HomeMy WebLinkAbout925409 000791 Recording Requested By: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. PO Box 8203, MAC # U1851-015 Boise, ID 83707-2203 When Recorded Mail To: Richard L Jenkins Kathleen A Jenkins PO Box 3001 Alpine, WY 83128-0001 RE: # 3919712623-18-JR RECEIVED 12/18/2006 at 11:24 AM RECEIVING # 925409 BOOK: 643 PAGE: 791 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY I RELEASE OF MORTGAGE 1 1 J' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned First Security Bank of Wyoming, as Mortgagee under and the owner and holder of that certain Mortgage executed by Richard L. Jenkins and Kathleen A. Jenkins, as Mortgagor, dated as of March 25, 1997, and recorded on April 28, 1997, [as Document No. 0836659] [in Book 396PR, at Page 549] of the office of the Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, hereby certifies and declares that said Mortgage, together with the debt secured thereby, is fully paid, satisfied, released and discharged, and that the property described in said Mortgage is released from the lien of said Mortgage. 1"1 1'1' í Legal Description: See Attached Exhibit A Tax Identification Number/ arcel Number: 01400118059500 & 014001180004000. IN WITNESS WHER OF, the undersigned has caused this Release of Mortgage to be executed as of this 12th day of Decem er,2006. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., successor to First Security Bank of Wyoming Mortgagee /j~N¿// Vicky Tiscareno-Officer STATE OF IDAHO ss. COUNTY OF ADA On this 12th day of December, in the year of 2006, before me JULIE SPIT~ , a notary public, personally appeared Vicky Tiscareno, personally known to me to be the person whose name is sub rib to the withi . struliflent, and acknowledged to me that he (she) executed the same. ,. "'~'I""'~ ,." I Ð "f. ~,.,~ ,:\}\..D $þ,' "'4! ~. ......... 1"...::.. ~ ~.. .~..~ !IIi. .." ~ .. OT · .. .., ¡ ~ ."'~ ,. ., ~ r, : i' : -.- := , . þ ,..:= ~<p',.. lIBL\\J ~ '$ ~ ~ . ...,: ........ ."", "'4! *)o~ ......... ~ 'V ...... "'" OF H> ~ ",.... ,...,........,,' I I PS2S409 Exhibit A: 000792 That part of the Northe.ut ~ af the Southwest qta"rtI!1* (HØ;SW\) elf Sa:.tian 2.9, Township 37 Nort.h, Ransa US Ytst. UDCGlD \ømty. ~. it beiug tbe intent tea r:edesc::ribe. th.t tract of rec:ar:d ia the Offica of thá c.eá of tJ.acolø County in Qogk 99 of A1Otostöltic. Rcc.ords on pac. 240, dasc:tibêrd as foU0W8: ßtCI~tNC' at å 2." Sllvenizmf stu1 p1pa with brass C31J ÛIII:d.b!d ''PAUL H. samEL Rts164 BIC rINEY Q"iCtfING 1919 T.S.. 2J710f91.00 + 100' LT", on the rm:t.bctJ:ly å¡ht- of.....~)' line of Stolte 111gbway 89, tIorth 38-'4' East, 2052.30 Eut frœt the SGutbwut COX'nCt of Lot S of soid Sactlon 29; theŒ.a North 63-08' F.asc,.128.6 foat a1oa&. the $aid Un!: to a point. fo'C' thQ .southeast C01:IUIr of tb:ú tract UJentful with tbII søucbwest c.amer of ~ tr.Jct ofaxølt'd in th. Aid Offh:a in Baok 92 ot HmtGstatic ReI:aaÞ on (.laSe! 76¡ tnC11C4 Nortb 26-48' VQt., 315.42 feet wna the IfGSt liae of tba øic! tect ot record in DoDk 92 ta a paint an the S'Dutherl)' Une of 1In:ee Ri.wø Sprr as ShCM1 upon the pIa t tor the P~l irides Heiabts Subdivisicm of I.'CC&21'd in thll said Oaia: as Plat. No. 2'9 ldœntic.a.l with the nœtblest camer of tblt b:&t at œeœd in Book 92 and with the 'noE'thUSt c.omer of that tract of ncord tn Book 99, thenc:e South 61-39' \Jest, 203..94 teet alm1C the southerly line baa øoint an the east line of P¡rlindes Drive ~5 .shown up:m the $:1id plAt.; theæa South 26'31.51 East .131.3 feet dOrt¡ thl1 east line at ~aid Ddve and the uut Uae of that tract of ncori in s4id Dook 99 1;.0 a point on the northedy right-of-vay line ot Aid Uil~-r a9 .:ard identic.;l with the ~outJ~t carner of the said trac.t. of ncard in 800k 9~; therx:e North 62·18.~· East. 76.1fcet dong the: súd nœthc:rly dght-of....way lioe. to the ,orner of beslnnloß. I