HomeMy WebLinkAbout925433 u :J >. ~ ..0 bJ ""0 r., ~ T~ ,. 0 o ,?, . ~r-:-:~ ""'" Li_ d l'f) 0 0 .5 >: >-. ~8ill VJ t,.) M .._ C/) :1 +:: P.l 0 k}~ö~ f~ ¡::: ;:: eJ ~ r~ (1) or¡:; "t.:J .,~ '" ¡-. .~, ( ) ~.~ - :;¿ 'Î 0 J . \. .r.:t -,./I )-j 000856 WARRANTY DEED VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI L. CLARK, Husband and Wife SAMUEL T . EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS, Husband and Wife, as Tenants in Common grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties grantees, whose address is 2172 East Hunters Glen, Layton, UT 84040 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: That part of Section 33, T30N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbellabeled "Val G. Clark and Sheri L. Clark, Samuel T. Evans, Jr. and Janet H. Evans, Parcel Y-2 with Revised Access and Utility Easement Width" dated September 14, 1999, revised February 28, 2001. SUBJECT, however, to all reservations, restrictions, protective covenants, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record, in sight, or in use. -VJi:'Þ day of December, 2002: ~.úr- Val G. Clark Sheri L. Clark / cr-41ff:/ # fr¡(uuJ Janet H. Evans State of Utah ) V'/.Q... l) L{' )ss. County of ) My Commission Expires: ~-- ) T- - 2.60 '+- N tary Public RECEIVED 12/18/2006 at 4:01 PM RECEIVING # 925433 BOOK: 643 PAGE: 856 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY 0925433 1000857 State of Utah County of V\I.It- 0-tr ) )ss. ) My Commission Expires: ?-I '7- - ¿'Oð r- j -., ...-" '"". ~~hMifI" ,.. II. ...... !¥1M. .....- No. '101 .............. He. ., uw................ 1ft ....-..-...- '-".-"'- -'.............. .. ....~_.. ~....-... m", ....A. _ .............. .. hMWIr ...... LTO. .....~ lit'. ....... ~ ...... ._..... .......,1doM ........., - DESCRIPTION FOR 0925433 t~fV 000858 VAL C. CLARK .AND SHERI L. CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR.. AND JANET H. EVANS PARCEL ¥-1 - ADJUSTED WITH REVISED ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT WIDTH To-wit: - - That part oftbe SW'ANE~, the NW~SEJA~ the NEY.sW~ and the SE~NWŸ4 of Section 33, T3ON, Rl18W~ Lincoln County, Wyom.in¡. it being the intent to amend Parcel Y·2 of record in the Office of the Clerk of Linoo1n County in Book 435 of Photostatic Records on paae 189, as fullows: BEGINNING at a point on the west line of said SWJ¡.íNE~t Sooo·03'-46"W, 706.95 1èet. tom the northwest corner of said SWl/.iNE~; thenœ N84°·19~-S9"E, 381.73 feet to a point; thence S40o-3S'-31"E, 412.54 fi:et to a point. thence 8330-13'-11 "E, 412.54 feet to a rebar on the southerly line of said Parcel Y -2; t.bœc:c coursing the 50utherly and westerly lines of said parœl, as follows~ S88°-12'·28"W. 594.57 feet to a rebar; 888D-41 '-S9"W, 304.27 tèet to a rcbar; N02D-46'-S2''E. 206.25 feet to a rebar; NOI0-16'-31"E, 140.83 feet to a rebar~ N02°·06'·32UE, 299.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 10.00 acres, more or less; TOGETHER with the riøht of ingress and e¡¡ress extending easterly 375.8 feet from the easterly end of the McCoy County Road No. 12-155. Amended, in accordance with that euement of record in said OtJicc in Book 144 of Photostatic Rœords on page IS; AND TOGETHER with a right of in¡p:'ess and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land fifteen (15) fèet in width, with the ~erl)' tine (being the centerline of a thírty (30) foot acœss and utüity easement) described as tqu.ows: , BEGINNING at a spike on the north:line of said SW/4NEYo., S89°-4T-39"W, 937.36 feet ûom the northeast comer of saidISW1ANE~; ! thence S 17Q-17' -04"E. 75.21 feet to a spike; thence 813°-31 '-S7"W, 85.12 feet to a spike; thence S47°·221-06"W, 13.84 æet to a spike; AND TOOETIIER with a right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under and across a strip orland thirty (30) feet in width with the westerly line described as follows; BEGINNING at a spike on the north line of said SWY..NE~, S89ð-47'-39"W~ 937.36 feet &om the northeast comer af said SWY..NBY4; thence SI7°-17'..()4"E, 75.21 fèet to a spike; thence 813°-31 '-S7'tW, 85.12 feet to a spike; -Modification in any way of the foregoing desoriptlon terminates liability of the surveyor" O~II!. cy. .;,..... J ...... .' ~ LMllSoIMfM .....H. ___ ....___-'16 ioWII~No. ..., ~~ND. '170 __....Ilo/l No.'" ....A. ...... ..,.. ,....... HIt. .... ..................... au ............ He. arll1' --,.,,- w.o. ............... .. """"' ...... LTO. .... WIo'J'oiot ..~~ -, WVM*1I ~""'--- -...... ..... oLJIVI uUOJ MII":-t, u........- It -vc.. "1'.,"QIIIIJ . "'1bflg U¡ o.J -4 DESCRIPTION FOR 0925433 VAL G. CLARK AND SIIElU L. CLARK 000859 SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET U. EVANS PARCEL Y -2 - ADJUSTED WITH REVISED ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT WIDTH PAGE TWO thence Sooo-03'-46"W, 515.91 feet to a point; thence S40Q-35'-31"E, 30.00 reet to a point; AND TOGETHER. with a pedestrian and equestrian access five (5) feet in width with the south line described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast rcbar ,,{the above desçribed parcel¡ thence S89°-58'-10"W, 440.79 feet to a point on the east line of said NWY4SHY4; the BASE BEARINO for this survey is the west line of the NW!4 of Section 33. T30N. Rl18W, being Nooo-20'-OO''W; each "comer" found as described in the Comer Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each ì>oin1" marked by a 518" X 24" steel reinforcing rod Vlith a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL L m AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; each ''rebar'' marked by a 5/8" X 24" reinforcing rod with an aluminum çap ÍD:;cribcd, "UNCOLN COUNTY WY SURVEY POINT PE&LS 3514"; aU in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled. "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY AMENDED PARCEL DIVISION APPUCATION FOR. VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI J". CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS. JR. AND JANET IL BV ANS STEVEN W. ALLEN AND ANNE R. ALLEN WITIllN THE SW~NE~ NW~SE% NE~SW% SE~NWY<4 SECTION 33 nON RI18W UNCOLN co Y, OMING" ~ J 999 and mioed 22 February 2001. 2ooJ- Rc . I~ September 1999 " '¥ ~Moålflcatíon in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the $urveyor~