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o 0846 State of Wyoming Spa':B AbOVe ThIs Li c For ctOrðlng Dlltn MORTGAGE (With Future Advance Clause) 11. DATE AND PARTillS. The date of this Mortgage (Security Instrument) is ,1,~·P.1:f\QQ~, ..-.-.........,................... and we .:~.. parties, thcir addresses and taX identification number!;, if required, are as follows: MORTGAGOR: M. VICTORIA RDTHERMEL 1930 VILLAGE CENTER CIRCLE LAS VEGAS, NV B9134 o If checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated hereìn, for additiona Mo gagors, .their signatures and aclmowlcdgn1ems, LENDER: BANK OF STAR VALLEY ALPIN~ BRANCH ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING 102 GREYS RIVEA ROAD ALPINE, WY 831ZB 1-1 rf 2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sulfxcit::ncy of ~ 'ch i acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debt (defmed below) and Mortgagor's performance under thi~. Security rnst mentr Mortgagor granLo;, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with power of sale, the following de..o;cribed pro erty: $EE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HeRETD AND MADE A PART HEREOF I RECEIVED 12/18/2006 at 1 :56 PM RECEIVING # 925428 BOOK: 643 PAGE: 846 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY c; (15' ([) , IC,lt c _iOv The prop~rty is located in .,..,."."..",.,...,......." .1.J~,qQ~~". " , ..,.,. ... .,. . -, ..... , ,.. ., at ~,~, .QQ~W. QP. P.~IY,~ -. -. -. .. . ,., ....., . ., , ,. ". (County) ,.......,.........,.............. .._..............,........,..., .._........,.., .~J:A.~,V~~,L,E,(~~~.~~..__..,.,.....,., Wyoming .. ...., ..Q~!;Z.~........ (Address) (Cil:/) (ZIP Code) Together wÏ[h all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties. miner.al righ1!1, oil and gas rights all water and riparian rightS, ditches, and water stock and all existing and future¡: improvements, structun~..~, fixtures, d rep acemeu.ts UJat may now, or at any time jn the f1Jture, be part of the real estate described abovE: (aJl referred I,) as "Property'). 3. MAX1IMUM OßLIGA TION LIl'vUT. The total principal amounl secured by this Sccurit Ins~ent at anyone time shall not exceed $ !%P.QQ,_QQ.............".........................., . This limitation of amount does t inclu c imerest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant 10 this Security InstrUment. Also, this limitation docs n t appl to advances made under the terms of this Security Instrwnent to protecl Lender's security and to perfOlm any of 1:h coven ts contained in !.his Security Instrument. 4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The term "Secured Debt" is defined as faHow : A, Debt incurred under the [enns of all promissory note(s), contract(s), guaranty(s) or 0 r evidence of debt described beJow and all their extcusions, renewals, modificatioI1..'l or substir.utions. (Whe refe ncing the debts below it is suggesred that you include item..f such as borrowers' names, note c:unOUlitS. interesr rali J, mat rtty dates, ete,) ONE PROMISSORY NDTE DATED 12101108 IN THE AMDUNT OF $68,OOO,OD 'lNOMII'JG . MORTGAGE (NOT FOFl FNMA, r-HLMC, FHA OR V A usel ©, 994 a¡.~~.,. S\,.lom.. 'no" 51. Cloud, fvlN 11·800.397-234.11 Form I'IE-MTG.WV 11/1 B/94 ..4f1 'psg. , of 4) 1-¿1 t:J:JI -¿t:Jt:Jh ". 'J-¿ .:It:J I i:H:I:Jt:Jt:Jt:J-¿ .....u::.v ~4\':¡t. t:Jb/1t:J 09254Z8 000847 B, All furore adval)ce..~ from Lender to Mortgagor or other future obligations of Mortgago dt::r under any promissory note, contract, guaranty, or other cvidence of debt executed by MortgagoJ.' in favor of nder xecuted after this Security In.'urument whether or not tll,is Security Instrument is specifically rcferen¡:ed. If roOJ,"C o person signs this Security Instrume:nt, each Mortgajor agrees that this Security Instrument wiU sec:ure all fIltur advan es and futurc obligations that are given to or incurred by anyone or more Mor.tgagor, or any no.c or more ortga or and others. All future advances and other future obligatiMs are secured by this Securil)/ Instrument cv¡m ough 11 or part may not yet be advanced, AU future advances and other future obligations arc secured as if made on Ib date 9f this Security In8t~enl. Nothing in this Security Instrument shall constiruœ a commitment to malæ additional r tutu loans or advance.s many amount. Any such cOII1ll1itment must be agreed to in a separate writing, C. All obligations Mortgagor owes to Lender, which may latcr arise, to the ::xtcnt not pro 'bitcd by law, including, bur not limited to, liabilities for ovcídr.af,l.~ relating [0 any deposit account agrecmel1.1. betwecn Mo gagor d Lender, D, An additional swus advanced and eXpensc..~ incurred by Lender for inmring. prese ing 0 otberwise{Jrotceting the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by Lende under the tcnns of tlús Se:curÜy lnsu:ument. "r.¡lis Security Insuument will not SCCUre any otller debt if Lender fails to give any required. notic 5. PAYl\mNTS. Mortga,gor agrees that all payments undct the Secured Debt win be paid whe in accordanct3wiih the t~rr.t\s of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. 6. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard. to any other mortgage, dc~ed of tr,ust, ecuri a.greemeXlt or other lien document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property, .w.,ortgagor agre s: A- To mal~o all. payments when due and to perfonn or comply with a.l1 covenatl:S. B. To promptly dclivcr to Lender any notices that Mortgagor receives from till) holder. C_ Not to allow any modification or extension of, nor to request any futurE advan,ees un r any Dote or agreement secured. by the Jien document without Lender's prior written con.:lcnt. ,. 7~ CLAlI1v.W AGAINST TITLE. Mortgago." will pay aU taxes, assessmentS, Hen:;, encumbran 5, I. e payments, ground rents, utilities, and otb.l':r charges relating to the Property when due. Lender may requlre Mortgagor to pro ide to Lender copies of all notices that such amount':! arc due and me receipts evidencing Mortgagor's payment. M rtgag r will defend title to the Property against any claims tllat would impair the lien of this Security Instrument. Mortga or agr es to assign .to Lender, a.'I requested by Lender, any rights, claims or defenses Mortgagor may have a¡:ainst parties ho s ply labor. or materials to maintain or im.prove thc Property. 3. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. Lender may, at it:! option, declare: the entire b ance f the Secured Debt to be immediatcly due and payable upon the creation of, or eo:ot~act for the creation (',f, any Hen, e cumbr ce, transfer or .sale of the Property. This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C.P.R. 591), (I appl cable. This covenant sball run with Ihe PropcIty and shall remain in effect until the Secured Debt is pa.id in h1l1 and this Se· urity !'\trument ~ released, 9. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Ml;l(lgag'Jr will keep t e P:r:o erty in good coI1Òition aud make aU repairs that are reasona,bly necessary. Mortgagor shall not commit or allow any was e, imp irmcnt, or deterioration of the Property. Mortgagor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and gl'asses. Mortg gor a rces that the nature of the occupancy and use will noC substantially change without Lender's prior written consent. Mo gagar will not permit any change in any license, restrictive covenant OT ea.,o;crm:.u.t with.out Lender's prior writtetl co.u.~ent. Mc¡Jrtgago wiU notify Ler¡dcr of all demands, proceedings, claims and actions against Mortgagor. and of any loss or damage to the ropen. Lender or Lender's agents may. at Lender's option, cnter the Property at any wasonablc tim for th purpose of iT.lspecting .the Pwperty, Lcndcr shall give Mortgagor notice at the time of or befofe an inspection spec' ing a casonable purpose for the inspection, Any inspectìor¡ of thc Property shall be entirely for Lender's benefit and M rtgag l' will in no way rely on Lender's inspection, I i I 110. AUTHORITY TO ·PERFORM. If Mortgagor fails to perform any duty or any of the co tnanl:..~ contained in this. Security In.stl1.1.IDC11t, Lender 111ay, without notice, perform or cause them to be perfoDl1ed, Mortgag r app ifits Lender as attorney in fact to sign Mortgagor's name or pay any amount necessary for performance. Lcnder's ri t to p rform for Mortgagor shall noc create an obIigatìon to perfonn, a¡¡d Le:odeJ'S failur.e to perfonn will not precludc Le.nde from ex.ercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security lmtrument. If any construcT.Ì.on on tb: Propeny is iscon ucd or not carried on in a reasonable manner, tender may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's security' re....t we P.roperty, including c.omp1etion of the construction_ . 11. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. Mortgagor irrevocably grants, bargain..... co veys, ortgages and warrants to Lender as additional security all the right, title and interest in and to any and all existing 0 fIltu leases, subleases, and any othcr written or verbal agreements for. the use and occupancy of any portjl)J:I of the Pr 'pert)', mc1uding any e;uensiou.$, [en~wals, modifications 01' substitutions of such ag:rcL>Incnt.s (all referred. to as "Leases") and re 1$, issucs and profits (all referred to as "Rents"). Mortgagor will promptly provide Lender with. tIue anC: correcf. copt of all existing and fUture Leases. Mortgagor ma.y collect, receive, enjoy and use the Rents 50 Jong as Mortgagor is not in defa It und [ the tCntl.'I of tllis Security InstnJment. . Mortgagor agrees that this as.!Iígnmcnt is immediately effective between the panies to tW See 'ty Instrument. Mortga.gor agrees that tlûs assignment is effcctive as to third parties when Lender takes affirmative acti XI pres ribed by law, and that this assignmcnt will remam in effeet dUÚl1g aXlY redemption period until the S(::I;ured Debt i.. satis' ed, Mortgagot agrees that Lender may take actual possession of Ú1e property WiÚ10ut the necessity of commencing leg 1 actio and that actual possession is deemed to occur. when Lender, or i~ agent, notifies Mortgagor of default and demands t at any tenant PilY all fu~ure Rents directly to Lender, On receiving notice of default, Mortgagor will endorse ¡md deliver to J..end· any payment of Rtmts in Mortgagor's possession a.nd will receive any Rents in trust for Lender and wi!:. not cornmin e the cnts with any othçr funds. Any a.mounts collected will be ap'{Jlied as provided in this Security Instrument. Mortgagor w' ants that no def.ault cxists under the Leases or any applicable landlordltenant law. Mortgagor also agrees 1.0 maintain and req ire an . tenant to comply with the tenns of the Lease:s and applicable law. © 1994 Bnnl,cr. Svslom., Inc., 51. Cloud, MN ('-ßoo-397-:!3411 Form f1~.MTG.WV 1 1 " 6/94 Jlr? I".g, 2 ,r 4J 09254Z8 000848 12. LEASEHOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS. Mo gagor agrees to comply with the pr.ovisions of any lease if this Security 1nstrument is on a leasehold. If the: Property in ludes unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Mortgagor will perform all of Mongagor's dutil:S u.nder the avena ts. by-laws. or regulations of me condominium or planned unit development. ! I 13. DEFAùLT. Mortgagor will be in df:fault if any parry obligated on the Secured Deb fails to make paymcnt when due, Mortgagor wm be in dciault if a breach occurs unde!;' the terms of this Securily Instnune or an oÚ1er document executed for the purpose of creating. securing or gu antying the Secured Debt.¡ A gOQlj faith belief y Len er £bat lender at any time is insf:curc with respect to any person or c:o 'ity obligated on the Secur¢ DE:bt I)r that the pr speet f any payment or tl1e value of the Property is impa.ired shall also constitu e an event of default. 14. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In some' stances, federal and state law will require Le er to ,.rovide Mortgagor with notice of the right to cure or other notices an may establish time schedules for Ibrcc~osurc ac ions. ubject to these limitations, if any, Lender may a.ccelerate the Secured ebt and foreclose tl1is Security Im,r;rument in a anner rovided by law if Mortgagor· is in default, I ~ At the option of Lender, all. or any part lof the agreed fees and charges, accrued interest a prin 'pal shall become immediately" due and payable, after giving notice if required by law, upon the occurrence of a defau t or ytime thereafter. In addition, Lender shall be entitled to all tile remedies provided by law, the terms of UJe Secured D bt, thr,- Security Instrument and any related documents including. without limitation, the power to sell the Property, All rem dies a. distinct, cumulative and not exclusjvE:, and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or equity, whe er or not e;t;prcssly sct forth, The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the Securc:d Debt aft r dle ¡lance i$ due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed shall not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to reqt1ircomplete cure of any existing default. By not exercising any remedy on Mortgagor's default, Lender does not waive Lc der's 'ght to later consider thl:: event a default if it continues or happens again. 1.5. EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVEN~NTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; ¡;OLLECTI N CO· S. Except when prohibited by law, Mongagor a.grcc5 to pay all of Lenqer's expCD.Ses if Mortgagor hreaches any ovcna t. in d11s .SeCurity Instrument. Mortgagor will also pay on demand any amount incurred by Lender for insuring, . inspec ing. preserving or otherwise protecting the Property and Lender's sceurity interest. These e¡¡:penses wìIl hear interest fi m the date of the payment untH paid in full at tbe híghc..'t interest rate in effect as p(Ovidcd in the terms of the S(:cured Debt. ortga or agrees to. pay all. costs and expenses incurred by Lender in collecting, enforcing or protecting Lender 1 s rights and r ed ies nder this Sec\Jrity Instrument. TIlis amount may iIlcludc, but is not limited to. rea.~onable attorneys' fees, coun costs. a d oth r,legal expenses. This amount docs not include attorneys' fecs for a salaried employee of the Let1der. TJ:J..is Security trum nt shall remain in effect until released. Mortgagor agrees to pay for any recordation costs of such release. " . 11'7. Hi. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As ¡¡sed in this sc tion. ( ) Environmental Law means, without limitation. the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Coropcn.t;tlcion and Liab ity A t (CERCLA, 42 U.S,C, 9601 et seq,), and all other federal, state and local laws, regulations. ordinanccs, eourt rders, attorney genE:1"al opinions or interpretive letters concerning Ú1e public health, safety. welfare, environr:lent or a haz dous substance; and (2) Hazardou..~ Substance means any to¡¡;ic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or cont 'nant hich bas characteristics which tcndct· tlte substance dangerous or potentially dangerous [0 the public Jealth, safety, welfa e or enviromnent. The tenn includes. without limitation. any substances defined as "hazardou$ matc:rial," "to¡¡:ic subs nees,"· "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substancc" under any Enviromnental Law. Mortgagor reprcsent." warrants and agrees that: A. EKcept as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Hazar ous S bstance is or will be located, stored or. released on or in the Property. This restriction does not apply to small q antitie . of Haiardous Substances that are generaUy recognized to be appropriate for thc nonnal use and main1(:nancc: of the ropert , B. Except as previously disclosed and aclmowledged in writing to Lendl:r, Monga.gor and e cry tenant have been, are. and shaH remain in full compliance: with any applicable Environmental Law C. Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender if a rclease or threatened release of a . azardo s Substaßce oecurs on. under or aboUt the Propeny or there is a violation of any Environmental Law conce 'ng th Property. In such an event. Mortgagor shall ta[tE: all necessary remedial action in accordance with ar.,y Envjronme tal La D. Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender in wrjûng as soon as MOTI-gagor has re on to clìevc there is any pending or tnrcatened investigation. claim, or proceeding relating to the release nr threatcned lease f any Hazardous Substance or the violation of any EnvirorunentaI Law. CONDEMNATION. :Mongago¡; will give Lender prompt notice of any pending or eaten action. by private or public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Propeny througb condemnation, eminent do ain, r any oUu:r meaJ.\S. Mortgagor authorizes Lender to intervene in Mortgagor's name in any of the above described act ons 0 claims,Mortgago{ assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim fuT. damages cOMected with a cundemnation 0 other taking of all or an}' part of the Property, Such proceeds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provid d in "$ Security Instrument. This M!/ignment of proceeds jA subject to the tenns of any prior mortgage. deed of trust, security agree nt or other· lien document, UJ. J!:NSURA.NCE. Mortgagor shall kf;ep Property insured a.gajn.,t loss by fire, flood, theft oth r hazarda and risks reasonably associated with the Propeny due to its type a,ud location, This ill5urancc shall be maintai cd in e amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The. ill5urance carrier providirlg the insurance shaU be chosen by M rtgago subject to Lender' <5 approval, which shaU not be unreasonably withheld. If Mortgagor fails 10 maintain the cover e des riboo above, Lender may, at l..el1dcr's option, obtain coverage to protect J...ender's rights in the Property ac,;ording to the erms f this Security Instrument. All insurance policies and renewals shan be accepta.ble to Lender and shall include a st dard "mortgage clause" and. where applicable, "loss payee cL1use." Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender of cancclllion 0 tennination of tile insurancc. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Marti gor!\ 11 immediately give to Lender all recei.pts of paid premiums and renewal notice~. Upon 1085. Mortgagor ~;hal1 give' ediate notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. lender may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Mongagor. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all insurance proceeds shall. be applied 10 the restora 'on or epair of the Propeny or to the Secured Debt, whether or not then due. at Lender's option. Any application of pro eds t principal shall not extcnd or -!fiJ«ge 3 af 4) i @1994 BankerøS"I':,t.m...lnc" 91, Cloud. MN II ·800-397-23411 form ~e-MTG.WV 11/1 B/9~ l:¿¡ t:ltJ/ Lt:I~.... II' tJ .:Jt:l/t;t;tJt:lt:lt:lL ';¡u:;:¡v ·'Al:it. 1d1:J/ lid 9254Z8 Q00849 postpone the due date of the scheduled payment n r chBDge the amount of iiJ1Y payment. Any xcess will be paid to th.e Mortgagor, If the Property is acquired by Lender, oJ."tga.gor's right to any Jnsurance pol' ies 1 proceeds resulting from dam~g~. to the p.J:ope(befOre the acquisition shall ass to Lender to the exttllt. of tb.E Sœ {cd D bt immediately before the acqulSltJOn.. ' 19. ESCROW FOR TA, AND INSURANCE. Un! !IS otllt::rwis!!= provided i%L a separate a reemert, Mortgagor. will not be I required to pay to Lenfer funds for taxes and insuranc in escrow. . _ 20. FINANCIAL REPO~TS AND ADDITIONAL CUMENTS. Mortgago!' will providje to endEr upon request, any financial statement oI] info:rID.ation Lender may dee reasonably necessaty. M ortgagor agr~~ t.o ign, ddjver, and file any additional documents lor certifications tl¡at J..E:/)dq: ay considEr J:lE:c.cssary tl) perfect, co~tinuc::, d prescrve Mortgagor's o bUgatíons under thiteCUrity Instr.ument and Lender',~ lien status on the PropeIt)'. I 21. JOINT AND INDI VAL LIABU..ITY; CO·SIG RS; SUC;CF..5S0RS l¡ND ASSIG DO . All duties under this SccUI:ity I.nslrument jomt a11d individual. If Mortgagor signs this Security Imh1Jment but oes no sign an evidence of debt, IvIortga,gor does So nIy to mortgage Mortgagor.'sitlterest in the Property to s~urc pa ment of the Secured Debt and Mortgagor does not n::c to be personally Hable on rc Secured Debt. If this Security Jn~ cnt s· cures a guaranty between Lender and IvIortgag . Mortgagor agreÐs to waive llny rights that may prevl:nt Lender fr m b¡;' ing any action or claim against Mortgagor 0 any party indcb(cd lludc.r th~ obligation These rigb,ts may inclu c, bu are not limited to, . any ami-deficiency or one action la.ws. Mortgagor ~grees ~at Lender kd any party to this Securi y Inst cnt may extend,· m;odify or mal~e any change n the t£:rms of this Secur.jty lnStt1JUJ.ent or any evidence. of debt wi ut M {tgagor's consent. Such a change will not rclc se Mortgagorifrom the terms [of t1ùs SecUrity ImtrUD:: ent. The du' cs and benefits of t.his Securit)' Iru;trument shaH bind d benefit the s ecessors and assigns of Mortga.gor. and LCJlder. . 22. APPLICABLE LA ; SEVERAB ITY; INTERPJ,ŒTATION. Tlús Security Instrume is go erned by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Lender is I09ted, except to ~ extent ot;herwis~ required by the I ws of e jurisdietio.n whcre the Property .is located, T is Security In~enr is complete and ful1)f integrated. This Security strum nt may not 'be amended o.r modified by oral agr . ent. Any S~tion in this ScJurity InsU:~~ent, anacmnents, or any grc ent related to the Secured Debt that conflicts w applicable 1 w wi1l not be e~.feCtiVe, unless that law expressly or' plied! permits the· variations by written agreement. I any section of this Security I~trument cannot be enfor,:ed according to its rrns, that section will be ~evered and will not ffeet the enfo e~bility <¡If the re~inder of this .St::cudty InsrruI?ent, )Vh":ße er u~ed, the singular shall mclude the plural an the plural the smgular.1 The captions and headmgs of the secuons O~llS ecunty Instrument are for conymiencc onl)' and an: not to bt::: used to intt:::rpr,t:::t 0. i dEJfÜ:I.I:: tht::: tt::rms of thi:¡ Secu.rity Ins ent Time is. of the essence in this Security InstrumCtlt. : 23. NOTICE. Unless oth~rwise required by Iaw~nY no~ sbal1 bel given by delivering it or mail i' by firs' class mail to the appropriate parry's address on page 1 of is Security Instrument, or to any other addres dc...¡ig ated in writing. Notice to one l1"\o(1gagor win be deemed to be notice to al m.ortgagors. . , . 24. WAIVERS. Except t~ tl,~ extent prohibited by law, ~ortga.gor waives any ri~b.t regarding alling of licns and assets and all bomcstcad exemption rights relating (0 tl:tc ProPfrty, 25. OTI-IER TERMS. If checked, the following are app~cable to thi~ Security InstlUment: o Line of Credit.. The Secured Debt includes. al revolving line of crcdit provision. Al ough the Secured Deb~ may be reduccd to a zero balance, this SecUI:iry T;ns~'umc¡nt will remain in effect uDIil released. . . . D Construction Loan. This Security Instrument [ecll.res an obligation incurcd for the c: nstruc 'on of an improvc;rnent on thc Property. o Fixture Filing. Mortgagor grants to Lender a security int fC,5t in a1.\ g()'~ds that Mo agar W05 now or in me fllture and tha[ are or will become fumlres related to the Propert . This Security Instrumcn sUffiCf as a financing $tatemcnt and any carbon, photographic or other reprod?ction may e filed of rt·cord for purp ses 0 .ArtiCle 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code., . . ¡ . . o Riders. The covenants <md agreements of L:!aC~ of tbe rid rs checkcd bdow are ineQ ora· into and .supplement and amend the terms of this Security Instrument. [C~ceJ( aU. appJ cable boxes] . D Condominium Rider 0 J;>lanned Unit De,\elopment R der 0 Othl~r.............. ........ .......,.....,..;.........".... o Addit.ional Tenns. I ¡ , SIGNATURES: By sIgning below, Mortga or agrees to Fhe terms a d covenants I:ontained in this Sec rity Instrument and in any attachments, Mo gagor also aclcnow)cdges ce t of a copt of this See rity Instrument on the date stated 0 pa,ge 1. /;1 ·ff? : i;j;;1;;jf:~;io iÅ7:H~u, :...... .!(.:/.~ ~e,.c? ~;,;;;;. u..·, u .... u.... uu,.. u u u.... ..u uu u. u. u. u '(¡'~t~ï' d '~ J . A. tNOWL~~:T~~~:~'Y.~~mq,...M~~l~....."..I..., COUN~OF .....9.(§::.k".n:........ .,.............} 55':r; (Indllduol) This instrument was acknowledged before Je this .........1.1...... clay of ....~S.~~:.~.........¿~:..._..,.... I' ~y~~~:~:~~:~:~:i:~':j:~" ï1~' ~;~~............. ........".....,..... '.".......:. .. ,. ,.....,. .....~. ............. . (0$,,-,,1) NOTARY PUBUC \ .. .... ...... ...... ....... (NO~rY· P;1~jj)'" ...... .... .."........... ... .. STATE OF NEVADA County of Clar1< MATTHEW HERMAN 9662-1 ointment expires June 17. 2008 @19B4 aonke"S"9um..ln~.. St. Cloud, MN (1·000·397.23411 I'orm RE-MTG·WY 11/19/94 (psgo 4 of 4) . l:¿¡ 1::J8/ L:l::Jl::Jb .:1I:J (öO;:Jt:J t:JL ! J.,JU....,IV . . . ~.- - - 092542 000850 L Or.der N : 60J 0616048D Lot 24 of Amend Plat fSta Valley Ranch Plat l~ LIncoln Co nt)', ~ yoming AS des ribed on the tidal lat fiI d on January 6,1971 as iJlstrume t No. 27346 of the rec rds oftlle L' oln C nty ICf.k. ALO I Lo 8 nl1.d 9 oft des ribed 011 the ¡ Lin oIn County d Wo ds Limite SubdivisiCln, U...coln oun , Wyoming 85 ficia~ lat m d Decemb f 9,1999 a;¡ Instrumen No.8 ·2980 of bUe r· ords, /' //." /" / // .' / / I I