HomeMy WebLinkAbout925834 DEC-Z9-06 FROM-Land Title Company 307-733-6186 T-788 p, F-466 File No.: 61009 000533 Name: ROBERT R. WILEY BRENDA W1LEY P.O. Box 3644 Alpine, WY 83128 RECEIVED 1/5/2007 at 11 :00 AM RECEIVING # 925834 BOOK: 645 PAGE: 533 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Address: WARRANT DEED (Individual F rm) ROBERT R. WILEY, a manied man, GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, ONVEY(S) AND W ARRANT(S) to ROBERT R. WILEY and BRENDA WILEY, husband a d wife, as Tenants by the Entireties I GRANTEE(S), whose address is PO Box 3644, Alpine, Wyonring, for the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the followi.ng de ribed real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rigJ under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to~wit: r this 29TH f _ DECEMBER , 2006. ~~~.I See:- C?7fã also knowu. by street and number as: Subject to reserva.tions and resnictions comained in thé oited States Pa.tent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. t' "7 ,) ,i Together with all improvementS and appunenances ther ! [1 WIT I I I I I I I I ! Tbe foregoing instrument was acknowledged before m 2006 , by ROBERT R WILEY the signer(s) of the within instnlment, who duly ackno same. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN this 29th day OfDECEtmER ledged to me that he/she/they executed the WrfNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. Q ~~ NO~ My co ssion xpir., 09/18/07 PENNVJONES COUNTY OF LINCOLN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 18, 2007 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING FOe Number~ 61009 Land Title Compauy Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page I of 1 - 092583(~ 000534 ". ..... RXfIIBJ.T. irAn R.öbert R. Wiley Paroet, Wiley Family Exempt Subdivision, in ToW11Bh.ip 35 'North, ~ge 119 We"" 6th Prin~pR1. Meridian, Lin~D1D. County. Wyorn.in¡. Section \3, SWlf4SWlf4SWl/4, descrlbld. us funoWJ; Beaimñng at th,'" scMhwest oorncrofaeotit)n 13. thenac: $. 89°1St Bu, 388.1 feet., along tbe somh liu", of aa1d ~ tD a point.- 111onume¡¡tod with r. ~8" X 24~t $è1 œinfofQÙ1l rod. with a 21t al'l.UJJin.mn cap hußribed~ PAT S. FACfOR THAYNE WY PLS 704~; tb.enw N. 0019' B. 280.1 feet, to a ~ointr monumented with a S/8" X 24" steel fßlnforcing rod with a 2" lJ1-unùnurn œp inBcrI'bød, PAT S. FACTOR THAYNE WY PLS 7049; thence N. 89Ø151 W., 388:1 '~ ølong 41ine pata1lel to the SQ1.'l.t11 b01mQlt'Yof said 'scct!OQ, to IS point on thD west lino ðfsaid 'Slctio~ mon\Ut'1ettted with n. 5/8" X 24" st~61 retntbroing fDd with a~" w.~um. Q~P inscribcu1,''NAT S. FACTOR TUAYNB WY PLS 704!r. thQtlI::e S, 0"19' W., 280.1 ftet; along Batd ~st line of Lluid se~Of1. to tho point ofD~nrdng. CUxI.~Dg 2.50 t\01'eS m( r~·Ol' less. In~udins and' to~lh~ with aU and slngulaJ tenmnents. hcred~tamtnts, nppurcemw.OQf ~ and impr{'JVf'.D1ents tboreon or tl1weunto belullpg. Subject to ail oovanu.n;ts, conditlon.~t re.Mctlon~, œservatlons, rlghtrof..way ~ atld easemanttJ of siiht and/or of record.