HomeMy WebLinkAbout925665 \\ 00082/4 WARRANTY DEED Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, as Trustees of The Greenhills Revocable Living Trust, flblo Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, dated June 30, 1989, GRANTORS, of Teton County, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to Four Square LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, GRANTEE, whose address is P.O. Box 958, Jackson, Wyoming 83001, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: See Exhibit 11 A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. State Parcel ID No.: Together with and including all oil, gas, and other minerals and mineral rights appurtenant thereto and owned by Grantors, if any, and all improvements and all other appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to taxes and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights and rights-of-way of sight andlor record. WITNESS our hands this ~ day of ~ ,2006. RECEIVED 12/28/2006 at 2:50 PM RECEIVING # 925665 BOOK: 644 PAGE: 824 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Hugh ard r Soest, Trustee of The Greenhills Revocable Living Trust, flblo Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, Dated June 30, 1989 Do a Marie Soest, Trustee of The i Gfeenhills Revocable Living Trust, flblo Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, Dated June 30, 1989 .. J,¡.; 09'-' r=:t."' 6' C" ... ~'" ,:-Þ ù ;.:J 000825 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss COUNTY OF TETON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Hugh Gardner Soest, Trustee of The Greenhills Revocable Living Trust, f/b/o Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, Dated June 3D, 1989. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 11-.bÞ.008 ~~~~u1L Notary Public MII..IrGA..". WUON. NOTNIY ca- . = Cam""'~ JIIn. e, 2008 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss COUNTY OF TETON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Donna Marie Soest, Trustee of The Greenhills Revocable Living Trust, f/b/o Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, Dated June 30, 1989. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: I/ÕPØð" ~~~/ ~¡¿~ Notary Public ' MEUNDA./fAN WIlSON - NOTARY PUÐUC Countyof . State of Teton WyomIng MyCommllllon Exp/nIe Jan. &, 2008 " ·0925665 EXlUßIT II A" 000826 tæ11 ~ LLOYD B. BAKER & ASSOCIATES SURVEYORS & ENGINEERS Bar 210. ThI)1». ~ O1t21-æ4 N. MM16t. Phone (1)7J 8IU -êfH... F. 307 &J3.2 f I).f November 10. 1998 ~Qn ofTh4YUl1'JJ/qe Center" (.011 C Iud D Comblnr¡{ A POrtion 0 {lion ~II4S¡¡ 114 of StctloQ 23. 114N.RIJ 9W, of the 61h. JI.M.. located in Ihe Town of Thayne, Lincoln ColIDIy, WYUDlÍn ¡ being mon: panfcularly dcscribcd 13 (oUow~: The True Poinr ofBellÌnning being an Iron Pipe sel at a polnl In Ihe Ea$rerly lln. oflhal certain parr..! 0 nand dC1Crl'bed In D'«f No. 115012 lioOl f"anUin .... UeOimûs properties, a p~, 10 Hugh Gardner Soesr and Dona Marie SoC31, TlW1ee! filed February 02, 1996 In Boot ~ 79PR, Jlage 643, saJd pohn being 879.67 1tct Easllo a Magn<ûc P K NIIi/ ~c at a POint in the Cauer Uoe oft ho Dam 5tr<c Rj¡¡ht -of. Way and 420./6 feet 57"28'2/"¡¡ kon¡ lhe Know/lon'a B.L.M. typo Monumenl lllarking the N onhwe.. OOm., 0 { cøjd NW 1/4NE 114; lbene. 87'28'21 "E, along cøjd El13le,ly line, 215.81 Iter rOan &on Pipe round marking II.. Northensl comer 0 f II., MaruI Parcel; Ihcnee 585"24'05 "W, along Ihe NortJlline of said Mlrtet Pan:e~ 249.17 Itct to an Iron Pipe round hlarkin8 the Northwest come, ofsald Markel Parcel.... a point In the Ensterly Right.o£. Way line of Village Parkway¡ thence, afong said Ri¡¡Iu.of. Way, along a 160.00 red r"'!i., curve tu UJe Lea (churd bc.u, 1'19'08'48"850.865 r""'J, Uu-ough. ccnuuJ ang /e of 8 '/7'36", j I. 08S feel to an Iron Pipe zer; 1I,,:ncc NOrtb, èontinuing along 4Aid Rjglu -of- Way, 183.78 ftct to an fron Pipe set; Ihencc eßS 212.60 ftct, to the True Point of Bc:gÎnnins, U~"''''a'l)'U".4' 000827' EXIlIDIT "AI' eø,.fo,· "" tI c4 D..er;pllo. · Thayoe VIIIIge Ceotcr Lot E. 20,566.08 Sq. ft. or 0.472 Aer.. A pomoo of Ihe NW 114SE II·' of Seclion 2J. TJ4N. R 119W, of Ihc 61h. P. M.. loealed in Ihc Town ofThaync, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described IS (ullo\\s: Tne Tme Poinl of Beginning being an Iron Pipe sClal a point in Ihe Easlerly linc Oflhal certain parcel of/and described in Deed No. 81S0/2 from Fr>nklin arod McGinnis pro¡>:nics, a partnel1hip, 10 lIuCh Ganlncr SOCstand Dona Maric SOCSI, Truslce.s filcd Fcbrua/)' 01, 1996 in Book J·I9PR. Pacc 64J, said point bCing 879.69 fccl E4St 10 a MaçnOlie PI( Nail sel at · point in Ihc Ccnler Linc oflhc Dana Slre.t Riehl.of-Way and J 19.30 fccI 57°28'2 t" E /Tom Ihc Knowllon's B. L. /vi. IJ'pe Monumellt mark i n~ Ih. NUl/hlY"'l Corner of said NW 1/4 NE 114; ~Icncc S7'U2/ 'E, Continuing alolli ",id EaSlcrly line, 100.86 fccl to an Iron Pipc found marking thc Nonhe..! corncr oflol 0; Ihcncc W..., along Ihc Nonh Ii nc of sai d lol D, 212.21 fcct 10 an f ron Pi pc found markinc 'he North",." eorn.r of .aid Lo, D, .aid point also being I poinl in 'hc Ea.. Righl-<>f· Way linc 0 f ViIlagc Park way; Ihcncc North, along said Easl Right -of. W.y Ii n. 100.00 (CCIIO 111 Iroq P Ipc SCE; Ihence ~ 199.09 fecI, to Ihc True PoInt Of Beginning, . . , . " .-.. "