HomeMy WebLinkAbout925520 \\ \". '. . Q0027.6 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Jeanne Reed Esterholdt and Frederic Clark Reed, Successor Co-Trustees of the John D. Biggane Trust Dated August 29,2005, Grantors, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by Jeanne Reed Esterholdt, sole own- er, Grantee, whose address is P.O. Box 128, Cokeville, Wyoming 83114, the receipt whereof is here- by confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quit- claim to the said Jeanne Reed Esterholdt such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and de- mand as Grantors have or ought to have, in or to the following described premises located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: QUITCLAIM DEED See Exhibit "A" Attached subject to all easements, rights of way, encumbrances and indebtedness of record. The aforesaid written trust instrument specifically confers upon the Trustees thereof all pow- ers with respect to said real property including the power to acquire or dispose of for cash or on cred- it, at public or private sale; and to manage, develop, improve, exchange, partition, change the character of, or abandon the property or any interest therein; and to encumber, mortgage, or pledge the property for a term within or extending beyond the term of the trust, in connection with the exer- cise of any power vested in the trustees; Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto Jeanne Reed Esterholdt, her successors and assigns, to their own and proper use and behoof forever. RECEIVED 12/20/2006 at 4:21 PM RECEIVING # 925520 BOOK: 644 PAGE: 276 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and seals this _ day of November, 2006. :'.I-~ ~. )...l~...:) e e Reed Esterholdt, Successor Co-Trustee Ìðhtí D. Biggane Trust dated ust 29, 2005 r ric Clark Reed, Successor Co-Trustee John D. Biggane Trust dated August 29, 2005 STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Jeanne Reed Esterholdt, Successor Co-Trustee thisd:o-day ofÌYLC'ol\J..'lO r- ,2006. ! JAMIE PAINTER - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Commission Expires My Commission Expires:~ STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LARAMIE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Frederic Clark Reed, Successor Co-Trustee this .& day of .:D ~'l }e~1\ ~ k'\ , 2006. ~ l~\~" ~&---) Notary Public ( My Commission Expires: ,~ - 7 - \ D STATE OF WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB. 07, 2010 COUNTY OF LARAMIE fit " ., J:, 000277 :." '. JUCIUDl1' "A" ~~Î Thnl p.n of Troel61 nnd Trllel 62 of'T2SN, RI19W;:Lincoln COllllly, Wyolnln¡ described IS follows: ~ /. . ßcgilllllng nl Corner No.2 afTrlle& 129 whera is found II concrelo IlIck ,el in lil hway 30N wllh 20" IP & BC wllnOlI eornorl "I Wcø'ol'lyand SOlllherlYi Ihence SOUlh 87' 42' a"", 45R.O fool 10 II point; thence Soulh O· II' BAst, 407.9 reel Co 0 poinl; Ihenc:e SO\lth 83° J I' Wesl, 954.J feel, more or less, In Iho Bo,l richl-of-wllY line ofeh. Orelon Shari Line R.IIUrood; Ihcnce North 09° 37' We.~I. 537,0 feel, 11'101'0 or less, alollp-Iho slid rIQhl.of.woy line to tho nonh IIno of snld 1\'nel 61; !ham.. Soulh 89° 47' EIISI, 103 fccllllong Iho .uid North line to poilu; thence continuing SOlllh '89' ..7' Ens., 40S fCcI, mora or lu~, II10n& Ihe IRiel Norlh line \0 the pllee o"bo~hlßingi cDch point being nlllrkccl by IIZ'galvllnized ,Ieol pipe 30" I\)n~ with III'IISI cop Ilpproprlolely inscl'ibcd; encomplssing Oil nroll of 10.4 IICroS, n10..0 or le85; ~II in occurdllnce wilh Ihe map prcpllred DI\d flied for record in Ihe office orlhG Clerk of Lincoln CO\ml)', Ic." 2.0 "CI'e~, 1110l'e 01" loss, deeded to Ihe Sllto HlghwlY Commietiol1 of Wyomlnß and described ø, Pllreell on n Qullel.lm Deed recorded III 1300k 127 PR PlIge 31 a oflhe recordsaMhe CounlY Clerk ofLlnculn COllnly, Wyoming, 10 wit; : " Thill pnrl ofTrnct 129 ofTI5N. RI19W, Lincoln COllnly, WyominG demibed os follow,:. t r I. f f I' f I. \ Beginning "' 0 poinl which benl., Nonh 33' (j' 59.0" Wesl 0 dllllnclI of622.14 fOellTom 1\ point which beors Non" 47° O )' 25,7" We. I a di,.lonce IIf 449.72~(ecl fl'om 0 point which belir' Norlh 49' 24' 24.7" I WC,III dislance oU J 0.98 feel froll\ a point all Ihe S,~ulh bllundory of 'lid Troel62 from which pulnl I· ~urnc, nmnber 3 Iheroofbeor. North 89,° OS' 27,3" \h,t 1\ disumce of 1,100,57 feot, IRid point of . beginning ,Iso belns loolllod on Ihc cinmllr orc of;¡ JO 00' ,pirllllcd curve 10 tllO risht, dlo rlldiu. ofwhlcl is 1,909.86 fGel, olld 01 which puinl Q lino Ilncent 10 :said curve belles Norll\ 23· 54' 3J.J" W"5I¡ Iheoee : alon@. ,lid ellrvo Ihroueh " cimlral on~h: of I So. 27' n dislnnce lir S 15 foe I, more IIr loss, h) 0 poinl olllhu Norlh boundary o( sRi~ 10.11 IIcr. lI'sct of I"ml. . 'Joginnln!; 01 (.:Ol'l\orNo. 4 ofTrncI62 of1";Z~N, 1\1 t~W; Ihence! Norlh, "SO rUI olong Ih. ;:I$t lI~c ofsal41 Trn\:112910 II polnli Ihonce Well, 287.4 I'cOIIO.. poll"; thence Soulh, 450 r':Clllo. poil\!; thence SOlllh 12·t OZ' Weal, JaR.:! fecI 10 n poinl; IhDnee Soulh 02° 08" WCllt, 980.~ feol to D point on Ihe South lina of .lld Tract 129 SO"lh 19° 47' Bast, 103 feCI fl'ollllhe /;IISI rlghl.or-Wn)' line oftha Oreson Shorll,,;'10 R.lllrondj' Ihoneo SOllth 8!1° 47' Bott, 40~ foello corner No.2 1I('Rid Troc112!1; Ihellce Norlh, 13dO.92 feel, Inorc I) le.lS, 010n81ho ElISllinc ur slIld Tract '29 10·lhe cllrnar of beginning; CIIC0ll1pDll1nU an IIl'eD of \4.54 IIcres nlore nr 10sl; oach polnl baing morked by II 2" çølvnnized slcel pipe with brllss ChI' nppl'opl'inlely inscribe ; ~ : I Bcginnlng III said comcr l'!o, 4 of Trnct 62; thenco Soull\ 19· S2' IiIl,I. 51.5 rccl nlollG Ihe SQuill boun~nti of .old 1..0\8; Iholleo NOrtbol'IY, 450,1 fCDllllong Iho Wesl rlghl-of.wny lin. of Highway 30N; Ihencc WeAl, 70.S feel 10 n polnl olllha WCII Une of said 1.01 8 wliich is Idenlical with Ihe Enslllnc of ,nid Trn~1 1~9i ! thellce SOIllII 4'50 feot nlon8 Ihc Aold Wesllhlc 01' Lol;,8 10 Ihc plllco of be&innlnSi cncolnpaAllinlll1l al'co of 0.64 lIero, more or leAø¡ 1111 in IIccol'dlnco wilh Ihc mnp )I'epnred onll (ilod tor NCllnl in Iho omec of Ihc Clerk (If Lincoln COllnty¡ i' I I I , , I That perl oFL.ollI of Seellon 27, nSN, R 119W, 1.111110111 County, Wyoming describcd liS fol1oW~: 'j - - - I, :1