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WORK ORDER tl63266 Be. 63267
SEC. 21, T34)\;'. RI t8W
'That the \&1dcnipcd. CfDWa B. Alked, . maI'I1MI perMD, ("OraDIœ") for . pod II1II nluable
considcntiOl'l, the receipt of wbich is hcnby ac:Imowled¡ed, do hereby grant,. con'")' IJI.d wamnl WOO
Lower valley EDergy, a Cooperative Ccrpotatiœ. of A1Iœ anel lacklon, WyomiJJg mil 10 ita sUCC:CS1Ol'l ud
assign¡, ("GnntccsQ), . pcrpctual eaICmaII: and ri¡bt of ...y Cor the c:oøstrucáoa md c:onIinut:d
1DIÏntcMN:e. Rplir, alterUion IDd rcplacemcnt ofth. e1eclric dilcribution circuits, lines IDd equipment .)f
!be Craatco to be conI1Notad 8lleI III8intainIId under. upon and aema the premises of Gnmlor in LlDco)ÌI
County. State of Wyomhg, aloa¡ a line: dcecribcd as fb1Jows. to ~'¡t:
BEING. part of Lot 3, of the Bcdfoni Hido-..Way &tala SubdivilÏOD in Sec1ion 11. TJ4N. R.118W. in
Lincoln County, Wyoming more~)1 dcscribed u foUowa.
BEGINNING Welt 430 £ect .&om the Southc:aat comer of aid Lot 3. Thence N S~. 174 feet 10 .
trInIfOlDter 1ocation.
EASB.MENT to iaclude 10 feet on each aide of &b:ribecI1inc, fÐøeIbcr widI aD ~y and rasoøable
ri¡htl of Ú1pa1 and egrc.1nd to cœ:øaII: and refill ditcbes IIId 1rCDcbeI for the Iac.nOD II1d repair ofsa:d
faciJirieI and to cut, Irim, IIJII'IIY herbicidal, or remcM: U-, alJrubber)'. undIrpowGa or 0" obstnu:ti.01l1
intcrtain.. with the RPIIÌr lad .....Í1Itœancc of!be faGítili..
The Grantor acknowledges that Electrio md Maptic Fields (EMF) In 1III.tIIrally oc:cunin& in the
ll'aØSJlliA\on or distribution of c1ccCricity. md fJat tile Omntcc ... bae 'IIOCifiecI CJra:¡ø Ihat EMF telling
IIId infonnúiœ is uaiJablc IIpoD request hm the Gønlee. Thia ~t by 0rIDtar is ÌIItCI:IdCd ";0
inc:lude JO much sp8œ .. is neccamy or appruprim to 1he pæIICI1Ce of EMF IIIId nuonabJe operation .J!
!he Onnta:'s distribution 1ir.es.
Grana apCI1hat all poles, win:s IIIId GIber facilities, iDst8Ued on or UIIdcr tile ducrjbed !aDds IhfJI
I'CI'I'IIIÍII tile property o~ tbc 0taøIM removable in I11c 1010 dilCletiœ ofrœ OIIarIIo It the Cbnllie·. e:xpœle.
The rights. conditions and proviaioru of tlùs cucment duO inure to the benefit of..1I be binc1ing upon tIlC
plrtia, their heirs, executori, administra1llrl" IUCØ!UCIIIInd uaip. Oranø sblU compawaœ Grmtee ~tt
lilY damap to Grantee', faei1ilies cawed by anøør. ind'ìl1i1lØ pIyIIICIIt of Gœ!tœ'. IUomey feel if
adion » \IIIdcrtakœ 'by Gmn1ee to c:nfarce the CllllllDÌImcDtI "-::ribec1 ÌII dúI CUCDICJIt. 0raø1ar RXm!S
the risbt to ÎDIpnJYe, occupy ad UlCthis caæmcat tar al1 pIIIpO&CI DOt iDoaruiatmt wilh tœ CIIICIneIIt grau.
Each pal\)' IIball bIM: die r-.dy of IpCCiflc perfbaaøcc I1IpI'IIing this euaœol. The righta arod
obliJatiaas dlllCDbed in dûs asadI:IIt IhaJl run with the 1Bd. Tbil ClllCllUlDt ia qat aclUli'Ve, IIIUS OrII111)1'
nftÏDI Ifl ripta not apecificllly ¡nnfed by thi, cuc:mc:nL Thil ia the cnlÏre I¡RICI1JID1 of die petins
rqanting 1biI eucmm.. sœpt .. nay be let iIrth ill wriIiDø after the dIbI of this CIIIaD:IJt IIIIi lÌFed by
the 'I8rtÍ1II. GnntorblRbyre1cua IIId waiva III riþa by virtue of tile IIome8feIld Eømptíoa Uwa,3f
WIIl'IESS the HIUId of the Gnntur, 1bå1_ day of
",JaJpdbofOtCmcbyC1n~ìCt íLAJ rd
1 J¡ ;);;L. 1õ
Notary Publjç
s...~m,L.. 'tQMETI " AR
'èÓt;ï"ty aPl) dt\ State ,of
Llñcoln .. Wyoming
My Commission Expires May 5, 2007
My COømiHion cç;rcs:
RECEIVED 1/16/2007 at 2:52 PM
RECEIVING # 926116
BOOK: 646 PAGE: 411