HomeMy WebLinkAbout925802 OOO·~1S WARRANTY DEED LYDIA H. DABEL, Trustee ofthe Vernon Dabel and Lydia H. Dabel Family Trust, dated April 4, 1991, Grantor, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND W ARRANT TO LAMONT R. MERRITT, TRUSTEE OF THE LAMONT R. MERRITT REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 1997, Grantee, of P.O. Box 125, Afton, Lincoln County, State ofWyomirig, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state, to wit: A Tract of Land lying within and being a part of the NW1/4SE 1/4 of Section 28, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with boundaries more particularly described as follows: Ci { ¡ I BEGINNING at a point on the west boundary line ofthl1 NWl/4SEl/4 of Section 28, said point being S 0°00'57" W a distance of 523.44 feet ~om thè monumented Cl/4 corner of Section 28; and running i THENCE S 0°00'57" W, along said west boundary line, ~ distance of 674.96 feet to the northwest corner of that LaMont R. Merritt Revocable Twst property, described as Parcell in that deed of record in Book 558 PR, Page 346~ in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk;' I THENCE N 89°30'17" E, along the north boundary line ~f said Trust property, a distance of987.14 feet; I THENCE, continuing along Trust boundary, S 71 ï 1'20'1 E a distance of347.58 feet to the monumented Southeast 1/16 Corner of Section 28; i THENCE North, along the east line of the said NWl/4SJ;<:l/4, a distance of60.00 feet; THENCE N 72°49'05" W a distance of399.32 feet to anlintersection with the centerline of a sharèd road easement, to be further descriqed hereinafter; THENCE, along road centerline from here on, N 20031'3r" W a distance of 94.09 feet; THENCE N 45°50'34" W a distance of87.57 feet; ! THENCE N 46°30'54" W a distance of 112.53 feet; THENCE N 58°03'54" W a distance of 114.32 feet; THENCE N 76°59'56" W a distance of 46.89 feet; THENCE S 62°22'53" W a distance of57.34 feet; THENCE S 44°34'25" Wa distance of 104.77 feet; THENCE S 70°07'42" W a distance of 47.41 feet; THENCE N 65°58'03" Wa distance of 42.20 feet; THENCE N 50°10'54" W a distance of201.28 feet; THENCE N 58°34'41" W a distance of 128.11 feet; THENCE N 34°27'04" W a distance of240.84 feet; , I THENCE N 36°53'56" W a distance of 11.03 feet to the iil1tersection of the road centerline with the west boundary of the NW1/4SEl/4, sajd intersection also being the point of beginning; '7« ./ ENCLOSING an area of7.979 acres, more or less; SUBJECT TO easements of sight or of record, including those for State Highway 238 and for the Auburn Irrigation Canal; THE PURPOSE of this conveyance being to enable the attachment of this described tract to the said LaMont R Merritt Revocable Trust propeliy to effect a boundary adjustment, and not to create a separate or additional tract ofland. . Page I of 2 RECEIVED 1/4/2007 at 9:58 AM RECEIVING # 925802 BOOK: 645 PAGE: 418 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 09ZsS'OZ OOO·1j.9 DESCRIPTION FOR SHARED ROAD EASEMENT A Strip of Land, 1864.45 feet in length, 60 feet in width, and ending cul-de-sac with radius of 60 feet, all within the SWl/4SEl/4, the NWl/4SEl/4, and the NEl/4SWl/4 of Section 28, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, to be used as a road access and underground utilities right-of-way easement for the benefit of any properties, within the SWl/4SEl/4, the NWl/4SEl/4, the SWl/4NEl/4, and the NEl/4SWl/4 of Section 28, owned by the Grantor or by the Grantee or by their heirs, successors or assigns, extending 30 feet to each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING on the west right-of-way boundary of State Highway 238, at a point which is located S 57" 1 0'25" W a d~stance of 63.86 feet, more or less, from the monumented SE 1/16 Corner of Section 28; and running THENCE N 60°25'42" W a distance of68.16 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the road centerline with the boundary line dividing the SWl/4SEl/4 from the NWl/4SE1/4 of Section 28; THENCE continuing N 60°25'42" W a distance of91.48 feet; THENCE N 54°42'16" Wa distance of231.56 feet; THENCE N 20°31'37" Wa distance of94.09 feet; THENCE N 45°50'34" W a distance of87.57 feet; THENCE N 46°30'54" W a distance of 112.53 feet; THENCE N 58°03'54" W a distance of 114.32 feet; THENCE N 76°59'56" W a distance of 46.89 feet; THENCE S 62°22'53" Wa distance of57.34 feet; THENCE S 44°34'25" Wa distance of 104.77 feet; THENCE S 70°07'42" Wa distance of 47.41 feet; THENCE N 65"58'03" W a distance of 42.20 feet; THENCE N 50"10'54" W a distance of201.28 feet; THENCE N 58°34'41" W a distance of 128.11 feet; THENCE N 34°27'04" Wa distance of240.84 feet; THENCE N 36°53'56" W a distance of 11.03 feet to the intersection of the road centerline with the west boundary of the NWl/4SEl/4, THENCE continuing N 3.6°53'56" W a distance of 11.97 feet; THENCE N 81 °03'46" W a distance of 172.89 feet to the center of a cul-de-sac with radius of 60 feet; COMPRISING a total easement area of2.745 acres, more or less. Witness my hand this ·6.,.p day Of~J'LJ ' 200 l. ~ gICl)JJ~.L Lydia H. Dabel: Trustee STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN) rt.A The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Lydia H. Dabel, this L day of ~ ' 200l· Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: \ \. \ 'b . 20\ 0 ~~ ~ ~ Notary blic PAMELAJ. CLEMENT· NOTARY PUBUC County or .. State or Uncoln Wyomtng ";L! \V ~ "8 . 2.()~D My Commission Expires Page 2 of 2