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Contract of Marriage
Date of Contract:~ I'f ¡J '1 (i' Zßd7
This document is to serve as NOTICE to the world, as a Marriage Certificate in which
the two parties of this Contract of Marriage recognize Jesus Christ as the God of this
World, and the author of the laws governing the union between a man and a woman
Upon the land, in the solemnization of this marriage between Stephen-Kay: Mavy and
Jamie: King.
Without any third party interference.
The Parties of this Contract claim the privilege of living as a man and a woman upon
The land, joined together, by contract, as provided in the Constitution of the United
States of America.
Article 1, Section 10 (1), CL 3 of the United States Constitution state in part: "NO
STATE SHALL.......pass any....1aw impairing the obligation of contracts...."
The parties of this Contract of Marriage agree to the following concepts:
1. To live in hannony with the laws and ordinances of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints, as pertaining to the laws of mortality and honor, and to live a life
That qualifies for the temple recommend issued by the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints.
2. To be honorable, honest people upon the land of America.
3. To recognize all life as products of God.
4.To obey and honor all Constitutional laws of the land. Marbury v. Madison, 5 US
(2 Cranch) 137,174,176, (1803) All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are
null and void.
6. The parties of this Contract demand and insist as being recognized as flesh and
Blood man and woman, children of God and not corporations, fixations, or any other
artificial entity.
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7ð Autograph
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RECEIVED 1/8/2007 at 11: 13 AM
RECEIVING # 925873
BOOK: 645 PAGE: 611