HomeMy WebLinkAbout925533 QUIT CLAIM DEED KNOWN ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, THAT JEFFREY E. ROBERTS 000342 Of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other goods and valuable consideration in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, convey and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do for my heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto EUGENE D. ROBERTS and GALE LYNN ROBERTS, Trustees of the Roberts Real Property Trust whose address is POBOX 739 Thayne, WY. 83127 heirs and assigns, forever, all such rights, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as we ought to have in or to all the following described premises, to wit: SWl/4 of Section 24, Township 35 North Range 119 West ofthe 6th p.m., Lincoln County, Wyoming. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded February 3, 1997 in book 393PR on page 472 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land contained in The Aspens at Clark Lane Subdivision, as shown on the Plat recorded with Instrument No. 895669 on Map No. 149-E, with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land contained in The Aspens at Clark Lane Subdivision Phase 2, as shown on the Plat recorded with Instrument No. 914652 on Map No. 305-C, with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. ¡ L! EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land contained in The Aspens at Clark Lane Subdivision Phase 2, Second filing, as shown on the Plat recorded with Instrument No. 916699 on Map No. 306-A, with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. \{ t EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land contained in The Aspens at Clark Lane Subdivision Phase 2, Third filing, as shown on the Plat recorded with Instrument No. 918998 on Map No. 306-B, with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. WITNESS our hands this 71.. ,/l/' day of '-7'). C'¿/}?"l ¿tV--, 2006 ,..--. State of Wyoming ) )ss. County of Lincoln ) My Commission Expires (j){' Æ J¿. Jill () ~ Ii W :IE ~ a.. W <0 C'I ~ ~_"IIt~:IE I/) .., M W W +"M..Z~ (Vlt)w(!) . 8~~~æ ocna..>w ~ ...J ~~ ~() ë\)(!) z>- ....z ¡1j1- c~~"")~ ww 0 >()~ () -wo Z w~o ...J () ID 0 W () D:: Z :J