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File No.: 6010615688
RECEIVING # 925788
BOOK: 645 PAGE: 364
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, bci.nq rec01'dc~ by C WARRANTY DEED
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f\tnance Tit, .." - courtesy only.
as a
M.itchell O. Miles and Sherri B. Milcs~ Husband and Wife,
grantor(s) of Aiton, State of \Vyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Mitchell O. Miles and Sherri B. Miles, Trustees of the Mitchell 0, and Sherri ß, Miles Family Trust
dated the 1 st day of Ml1Y, 2006
grantee(s), whose address is: P.O. Box 186, Anon, WY 831] 0 the following described real estate, situate in
Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
That part of Lot 2, HIock 2 oftbe Original Townsite of Afton, within Scction 30, Township 32 North, Range I t8
West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, bcing part of tbat tract of record in tbe Oftice of the Clerk of Lincoln County in
Book 237PR, page 662, and part of that tract ofreconl in the said Onlce in Hook 272PR, p¡lge 20t, described as
llEGINNING at tbe Southenst corncr of said Lot;
thence North 88°14'04" West, 174.5 fectalong the South line of said Lot 2 to an intersection with the East line of
said tract in Hook 272;
thence North 43°14~04" West, (j7.88 feet to a point;
thence North 88°14'04" West, 107.5 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 2;
thence North (n °45'56" East, 150.0 feet along the said West line, to the Northwest corner of said tract in Bool,;
thence South ~8°t4'04" East, 330.0 feet along the North line of said tn1ct of record in Book 237 to an intersection
with the East line of said Lot 2;
thence South 01045'56" West, 198.0 feet along the said East line to the CORNER OF BEGINNING.
Hereby releasing: and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Wyoming. '
Witness my/our h~nd(s) this ~ day of /Jt IL(Y1 ~ , 2006.
^ ((ðe ~~
hell O. Miles (
0Áuu: $. ~-C-l.4
Sherri B. Miles
State of Wyoming
) ss.
County of Lincoln
The foregoing ins~rument was acknowledged before me this ~ /fJ day of ¡Jt.l¿/rlIJt~
Mitchell 0, Milcf and Sherri ß. Miles.
, 2006, by
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires: 2 - ,,.. ZCJI5=f
County of
(E Streamline Deed· Warranty WY C! Rev. 12/5/2006