HomeMy WebLinkAbout925534 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: RECEIVED 12/20/2006 at 5:09 PM RECEIVING # 925534 BOOK: 644 PAGE: 343 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY N aIDe: Salt River Ranch, LLC Attn: Marie M. Cole Address: 2401 Lake Park Drive, Suite 355 Smyrna, Georgia 30080 000343 WARRANTY DEED (CORPORATE FORM) WHIPPLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of South Carolina, with its principal office located at 2401 Lake Park Drive, Suite 355, Smyrna, Georgia 30080, GRANTOR, conveys and warrants to SALT RIVER RANCH, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, GRANTEE, whose address is 2401 Lake Park Drive, Suite 355, Smyrna, Georgia 30080, for the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue ofthe Homestead Exemption Laws ofthe State, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. . 1ft Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. ***This document has been prepared as an accommodation by LAND TITLE COMPANY without the benefit of a Title Search and its accuracy is not guaranteed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officer this 13th day of December, 2006. WHIPPLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BY:~~.C~ Marie M. ole, Vice PreSídent STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF COBB 000344 On this 13 tll day of December, 2006, before me personally appeared Marie M. Cole, who being by me duly sworn, did say that she is the Vice President of Whipple Development Corporation and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of Directors, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL N~f!aw'~ ~ ,,"""""""'" I \ \\\\\ 'r\AWr. 111// ' 1\ l. ;)\o~~,<, \\I\\I'I1""",,'!lo~ .. . Sf;:' ......\\\\ 0 TAJ?-"'''',~ Vt _~ My COn11llISSlOn expIres: jè(fl~ .P\~~ :::: j EXPIRES . ~ :: ª ~ GEORGIA ~ :: ~ \ JULY 11, 2010 i ~ -; ;.'\ $s § ~ ~",./Jr~L1C..,..~ ~ '/ r\...:.'~",v,.J:j \\'~ ~ ~.I'''~Uð ""IIIU""\\' ~ '\..~~~ /"111 '8 tctJ \\\\'" II" HII 1111\\\\\ --..---.. ....I. . t'A.RCEl 1: OSú;¿bC~ Y ., qv<J ^ pa~t of BectLon 9, TJ6N,. R119W, 6th frtnøtpal He~tdian Wyoming... Begtnn:Lng at a po:Lnt on the w~st ~ight.af~way line af KiÞbie Pa~kway whtch paint liea South 1275.69 ft, and WOQt 889.03 ft. from the ~l/4 Co~ner of said Section 9, and ;ijßn:Lns thence west 415.88 ft, to a paint on a curve an ~ot 3al .thence a.long said C~e na;therlY and to the left an a ~adiua of 225,00 ft, a diatance of 196,49 ft.J thence N51"00'OO" 21 246191 ftlJ thence 839000'00"2 14,23 ft,) thence along a 225 ft, fatUUS curve to the eaatwa~d and to the left a distance of 194,J9 f~.¡ thence S89Q30'00"~ 15 ft,) thence eout:hward on a 25 ft. ~adtus CU~e to the right a distance of 39,21 ft: ,J thence SOlo 30' OO"W 176, a~ ft, to the patn t af . beginning. 000345 PARCEL 2: A sixty (60) foot tight-of·way (Kibbie Par~way) be:Lng located th:Lrty (30) feet each aide af the following descr:Lbed centerline, Beg:Lnntns a.t a PQLnt (Radial Beé¡ring ß18Q30'OO"E) on the· west end of the Salt River Bridge. which lies South 295.73 ft, and weat 844,51 feet from the El/4 Corne~ of aec~iQn 9, T36NI Rl19W, Sixth P,M., Wyoming and runnins thence aauthweBtefly along a 180,00 foot radiua curve to the left 304.73 ft, . to a point of tangency; thence ~25 Q 30 I 00" E 175.00 ft, to a po:Lnt of curve, then~e uoutheaaterly along 'a 2BO,OO foot radius curve to the right 131,95 ft, to a point of tangencYJ thence aO¡Q30'OO"W 446,89 ft, to the end of the sixty foo~ rt~ht-of~way. Alao a fifty (50) foot rightpof-way (Ca;ibou forest lJrive) being located twenty five (2~) feet: each aide of the following described centerline, Beginning ·qt a point (the interuecticn of Kibbie Parkway and Caribou Fo~est DrLve) which 11ea South l049.fi7 ft, and West 853,10 ft. f~om the ~¡/4 Corner of Section 91 T36NI Rl19W1 6th P,H" Wyoming and running thence NBBoJO'OO"W 70,uO ft, to a po!n~ of curve; thence narthweBte~ly along &.200.00 foot radius curve to the right 112,19 tt, to apg1nt 'of ~angertcy thence N 39°00'00" W 74,23 ft, to the end of the fifty (50) foot ~tßht~of.way, .E~h··,b)+ "A-