HomeMy WebLinkAbout925447 000004 AFFIDA VIT COUNTY OF ) ) SS. ) RECEIVED 12/19/2006 at 12:30 PM RECEIVING # 925447 BOOK: 644 PAGE: 4 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF UTAH COMES NOW, Thomas M. Yuranko and Audrey Yuranko, whose address is 5309 South Cottonwood Club Drive, Holliday, Utah 84117, being duly sworn on oath according to law, do hereby make the following statements of facts and affirms: 1. That they are the owners of a portion of land described under the Certificate of Surveyor on the plat titled, "FINAL PLAT MCKAYLA'S LANDING, AN ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF AFTON WITHIN THE INCORPORATED LIMITS OF TOWN OF AFTON WITHIN THE EY2NE~ SECTION 36 T32N Rl19W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 17 January 2006, as revised. 2. That they have reviewed said plat. 3. That they have read and understand the provisions of the Certificate of Owner thereon and the implications thereof. 4. That this affidavit is signed in the stead of and has the same effect as if the original mylar of said plat had been signed. . DATED this _ day of 2006. 1!:.:~'&gI-~ kk ?fu~~ AudreyY/y~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Thomas M. Yuranko .and Audrey Yuranko this ';2.~ day of Åhllût...be-- ,2006. JV/#4'/ Notary Public (I) Commission Expires: I :1/ 'II~(:>J . HI'. ' C MIKE STEED '34" VIlest 4875 South OGden. Utah 84405 M~ Commi..ion Eilpirta Decem" 31, 2001 .STA: OF'UTAH AF McKayla's Lanidng