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000326 RECEIVED 1/3/2007 at 10:47 AM RECEIVING # 925759 BOOK: 645 PAGE: 326 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY State of Wyoming Space Above This Line For Recording Data RELEASE OF MORTGAGE POCATELLO SIMPLOT CREDIT UNION. 1130 W HWY 30 , which is organized and existing under the laws of the state of Idaho and holder of that certain Mortgage made and executed by CHAD ERICKSON and DEBRA P. ERICKSON as Mortgagor, and POCATELLO SIMPLOT CREDIT UNION. 1130 W HWY 30 as Mortgagee on 09.01.2005 , certifies that the Mortgage has been fully paid, satisfied or otherwise discharged. The Mortgage was recorded on 09·16·2005 , in the KEMMERER WY for LINCOLN County, Wyoming and is indexed as RECEIVING 911942. BOOK 598.PAGE 82 . The Mortgage having been complied with, the undersigned releases the Mortgage and all of its right, title and interest in the Property located at 3693 HWY 241. AFTON. WY 83110 and legally described as: SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE C, LENDER: POCATELLO SIMPLOT CREDIT UNION. 1130 W HWY 30 .-'7 - i,'. ;/ 'ì, /2/ :-<l~L ,~ BONNIE GARNER, LOAN TECH Ex{5ËiPèo ©2001 Blnko.. 5v"tom..lnc.. 5t, Cloud. MN Form 5AT·WY 4/4/2001 (psgs 1 of 2) 0925759 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. (Lender Acknowledgment) STATE OF .Iðêì~ I COUNTY OF ~¡)~OC..k This instrument was acknowledged before me this 16th day of Dt''{emhf1r by BONNIE GARNER as LOAN TECH of POCATELLO SIMPLOT CREDIT UNION. 1130 W HWY 30 000327 ss, My commission expires: t.f/J).joß (Seal) (Titles) (Name of Business or Entity). ~~ (Not ry ub ic) ~e5 1:-lede \ \0 Ex{5ërèo ©2001 Banke.. Svstem., Inc" St, Cloud, MN Form SAT-WY 4/4/2001 (page 2 of 2) 0925759 ..' U li U ~ il ALTA COMMITMENT - 1982 - Wy 000328. Commitment No.: FA 13810 M SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: Part of Section 12, T31N Rl19W of the 6th P,M" Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded August 24, 1983 in Book 204PR on page 475 and Quitclaim Deed recorded December 12, 1983 in Book 208PR on page 424 of records of Lincoln County Clerk, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is 100 feet South of the Northeast corner of the SE" of said Section 12 and running thence South 284,40 feet (previous record 263 feet) to the Northeast corner of the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded July 5, 1972 in Book 100PR on page 280 of records of Lincoln County Clerk, said tract being 384,40 feet (previous record 22 rods) South of the Northeast corner of the SE" of said Section 12; thence S 89°32'50" W, 1466,71 feet (previous record 88-8/9 rods), along the North boundary line of the land recorded in Book 100PR on page 280; thence North, 296,00 feet (previous record 263 feet); thence East, 1466,67 feet (previous record 88-8/9 rods) the POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AND EXCEPT any land contained in Quit Claim Deed recorded September 2, 2003 in Book 533PR on page 357 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk, 11/91