HomeMy WebLinkAbout926025 (0 ,j C i RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: 16t Bank Ahon 314 South Washington St. P,O, Box 1620 Ahon, WY 83110 000143 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1.t Bonk Alton 314 South WashinglO') SI. p,O, Box 1620 Ahon, WY 83110 RECEIVED 1/11/2007 at 4:25 PM RECEIVING # 926025 BOOK: 646 PAGE: 143 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SEND TAX NOTICES TO: 1st Bank Ahon 314 South Washington Sf, P,O. Bo. 1620 Alton. WY 83110 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE IS FOR RI¡CORDER'S USE ONLY MORTGAGE THIS MORTGAGE dated January 10. 2007. is made and executed between CRAIG PARTRIDGE and DOROTHY PARTRIDGE. whose address is 8904 STAFFORD SPRINGS DRIVE. LAS VEGAS. NV 89134 (referred to below as "Grantor") and 1$t Bank. whose address ìs 314 South Washington St.. P.O. Box 1620. Ahon. WY 83110 (referred to below as "Lender"'. GRAN,. OF MORTGAGE. For valuablo con.ldnlntioll, Gralllo' morlgagns and con.ova to Lendor all 1)1 Granlcr . righI, til'a, amJ inl.,..t In a",! to U-e f{.,IICl'Nínp. desc:ribF.d re-ñl propert)', togethor with all eXIsllny ur !Uusl:'quuntl,' C;!ructcu Or uftix.cd blJjldll"l~St impro...·en1ents. and fixh:res: all case monts, rights of 'Nil',!, and appurtenances: all '.":.'a(sr, Wilier rights, \·.'iH~rr.our5e5 and rtit(:h rlgh1s (¡"eluding i!itUl:::k In ullbt¡fJ~ \'.'Ith ditch t.H i,".rjgèllÌon r:fJhuiJ: ilttu' ujl Ùl~1IH riy 1l~. royul1lU's, anJ P'( ~ìl:S rlJ ¡nÌt1g 10 tho foal proport,', including ..·..¡thout limitation HII mlnar;illi, od, gas, .~oth~rm.1 Bed .imil., mOIl~rs, (the "Real Property") located [n LINCOLN County. State of Wyoming: LOT 4 OF WESTERN SUNSET RANCHETTES III . LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICAL PLAT FILED ON NOVEMBER. 7, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 924142 OF THE RECORDS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK . The Real Property or its address is commonly known as LOT 4 OF WESTERN RANCHETTES. AFTON, WY 83110. Grantor presently as:signs to Lender all of Granter's rigr.i.. tit:e. and i01ðrest in ðl1d to all present and futvre lea6es ot ;:h~ PrOrJlJfty Itnd Itl! All"lnt~ lrum th~ PropurlY. In adtiiucH1. Grantor gr;Jnts 10 Lernf(,!r if Ut1llorm CammerdaJ Code security Imer[ st In the Pi:!rstmal Proµi4rty and Roms. THIS MORTGAGE. INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PE;RSONAL PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE 1M PAYMENT OF THE INOEBTEDNESS AND (B) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND All OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS. AND THIS MORTGAGE, THIS MORTGAGE IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE; FOLLOWING nRMS: PA Y MENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as other'....'se Drovided io this Mortgage, Grantor shall DaY to LeMer ali amounts secured hI' this Mong3g~ os t~lC}' bocome due and shull stnctl, µurkrrn ~¡¡ ot GrUTnur's ulJligálu,ms under lhi::¡ Mortyay-u. POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE; PROPERTY, Gr"",tl)r ?-grees th31 Gmntor's possession and use 01 the Property shaH be gl)verned by th~ I,)jlo"~"i ~g provisions: Possossion and Use. Until lho ot;(:urnmco uf an (·...·urH td Ou1uult. Gruntut miliY 1,1) r~militl in fJU!i~H:H:i:::HUt1 ¡IOU con\rul af thu Propur1Y: 1:21 U5E. r.penUf! or m.:ma'Re thø:: Property.: and (3.; collec: the Rents fron, ~he P1openy. DutV to Maíntuin. Gruntur shall mjliM[ilin 1he PrapErty In go·::d r:nndi1inn and promptly pp.rtorm all repairs, repJ;¡:cemp.nHi, and mainfemmc:e n<i!!r:f!!'\!Ii(!ry t,o preserve It~ v3h;e, Compliance \t\rlth Environn1enullaw.s, Grõ-ntQr '€!oresen~s. aoo W3rrðllts to Lender ~hat: \1) Ourll1g ~hl': peri cd of Gl"ontorls ownefship of the Property, th(:fe has been no us~. gcnèrðlron, fJli..IIlUri.l::t'uru, su,;,rage, Heatmenl, dJspo!ial, retaase or threa1ened relea.!iF.. pf iIIn,,' Hantrr1OLl!\ SL.'lJs1am,;u by any pærsan on, unner, llbout ('.r tmm the Properi.,.; 121 Grðnt( " has no knowlcd9C of, (or rcason [( belIeve thðl Iht.'f(! has hf,!srl. excp.pt AS previously disclosod to and a':;knovJI,.::d~éd by lunder In \'t.'rillng. ttl! Any hreo1ch or viohltion of (!ny EnvirQnrnl;l!ntallðw5, (1)1 .Jr1t use, gCf)r.::ratiun, nHmuíuctLiU!.3torage, treBr!TH~nt, diSPO~ðtr relel!'se or threatened release -af an~' H~Zafdou$ Substance on, umh.!r. about or Irom the Property t)y any prior owner~ ç-r (;CCU¡::HHHS of the PfO .)ur~~·, ur I.C) ilny iJctual or IhreatenEld Iltiga110n or claims 01 any ~rnd cy any por:¡un rûhH¡ny w ::such mnlUHS: nnd ~31 E:xc;P,pt FI~ previQusl)< di.e:closed to lInd ackoow1edgedbv Lender in writing. ¡.,) neither (1r~ntor nor imy tenant, contractor, 3g0rot or Otfler aU1horizcd USOf of the Proporty shall use, guno~al(J. rmmufac1uro, storc, "OUt. dispose 01 or roloi3,SC any H3.l:ardo',Js Sub:itiJnca on, under, :JUCW or 'from the Proper\',': and (bl Any such flcti....¡tv shl'lll be conducted In ccmpli","ce wi:h all applicable l~der.1. SlB1~, Md local laws" reg~lallons and I)rd;nMCes, ,ncludlng without limitation all Enwonrncmal Laws, Grantor authori.:!es lcnd€:r e.nd its agcnts 10 Cnlcr upon the Proùorl~' to '1'lokú $uCh Inspections nnd lests, at Granlcr's expense, os Lender mAY def!m oµpmpna1e- 1U diHI:!fmlne t:ompJlance al 1he Property' v..ith thi$ snr:tion of the Mort9age, Any inspectìons or tç5-ts made b", lender shall be f'~r Leno.1er's purpQses only and shaH ,,,¡ot IJtJ COftst·'.Jcd to create any rC:SPQnsJldity or liulJifllV (Jf~ \he þart of Ll::nd~r tQ Grantor or to an,,' olhsr person. Thu rl.::"µrl:!senttltkm!i and warranlll'!s co¡-:;ainr,ri herein are based on Grantor's duc diligcnce ir1 irwcstigotiog- tho Property tor HariirdOU5 Substancos, Grantor hereby n I r(;~úa$CS uIII1 waives any lutur6 claims agaimH Lender for mdemflity or contribution 11"1 the o'.'(:nt Grontor lH!come:s li;Jble tnr cltulnUf1 c:,r oth;~r CCl~ts under BOY $ouch lavo's: and 121 ag'rocs to Indcrnnifv, dc-fend. and hord hiJrmluss landRr a¡:¡.'J:lnst any and all claims, lossos, liabihtlos. (j,anlUyes, penulHas, and exp~n!!oft!l l.'/hiçn I.-ençter "'(1,' direçtiy or indirectly sustain or sutter rosultiny hLim a breach of Ihi$ filH:tiCin of tht;- ~\I~ortgegc Of 8S 3 COtl~eqvenco of any use, gcnor~HU;)f , nian¡,¡fucaure., st(Jril~e, uisposal. rAleaJ:;;e ar thr~atenf}d releasc oGculfinÐ prior trJ G'¡)m.or'~ \Jwnursttlp or intf!reSI in the PronHrt',', \''''hetr,er nr not the SAme .....El5 or sh{luld hav,,) boer\ known lQ Gramor. rh~ prcJ\' slOns 01 \h:·s: !H¡çtl~n 01 the: Mortgage, Including the obligation to ¡rtdcmnify ond dcfund. ~haU ~urv v~ ~he paymenl ü1 Ih~ Indabtedness and the satishiction and roconvcYill1ce uf the hen crt this Mortgage and sh(!1I not be affected bv lender'E- JCQuisltÎcn út ,at)'; InliHt!slln the Praperty. whelhru C'f forac!os....re or otherwise. NuisB~e. Wf'ste, Graf'ltor shall not cause. ~Q,\uuct or ~~rrTIII any nuisance nQr commi1, pArmit. or fiwfifir anÿ' s:ripping ot or ..·..."'sta on cr {1:"1 lhc PrOpctly Or i.lf1y µI)rtlun ot the Propartv. \'Vithi1ut limi¡ing fhe gRnøralitv of thø foregoing, Grantor will not remove, or graIn to any olhúr part." Ihe r1nht 10 remove, ;my timbef. minerals (ìnc[udir"10 oil and gust, L:úiJl, dtly, sL:uriu, :!I:uíl, gravel ür rock pradur::h ..·..i1hnu11.endp.r'!'i prior written COClSOf1t. Remavsl of hnprovemonts, Graotorshull not dúrr\o!ls~t or remuve any ImpmvemF!n1s trnm the Real Prcpe:rty withovt Lendor's poor \.vrittN"I consont, As D l:t::ndlllun 10 Ihe removal of .¡in', 1n1p.rcv~mer.tst lender may require: Grantor to make urrunyerncnts uuisruclory to Lender 10 r6place ~Uçh ImprO...·f.m1ents \Nith ImprOV0t11CnlS d at fÙiJS[ e-quul valul:!. lender's Right to Enter. Lender i'lnd Lp,nd6r'~ agô:ntlS and rep"cscntativus m¡)~' enlur upon lhl:! Büal Prc:perty a1 all nUl!mnable times to aft~"rl to Lender's interosts BI'd to inspûClth~ Reat p~(Jµt:rty fur purpOJias ~t Gri'lnt()f'!Ii cnn'pliance 1.".i'Îtl"l the terms ð'nó conditions of this- ~...1ûrt'il¡)Yú. Compliance with (J'oven101enta' Roquiromonts. Gr.antt::r shaH prornJ,ltty comply with atllaw!;,. orc1inaru::F.!S, ill".d regulations, now or hereafto'l in effect. 01 all govcrmnOrlluJ uuthorHIRs applic.s.ble w the u~e Qr occlJp.j.nç·'r' Df tt'lc rrù.ocrl~', GrOr1tur lI1iJY Ctmt<aät In Y<Jod tililh anv such liJ'~·.', ufulnum:u, or rp.puliuion l'ind wilhhold comph-;.nco during élnv µr<Jt.:t!ucJiriY. inclu.tJing appropria1e tlpPf!ills: 50 long as Gnlotl')r has notifif;:d ~e!"1cer ¡.., v.'riUng prior to doino .so onJ sa lung ,ij~, In LE;nder'§ sole oJ1iniOTi, kender's il"tterests in tho r·~opûrt... 3fC ,',ot Jèùpatdilcu. Li:!nd¡¿r m,,\, reQ;"IÎ./'ð Grantül to PCSl UUl!uuuLe sCH:un:y or ii sur~ty ho·:'1:( reðsonabh.,. satisfactory to Lunde!. to proleel Lr::nd~r'!f Intartlst. DUl.,. tu Protøct. Grantor ¡¡grees neither to abaf"ldon c·r ¡COliC unultunaJed the ProPfHI",'. C1rllnfor 5hllll do ail other acts, in addition to those é.J<;U se! torth Above in this sectiQn, which from l'1u t:r,¡¡racter Bnd use ot the P"op~rty Me reS5cnðbJv I)ec~ss¡)p" to protect and prcsur'Ju lIu: Prúp~rty. ·oz~ OuZG -. Loan No: G40034~':'J -' ~u00144 ' Page 1 ; MOH I GAGE (Continued) TAXES AND LIENS, The lollowing provision. r.l.tì~g Ie '~,o 'ux.s "mj Ii,,",, ,''' Ih~ rrcporty are part of this MDrtg.'~e: PAyn1ent. GrðntQr .,hill! pay when dua \urnS i,,; 011 (!"OI'{S Qriar to dcljnquenc'{) all t.axes, payroll ta.xes. sþf.clt.1I taxes. aSSO-9Slncnts. '.·...ater charges êlnd su\ovcr s~rvic } chmgos levied against or Qr· .:u;cOllnt 01 the Pmperly. and ~hull pay wht3'r1 due ~II claims for work. don~ 01'" or tQr sc-rvÎccs rendered or ma(arÎi!tl furnjsh~d I!I the Prtlpertv. GrUl1Ior shull mointain the Propðrt.,. free of any !ians hil'Jínç pnorl1y Livcr or eQual 10 tne interest ut L09n¡j~r urnicr this Mortgaoe:. oxcem for frr:~P. ¡iRm; !ipecíticall", agrEed ttI In writing tJ·~ Lender, I:\~o. excep1 for thF! hen [)ltaXE:!8 and aS5ðssment$ not dUR al5 tur1her spec;IIi~Hj in Hw Right to CO'1tost pðr39f8ph. Right to Conto$t. Grantor may wlthhtillf payment loA any HlX, i1SSCSsnìcnt, c,r claim in connec'ron ·......ïth a ;,iood foith dispi.lro over rho qh!igatlOn 10 pay. st.:· lony uS Lender's i;ntorost in the PrcpÇrw fS not ,i~O;1iHdll'ed. If D lien umi\~S ur if; W(ld os a rcs.ult of nonpAyment. Granter ~hð\1 \...·itt",Ir. fifteen t15j dBY" stier It-.e liat"! art~(NI ur. ¡f ii.llicn is '¡loa.. ·....¡th¡n fjf1e:en ,151 da'r'~ lifter Gr.tntor has nolico 01 thú filing, sc!c.;i.,Irú the dischBIO~ of the; lien. cr it reQue5ted h'; ler,der. deposit ",~.·ilh Lender cil\ih or a suHiciont coracnHe 6JJre~'~ bonn or cnher security satisfa<:tory to If¡ndaf in an amount sufficlont 10 dísch~rgc the lion plus any çO$t~ and reA50n;:lble att'Crnè..,.~ f-eG:s, or other charges thEn l;uUIt..I o~cruû 0$ ¡] r-csult Qf a foreclo5\.H6 or Sillp. ur c1~~ ttie lIen. In èlny clmh~;st. Grantor shall defend ¡(setf Jiind tender and ahall tiëlt\:it~· uny advtlrse jur1gment belore enlort.:u'floiHlt uyoln:H t·i~(; Prcpertv. Gral'~or shall nAmp. Lender as an additlunal oblIgee under any surety bonr! furnished in the conte51 prQceedings. Evidence at Payment. Gnlnlur shuíl upun uer1li:md furnl'sh 1(1 Lendor sõJti:sf3CtOr¥ f.t\.iÎdence ot pay'mAnl 01 Ihe luxfJ~ ar US::IC9sments ðf\d shall ë1:uthofiz.o tho approDrΡ;Ue governmental official to deli..'er 10 LI.md~t Ul any Unll! .¡j 'oV'ltton 8ta~eml~nt of th6 taXi=!1i and flS5Gssmenls uguilHH the Properly, NallcB 01 Construction. Grantor .sha!J "ütïfy Lc '\dE:( ~t l~a5t fif1-aen 05:1 rttl~(5 nefare any ',vml( IS ta.aTllnoncu:J, an,y ser'v'icc& .)re flHnished. or an'" maicrials $Ire ~\Jpplif; :d tQ the Pmperl--,', if anv mi!d;iH1!C'!i 110'1\, matcrialmcl)'s ¡¡cn, or other lien G(luld he R!'Ssenet1 on accúullt Dr the ""Jurk. ~úrv]cú:1, <H IYHHcrÎ3Is_ Grantof will upan rl1QuAF.t of Lender 1urnish to LendlH UU'.'iJIV;C ijS!;õJlal)":CS -satisfec(Qr.,,· to Lender 1,rl.=.1 Gran10r can and ,·...·W pa..,· the cost 01 J:juch fnl.HUV~OIcn1S. PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The following rrDv,~ioo' r.l.ti"g In in.ur¡ng 1he Properly ere iJ purl ul lili, Mortgage: Mtlintensl1ce of Insurance. G rRntor shall procure a:1U rmllnluln ~.mli(';It:!::¡: ~Jf 'IrC 1I15UranCO with tiitDI'tdard O>tt"Jnded covorflg-11 endorsements. on a r(;'µI¡)(;tllf1Vllt lJu¡ls fer the full ins\Jn:Julc ....aliJe covcnng all Improvements on the Re~1 Pmperty in ilrl amoum sut1ident lU BVOcU Upµlicûlion of ~nv colnsur,¡sncf.! çlau!SE:. and with it standard mDrtgagee clausE:! in lavor of lerH..hu. Pulk:UHI shall bc written by such insurðnce compani-efi and in ~uch lorm as rnav bo loasQf1ï:Jbly acceptable: w Londo'!", Grantor shall deliver to Lender certificates of coverage lrum ~ach ir)sur~r contair,ing 8 fit¡pulftUon that r.:(jv~r,figa will not be cðn:::elled or diminishød Wt1hou1 i1 rnìnirnunt ûf thirty 130t O.J".s' prior 'NrittF.-n notlr.:p. t~ Len:J~r and n<Jt containing an-.,. disclain10f ot the insurer' 50 IIEltilit~, for fe-livre 10 glv6 sur,.h n01.1<;9. E.ach 1n5Uri:l!1t.:1:I po¡¡L.:~' ulsu shaq include all endQrsement providing thi'l1 {.:(J'o/antge in lavor nl Lem.iEH ......iII not lIy hnµaired in any "W1Y by anv .::Jet, on...ission or dcfauft of Gr.~mt(lr or IIny ather \Io,.un, Srwu\d Ihe Real Propo'ty be loeo,ed in on oreo designoted by toe Director of (he Federal Emergency Man"yemenl A'Joncy 0' B sceçial fiood haZ.3rd area. Grantor agree$ to abtair¡ and mainlainf~defUt Hood InHurilnCQ. It oyoihJble-, ~cr th.c full ur.p.aid prÎr'lcipal bal.çlnce u1 th:! loan and un." priQr liens on tho property securing .1he loan. up to the m€,ximum p{lliçy limils "et under the NaHanHI Floud Insurance Program, or as. otherwise required hy Lender, and 10 'l1air;tillr. !Ul:h in!lurance lor the hmn uf the loan. Application ot Proceeds. Gran.tor shull prumptl'f' randy LenJur úf any los8 or uamago 10 the Prcp..:::rty if the estimated cost r:·f repaIr Qr roplacemont c..lI,cetX 5 $1,000,00. Lender O1a," 1ì3k-a prQof (:f loss it Grantor f(l;ils to do F.() withi" fifteeo t 1 bi days ui thu Ciuiuuliy.. V..,'hr,::thúr ur ",ul Lunuur·! . !H;,curity i~ Impaired, LUflut!r tJ"'è1'~.. lit Lc,,:Júr'~ clccÜun.. rece-i'/e ond rotain the proceeds of flO)' insurance imd ,¡Ipply the prOGaerJ(Ç to th~ reduction of tha Indabtadnø".$,. pa'fmp.r.¡ or any lum affecting thF. Properly, 01 the re:!ltore.tll:;.n Lind ''I!uui:r of ,he PfÛQCn~·. If LcnJl!r ctl.:CI~ to iSppl~' 1ho procoods tl.> ruSloratiop and rcuair, G,amor SI)311 mj)a¡f or rcplacß the damaged Of (Iastro"'ed Impro\'ement!l- '" ii mAnnar ;;uistactor'p' 10 LAnder. l.p.nd~r 5hall, upon 5atlsfï:u:t'Jry proo1 01 ~ut.h expenditure. payor fl:!imuIJfSD Gri1n[Of hOr11 tho procoeds for thü reasonable cost of rcpBi.r Of restoration if Gn]lìwr is not in dofßult under this MOrtgðge. Any' orcceeds whi("h hA'''B ncH heen disbursed wirhín 180 days rltter th.eir recelpl and whIch LF.nctp.r ha~ nat commUled to the repair or re!lilarr.nían of thli Pwpertv st1uli be used firs.t to pay an.,. 11'Y1cunt owing to lender under this J\'1ortgago, then t,;) pay accfuoá interost. and tho roma¡ndor. if any, shall b~ Appliad' to thø prinr.ipi.l1 UElJaMt:1::! IJt the 1r1deb1edneHs. fiI Lender hulds any prt:·c€€d~ uÜar µuymunt ¡" full of the l\doutednu$S, uuch p~occcds shall be paid to Grantor 3S Grðn1Cr's interests -OìðV app-ear. lENDER'S EXPENDITURES. If c;r¡!n¡or f.;lll$ (AI \'1 kAP.p tr,p,; Propp.rtV free 01 ill! taxe". Ijens, securi1y IntereSl!i, eru;umbränces. ami úlfwl cliJims. ml to provide any rc:quin::HJ insuranco on tho PropcrlY, QI (C~ 10 mukc repairs to tho Property lhcn lender maV dQ SQ. It (in)' ac:tion or procaedlnH is c:ommenced thllt waulrt materially affact Lendar's interf!.5-ts in the Property. then Lender on Grønturls bl:!hult may. but is: nol n};quired to, take ðrr't' actiolì that Lendcr bcliovc$ to bo tlpprcpnatc to pretCI.::1 Lendo,'s ìn1orústs. All c~penses. inçuHed or paid by tend~r for such pwrpnsfls will than bear intarR!=it at 1he rRte charo;.1Rn under the Note from the date im:urrød ar prtld b'f Le~Hjer lu 1he UUII:! of rli! ..)aynllmt 0', Granto' All such oxpensos will becon10 a port e( ,ho Indebtedness ond, at lenders option. wi!! 1M be payable on oemand: If!! be .do1.d to ttlP. halan:::a pt the Note and be ilpportioned among anj he pi!)'ahle wllh any installment paymenhi tu ue::;urne due duríuy (!'lth\!r 11 i lItl! ~urrn of a~y applicablo insurance policy: or 121 the remaining ¡orm elth~ Noto: 01 iC: be !feoted as a balloon payment which will be due and payable a( lhe Notl::l's fntil1urily. lhl:! Mor1gaga also ..viII secure ¡:s'r'mrent ct these amaunls. The ri';lhts pl"O\' dad tot rn this paragraph shall be in addition to an, other fi9~ts Dr an,' remr,·jies to which Lendel may be (¡ntitled on accou~t o( any d,)fault, Any such actic,n by lender shall net be ~rJns trul:!:.J uS curiny ,he d~fault St) as 10 liar LQnder frr.:·m an~' remEdy th,;¡t it r:otherwise ...·..fJulc1 have h~d. WARRANTY: DEFENSE OF TITLE. Tho (ollow,ng pro'.;.,on, ,olu(,ny Iu uwnursh,p 0111", P,upurly UIU U purl of th" Murtya'Jc: Title. Grantor warrants that: ia:' Granlor holds Good and ,narkotable tillo 01 record to the rroperty iI', 100 simplo, lree and clear 01 all liens unu ,¿I1cumurum':l::!!:i uth.:r ~han those set turlh in the He,¡¡,1 Propp.rt\' description pr in. any '¡UP. insurancft policy. title report, Dr 1inal HUe: opinion isslled in 'avor ot, and accepted by, londer in cool'ection with this Mortgage, and Ib:' G'Ol1to, has toe lull light, power, and authority te, execute ÐNd ueti'.'liIr Ihis I\·'orlgi.lge to Lender. Dolol1.o of Title, Subject to lho except,on in the pa'ogloph abo,'e. Grantor ""orroms alld will rore"or defend the title to the Pre'l)ert..,. against 1hÐ lawful t: ¡!lrT1~ at ult per:Hon,;. In the AVAnt any ilc;ti-:-:n ot pror.aartlnR I.. c:pmmf!nr.:ed Ih¡:n QuestinnJf GrAnrar" I!I ~ille or' 1he interest or lender under this Mortgoge, Grantor shall defond the oc;ion at GlOmol's exponse, Gramor moy bo tho nomll,al party in such proceedin9, but Le.'lUef shall be e.ntilled 10 particIpate In 1he pr(']c;:e~·rling find to biP. rapre!\ønterl In the pmçp.p.dlnÇl hy counsel nt le:nr1F."!I!i own choice, and GrantQf ·.·.'il deUvor, or cause to bo delivored. to Lundor su:;h instrulT1!:!llS as Lúm.lm may rcaulJst fron'\ twnc to timo te, pcro1it such µiJrticlpuliun. Complianco With Laws. Gramo, 'Varrant5 th~t [In: Pwp~f1y iJrul GrrUllor's use 01 the PH.Jpar1'y" (;[jmplias ..·..,th .all EixÎsIJntj.J aµµhcable laws. orL1111änCHs, ilnd r.agula1ipn!i 01 gm.'flrnmßnMI ,;:hJthortiie~, Survivel uf Promise:;. All prCrnì.!:ll:!3, agreement'" anc HIi!lemanl!\ ('¡rFlnlor h~-5 n¡,'ide In :hi!\ MnrtÇ1i1ge ~"illI t'iL.:rvi\·-e the executu:,n And neli.....ery ot this Mongðgo. I50hllU be con(lnliing In n8tuf ~ and shan rcmaifl in full fOf'ce and effect until such ti'llc as Gr.aflt::n s Indcblcd"c:ss is paid in lull, CONDEMNATION. The f(lllClwing previsions. (ülor.i"f] W cc.ndcrnnolion ptQcúúdu)gs ore ¡) púrt of tlll1:1 Mürt'gilY";": "rocs.dings. It un.,.. proc8ßding in r::nnc:lemnrltian i~ ~Hr.rf. (1r;mlor ~hp.1I prnmr1lly notil'y' I end""r in ..·..,iting. ~nd GrRNor snail promptly tAkp. $vr;h ~'!f3P5 as fT\¿¡V b.; neceSS;Jr..' to dofond t;he aCl:icn and obtoin- tho awe:rd. Grantor ma')' bQ the nominal porty In suCh µroc~c-díng. bu1 Londor shall bû fJntillcd to PiJrtk:lr..Jule in tht! ~rac~l!di"g ¡md to be represtmted in the- proceeding by counsel t:f its awn choice. and Granlor ','llll uE:lllver or cause to bE! delivered to Lf!nct~H .such instrumant5 a,nd ct jçumen1.~tivn 35 m.1V b~ reo.ue-5t~r.t b't· tender from tirr,e. to timr; to permit s~lch panicipðtion, Application of Not Proceeds. If all cr 3:f1y pa~t cf th-o rropcrty IS cQnUU/r1rHH.I tJ~, urOlmmt dorn¡',lIn WOl;I:Ii:!tlings or by i:Jn~' prctl:Eldlng [)r purcha~e If! lieu of la:muumna;ian, lenetar tT.ay al it:!'i f?1F.Cikm ~aQulra thðt all or an~< portiQ" of the net proceeds of the award bc appliod to 1he Indet:ltedness c'r th~ repair or rosto'ation IJt the: P~opcny_ The ncl µroCi:!f:!US of Ihe aWêlfd shull maan 1he aWilrd ulter payment of all rèö!$onablo custs. l:!XfJ~nsas, ynLJ attorna,,'s' f.afls ir:r.urred by Ll'rndRr in connection with thl¡ çondomnation. IMPOSITION OF TAXES. FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. rho 1ollow,ny µIOVt5I( nS rol.tiny 10' go".rr.men..1 taxes. f(lcs a!ld ~hargcs oro a pari of this Mur1gage: Cur.out TaxuG. fuos ..,,,d Chorgs:;. Upon reqL;£:sl by' Lendsr. Grrmtor Shñll p.Xp.r.IJ1.e 5l,.u::h documenUi in .3dditi<:'ln to this r..1Cr1gðgP,: and take ·~·.·hiJt~\'ur other action IS tftC' UP.!itArl bv l.ender to perfcct 8:10 ccntinuo lúndcr'$ liún on the Ruul PII.;-pon...,·. Granlor ~hßII fOlrllbursc Lunder lor All ~;:I):"5. "'5 øe:sçril;.eó belQw, 10gether with ull uxpl!n~~::i ¡nt;urFl:nJ in rer:ording. perlecting or r:anltnuin¡: this tll,orlgagE. including VJithout lirnl.tatìoi"l oJ! lO)WS. tocs. dUl;urmmlary slampJl!, ar:r: r:the~ charges for recording or registerino this \'1ortgage h'es. The lollowin!) shall eonstiwto !3xes tc ",hiel', this section applies: (1) a sp(¡citic tllX upon this t,'po of MOltgog(¡ Of upon all Or Dny uun of ,hi:l Indeb1edrt85!t !i.F,!C·,JfRct hy ~hl!:õ Mortgëlge, (21 a specific tax 011 Grantor which Grantor Îs <.)uÜ)~ril.(::d <.:If n:quircd to deduct from 'I._'~""'-' MORTGAGE (Continued) 0001.45Pege 3 Loan No: 64003434 payml;!nt~ UI~ 1hú lI~dcbtcdne~s secured bV 1h:,s: t~'pt: ur ',.1o:.nq¡itgú; 131 .) tax (\n lh¡~ type of Mortgage (;~lurg~alJ¡e against ~hp. I.anner or thl:! holdar ot I he Nol(;l; ~nl.l 104.; 0 spcçjfic I",x em all ar any puniun of 1110 If,¡dl.~bt1}dne5~ or on payments ut tH10;;1fJa¡ and IntarA'" mad.a b'r' GI'8fl'::OI'. SulJsoquO-nt rfur.e$. It i'lnv HIX IQ which this. Sèt;tic,., Jpplie5 15 enar::tp.d MlJCsequl!nt to the date ot this r..1(1r1ºâ~l::!, (his OvQnt shall have the sams efhi'ct us un E.....ent or Default, and' tenrÍf:::r ma'," EXErcise any or all of its 3'v,ailable remedîe!i for an £....cm of Default 85 provlr1ed bel·:J'.,v u,..less Gr~ntfir either I n pays thu tU.IC borore it tleccmes nelinr¡ue.nt. or 121 contesls the 13)1; 35 provirted abo....'e in thu Taxes and liens !lEC:tlUrT i1fuJ UUPOtìits with lenoer çijPjh or ii :!iUUtciRr,~ t;ur Joratc suret\, bond or other $ecunly sallsfoctory te Lender, SECURIIY AGREEMENT: FINANCING 5TATEMI:NTS, Th~ (c,lIo"",ng provisions rel",ing t<J It,i. MUI!!lðIJO as .; sec"rity "greeme"l "r~ " pari 01 this Mo't9(1~e: Security AgrBarnont. This Instrument 6halï çon1litit':..JtA ii Sec';.mly A~Jecrncln to the r;xtent any ot lhe Pt"oþlHty COI',stitutes fixtures. ilnd Lender shall hðV ~ all of the rights 01 it secured party llnder the Uniiform Commercial Cude 0$ iJmondcd from ti_~.", to ti:T"'.f!. Security h\lerest. Upon reque"1 ¡'y LcndCf, Granto' .h~1I tAke whatever a<I'un is requested by Le"'ier to, perle<1 "mJ còfl\inue lender'. security interest in the Fan\(mal Proparly. III iJddltl,'n to recof(l¡n9 this r·./Iortgage in the ra-al propcrty records, l,andp.r møy. at any tlrnc- and ','.·iIMout funh"r uUlhorllõltien from Gronto,r, ti ij executed cuunlerµurts, cupies or reprQOl,IcHon5 01 this MDrtguyc a~ 0 fiool"tcing sUttement. Gramor shallreimbl.lrse I.ander lor all uXfjf.!rtsõ-S in~lilTcc- j!1 perfecting or crmlinulng this security jr'itcrest. ~hmn dataul1. GliJntòr shulll'tot rerr,o\'e, HeVlH Of uetach the Porsonal Prnpri-rry from the PruPiHtv, Upon def31. lt, Grantar shall itsserTIblt! an~' Pmsonal Property nr.,t athxed tQ the. Property in a manner ilnd at iJ piner) rcascn.:;,bly conve.nlent 10 GranH;,r I:Inu Ll!f)ÙCf and tllakp, it FI'.',;¡iI¡¡;hle !o L~ndér "vlthin three 13: days ulLur rûcclFJt oj w-rittcn demand fr(\lT' l€nder to tne extent pOffnitlcd by applicabl~ law. Addressos, The n'\,silinf¡ addresses of Gruntor hJé'b[c'-~ and lendèr (:secure-d pM1V) from v.'hich Inforrn-ßtIOf'\" concerr1ing the !ifu~uri'y interè~! grant~¡j by 'hl~ r...1urlgage nH3¥ be Obtðiner,t (~a.::h a~ required by the Unifarnl CCl'omcrciol Code.1 are iiS S1.ated Or! tho first vagc- of this r'..1ortg~ge. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEy·tN·FACT. The fc· :J.......',jng provisinn" rahllÎn:;.¡ ra tur~her êI:lsur¡mccs and \Htorn~v-in-~~t;t. are P.i paft U 1hn!f r..'1arttJage; Further Assurances_ AI any Ifml:!, mill hum time to tiIHG_. upcn rßQue6t of lender, Griln10r will make:. tlxcculc ond deliver, or ..,vill CèHt5e to LJo mudû. c)({tcu~ed or delivered, to Lenóe-r or to Ler:dl$r'fr. nF.~lgr.RA. rind when requested b''( Lcnder, cõuse t-~ be tiled, recordød. rt:'lil-ii!u, or rereccrdfid, as thfi r:01!!ifl mR'ý be, at ~uch I'ml!s anti In such offices and pr3C'es as Lender "lay daem rtpprapriutl!. any and 011 SUCh mo'tÿaaes, ut!\; US ùf IruS(, sccuritv deeds, sðcorltv agreements, tir.anr.ing s1atements, continuatiun ShHOIYlCr'ts. instruments ot lurlher a SSUfiUlI,;(! , certifir:a1es, find other documrmls Oli may, In the so!c (,I'ciniol"l c,f lCI'Idú'. be fieç'e:ss~rv or da,sir,;¡bl(! in -cuder to QUectuul<:, ":Ot'l'tp1otc. perfer.:i:r ¡;( )li.nliC. Of preserve n I Grantor's obligi'uion~ um1p.r lhe NOH!, chis t,.1{Jngag~, lInd the Rolated Document.!), and 12, the lien~ íJl'ld ~e';:;Jrll~' inleres':; created bp' Ihi:j r...1ortgalJo ilS firs1 ¡)nd pl'ior licns on the Prop~rtYr whelher r,ov.' o'~vnl':!¡J (j( }lcraottcr acquired b"r' Grantor. U,)less p,ohil)ited h'l 16'.... 0' Lende, Rg,"P'~ to the. contrary in '.....illng, GrUnlòr shall reimburse lender tor ~II tO~¡~ and expon,e" i,',curred in r;onnectmn with the rTH.lHurS rcr"rl'Cd 10 in th~s O¡]I¡)graph, Attornav~ln·Foc\, If Grantcr fails to do an\" of the thi"95 referred In In Iha preceding µtlrtlyruµh, LoCnoè'( "'av do so tor "no in thl! niime ot G!an~or und ot GrUr110r'5 I;;:Xµ(;!I!:!:iiC. for $UC~) puroc·scs. Grantor hereo'r' irre.....(lc~bly ,;¡pnoint!'l. lender liS Gnmtor's <Juütnc'r'·1I"t-fact for the purpose (If mnkir.g, axecutin'rl. dp.livering, filing, recr:,rdmg, amJ tJumy ull other things as may be neCeS$ðr'!t' or d"sirabIR. In lemjt:'r's Iwl"," uµiniòn, to accomo11sh thè rnatt-ors: re-ferred to irl the preceding pAfagr6ph. FUll PERFORMANCE. "Granlor pays All the Inde.b!f.rtnP.ss when [tue, an;J otherwISe performs all Ihc obligations imoosod upon GrAntr,r under ~h:::i r...1on~iJg(J, LcruJúr ::¡hall cxccuta iJnd deliva' to Grontor 8 suitable Soat¡sfiJction of this M{\rt'gagi! and ~uitable statements 01 tcrmuIß(iol't or an,' financiJ"l,g statement on IiIfJ eVlfienc:ing l.p..nd~r'! ser.urlty intHrS!t in Ihu Rant" and Hw Porsan81 Propcrty. Grentor will pay, if permitted hy ê!.~plicCJlìlc taw, Dny ri)i1s:o ),¡]bh~ termination fee as dctc-rtilined b'~' Lenoer from time to timE!:. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. At lender's OI)lion, GrAnwr w.J1 be in detaul! unde' this Mortgage. it "ny 01 ,he lollowlng happell: Payment Default. Grant{lr fails to m3k.e (mv paymF.lnt '.'VoRn due undAr the IndRbtednass. Default on Other Payments. Fa.ilurA C1t c;nilntc;r within the time ruqu~red LiV thIs MorLguy~ Lo f1Ioko ðnlr' payment for tllxes or iI'\SI,Jr.;.nce. or iJlW other p3ymont neccssar't' to prevent filing of or ~O 6'ffet;t dlf;chf"ga at any lit!n.. Break Other Prolnis.es. Grrmlor hreak~ an" nmmisf! milCE 10 lender or tiJils I-c:, p~rlorm ¡.::rl>f1Iptly <1t the time a"d strictly in the mannRr P,Q'.'ìded in this MQrtgago or "' any agroomcnt 'elalec to this Mortgago, Falso Stotomonu. Any fccrcscJttotian or stotcm(.~i"It l110de 01' fúmlshod to Lendcr by Grantor <Jr on Qr¿mtor'f; behalf uncip.r this MDrtg~ge or the "fliRted Dntum@nts i" f.=il15f! or mi5h~ilr::ling In i'mV' mRtf!ri;¡ re!'ipeC:1, ~ithef now Dr tit Iha IImu made or furm:!!hed. Dofectivo CcllatDralizaUon. This: Mortgage ur uny cf (!1 j Rúlutcd Documcnts ccos..:~ to be in full for'ce and effe,::t Ii!'lcluding t(lï ur~ Qf .=In\,' çollñtera! rtor.umA:nt to create R vaUr1 And pt=!rr~1ct€d sF.r.LJri~y jntare!i1 (If firm) at any time Rnd lor any rease·n. DOOlh or Insolvonoy. Thf! dl:!iJth ur Gruutor. thl::! Iilsolven¡;', o~ GrurHor. thl:! appuirr(mern u~ u rE:!c.aWl/l.!r fur ¡Joy pan úr Grontor's prc'pú(ty. ¡)I't'y' ðss.ignment I(lr the benefit Qf creditors, any h'pe of creditor v,'ork,out. or the con1mcnCél1lCnt of an,,· proceedirlg 1.Inder any bankrupt~.y or Im!olveilc~' ¿ ws lJy ur against Granlor. Taking of the Proporly, An', creditor 0' ( overn~\el1tal agency nics to lake a"y of the f',ope'ty or arw other 01 G'enler's property in which L'iJI~d(,:-!' hus u Iltm. Thl~ includes ¡aking ai, garmshmg of or icvying on Granlor'~ Bccaunls with Lender_ However, if GranlCf lllsputes In -;11:>0:1 fñi!h Whoij1h"r rht1 -:::Iaim <)n whiçh tn", takinç¡ r::,f the Propp.rt·r, is b'¡;$ed is v.alid or re3sonable, 03.nd if C3rAn~Of giv~5 l.(mrlAr wrinGn mnir.p. 01 the C1ði." and furnishes Lende, WiUl rYlCrllCS o~ ¡) ~ur"tV Dc·nd sot IS factory to Lendcl to satlsf,' the claIm. then tl'is default orovi~ion .....'jll "ot appl\', Bruuch of Olhur AgruoIßonl. Any t.UfJuc;h tJ', Gr'¡,.HH'~1 'JIIl:'cr t!IU tlHl1lS ut un,,· tnhcr ugrucrnum UOh'.'t.:ên Gramm Jnd Landor th8t is not reMedied wI1hln any grar:e pp.rku1 provided the!"e:n. including wlthmJ1 IimltiHian 8n~' agreemlmt ccncerni<"'~ an.,.. ir.uetJtadne~s or tither obligation 01 Gr.,ntor to Lender, '....hetht)( existinD nov.' or late, Evonu Affecting Gl,.laral\tor, Anv ot the precedirg /;'venu occurs with respect to any guarantor, endorser, surew. or ðcC'ommod.;tion pðr1V or uny of thu Indi:JlJtf!unt!!is or iillV yuar-antcr, endorser. s'Jretv. or ac(:ommodalion pany diss or br:comtis Inco,npUuHH, Cr rùvokes ùr disputes ¡he volídity of, or liebHity under, any Guara,oty of t~,e Indelnedr¡ess, In tho event of 6 death, Lende', at its option, may, but shall not bù ,uqUlrcu IU. permit tin! gu.urantur's esHlh! 10 assumE! uncondirionally the abHgatluns arising under the guaran1V in a manner 5HtiHfar:farv to l. nndar. .:Ind, in doing 50, çure an\-' Evef1t of D'3f,¡uJt. Insecuritv_ tenctBr In good taith ber'ievo6 itselt in5ec'~re RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upnn the etOurr.n_oe 01 an F,venr of lJaf"ult And Rt Rny lime ¡here"f1e', Lende', .11e.nder'~ nption, mAY exercise anyone or rnore of the fol!owing riOhts dnd remcdies. 11'1 addition to 31lV other riglltS or rcmcdies p-:'o'.'ldcd by lav...· AcceluriLtu Indebtednsll. Lenoar :sh;,U hil'JR !hf,l riÇ1ht .;1 H5 Qp;iQn \'¡iUlOUt n(1HcEr to Grñntor to dedarF.l .he entire Inda01.Rdna!õi..5 imrnadiAtaly due and pa'yable. including any orcpaYl'l1cnt pûna1ty '¡\ohich Grantor would be required to poy. UCC Remedies. \V~lh r6spacl to all or any part d the Farson,:¡1 Proper"r" lendar sh.:¡.1I have All 1ha rightp;. and rBlnfH1ia5 nt a foecured party "nder the Uniform Comn,<)rcial Code Callect Rønts. lenner Sih.:lll h~ve 1hø riç¡ht. withe-lit nc-tice to Grantor, to t3ke possession of the Propenv. incluóing during the pendenc'" of ~c,r ::crosure, whether judicial or non-judie,;¡]I, and coll..::{~t lhl!' l1e-nl:s, IncluJlny amuunh; pust dUH uno unpaid, and appl~' tha m!t proceed I. uVt:r i.mtJ au:;vc Lundar's t[~sI5, agaíns1 the InrlF.hlartnesF.. In fl,Jrtheranca of this right, Lender may reQI..lire anv tenant or other lJ~er cf tho PrOIJert'r' to mako payments of rent or usa fees dircctl.,. 10 Lcndur. If 1he Rent!S itr!;!" collacled uy Ll;!lldE:!t, then GrElntor urevucutJl~' dt:!~lym.lles LendAr il-S Gri:irHor's il1tprnt;ty.in~faç1 10 endorse if"!5truments received in payn1e:nt th6reof in the- narne of Grantor and to neootiate the s,an1e ¡]n~ coll.;ct the proceeds, POYI'T)OIH9 by tonWHs m oHlar 'Jsars to LE:mdlH In rHspr:'nse (0 lender's demand shall satisly 'h~ obligallons 10r ·....hn;h lhl! f)a,ymunls Hre mads, whe1her Dr OM ¡¡r;'f ~mper ground.; tor the demand existed. Lender ma'" exercise it~ rights under this !H~hJ1i'trñgf8r.h F,:ithAr in person, by ooanl, or throuGh,] recei....er. '" Al>poi.n Roculvur. Lender shull hU""i:! Ih~ rI~hl tc t".i:lve a rsr~sjve:r apPolnled In trike p(u"!'ie~!S¡on of ~II (;'1" ¡¡f"'Il;" rUtn or the PrOpl;lrty. ..o..ith 1he µUWi:!r lu prater:1 and p'ê~F.rV~ the Pmnetty'. ~(( c'o-erate the ProJJC:ftv preç ~ding rOn?ctõsuro <H sale, ß!H) tc:· ,"ol cc~ the ROI'ts frQln tho Pre'natty ann Ar>PI'y rhp. (m)c(:cd9. 0....01' ~nd utwvt:.: Ihl! çost 01 the reC"eivef¡h~p. again5t the Indebtedness. I'M receiver may s~r\'e without bund if purmillau by taw _ lender's righ, 'In 1,!"Ip. sr:nO!ntrram1 of " receiver sh¡:dl f;xÎ!5l v.'hether c;r no~ the npparan~ "'(llve Of the PrOPt!rty tjo,J;cO'eds the Ir'ldùbtadnt.!u by ... sUtlSliJrHiul amounl. EmpIcJ~'ment hy tender shall not disqualify a person trem serving as ø receiv'ðr. 0926025 MORTGAGE (Continued) 0001.46 Page 4 Loan No: 64003434 Judicial Foreclosure. lender may dJIWn i1 juuiciú! dc-ereu foreclosing Granior's intarf¡l;t În all or anv part 01 th(;' Pr.:::¡þafty. Nonjudicial Salu. Lender may foreclose GrðntQr'~ ir1tt!re~~ In RU or in any pan (:If [J",t:! PrOpl!lly by non-judicial ;sale, and .5p~dtir:i'lII·( b~< "PQw~r ot s~lc' or ..ad....cnis.Gmcnt and ~.ij¡la.. loredoliura as pm.....1I4l;¡d tJy tì:lalutu. Deficiency Judgment. If PMmi,Wi by applicatl" IIIIN, Londar may obtain a juogmenl for IIn}' dellcl""cy remaining in the InoetJtadn6ss duo ti] Lender aher aJ,Jpllcul1un uf 011 ornounts fcceived f{cm the e)(err.Î5f: nt the fights providtH.lln this section. Tonancv at Sufforance. If Grantor n:¡mainij, in ~ms še:!islon 01 UII4 PW JOrly aher the Property i~ sold ~~ pro"'ld-!!d i:lbo\'t! ¡;r LcrH.Jur otherwise t,·ecomes entlt!Gd to possessiun of the ProOOrl'; upon dO~3u t of Grantor. Griln10r shIll Ui!:!'COIf1U U t~IHJI'l at suff~fønca of I,p.nrhu or Ihe pu~,:;r'¡}Sl!r or the Property and shall, at Lende(s. optic:n. e!~h6r iTJ IJ'ay a rcasQn-'ìblû r{!ntal for the I..Jse- of the Propmy. ur 1:2) V3r.:;ßle lhe rrcpert'r' iMmediatelV UrHin the demand 01 ler¡der. Other Remedies. lendar shall hiJ'JU .oil uther rights anj fcrn¡;dies provided in H'Ií.!J MGnglige or the Not~ ur i!Vélilatlð 31 law cr in equit)', Sale of tho Proportv. To the extent permitted till (lpplicablB law. GranlL1r h~r(rtJ.y waives oí1n't' and 311 right ¡Co '.1(1\.'e the Proper1Y mitfshulh:!lJ. In 6xa~cl5jnQ its rights and reml:!dll"H:I. Léndcr s1)al: b0 free to s011 all or any part "f ~h~ Prr:perly together ur ::teµiJf\ucI'r', in Qf10 s¿;le 'Or b'~ sopðratc solos. Lender st",all be entitled to bid at rHi'," putJ1ic Hal~ on ull or ani' pcr¡ioo of 1:hc Propert'i. Notice of SAle. tender will 9~ve \irnntor remsonaulu n\.Jtk:e {J tho llmu ¡.mu place of i.~r¡~' public sale of th" Fersanñl fJrapp.r1v or uf Un.: tim(; llll~~ w~li(;t, an,,· prÍ'..'I)tc s81<: 01 other intðnde:o oi!)p{¡!;ition oi thf! PRrsor-.:!1 PropE!rt~' is 10 b-u fnudL: ncoso"able notice e.haU mefl~. notice giver, alleasl len 1,1Œ day:s bl!1urc HIiJ time of lI'c $Olt; Qr cisDcsition, Anv 5¡;:1ie: of tl"'lP. PfHsoniil Property muy b~ rnucQ: '" CQnjunct!Q!'! w'ith a"y S3;(; ollhe ~eAI Property, Election of Rsmedi.... All 01 Lun-:JlJr's rights and rCl'nedie.5 wiil be cumul.ui'JA ;¡,nd may be eXarCUitiHJ alurw or lúgu1hot. An election b~" Lcndor tc chooso any- .,ne remen,' will not tHU lsndar from usinl:f ul'ly ûthúr n:l1lcdy. If Lender decides TO spenrt money or to pertarm anV uf Grantcr s uùhgaliOl~,s und~r this Mortgage, after Grantor·.$ t.,Jlllff} to rlo so, thai decision bV Lt:!mjer wil~ !lD1. nU-cct Lendor's right to declart:: ar¿H1tor In defðult and to oA)(f'!rr.i!:¡e Lunder's f'emedres. Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. It limlJer Ins1itute! un..,.. ~u11 or u¡;tion 10 enforce any Qf the terrns of this r,fOrt9lt911, tender 5hall be enmled (u rCt.:u,,·cr such sum as tho court may adjudge rea5Qnable 85 attorneys' tf5!es ~t tríal i'lnd upon ;:Jny appeal. 'v.....hethar ,:)r not any court action is invol....ed. Hnn to 1hR AxUmt nnt prohihited by law, all reu.!:onul.;le tJx;.amsus Lender ¡"curs that in Londer's opinion are neceS5ary itt an'{ time fo, the protcction ç,f its interest or the el1tcrcement (.f its rjght$ sh(ill ber,om-e: R part of 1he Indebtedness puyùbl~ t:'n clernunô and S:~loll bc,ar interest al the NOli:! riJte Irom thu dule 01 IhL! ex~.a:rHjr'urc 'Jn1il r(·puìd. [xpênses covered by this parJgrðoh include. without imit8tron. hc...·..e\·cr subject lO an..,' lirnits. under 3pp icðble la"'Á.... Lender's r¡;ðson.øble éIttr.rnp..Y5' tee!i. Hnd Landar's legal £xp~nses ..""hcthcr Dr not thcroC= is .¡i la...·..!'iuil. ínclU[:hng reasonabll:! attorneys' ree5 Ur1d t:xpl!nstJS for bankruptcy p'~cccoings (¡ncJudi.nG effarïs t() modity nr .....B~Bte any i:I'.Jton)atic stay ¢r injunction.!, appeals, and an.,. anticipðterj pC5'·jud9",ent collectíon sp.r'o'ices, 1he CC::it of :uHJfï.:t',ir.g record$.. obtaining titl~ "aporls líncluding IOrl:![:;lasuru rllp(Jfts'~ ~ur\'uyúrs' ri!p0rls. rmd approisal fecs and title În5U~at1CC. te the ex'en~ permiuad bV apf1licahle law_ ':JfantQf' also will Pi),V any CO...lrt costs" in 3ddit~o.!'1 to ,arJ othar SlJm!; nmvichui hV law. NOTICES. Any notice required 10 be ~h.·en umhl'l this r\'~urlguy~,. Irlt;ludiny wnhouI Ilf'nitmion or'.... notice c'f dl3:fi5I1.)1t ,:;nd any notiçe of :!'iilla shßII hE! gi...{W, ir, ..vriting, and shall be effective when ðÇtll~!ly df!livf.trfin, ...·¡hp.n actu;lIly recp.h:ed by leietacsimile IUnÎE::Is othlo!""'\SO rCQuired by a.,,,1. when depOS!1ed with II nuttor\ully rucogr..i.leu o\Jûrnight coufie:r. c.r, if moiled, when decosited In the United States mi!iI, ñl5 firS1 class. ceruHt;!u or regis.tered mail postage flroðp~id, rtirF!ctR" to the iU1r:1reSSe$ !i.hown nayr (he beginnmg tJl Ihis MtHtyugè. All copies ot notices of foreclosure: from Ihe hold"!r u! all." IÎli!n ·.vhích hiJ~ r.JIIUritV oV~r this MOft9agc shail be SCnt to lender's address,. as sho\·:n re(lr "'Ie heginmng of thi!>! Morlgage. Any per60n may change his or her ~ddrfJ8S for not.kes .mder this Mo,t9i1ge bV gh/ing fQrmnl ..·..'illen notic... tu th~ t>lh~r purson or persons.. sµecifYI[1!J HlUt th~ J,Jur,.,tlse (,If the;: "utiCQ i~ to o:.:tlimY12 tlH.! pursun's oddrass. rC.'r notice pLllpOSt:S. Grontor agrees to keep Lendel infcnOled at (III times c·f Grf'ntor's current address. Unles5 othen...·ise p'O\'id~-:f cr requtred bv law. if there is more 1hBn one Granic". any notice gIven by L~mjer Ie any Grantor is dt!Hmed lu be nollca gi...un 10 all Gràn(úrs. It ·~·.'i~ !oJ!:! Gruntur'ß ruspon3l:juill1'ilU tt.!11 th~ u~heri .of tbe! ncticc horn Lender MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The folluwing InŒCeU.neous "r"vi.i"ns ure u purt uf this M"rlyuyu: Älnemtr'l1ent.$-. \Vhat is ...",r¡nen in this Mortgoge and in the Related DOC¡;1110f1tS is Grantor's entire aorecme!'tt with tender r;Qnr.arning 1he rTlu1hHj) eo..'uru:J lr'( this Mo:.:r1.y0'1\;!. To lIé \!iffn.:tr...·,l. any C:~1Un9~ or um~mJrT1e-rlt tu thl!:! MI)r1.gug\! mu::Il L:-~ in writIng ond 1l"U81 be ~igrlQd bv \·..haever ""',II be bDund Qr obligated by the::hang~ or .=:mer;dmen1. Caption 'ioadlng:¡. Cupu:m hl!üd;ngs ìn Ihl~ r",'ofl¡Juge are 1t::r ¡,;unvcr1lEmce µurpos~! onl~' and arc ma lQ uú U:!i(lO to intcrprOl or delinc the r-rovl~ion~ of thil) M(lrtgõge. GuvÐffllnu Low. This Mortgage will be governed by federal law applicable to Lender and. to the Bxtent not preempted by federal law, thu laWI of the State of Wyon,ing without tegard to ilS conflicts of lAw provisions. This MortgAge has been accepted by lender in th. Stat. of Wyoming, Choiçg ur Vonuu. If there is 0 IOW3Ull. GrnntDf iJgrc0s uPQn Lomh::r's rcqUU:iil to sutmm lu lite jurisdiction of the courts of Linco!n Count'\'. ::itaiE of \"Vyom1ng. Juint um' Svvvrill Liability. All ut.;lit,JiJliom¡ ut Grur,'IOr um:h:!f (his Mcnyage shall be joint ami several, and al¡ re~erences 10 Gramor shall mean p.ach and everV Gr.-:lntor. lhi!5 mean$ that each Gr.antQr signing beiow is respQnsible for all obiioations i~ this ,....lortgagc. No Walv.r by Lendor. Gr.nt"r understAnds ler.der '.·..lil not give up any oj lenoer's riOhlS onder this Mortgage unless londor doos so in \.'IriN1g, TlìC fact that Lender U'cliJ'r's or ortTits 100l:!XI.Ht::i~H! any right v.'ill nol meRn Ihi1t LRnd\'!r hR~ Çliven up In;¡1 righ1. If Landar ctOf;5 i'lgree i!"': '.'iritmg to give up onp. (If tender'$' rights. th~t dOGS not rn~an Gmntor will not h;)\·{: to cC01pl~' with tho Otl'cr pro....isiol"ls of this MOllgog(,'. Gr?"tor also un<tcrstal"1ds that if Lender dues conS'.::nl ll: U r~qUft~l. lhut dOES not mean thin Gramc·r WIll not hiJ'.!a 10 gat Lender's con!i5p.nt ugilJrl if Un! Siluutlta1 hapPEns again. Grantor further understands fh;U _iust be-(:¡)use lender CQI,sents to one 0'- "¡ore of Gran~c'rs reQue-st$, that does not mean l.encter wil! be rCQuired to' CQnSCr'lt to arw of Gromor's future rCQucshL Grantor ....iatV(..3 µrus:cnlfl''tcnl. ùCn)uruJ k.r pt)ym~rH. 'PfOlQS1. an.d nutír..:;Q cd dish[mur. Grarunr WillVCHi ;.III rights of exemption from f;xec'utiQn Qf s-imifar law in the Prcperty. and Grantor agrees that tho rights Of LendGr in the Propen.... lòlì jC' thiS t...10((ga90 au:: priQr 10 GrOnlN's riyhl~ wní!1l Ihis Mortgage! rCrnaH)S In C!fI!.2'CL Sevorobility. If" çcurt tinds Ih~t anv prov;sior, of this Mortgage is n<lt valid or should 'lct be enforced, t"at fact D\' itsolf will ".)t ~le"n that 1ho laSt of this MUrlgi.lY<.' will nU1lJ~ ...·ullu or ullh.:'rc~d, T~lIHUhJH!. iJ court '....111 entDrce the rest 01 tha pro'.'I'slcns 01 (tli-s MorlgiJga uvtin /1 a f mví"ion of 1hifi r,,1ortfFi'9t'! mRy b~ round tQ hI!: in·..ðl;d or \Ji1entorçCðble. Mergør. Thurt:! ~hall ba np mp,rger of thn intAf~M or eS18~6 created by this Mortgage with an.,. other ir,tere.st or e6tCtte in the Propert)' .3t any tll"O held bv or 10,' tllIJ bc "¡c1it 01 lendcr in ( ny cupacily. w.·thou, lht: wriUl!M cansan1 lif Lander. SuccessDrs and Assigns. SuhJect 10 Any limitations stated in t""is Mortgagc on tfon:J1ef of Gr'Qn1Qr'~ int~rcs(, 1hls t'i'1ortgago shall bolJ birH:ii''Ig upO" ðnd inl;lc tú Ü\6 bOl'lêfit ot the purtic:iI, ~hclf ::tucc(!s~ors und assigns. It Q'wnf!rHhirJ 01 Ihe Property bp.ccmp.s "'eM-1en in II r'I@f!tt)n other Pam GriJntor. Let1úer, ·.·.·ilhüut natke tn Granter, rr.~v rleñ\ ..·¡¡th Grantr)('s !Sl..lçç~ssor~ with rdcren":6to this Mortgage and thl} h\dcblCdn6SS by w::JY of farheðrancf! or e>:teoslon withQut reloa.sing Gran(er frem tho olJli!}otíl.HlS 01 this MorlguYl! ur hiJbihtv umJl!r nil!' Iflut!uleJn¡:;ss, Time Is 01 tho Essence. Time is 01 the euence in the pertorrn;:mcp.: of Ihis Mnr1gage. Waiver of Home$tead Exemption, Grafltor heroo'f r€:leaso$- ond wuivc:¡ ul1 ri-:Jht:; iJmJ b(:'nohts 0' lhr:! homastaad axempliol1 lav~'s at Ihe Sta!a ::; I \·\'·yominy us tD ulJ Intl~b1~UIH!IiS ~t;lGL'red by 1hls :....·:ongil!;;G. DEFINITIONS. The following WÚld:i shuJl hu·.·c till;;! ru 1uv'_'il~g fT1~unh1~:!I whEn u!led if) !hi~ Mortg~-;l6: Borrower. '''fhe wor-rt ~R.,rrQwer" means CR/.-.IG f1/...¡;iRIDGE and DOROTHY PAnrrHDGE and Includes iJll.:;u·siynors and c;u,rnak.cni slgrriny thð r\'ote aftd Ullll' (pr suCCcssur~ and ¡uisiS:jl1s. Envilonmenul Laws.. Tho words "C""irürlll'ie:r1tu! LU'.v.g" rTII:!ilr\ tiny and ail state. federal 8mi lacal MalwtP..1i, rAgulRtlnns Rnn r:,rdinanr.f!5 rl} atil'\iJ ((; thU r·JH.rtuctitm ul human health 0' ;he ~t1Vírar,mAnt< Including wifhout IimitAHon the Comprehens.ive E(t....jtonryter..tal Response. Compensallon, and U.bilitv '\Gt of 1980, as amended, 42 U,5,C, 5'301¡0" 960i, ut "eq, I"C£BCLA"'.. Ihe Superfund Amendment. Bod Rea"¡horiZOlicn Act L'1198e, Pub, l. No, 99·499 ¡"SAHA";" the Hi!70rdnus r'.~.teri.ls TranSnorl~liQn Act, 49 U,S,C, Seclion 1601, et seq" 1he Aesourc:e Con,;¡·!H·...'¡¡tlan and A"covcry Act, ':'2 U,$,C. Soctiol1 690~i, en :!ri1i!U:., ur Qlhur aµpllcilt.rl~ !io(a!!:' <.;r federal laws, n..rlEi''S, or ffiguh:nions adopiod pursuant therúto, Evont (,If Dofault. I he words "EvAnt of ~fðl.,.ll'" mean any of tho event::; of dciuull ~Ul forU1 in HIt:!i ~lIluHYiJYu rn lh~ '=!vt!'flls uT deluult sactit::n of this MortgRge. GrAntor, The word "(¡'amor' moan. CnAIG PARTRIDGC and DOrWTHY PARTRIDGE. .-1IQ2f;Ü25 Loan No: 640M4-:f4"'- MORTGAGE (Continued) 000147 Page 5 ---._--""------ Guarantv. 'lhe woru '"GuiHi.m1y' rnoalle the t!l.I:Vj~I·'H-.,· from gunrantor, cmd, ur::HH sur~tv. Qr ~çcomm jdiit o·n party 10 LOfllJar, including "'II{tlOut ¡imitation" gu,unnty of all or pUrl uf the Not..:. Hazardous SubstDncÐs. The: words "Halard(1u~ Sutsralici!s" mtHUl materials that. beç¿u.J!:ïe of their quantl¡Y. tun::;cnuotion or phyt'Îcal, chomicaj or inh:çtipu5 c:haräctfiulsl!L.:S, may cause or O::6e ð prE!-sønt or pDhmllid ~lUlurd \û hun1ðn health Qf the enVlfO"nlE::l1l when Improparly use-d, tr<:ðtc-d, stored, dispos-ed r::·i, fI~nerë.lt!d, f1IuuufaclUlod. transported or ol.hArwi,;s hêmdletJ. Tho words "Hazardous Sub6tal'".Cp.,," iUS used In Iht!lr very broadost SC'1SC and inç1ude withmJ1 limHallon .un\' urH1 011 hazardous or to (rc:: 5~JbfiUIn(:H5. muu.:rmls Qr \i'\la:He as defined IJV or listed llnder the E(!''Jlranm~ntël Luws. The term "H.azardous SU061,anr;A';¡" also ir·¡dLidu~, witl"lout limit8ticn; Detrnhwm ar,d petrcleum by-producls or any ftiu::.tion 1hc(('of and asbes.tos. 1111provemenU. rhe word "lm~ru\ierm:mI::" 1~)Oar'S all exisfng and future Improveman1s, bUlluln9~.. stlucture;s, IWJbile horn!;!!!' ;¡tfixed on ~hE:' Heal PHJ Jêrly, tacili1ics, additions, replftr::"m~nt!\ ¡md alher CW1structiun on the Rea!: Propern... Indobtodl'G85. 1"6 worn "lndebledrnuls" mi:!Uns ~II principðl, interest, and other am(" unH~. cosl!' and l:!Xµt!'fTSCS pa·,.ab1e under the Nota or Relaled (JUCU01èr'l(S, lct)üther with 011 renew.l!£' of. p.xlp.nSIO~5 01. modllH.:a1Icns <Ii, consQlidat~on$ of and !'uo"t~1u110nli tor Ihc£ Nol~ or Related Dnr.u.m~nts and Imy i.lmourHIi r!xfJGrluC!d Of advanced b\, I.end~, to nl,¡cÎ'1arge Grantor's (Jbllyutiom¡ I,;·r Ù'xpcnSc$ incllrred P'y t.l'lndll1:!' 10 tlnforc(' Grall'lor's obligations under (his Mnrtga';lp.. 1ogE!tfH:!r wlih imurcs\ on such amounts as PHJ\i¡.1ed if'! tlils Mcrtgagl:L lcu(tcr, The "'\lord ï.p.nrla," mp.ilnK 1st ~ank, ih ~UCC\!S!ì:or$ und 8.!sigt"ls, Th€: v...otds "suC:(.P.~~(H5 or assigns" mean any person or (,;urnµ¡Jny tl1j)( acquires an\, ìnterest i" the Not.;. Mortgage. The word "r",1ortflilQe" means 1h~s Morlgè.lgEi' l.Jdv"'~o,, Grantor ¿¡¡nod Løndcr, NQte, H'e worn 'No'e" means the pwmi.sury MI'J dOIOd JO'lUory 10, 2007, in the original principal amount of $50,281,00 rWrJI Grantor tQ Lef'!dl~f. tr,)'fJcther "N~th all ren6W.,ls c·t. P-x!fII!n~i(1ns 01. muddir:ullUl1s of, refinoncings of, consclidørior.s nt. and Rubs1iluÜans ~or iha rrnmi5~orv notR or agrl:!umt!n1. Personal Property. Tiw word:ii . PQrsona ;;roportv" Mea" .all equipment 1ixlures, amJ u1h~r anh::la$ o~ corsoliJI !Jrcpetty now nr hereafter ownc:Jov Grantor, and now ar hi!ffHlftFtr ilttached ur at!fXIJU l<J th{ nuul rropcrt'f; together with all ilf;r.P'f;Sionli, parla, ilmJ uudiliùns to, all reµlac.;~munls 01, and iJlI SubtHilu'Üons tor, an',' at SI..¡ç!'l prç.perty: ann together wilh aU pro.;.:yad:ã li'!l:hJcing \,\·jthout Iimi(8tlon .:III il15Urilnce )rtJteeds <tnd re'f~~nr15 of prt;tmlUmsl trom any Si:I¡E lir L:~her dl!iiposHJO'} or 11)0 Proporty. Property. lhe wn,rd "PTOµert't'" rTII:~uns cull~ctl"'èl'( Ihl.) R·.:ta¡ Property and the Personal PrQP6rt.~'. Rool PrOpofty. Tho 'words "AI:;al PrQPcrty" mc.;n the real pr(1p~r1Yr rntar~~t!li. and right!!., a,¡ further u~scrilH!lj il~ this 1\'10ftg09ú Rolatod OOCun1el"16. The wor<i5 "Rel~ted IJor.l,Jmf:lr.ts" mARn All prominr..ry notes, crud.. ugrccrnc-rH~. 1'.JlJn agreements, en..·iror,mentðl agrtiEmUnUl, glJunH11iu~, ~H!t,;urity iJIJrccnlcnh, mtJ~tgu¡;jI'::'S, dCèds of trusl. security deeds, collateral mortgages, and RU 01her InSlrUmttnls, agreements- and dc·çunìt:mts, whether now nr h€reaftF.:r exlstir.g. executed in (:onnec1icn wilh Ihl.! Im.lclJlcdnus$. Hlntl. Thu wortJ "f10ntS" "'L'ans 1.111 mcsont and futIJ'r:;: rcr,lS. revenues, income, iSSUðS,.. rovaltlf!:s. nrotlr!L and other benüfitH dunvcd hQrn ~r e Fronf.!rty. EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MORTGAGE, AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS, X DO -ß.4 INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF A!,~~_, ClAJl\L I 155 ) COUNIV OF Gn Irl~ do\' belore me, Ih. unMrsl-ijned NOIRr'l Publi." personally ilopenred CRAIG PARTRIDGE and DOROTHV PARTRIDGE, to me .nown t<:: be thù il~d!viduols d~:ìcfibùd ,,' ami whc UXCCLJ1uu th~ M:';r'iyag~, iJI,U uc~now (;iugùd IhiJt Ihl:!V signed \h<! Mcr\yagL:! iI$ IttClr hell and vulurni:Jfv .act eno noed, tor ,he \lse~ ano ""r"n~e$ therein menrlone'B J Ginn ""dor "':J"""J and olllcíol saollhl. day 01 ~_Q.a{by ,20~, By ,t..t:ì- Lfe Ro.idi"9 at c.l.~L ~ My cum,niuiun expires I 0 ~- ì.." rO ~ '" ,,', ':~'.'. ::~þ;.. ':'/'·1'·' r.,,,,\,,,. '"., :¡,..'.~~'''.';' "n·~".~·L ,.'1 ':. .... :~'I . NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEVADA County of Clark . . J,A, WOHLFELD No" 04-92665-1 08 M "Appointment Expires Oct. 20, 20