HomeMy WebLinkAbout876165 STIPULATIO Ii EREST r }JOOK~_~pR PAGE.__~~ 9 t~ , (Fontenelle Unit)' ' ~AS, Convest .Energy Cot oration con "Andrews and Corkr~" oil and as in P . veyed t~ ~r~w[aad Corkr~, L.L.C., (here, n referred to as ) g terests described on ExMb~t A attached hereto and made a paa hereoffbr all pu~oses (the "Propea~') by Assignment and Bill of Sale executed June 17, 1997, recorded June 23, 1997 in Book 398 PR Page 544 in the Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and , ~AS, ~drews and Corkran conveyed to David J. ~drews oil and gas interests in the "Property', by Assignment of Oil and Gas Le~e executed Au~st 21, 1997, recorded September~ 8, 1997 in Book 401 P~ Page 298 in the Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and '~AS, ~drews and Corkran conveyed to Dennis D. Corkran oil and gas interests in the "Property", by Assignment of Oil and Gas Lease executed August 21, 1997, recorded September 8, 1997 in Book 401 PR, Page*296 in the Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and ~AS David J. ~drews created a limited paanership for holding his oil and gas interest in the "Propeay" know as ~drews Oil, L. P.; and ~AS, David J. ~drews desire t0 place all interests in the "Property" in ~drews Oil, L. P.; ~d ~:~AS, Den~s D. Corkran created a li~ted pa~nership for holding Ms oil and gas interest in the "Prope~y" know as Corkran Ener~, LP; and ~AS, the "Prope~y" conveyed to Dends D. Corkran is considered community propeHy reqtfifing the execution of Derails D. Corkr~ and his spouse, Peg~ J, Corkran (hereinafter refe~ed to as "Corkran"); and ~EREAS, "Corkran" desire to place all interests in the "Property" in Corkran Ener~, L P; and ~AS, ~drews and Corian will be dissolved and the panics desire to convey all interes[s in the "Propeny" to the panics indicated hereinaaer; and ~E~AS, the "Property" is subject to additional recorded ~d unrecorded agreements and comracts set fo~h on ExMbit "B" attached hereto and made a paa hereof; and WI-~REAS, the undersigned paHies desire to resolve any con,sion regarding the ownership of the Property by the execution of this agreement; NOW, ~FO~, the undersized pardes do hereby agree that the Prope~y is owned by the following named p~ies in the proportions set forth below, and for and in consideration of good and v~uable consideration, the undersigned ' parties have B~GA~D, G~D and CONVEYED and by these presents do BARGe, G~T ~d CONEY unto each of the folloMng named paaies, their heirs, successors and assigns, the interest necessa~ to accomplish the ownership interest in and to the Propeay set opposite the names of each such owners: O~R Andrews Oil, L.P. ~TE~ST~ C/o Dj& L. L. C., the General Paaner 47.50~ 2219 'Westlake Drive Suite 150 Austin; Texas 78746 Corkran Energy, LP 37.50~ C/o Hummingbird Investments, LLC, the General P~ner 2219 Wes[lake Drive, Suite 120 Austin, Texas 78746 C:\WINDOWS\Ternlx~rary lntemet Filcs\Content.lE5\OJW3QNAF\Stip Fontcnelle Unit.doc 499 Consolidated Interest, L. P. C/o RHAB, L. L. 12., the General Partner 15.00% 1208 West Avenue Austin, TX 7870I Andrews and Corkran, L.L.C. 2219 Westlake Drive Suite, 120 0.00% Austin, Texas 78746 David I Andrews 2219 Westlake Drive Suite 150 0,00% Austin, Texas 78746 Dennis D. Corkran and Peggy J. Corkran 2219 Westlake Drive, Suite 120 0.00% Austin, Texas 78746 No warranty of title is made by any party hereto and in the event that title to any interest described herein should fail, in whole or in part, the balance shall be owned by each of the above-named parties in the proportions above-stated. This agreement shall be binding upon each of the parties and his or its respective heirs, devisees, personal representatives, successors 'and assigns. This agreement may be executed in counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which when taken together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Fi This agreement is executed on the dates set forth below in the acknowledgments, but effective for all purposes as of By: Andrews and Corkran, L. L. C. President Title: PreSident, DJA~'L. L. C., - ' -- .. General Partner By: Corkran Energy, LP Title: Presidont, Hummingbird Investments, LLC General Partner By: Consolidated Interetd, L. P. Title: ?resi~f~t~~ By: Davia a.~drews ~-~\l-e~porary Internet Files\Content. IE5\OJW3QNAF~Stip Fontenelle Unit.doc 5OO By: Dennis D. Corkran , ..., ~ _:.'~.__. By: Pegg_~y J~/~kran ' STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF ~(7 .... ) . ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ 2001, by DENNIS CORKRAN, President of ANDREWS AND CORKKAN, LLC., on behalf of ~aid L.LC. ~-' STATE OF TEXAS ) ] (.,.~-.~ Nota~ Put~,c Slate ot Texas [) ) ~~LY 31, 2004 This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ o~ _, 2001, by DAVID ANDREWS, President ofDJA, L. L. C., the General Partner of Andrews Oil, L.P., on behalf of said limited partnership. Notary Public,~tate o-~-.Tex~s. ~'r': ) H ~'("'~'~'¥;~ NOTARY PUBLIC P ".Thj_'s instrument was acknowledged before me on ~Lth"~- 1~ resment of Hummingbird investments, LLC, the General ~a~C'c. '"~ _~ 2001, by DENNIS CORKRAN, partnership. *, u~..orr, ran Energy, LP., on behalf of said limited STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF ~ ) ) C:\W1NDOWS\Teraporary Internet Fil.es\Contm:t,IEE\OJW3QNAF\Slip Fontonelle Unit.doe '~ me6 - .~ , .::.~ 'This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ ?~722001, by RONALD HABiTZREITER Pres,dent ofmt~,_,L~:,,C.z. Lt_h_f.~e~nera! Pffrtner of Consolid~ h~t,~r-e-st, L. Pi, on behalf of said limited partnership. ' This instrument was acknowledged before me on !~) 2001, by Dennis D. Corkran and Peggy J. Corkran, husband and wife. ' ~~f~RTA H£RNANDE~'~ STAT~ OF T~XAS ) ~ {;,:.~'~ .o,a~ ~,~,~c ~,~,e o~ ~x~ COUNTY OF 'TCOO0] 5' ) ~ ~,~',~/ y Corem,ss,on Expires This inst~ment was ac~owledged before me on '~ ~ ~ ~ ,2001, by David J. Andrews. 8 ~;(~51 NOTARY PUBLIC of Texas. ~ ~.~~ STATE OF TEXAS C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Intemet Files\Content,IE5\OJW3QNAF\Stip Fontenelle Unit.doc 4 nfl EXHIBIT "A" 1. LESSOR United states of America - Serial No. W 38501 LESSEE DATE - February 28, 1983 RECORDED DESCRIPTION: T__ownship 25 North, Range 1 t _1 .West, 6th PM Section 6: Lots 6, 7, E/2SW/4, SE/4 Section 7: Lots 3, 4, E/SW/4, SE/4 All in Lincoln County, Wyoming C:\Wfi~IDOWS\Temporary h~temet Files\Content.iE5\OJW3QNAF\stip Fontenelle Unit.doe EXHIBIT "B" 1. All contracts and assignments under which Andrews and Corkran obtained its interest, to the extent such are valid and subsisting. 2. Subject to unrecorded Letter Agreement between Andrews Oil, L. P. and Consolidated' Interests, L. P.; dated jUne 25, 2001. C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Interact Files\ContenL IE5\OJW3 QNAF~Stip Fontenell¢ Unit.doc 6