HomeMy WebLinkAbout926071 -)OZ62 QUIT CLAIM DEED OF EASEMENT !-" THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this ./ /.___ ." .. day of U ,2007, by and between RobertR~Meikle~as party of the first part, and SåltRiver ove om o' nerAssociatioD, wh se cl,lrrent addr ss is . " Ul ~ as the party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That for and in valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the party of the first part does hereby grant, sell, and convey unto the party of the second part a perpetual easement and right-of-way over and across the following described land and premises, situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: The South.30feetof Lots'fl, 32 ,and theT enr4sCO\llt~otofSaltRiv~rS0'VeDivìsi?h2recordedin . Liricoln County, .Wyomingasjnst111IIlel1!..~o.914941,p~,oftheSw..1/4Segtipn,lO;.1'()WAship,3pN"orth,.Range'.l,19 W estof.the6THP .M., LincolriCoUll. ty,·Wyoming.furtherdescribed'as,follow.s: . .,',., ',- -. . "', "', -,',-.. .,... '..,-,,-,.._-' . ',.. Beginriing.at.th~..S()uthW~~t.Ç()TI1~rofL()t45;Sa.lt·RiverC?veDiyisi9n~recprded'il1,.LiIlcö,1n. COUl1ty, Wyomingas'instrument:No.'914941 ,·Part·()f:the.SWl/4...~ection·.1 O;'Township3p,Nbrfu;Range., 119;\¥est. of the 6THP.M.,.LincolnCoul1ty,\Vyøinihgandirµhhingtheµc~§88°33'24"~·675.29f~et~îbng,thiS()uth'linê· of Salt RiverCoveDivision.2;.thence. Nl.026'3 8"'W.18.68/eetto fl''point.()fc,l;1D'e.11~ving·aradiijso~140.00feet and.a chord that bears N76°59'O,5 "E 56.44.· ~eet;thence,t?the!left,alongsaid.curvë·56.83feettl1r01lgHaiçentral angle of23 °15'33"; thence N88~33'22"E 624.89 feet; thence S7°48'45"W 30AOfeetalongtheWestline of said Lot 45 to the Point of Beginning. It is understood and agreed that first party may make any use of said premises which does not interfere with or injure the use thereof by second party for such purposes. The party of the second part shall have full right of ingress and egress to said premises for the purpose of maintenance, mowing, and grooming of trails, along with the repairing of any improvements placed on the premises hereunder, and shall have the right to remove, cut, and trim any trees, brush or other obstructions on said premises which may injure or interfere with the second party's use thereof for such purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has hereunto set its seal and executed these presents, the day and year first above written. RöbertR.'Meikle RECEIVED 1/15/2007 at 10:42 AM RECEIVING # 926071 STATE OF WYOMING) BOOK: 646 PAGE: 262 ) S.S. JEANNE WAGNER COUNTY OF LINCOLN) LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY On thisJ{day ot()¡JAiI',,,hJ,,-,2Q07,,betore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and tor said State, personally app~.Meikle, known to me or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year fi st above writt """~p",~"'~ LAURA L AXFORD" NOTARY PUBLIC ß/~ County of State of Lincoln' Wyoming My Commission Expires 4~t -~ -....