HomeMy WebLinkAbout925616 "'~Jt u:: :..i4 3U7"n~...~·, 11( 'HTP 0 :OU¡:C3 H6i :"~ JM"L,i1:;:] !: t Ie L:JII'.;.1;.t1Y W1J.:f..N RECOJ?,DED RF~TURN TO: COURTESY RECORDIN~ This doCument II being reçorlt.ut solely II . courllsy and T·" accol1'lßlOdatlon to the parti" therein. Land TIde Co. Hereb~ expressly disclaims an, 1 responsibility or "ability for ¡i the accuracy content thereof. ;: ¡, I c I , :'awe: AltJrt'.sS: DíJ~ Cribbi7i$ po 13{)ý.. ,Jó17 ¡¡'/¡Jil1~. w.¡. 831:NI ---...., '\:Y ARRANTY DEED 2RIBIENS. UTI, a Wycnu:tJ6 O.lrpl.rr&t10U, GRA..1'\TOR(S) ofLiru:{Jln CI;'ttr:.ty, Stilte ofWyo;·Jing. CONVEY/,S) AND W ARRANT(S) !Q DONALD E. CRIJlBI\;S Bnd. NADNE /\_ CR!BBlNS Tru.~tee5 Qt :helr suçœ~~Q1S i;'l TN... undl:z' ÇR1'3B¡¡~S F A~ill. Y I {VING TRUST. d&,~d Ft;bn.i.ar~ 10, 1998 and '~'1.y a.Ul~ndmenLS tbet·;:t(,. GR..<'\,.."iTEE(S) whos.: a.ddress is 11311 Traàe CeIit& Q" S\lite 130 R!IDch Cordova, Ca, 9574.1. fon.i1.: 51.::rï" ofTen J)"lJ'lm lL.'1cl ct..'1er gOQd ¡In:! valuable c(>r:.Sid.~r"tic:r¡, the ~'hllov.ing ,je;¡;crll-,ed rJ:a.1 f.~I4I;;:, ~jruat~ in C')~:I'/, Stat(.1 cd'Wyoming, l;~teÞy !elea!';ing (lnd wr1Ì"ìO¡~ al! ughts '\ILler ",n.:i by vi!1Ue cftne !J¡.'mc3tc&.:1 Ex~,mptlQ:ø Law~ (¡¡the S'¿a,e, tc~v;it· Lot" a.nd,t of M\1Ilo.tllin Meedo'Ns Add.itiQH to the Tow!. of A~p~1Je, WYQmin¡¡, aCcording;(1 that plat ilic\J De;çemb,:....1996;)S I.n$trum"n~N(J, ~30i03. S¡J::¡eCI t(l ~~erv~ûl)1~s 2J\d remÌ\:;tlons contained Ù1 th!:: United St9t.e> Patt:nt uuc \'J (i:!.3Ctll:"1,, and I'i;h~;¡";,£-w:;¡y o:'n;co{J or in use, I\:ge¡J:..::r witÌi aJ i.mprove.tr,~nts and a¡:-purtcmances thereon. It'! \~'lTNF.SS WHEREOF. the ùand d $aid gIW,\trJf(:» Ill,s _~.:'_ di1.Y of ~~~i1 ~ MD47 ' CRiBE.1NS, LTD, ¡¡ Wyon:ÜU¡¡ C,II'í>DratLcn BY___'_&&êt&É~6'~ DONAl.D I CRIDßINS, President STATE OF GlÀ-lì'çvr^~~ CUuNTY o~~,~--{-D f ~ - . ;?ò'J'V' Ur.IlÚ _,:::z() dðl of \::~ece:v&r-:_-, b.:.£ol'e IV;: per30n.!.Hy úp?ea.r~d, ------fu~~~J;.-~ :'i."\.2-____-,' d CRIB61NS, LID, ¡¡ W~:.'ming CXf,)re.tîorJ, DGNALD E, f~~s. Prcside.¡:I, ¡be si~"lJeI 01 the;: within ÌI1;,lI\I.¡ñt1lt, ......1:10 .July :U;:I'J1(1\':lt:dgC'ii to me 1h~t he ex;~clJ.ted the same un behnlï øf said l:::niteiJ hab1l1ty;oJ.tlpany ¡ \ I ,--- .f11r I\...ubll¡'_~ fi I ~1 Lftll~ -:'ll.h: Dm.p:.&£'.)' w",,,,,,,.)' Uc::d u.c I'~t 1 ;J'~ RECEIVED 12/27/2006 at 11 :46 AM RECEIVING # 925616 BOOK: 644 PAGE: 601 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY OoÒ~501. ..'