HomeMy WebLinkAbout925562 000449 RECORDING REQUESTED BY I RETURN TO: Peelle Management Corporation P.O. Box 1710, Campbell, CA 95009-9982 RECEIVED 12/26/2006 at 11 :38 AM RECEIVING # 925562 BOOK: 644 PAGE: 449 JEANNE WAGNER Release Of Real Estate Mortgage LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEREAS the indebtedness secured by the mortgage described. below has been fully paid and satisfied, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., (MERS) as nominee for AEGIS WHOLESALE CORPORATION owner and holder of the debt, hereby declares that the lien of said mortgage is forever discharged and satisfied. Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ElECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC Original Mortgagor: GLENN C MAGEE L Recorded in lincoln County, Wyoming, on 07/24/P6 as Inst. # 920530 on Book 627 on Page 277 Date of mortgage: 07113106 Amount of mortgage: $34600.00 DA TE OF SATISFACTION: 11129/06 l' NOW THEREFORE, the recorder or clerk of said cdunty is hereby instructed to record this instrument and to cancel, release, and discharge the mortgage in ac~ordance with the regulations of said state and county. DATED: 12/18/2006 I Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. .""'£GŠ""" (MERS) as nominee for AEGIS WHOLESALE CO· PORATlON '~"I·~~.~....~,~,f;J'.~ ~ ;/.~...;,~'i'OR4 ':'. "b'o, ..... . ~:-- """. -¡:. o~ By: : <.> : '" ... '. ~ : :.&J r S EAL . en : Shannon Blum ~ ¡j f.. j ~ ~ Vice President ~. ~ ~.() I ~ 9 9 ~/ ;;:.; I \~~··{t..AW ~t.:.:~/ State of California I .,'...<' ¿..o~.· ;.: ,,~, .",~ County of Santa Clara ~I '...,'.....".,..:....., On 12/18/2006, before me, the undersigned, a No ary Public for said County and State, personally appeared Shannon Blum, personally known to me 0 be the person that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she s Vice President of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS) as nominee for AEGIS ALE CORPORATION and th e ec " the f egoing ins ment and affixed it corporate seal pursuant to a resolution of its ard of 'e ors nd t t such execu . n wasil done as the free act and deed of ortgage ct nic gist tion Systems, nc. . (MERS) no nee rEI HOlESAl CORP RATION. !r"D'~'.~'~....ø·······················"1 ~ ~~., ......~. PAULA WARD :: ~ ~ : COMM. NO. 1634176a 1 . NOTARY PUBLIC 0 CALIFORNIA R : " . " SANTA CLARA COUNTY f .·...~~;·¡;;...f.~~.~i~;aP.'R..E.S JAN, 11, 2010 ¡ IIDU'lIgil'W' dII Prepared by: E. N. Harrison, I Peelle Management Corporation, P.O. Box 1710, Campbell, cA 95009.9982 IN# 0305284127 Investor IN# 10859893 P.I.F.: 11129/06 FINAL RECON.m 90816 1211812006 49·023 WY Uncoln 2379:36 143 I SEAL I MIN#: 1000530-3000968662-8 MERS Tel.#: 1-888-679-6377 11111/11111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111