HomeMy WebLinkAbout925603 This document prepared by Name: David M. Amolds The Pitts burg & Midway Coal Mining Co. 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 207 City, State, Zip: Englewood, CO S0112 Phone: (303) 930-4040 After recording return to: Firm/Company: Address: J~ 000539 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) --------Above This Line Reserved For Official Use Only------------- RECEIVED 12/26/2006 at 3:27 PM RECEIVING # 925603 BOOK: 644 PAGE: 539 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (Corporation) For ten dollars ($10.00), and other valuable consideration, cash in hand paid, The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., a Missouri corporation, 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 207, Englewood, CO S0112, G'Grantor"), conveys and specially warrants to James M. Hobbs and Grace G. Hobbs, husband and wife, as ~enants by the entireties, having an address of2175 NW Hwy Y, Plattsburg, Missouri 644, ~i1 ("Grantees"), all surface interests only in the following described real estate, together with all improvements located thereon, lying in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming,: A parcel of land located in the N Y2 of Section 26 and the S Y2 of Section 23 and being part of Tracts 44, 45,52,53 and 54 all of the resurvey ofT. 21N., R.116W., of the 6th P,M" City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at Comer No. 3 of Tract 45 of the resurvey ofT,21N" R.116W, of the 6th P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming where is found a standard U.S,G.L.O. brass cap; Thence N 0°00'00" E, 2631.00 feet to Corner No, 4 of said Tract 45; Thence S 0°02'21 "E, 371.50 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Said point being a point on the north right of way boundary of U.S. Highway IS9 and being monumented with a 6" x 6" concrete post with a Wyoming Department of Transportation brass cap (herein after referred to as a standard highway R.O. W. marker). -z ! ; ,,¿; Thence N 77° 31' 52"W along said north right of way boundary of U.S. highway IS9, IS2.46 feet to the PC of a curve to the left where is found a standard highway R.O,W, marker; Thence continuing 452.43 feet along the arc of said curve to the left and said northerly right of way boundary to a point on the curve. Said point being monumented with a plastic cap on a 5/S" rebar, LS 2616. Said curve having a central angle of 29°36'31", a radius of S7S,51 feet and a chord of 447.42 feet which bears SS7° 42'2S"W, Said point being the southeast corner of that particular parcel of land conveyed from P & M to the Kemmerer/Diamondville Chamber of Commerce as recorded in book 326 on page 379 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's office, herein after referred to as the Chamber of Commerce parcel. Tract K.2, SWD AFR 05-520 Page I 09...;¡.C"".....'O'3 . ~ ~"., ~_1 ((J 000540 Thence N 16°56' 40"W, 1 00.24 feet to the northeast corner of said Chamber of Commerce parcel where is found a 5/8" rebar with plastic cap LS 2616; Thence S 70032'40"W, 79,13 feet to the northwest corner of said Chamber of Commerce parcel where is found a 5/8" rebar with a plastic cap LS 2616; Thence S 21 ° 32'35"E, 99.99 feet to the southwest corner of said Chamber of Commerce parcel where is found a 5/8" rebar with a plastic cap, LS 2616. Said point also being a point on a curve to the left ofthe northerly right of way boundary of U.S. highway 189; Thence 523,91 feet along the arc of said curve to the left of the said northerly right of way boundary of U.S. highway 189 to the PT of said curve, Said point being monumented by a standard highway marker. Said curve to the left having a central angle of 34 ° 10'09", a radius of 878,51 feet and a chord of 516.18 feet which bears S51°17'39"W; Thence S 34° 03 '53"W, 91.37 feet along said northerly right of way boundary of U.S. highway 189 to a . point where is found a standard highway RO. W. marker; Thence N 55° 37'35"W, 39,94 feet along ajog in said northerly right of way boundary ofU.S, highway 189 to a point where is found a standard highway RO. W. marker; Thence S34° 08'05"W, 189.92 feet along the northerly right of way boundary of said U,S, highway 189 to the intersection of the north or east right of way boundary of U.S. Highway 30. Said point being monumented with a standard highway R.O.W. marker; The following three (3) courses along said north or east right of way boundary ofU.S, highway 30. Thence N 62° 06' 13"W, 51.45 feet to a point where is found a standard highway RO,W. marker; Thence N 62° 20'05"W, 751.15 feet to a point where is found a standard highway RO,W. marker; Thence N 72°03 '25"W, 696.34 feet to a point on the west boundary of said Tract 44 where is found a 5/8" diameter rebar with 2" diameter aluminum CCI PELS 5465 cap (herein after referred to as a rebar with CCI cap). Thence N 0023'37"W, 1444.64 feet along the westerly boundary of Tract 44 to a point. Said point being the SE corner of Lot 4 of Section 23, as described on the Plat of Rolling Hills 1 sl Addition, monumented with a 1 ~" aluminum cap, PLS 580. Thence N 0°23' 12"W, 142.01 feet to corner No.8 of said Tract 44 where is found a 3" aluminum cap, PE/LS 5465; Thence N 0° 23' 12"W, I 184.01 feet along the west boundary line of said Tract 54 to the SE corner of Lot 4 of Section 23, as described on the Plat of Rolling Hills 1 sl Addition, monumented with a 1 W' aluminum cap, PLS 580. Thence N 0° 25'59"W, 715.30 feet along the westerly boundary of said Tract 54 to the southwest corner of that particular parcel of land conveyed from The Pittsburg and Midway Mining Co. to Questar Gas Company as recorded in book 578 on page 773 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's office. Said parcel Tract 1<2, SWD AFR 05-520 Page 2 (J)'9"~t:"I''''O' '3 ,~ ~fII J.J '{:'t . ~ 00054:1 herein after referred to as the Questar Gas Metering Parcel, where is found a 1 Y2" aluminum cap, LS 6263. Thence S 86°33 '05"E, 50.19 feet to the southeast corner of said Questar Gas Metering Parcel, where is found a 1 Y2" aluminum cap, LS 6263. Thence N 0° 57'39"W, 75.02 feet to the northeast corner of said Questar Gas Metering Parcel, where is found a 1 Y2" aluminum cap, LS 6263. Said point being a point on the south boundary of Del Rio Drive to the City of Kemmerer; Thence S 86° 27'38"E, 132.79 feet along the south boundary of Del Rio Drive to a point on the boundary of the Lincoln Heights 51h, 151 Filing Addition to the City of Kemmerer. Herein after referred to as L.H. 51h, 151 Filing. Thence S 3°48'04"W, 80.73 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 9, Block 3 where is found a 1 Y2" aluminum cap, LS 482. The following eleven (11) courses being along the south boundary line of said L.H. 5th, 15t Filing: Thence S 86° 49'38"E, I 09.53 feet to the southeast corner of lot 9, Block 3 where is found a CCI rebar with cap; Thence S 15° 45' 16"W, 41. 79 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 8 of Block 3 where is found a 1 Yz" aluminum cap, LS 482. Thence N 88° 16' 3 9"E, I 76,51 feet to the common corner of Lots 6 and 7 of said Block 3 where is found a 1 Yz" aluminum cap, LS 482. Thence N 76° 16'52"E, 179,73 feet to the common corner of Lots 4 and 5 of Block 3. Thence N 80°21 '31 "E, 92.35 feet to a deflection point on the south boundary of Lot 3 of said Block 3 where is found a CCI rebar with cap; Thence N 86° 55'22"E, 192,75 feet to the south east corner of Lot 1 of said Block 3, where is found a 1 Yz" aluminum cap, LS 482; Thence N 3°07' 16"W, 95,61 feet to the PC of a curve on the east boundary of said Lot I, Block 3, where is found a 1 Y2" aluminum cap LS 482; Thence N 87°06'45"E, 52,94 feet to the PC of the curve on the west boundary of Lot 4 of Block 2 of said L.H. 5"\ 151 Filing, where is found 1 Yz" aluminum cap, LS 482; Thence S 3° 04 '30"E, 93.49 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 4, Block 2, where is found a 1 Yz" aluminum cap, LS 482; Thence N 86° 34' 10"E, 96.41 feet to a point on the south boundary of Lot 3, of said Block 2, where is found a CCI cap; Tract 1<2, SWD AFR 05-520 Page 3 0925603 0005'~2 Thence S 78°20' 12"E, 4.07 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 9, Block 2 of the Lincoln Heights 5th, 2nd filing Addition to the City of Kemmerer; herein after referred to as L.H. 5th, 2nd Filing, where is found a 5/8" rebar with cap; The following four (4) courses being along the south or west boundary of said L.H. 5th, 2nd Filing Addition. Thence S 3° 12'10"E, 145,64 feet to the angle point on the west boundary line of Lot 8 of said Block 2, where is found a 5/8" rebar; Thence S 3° 25'06"W, 273.22 feet to the angle point on the west boundary line of Lot 6 of said Block 2, where is found a 5/8" rebar; Thence S 43° 23'02E, 397.14 feet to the southerly most corner of Lot 1 of said Block 2, where is found a 5/8" rebar; Thence N 46°33'57"E, 423,01 feet along the southerly boundary of said L.H. 5th, 2nd Filing to the south west corner of Lots 6B Block 1. Said point also being the southwest corner of Lot 7B of Block 1 of said L.H. 5th, 151 Filing where is found a CCI rebar with cap; The following four (4) courses along the southeast boundary of said L.H. 51h, 15t Filing Addition, Thence N46°33'30" E, 147.12 feet to the common corner of Lots 7A and 6B where is found a CCI cap; Thence N 67° 39'56"E, 75,03 feet to the common corner of Lots 6A and 6B of said Block 1 where is found a CCI rebar with cap; Thence N 44° 32' 43"E, 156.36 feet to the angle point of Lot I of said Block I, where is found a 1 \12" aluminum cap, LS 482; Thence N 36°41' 46"E, 106,71 feet to the southerly most corner of said Lot 1. Said point being a point on a curve to the left on the south or west right of way easement boundary of Canyon Road; The following three (3) courses being along said south or west right of way easement boundary of Canyon Road. Thence 400.47 feet along the arc of said curve to the left to the PT of said curve where is found a CCI rebar with cap. Said curve to the left having a central angle of36°09'47", a radius of 634.50 feet and a chord of393,86 feet which bears S 7IoI9'39"E; Thence S 89° 28'39"E, ] 139.27 feet to the PC of a curve to the right where is found a CCI cap; Thence 113.39 feet along the arc of said curve to the right to the intersection of&aid south or west right of way easement boundary line of Canyon Road and that particular parcel of land conveyed to Harrower as recorded in Book 164 PR on page 306 on file at the Lincoln County Court House (said parcel herein after known as the Harrower Parcel). Said point being monumented by a CCI cap, Said curve to the right having a central angle of] 1°29'] 7", a radius of 565,50 feet and a chord of] 13.20 feet which bears S83°44'00"E; Tract 1<2, SWD AFR 05-520 Page 4 £,\CIIo rj e- (t,' 04') '\.: .';]".., ...1 "_} '\.I 00054,3 The following four (4) courses being along the boundary of said Harrower Parcel. Thence S n° 11 '04" E, 31.81 feet to the NW corner of Parcel A of said Harrower Parcel where is found a CCI cap; Thence S 7°49'23"W, 120.02 feet to the SW corner of parcel of said Harrower Parcel where is found a CCI cap; Thence S nOlO'52"E, 159.98 feet to the SE corner of parcel A of said Harrower Parcel, where is found a CCI cap; Thence N 7°49' 57"E, 1 05.81 feet to the intersection of a curve to the right on said south or west right of way easement boundary of Canyon Road. Said point of intersection being monumented with a CCI cap; Thence 234.26 feet along the arc of said curve to the right of said south or west right of way easement boundary of Canyon Road to the intersection of the tract I ¡ne between Tracts 52 and 50 of said resurvey ofT.21N., R.116W. where is found a CCI cap. Said curve to the right a central angle of23°44'05", a radius of 565.50 feet and a chord of 232.59 feet which bears S 46° 16' 45"E; Thence S 0013'45"E, 67.69 feet to corner No. 3 of Tract 50 of said resurvey ofT.21N., R.116W; Thence S 0° 40'02"E, 586.06 feet along the east boundary of said Tract 52 to a point on the west right of way easement boundary of Canyon Road where is found a CCl rebar with cap. The following seven (7) courses being along the west right of way easement boundary of said Canyon Road. Thence S 22° 32' 16"W, 523.46 feet to the PT of a curve to the left where is found a CCI rebar with cap; Thence 265.78 feet along the arc of said curve to the left to the PC of said curve where is found a CCI rebar with cap. Said curve to the left having a central angle of 24° 00'00", a radius of 634.50 feet and a chord of263.84 feet which bears S 10032'09"W; Thence S 1 °27' 39"E, 412,00 feet to the PT of a curve to the right where is found a CCI rebar with cap; Thence 355.18 feet along the arc of said curve to the right to the PC of said curve where is found a CCI rebar with cap. Said curve to the right having a central angle of 35°59' II", a radius of 565.50 feet and a chord of 349.37 feet which bears S 16°31' 43"W; Thence S 34°31 '21 "W, 460,00 feet to the PT of a curve to the left where is found a CCI rebar with cap; Thence 241.77 feet along the arc of said curve to the left to the PC of said curve where is found a CCI rebar with cap. Said curve to the left having a central angle of 21 °49'57", a radius of 634.50 feet and a chord of240.31 feet which bears S23°35'55"W; . Thence S 12°41' 15"W, 462.93 feet to a point on the north right of way boundary of U.S. highway 189 where is found a CCI rebar with cap, Thence N 77° 30'47"W, 495.69 feet along said north right of way boundary of U.S. highway 189,495,69 feet to the point of beginning, Tract K2, SWD AFR 05-520 Page 5 0925G03 OOOS4r~ The parcel described herein contains 291.01 acres more or less, LESS AND EXCEPTING a parcel of land located entirely within Parcel K2 also being a portion of Tract 54 of the resurvey ofT.21N., R.116W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said parcel herein after referred to as the P&M Radio Tower Parcel and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Ij.¡ corner common to sections 22 and 23 of the resurvey of T.21N., R.116W. of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; thence Soo 13 '58"E along the west boundary of said Section 23, 2654.87 feet to the south west corner of said Section 23; Thence N 18°07' 18"E, 919.34 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Said point of beginning being a point on the west boundary of Tract 54 of the resurvey ofT.21N., R.116W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, where is found a CCI cap on a 5/8" rebar; Thence No023' 12"W, along the west boundary of said Tract 54, 50,00 feet to a point where is found a CCI cap on a 5/8" rebar; Thence N89°37' 17"E, 132.60 feet to a point where is found a CCI cap on a 5/8" rebar; Thence S0021 '06"E, 49.98 feet to a point, where is found a CCI cap on a 5/8" rebar; Thence N89°36'39"W, 132.57 feet to the point of beginning of this description, The area of the parcel described herein contains 6628 square feet more or less. Reserving unto Grantor an access easement to the above identified P&M Radio Tower Parcel. Said easement being 50.00 feet wide, and being more particular described as follows: Commencing at the Ij.¡ corner common to sections 22 and 23 of the resurvey of T,2IN., R.116W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; thence Soo 13' 58"E along the west boundary of said Section 23, 2654.87 feet to the south west corner of said Section 23; Thence N 18°07' 18"E, 919.34 feet a point. Said point being a point on the west boundary of Tract 54 of the resurvey ofT,21N., R.116W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, where is found a CCI cap on a 5/8" rebar; Thence Noo23' 12"W, along the west boundary of said Tract 54, 50.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description, where is found a CCI cap on a 5/8" rebar; Thence N 0°23' 12"W, 408.25 feet along the westerly boundary of Tract 44 to a point. Said point being the SE corner of Lot 4 of Section 23, as described on the Plat of Rolling HilIs 1 st Addition, monumented with a I !t2" aluminum cap, PLS 580. Thence N 0° 25'59"W, 715.30 feet along the westerly boundary of said Tract 54 to the southwest corner of that particular parcel of land conveyed from The Pittsburg and Midway Mining Co. to Questar Gas Company as recorded in book 578 PR on page 773 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's office where is found a 1~" aluminum cap, LS 6263, Said parcel herein after referred to as the Questar Gas Metering Parcel. Thence S 86°33 '05"E, 50.19 feet to the southeast corner of said Questar Gas Metering Parcel, where is found a 1 !t2" aluminum cap, LS 6263. Tract Kl, SWD AFR 05-520 Page 6 09ZS(}03 ooos~s .... Thence N 0° 57'39"W, 75.02 feet to the northeast comer of said Questar Gas Metering Parcel, where is found a 1 Y2" aluminum cap, LS 6263. Said point being a point on the south boundary of Del Rio Drive to the City of Kemmerer; Thence S86°27'38"E, 50.15 feet along the south boundary of Del Rio Drive to a point; Thence S 0° 57'39"E, 125.09 feet to a point; Thence N 86°33 '05"W, 50.68 feet to a point; Thence S 0° 25' 59"E, 661.80 feet to a point; Thence S 0°23' 12"E, 408.26 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of said P&M Radio Tower Parcel; Thence S89°37' 17"W, 50,00 feet along the northerly boundary of said P&M Radio Tower Parcel to the point of beginning of this description. The area of the easement described here in contains 1.43 acres more or less. SUBJECT to all easements, rights-of-way, and all other interests of record, if any. GRANTOR warrants title to the property against any person claiming by, through, or under Grantor, but not otherwise. Dated this the 19th day of December, 2006, ~I~SB~RG & MIDWAY ~NG CO. ~~ Robert G. Utter, Attorney-in-Fact 11l-,\' Tract K2, SWD AFR 05-520 Page 7 09ZSG03 STATE OF COLORADO ooo~"..... , '~"::b COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) ) ss, ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Robert G. Utter, as Attorney-in-Fact for The Pitts burg & Midway Coal Mining Co. this 20th day of December, 2006, Witness my hand and official seal. ,J~ 4~ Notary Public My commission expires: 1\ I( c I() K I ( GRETCHEN KUIPER Notarv PubUc State of Colorado -- - Grantor(s) Name, Address, phone: The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co. 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 207 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 930-4082 Grantee(s) Name, Address, phone: Dr. Jim Hobbs Box 314, 100 Canyon Road. Diamondville, WY 83116 SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO GRANTEE Tract 1<2, SWD AFR 05-520 Page 8