HomeMy WebLinkAbout925761 000330 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back\ CAREFULLY A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional) CHAD GROSSE 1-800-648-8026 EXT. 8033 B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) ~IVERSIFIED FINANCIAL SERVICE, LLC 14010 FNB PKWY, STE. 205 OMAHA, NE 68154 I RECEIVED 1/3/2007 at 10:57 AM RECEIVING # 925761 BOOK: 645 PAGE: 330 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY L -.J THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1 a, INITIAL FINANCING ST.~ TEMan FILE # 1'1 b, This FINANCING ST,,\TEMEtJT AMENDMENT Is I r-::I to be filed [for record] (or recorded) in the I hll REAL ESTATE RECORDS. 2,11 TERMINATION: Eftectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above is terminated with respect to security interest(s) 0' the Secured Party authorizing this Termination Statement. 3.1i CONTINUATION: Eftectiveness of the Financing Statement identified ebove with respect to security interest(s) of the Secured Party authorizing this Continuation Statement is continued for the additional period provided by applicable law, OK 479 PG 693-694 LINCOLN COUNTY, WY FILED ON 12/19/01 4. ASSIGNMENT (lull or partial): Give name of assignee in item 7a or 7b and address of assignee in item 7c: and also give name of assignor in item g, 5. AMENDMENT (PARTY IN FORMA nON): This Amendment aftects Debtor III Secured Party 01 record, Check only IIII!I of these two boxes, Also check IIW! of the following three boxes anØ. provide appropriate in'ormation in items 6 and/or 7. CHANGE name and/or address: Pleaserefertothedelalledlnstructlons DELETE name: Give record name , e dst c a ame! ddres a a to e deleted n i em 6a 0 6b. 6. ' CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: 6a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR ,6b:}~~IYIP.~"7·'~I~~~1 ~~~r; i,'''' CARTER" , , .:','" 7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: ¡,,:,.,. ';.':.). .. FIRST NAME :' MIDDLE NAME ';',' \.'" ". SUFFIX ~ . ....,¡ , RAYMOND '.. .l"í " "'.1:,' T.: .' "."I:'j,,:.t;,_;.' "':',"-;'. , 7a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 7b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7c, MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE I POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 7d, SEE INSTRUCTIONS I ;DD'LINFO RE 17e, TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 7f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 7g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any ORGANIZATION I n NONE DEBTOR 8. AMENDMENT (COLLATERAL CHANGE): check only IIII!I box. Describe collateral D deleted or D added, or give entire o restated collateral description, or descrl~e collateral D assigned. ~- l, ~i 1 I '1 ¡ J '"' " -1, "',01,,,,/ t ...j I' . 9. NAMI;.oF S E:G,U RED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name of assigno,. if this is an Assignment). If this is an Amendment authorized by a Debtor which . adds coli~te";l or add. the authorizing Debtor, or if this is .. Termination authorized by a Debtor, check here and enter name of DEBTOR authorizing this Amendment 9a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME , . . , , . DIVERSIFIEU FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC OR 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 10,OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA 009-16763-001 CARTER, RAYMOND T.; CARTER ENTERPRISES FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX FILING OFFICE COpy - UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. OS/22/02) 0925761 000331. UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM FOllOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFUllY 11. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FilE II (same .s item 1 a on Amendment form) BK 479 PG 693-694 LINCOLN COUNTY, WY FILED ON 12/19/01 12. NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (s.me .s item 9 on Amendment form) 12., ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC 12b, INDIVIDUAL'S lAST NAME ' FIRSTNAME riDDLE NAME,SUFFIX 13. Use this space for additional information THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY DEBTOR(S): RAYMOND T. CARTER; CARTER ENTERPRISES RECORD OWNER(S): ROBERT KIRK LEGAL DESC.: SW 1/4 SE 1/4 SECTION 30; W 1/2 NE 1/4 SECTION 31; SE 1/4 NW 1/4 & NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECTION 13; TOWNSHIP 25N; RANGE 118W; LINCOLN COUNTY, WY FILING OFFICE COPY - NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC3Ad) (REV. 07/29/98)