HomeMy WebLinkAbout925741 u ::i ;>, ~ ~"''', "'C;J r.; G' 'r; to~':J ¡.:;= J.; 0 CJ ;,.';"!J t;, ~:: :b ot:'ô 8 t·· ....:: ~ >'1 1~§!! VJ t) 1- --. t,r; :Ji ~ í~l S G ..-:, <:, r~ <XI I.., ('I U) ~L~ ~ t.~ E-c .,., <]) .,c:u t-' C ~ O 0 í·~, ,.~ If"\., ,~¡ 1iû"1";<'",,,," ... 'un~]7 -;.c:(;... RECEIVED 1/2/2007 at 3:46 PM RECEIVING # 925741 BOOK: 645 PAGE: 301 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT REC ED 12/26/2006 at 2:17 PM REC NG # 925585 BOOK: 644 PAGE: 487 JEANN AGNER "", LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK:1<EMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Ronnie L. Olson, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of 21 years, and a 'resident of Afton, Wyoming. That I was well and personally acquainted with DeRell Olson and Marie Olson as described in that certain Warranty Deed dated September 4, 1990 and recorded September 6, 1990 in Book 289PR on page 397 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. That I know of my own knowledge that DeRell Olson, aka George DeRell Olson and Marie Olson in the above described Warranty Deed and mentioned in the attached Certified copies of Certificates of Death was one and the same persons. This affidavit is intended to tenninate the life estate of said DeRell Olson and Marie Olson, aka Grace Marie Bagley Olson in the following described property: Beginning at a point which is 1054.38 feet north from the SW corner of Section 7, T31N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence North 192 feet, more or less, thence East 360 feet, thence North 112 feet, more or less, thence East 861 feet, more or less, thence South 162.4 feet, thence West 630 feet, thence North 85 feet, thence West 360 feet to the point of beginning Dated this ~ day of VV\ o..,t" c... k. \ ,2006. £'J1/~ ;( 'l~n~ . onnie L. Olson State of Wyoming MARGE BALLS Notary Public County of State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commlaslon Expires May 25, 2006 ~~......".,.,.......--... County of Lincoln ) )SS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Ronnie L. Olson this ~ day of r\ tA...f' L.-h. , 2006. \ VV\9.( 0~ \. Notary Public My Commission Expires: fY\c..-¡ á:).1 () () (. \ ~ This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office of Y!tal Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming/ Date Issued: 0/"'.' 4 W~ Deputy State Registrar This copy is'not ~âlid unless it bears a raised seal and is produced on multicolored . security paper. / SEP 2 2 2005 J 033200 I' i: 'l~: :"" ;i( "".. :'}'~t:':'¡: ,"" ';:;?:'~:'-;\f:;~~r:f:(:~x' ;:::,;', ~- ';", ' ···;;.'.'··:..'1·..·;. - - ~'. ~'L;:~":,,:~ (~'~~=iR 'Mad~~leÝ'.. ,< , '0<":';:" . ~,.....,,;;¡,¡,.- AIIL--E-I;..."""';' . ",'" " '. ;" < JMI1iiucnoNt . "', (.....1 'h.. ~..'~' , ' ',,, In . , ,( . :, 'HÁIIthOk -- - -- . -:----- " , , ¡ : ~~O~~-_Çl';""".... ODOAI°Tl!l!!! 0.....;...... ; ,~ lb.'A.?utYtw.1E(H ·101 ...,~ _ II,.,..",¡ IlUlfrbrJ '~", "q:i4 '~¡\ gÌlway 241 ,-" ~:~~..~~,..:-,.i!d.¡;~."..-:-, :::;.:.l::,',',::,_: ,c".,"· : ; ":, - ...,', ','-,'f ~W7~,CI!CJÏÕÈNiiVã¡"::'i'.Uiiiiãï_CES;' tr. 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VR 2·89 - """'..... ....._....'_., I '118915M - __ ........... 110 I Hospital 'Lö.!'iQ .~- ¡-.. ~"; i'-:,c V ~~i: .,.._....~._, -"',,, '-t' I .' ,: ,:"""":>"-"',i I ;tl"'ii1I6i~'."''', _.....__-~ ~ ;V4:~:~~:it,1 i I ,·'·':~"1,~~¡, f "" ~ \. .~:.,:;J '," ,,'.~1 . ,':"'-:' P.,· \ / ,) 09'-;» c- r8.-" ,... 1.J ..) ~ OO~'2~$ :i) ,,-)f\;ÿ :. '" ' ,I'. . 000485 This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file In the office of Vital Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyomipg. \ I 'I! SEP' 22 2005 0/".4 M~ Deputy State Reglstt'ar f I I Date Issued: This copy is not valid unless it bears a raised seal and is produced on multicolored security paper. \ " / / ',"'" Co' '.--ti' :;:~~¡::~?': ;'(:-;;~:.-;::;';' ~\¡'~t¡'-~:;~:;:;.·' '"- i?'·'·: 'h:¡H't'" I ',I yor·n NG ' .¡;;;;;;"", ¡¡¡rv lNIfS' '~" ... eN' fJO 'l. .~ :~¡) . , I"', ;~},.,~"\\'H~~Š' ""; ,.'¿;J:GE ~b": . \" ~, '''' INFORIl"'MT:"4MF 1ft1;\t $~ !'fIII ~f·~..,:,:,~~::~~.~~~~?N STRUTDARFD_BEP l '~. 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WYO,-UNC f>'ARRIED NORMA HOPKINS 1'ïiii't-r7.7iõf.NT EYER" ,. $ ARMED FORCES" '2. U5~ OCC'-""TlON' ((I.. '.."dfll ':;~;;; mDIf 11~~'·K.,p OF BUSaNESS OR MUSTRY !fP:t"r ... Of ff(JJ '" øllIJID'tc-.... .... , --, L NO FARMER .i~Gl{fCULTURE_... 1iI."ÃE"'iiiiiûcI¡. !rAU ..- ':HI CO~,y l:k' Öry. fCJW'IORLOCAtiõh ----.-.-..... "3d 8TA&U AN!)Þ'\!"",,, \ LINCOLN OSMOND ¡, 346b ST!.'1'F. i1.:.:~a....'!.'::' 24.. ,. WIo' P£~iõËN1' ~.H¡i¡-è OFIGIN" -.... ---r;aft~t-';;.Amiií:'I~·~"Ir-:::-·~. ·~~j'~'s ~rÖ, L 1"-........ ,.. ...... .."'" I ...,." _I... ' IS"..., ."",,-, _ ...·.....'1 CuD, .....ItMt. ,.,.,to,.,~;.' etc.J . (1pecttJ , ,€:~w;,~~;",,-;;·:.a~êài~ U-tar.HI NXOQ ...[;........,., =r:! ,IH111: I" '- ' ... .-.....--.... ,_ - . ....._ dal<../.¡,......... ".. ......_ _ ~."'... U'\ ." MOTHJi.ß' NM'.'nt 1Jo~:;' ....."rt .;w...... , L.t;rul". OLSoN 'FANNIE '¡ I"!-f.,!'S . .--....,... 1ft AF. A"1Ð"8tf""~T{'..f.Jt!r:~"~NT J 1 S,')N ¿;i'vOAii:.. :r-- ". STAT!! . . --. "'li. 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