HomeMy WebLinkAbout926007 000081. PROOF OF DEATH & HEIRSHIP STATEOF ~ County of ~ ) ) ) RECEIVED 1/11/2007 at 2:10 PM RECEIVING # 926007 BOOK: 646 PAGE: 81 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF HEIRSHIP OF Gary Ben Robinson, DECEASED. Glenda Robinson Flovd upon oath, deposes and says: The she was acquainted with being tirst duly swom That she is a sister That said Gary Ben Robinson Gary Ben Robinson deceased for of said decedent. years; died intestate on or about the 3rd day of April ,_ A. D. 1989, at about the age of 48 years. That the said decedent was not married at the time of death. That the said decedent was married two (2) time(s), and the name of each spouse is as folIows: /, ~..) Nnme I)nte of Dcnth Yvonne Robinson Divorced Christine Daniels Robinson Divorced That the folIowing children of said decedent were living at the time of said decedent's death: Nnmes Addrcss Date of Birth Jesse Robinson 1806 Antelope Street, Unit A, Kemmerer, WY 1806 Antelope Street, Unit A, Kemmerer, WY ~8,497~ ~ ðrj9?? 5/29/1980 Kim Robinson That the following child of said decedent died prior to her death, and left heirs as follows Namc Date of Birth Muritnl Status Heirs N/A If decedent left no surviving children, give the folIowing information: First: List parents, if living; also list brothers and sisters; if any brother or sister died before decedent, also list his or her children. Second: If no parent, brother or sister survived decedent, list the following if any surviving: grandparents, nephews and nieces; uncles and aunts; cousins; if none of foregoing survived, list nearest of kin surviving. Names Age Addrcss Rclation to Decedent N/A 000082 . " .~') 092600", That all of said heirs at law were and are of sound mind, and that none of them are incompetent. , That all debts and claims against the estate of said Gary Ben Robinson were' fully paid and at the time of his death he was the owner of or had an interest in the following described real estate, to-wit: Township 21 North. Rane:e 115 West. 6th P. M. Section 36: All (also described as Section 36: Lots 37, 44 and 46), less and except the railroad right of way Further Affiant saith not. ~-, .' _~~#~d Subscribed and sworn to before me this I day of f. ,2006. My commission expires , '-----'" STATE OF t~<;J COUNTY OF ' , £f\ ) ) ss. ) On this ~ day of '--11l)v1_LÐ1..~ ,2006, before me personally appeared , (A \i ((T , who is known to me to be the identical person whose name is a ¡xe to the above instrume t, and acknowledged the instrument to be ~v free and voluntary act and deed. My Commission Expires: JAMIE PAINTER - NOTMY PUBL«: s~ ~ '~, C'. ", ¡ 0,' (,.}..-)!~..:" HJ~' ,.:,~~ 'c. ... ;' \ / \ "'''VUVO-.J This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office or Vi!al,B~cords Se""Jçes, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Date Issued: DEC 2 8 '\ Gladys K. Breeden Deputy State Registrar This copy is not valid unless it bears a raised seal and is produced on multicolored 'security paper. \. \ . MARGIN RESERVED..BINDlN9 Dlvtllon 0' Hellth lIIId"'dlc"SetVlcii'~:Vltliíl'Rïicilitèlil Servlc.. . '.; ::,.,~·:~:i';:.;c';.'.'-:~:.~~:~j:~¿'.~~i:i.i~tÛt~l#~~~itt·~~~;:~~·~.tt~l.t~;E~;;Òl;··i~ :.:;...\,.,. =.:';'ii