more or less known as Grandma's Place - House Tract - attached as Exception 1) Tract 54 (Originally SEl/4 of Section 20) Tract 57 (Originally Nl/2SWl/4, SEl/4SWl/4 of Section 17 and NEl/4NWl/4 of Section 20) Tract 58 (Originally SEl/4SEl/4 of Section 17 and Nl/2NEl/4, SWl/4NEl/4 of Section 20) Tract 59 (Originally SEl/4NEl/4 of Section 20) Tract 66 (Originally SWl/4NEl/4, Wl/2SEl/4, NEl/4SEl/4 of Section 17) Part of Tract 67 (Originally Nl/2NEl/4, El/2NWl/4 of Section 17) as described in deed recorded at Book 198PR, Page 688 Tract 68 (Originally Wl/2SWl/4 of Section 8 and Wl/2NWl/4 of Section 17) Tract 69 (Originally Wl/2NEl/4, SEl/4NEl/4, NEl/4SEl/4 of Section 18 Less parcel deeded to LaVoy O. Taylor at Book 207PR, Page 489 and Less parcel deeded to Terri A. Schultz at Book 495PR, Page 426) Tract 70 (Originally SWl/4SEl/4 of Section 7) Tract 71 (Originally Nl/2SEl/4, SEl/4SEl/4 of Section 7 and NEl/4NEl/4 of Section 18 Less parcel deeded to Roberts at Book 24 Deeds, Page 416) Tract 72 (Originally El/2SWl/4 of Section 8) Tract 73 (Originally Wl/2SEl/4 of Section 8) 3 0325~,","" 000695 Tract 78 (Originally Wl/2NWl/4, SWl/4, Wl/2SEl/4 of Section 12) Part of Tract 79 (Originally El/2SEl/4 of Section 12) Part of Tract 80 (Originally El/2NEl/4 of Section 12) Tract 81 (Originally Wl/2NEl/4, El/2NWl/4 of Section 12) Tract 95 (Originally NWl/4SWl/4 of Section 2 and NEl/4SEl/4 of Section 3 Less parcel deeded to Town of Cokeville at Book 388PR, Page 206) Tracts 97D, 97E, 97F and 97G (Less parcel deeded to John Russell Thornock, Sr. and Emma Lucy Thornock at Book 509PR, Page 572) That part of Tract 97-H, Tract 97-1, Tract 97-J, Tract 97-K, and Lot 46 in Section 1 and Lot 38 in Section 2, T24N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying and being situated southerly ofthe following described existing fence line: Beginning at a point on the east line of Section 1, NOooI4'38"E, 583.78 feet of the closing comer between said Section 1 and Section 6, T24N, R118W, on the south line of said Tract 97; thence N88°53'04"W, 881.38 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88°50'13"W, 1070.76 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88°47'59"W, 690.86 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88°47' 13"W, 1011.30 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88°42'26"W, 934.30 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88°41 '49"W, 457.76 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88°20'37"W, 560.07 feet, more or less, along said fence and a westerly protraction of said fence to the west line of said Lot 38 Tract 97C Section 1 - Lots 20, 21, 24, 25, 33, 34, 37, 45 Section 2 - Lots 30, 33, 35, 37, SWl/4SWl/4, Sl/2SEl/4, SEl/4SWl/4 Section 3 - Lot 43, SEl/4SEl/4 Section 10 - Nl/2SEl/4, NEl/4 Section 11 - Nl/2NWl/4, SWl/4NWl/4, NWl/4SWl/4, Wl/2SEl/4, NWl/4NEl/4, NEl/4NEl/4, Sl/2NEl/4, SEl/4NWl/4, El/2SWl/4, NEl/4SEl/4, SEl/4SEl/4 Section 12 - Lots 10, 11, 18,21,22,25 Section 13 - Lot 3 Section 14 - Nl/2NEl/4, NEl/4NWl/4, Lots 1,4,6 Section 18 - El/2SWl/4, Lots 9,10,17,18 Section 19 - El/2NWl/4, Lots 5, 6 Section20-Lots4, 7,10,11,14,15,27 Section 22 - SEl/4NEl/4, Nl/2SEl/4 Section 23 - Lots 10,22,23, Nl/2SWl/4 except N 75' ofE 220' Section 26 - NEl/4NE¥4 Section 27 - Lots 12, If' Nl/2SWl/4 4 0925391 000696 Section 29 - Lots 7, 20 Section 30 - Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, Nl/2NEl/4, NEl/4NWl/4, NEl/4SEl/4 Section31-Lots6, 7,10,11,14,15,18,19, Wl/2SEl/4,NEl/4SWl/4, SEl/4SWl/4, NWl/4NEl/4, El/2NWl/4, SWl/4NEl/4 Township 24 North. Range 120 West. 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming: Tract 3 9 (Originally S 1 /2NW 1 /4 of Section 13) Section 13 - Lots 1, 12, El/2NEl/4, SEl/4 Section 24 - Lots 1, 14, SEl/4NEl/4, El/2SEl/4, Nl/2NEl/4, El/2NWl/4, SWl/4NEl/4 Section 25 - NEl/4NWl/4, Nl/2NEl/4, SEl/4NEl/4, Nl/2SEl/4, Nl/2SWl/4, Wl/2NWl/4, SWl/4NEl/4, SEl/4NWl/4 Section 26 - Nl/2SEl/4, S1/2NEl/4, Nl/2SWl/4, NWl/4 (Less parcel deeded to Etcheverry Sheep Company at Book 28PR, Page 429) Township 25 North. Range 117 West. 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming: Section 8 - S1/2SEl/4, N1/2SEl/4, SWl/4 Section 9 - S1/2SW1/4, Nl/2SWl/4, SE1/4 Section 17 - El/2, Wl/2 Section 20 - NEl/4, S 1/2, NWl/4 Section 21 - W1/2NW1/4, SWl/4, Wl/2SEl/4, SEl/4SE1/4 Section 27 - SW1/4SW1/4, W1/2NWl/4, NWl/4SWl/4 Section 28 - NW1/4 Section 29 - SE1/4, N1/2 Section 32 - NW1/4 Section 33 - Nl/2SEl/4, N1/2NWl/4, SEl/4NWl/4, SW1/4NWl/4 Section 34 - S 1/2, SWl/4NE1/4, Wl/2NWl/4 Section 35 - S l/2S 1/2, Nl/2SWl/4, SEl/4NWl/4, SW l/4NE 1/4, Nl/2SEl/4 5 U325391 Exception 1 OÒOG97 Grandma's Place - House Tract That part of GLO Tract No. 51 of T24N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the south line of said Tract No. 51, N89°32'45"W, 350.56 feet from Comer No.2 of said Tract; thence continuing N89°32'45"W, 2201.01 feet, along the south line of said Tract to an intersection with the east right-of-way line of State Highway 30; thence Northerly, 292.40 feet, along said right-of-way line along the arc of a circular curve to the right through a central angle of 04°27'58" with a radius of 3751.25 feet to a marker; thence N12°00' 41 "E, 354.88 feet, along said right-of-way line to a marker; thence Northerly 328.15 feet, along said right-of-way line along the arc of a circular curve to the left through a central angle of 03°13'48" with radius of 5821.21 feet to a point; thence S68°54'00"E, 118.61 feet, along the north fence line of the house roadway to a point; thence S62°01 '58"E, 210.91 feet, along said fence to a point; thence N26° 1 0' 40"E, 31.99 feet, along said fence to a point; thence S80027'28"E, 1561.03 feet, to a point; thence SI5°30'55"E, 626.49 feet, to the point of beginning containing 35.21 acres more or less 6 0325391 ATTACHMENT "B" HUFFORD Permit # 6358 6811 2211 Enl 3226 Enl 13760 Ditch Kenyon V H Canal V H Canal V H Canal V H House Totals Source Spring Creek Pine Creek Pine Creek Pine Creek North Fork Sublette Creek Acres 30.00 640.00 153.24 133.45 15.00 971.69 cfs 0.42 9.14 2.19 1.90 0.20 13.85 000698 Date 11/26/1904 7/10/1905 4/06/1910 6/11/1915 11/12/1915 Well Permit # 613, Thompson #4, 403 feet depth, 1,200 gallons per minute, covers 220 acres. Supplemental supply to Permit # 6811. MAIN RANCH Permit # Ditch Source Acres cfs Date Terr Stoffers Sublette Creek 50.00 0.71 1882 Terr Abraham Stoner Sublette Creek 626.00 8.94 2/06/1882 Terr Mills &Tregea Bear River 315.00 4.50 10/17/1882 Terr F orgeon Irr Smiths Fork 200.00 2.85 6/01/1885 Terr F orgeon Irr Smiths Fork 65.00 0.92 6/01/1885 Terr Bourne Smiths Fork 105.00 1.50 1887 Terr Martin Smiths Fork 115.00 1.64 6/01/1887 Terr Mau Canal Smiths Fork 30.00 0.42 5/1 0/1890 9249 Marks No.1 Lost Creek 15.00 0.21 8/02/1909 9250 Marks No.2 Lost Creek 25.00 0.36 8/02/1909 4561 Enl Covey Canal Smiths Fork 99.60 1.42 9/27/1927 5719 Enl Pixley Bear River 436.74 6.24 4/24/1930 5719 Enl Pixley Bear River 206.20 2.95 4/24/1930 Totals 2,288.54 32.66 Well Permit # 341, Thompson #1,203 feet depth, 1,200 gallons per minute, 220 acres under pivot, in addition to water rights noted above. UNDERWOOD PASTURE Permit # Ditch 7677 Frederick No.1 7678 SS Frederick No.2 2215 Res Frederick No. 1 Source Acres Frederick Creek 140.00 Wyman Creek 140.00 Reservoir 1.32 Acre Feet TOM GOURE Permit # 4438 4439 Ditch Source Res Bartek "A" 1.93 Acre Feet Res Bartek "B" 1.00 Acre Feet Acres cfs 2.00 2.00 cfs Date 3/07/1907 3/07/1907 6/03/1910 Date 2/17/1931 2/17/1931 Attachment "B" Page 1 of2 0925391 MAYFIELD Permit # Ditch 18114 Adams No. Two FISH CREEK Permit # 12768 12769 15685 15686 15687 15688 SS Ditch Bartek No 1 Bartek No 2 Bartek Ditch No 1 Bartek Ditch No 2 Bartek Ditch No 3 Bartek Ditch No 3 Totals Source Acres Ham's Fork 88.78 cfs 1.22 000699 Date 10/03/1932 Source Acres cfs Date West Fork Fish Creek 58.00 0.83 10/13/1914 North Fork Fish Creek 22.00 0.31 10/13/1914 North Fish Creek 10.00 0.14 6/12/1919 North Fish Creek 20.00 0.28 6/12/1919 West Fish Creek 20.00 0.28 6/12/1919 Dry Fish Creek 8.00 0.10 6/12/1919 130.00 1.84 SS Denotes Supplemental Supply * * Supplemental supply not counted in total [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.] Attachment "B" Page 2 of2