HomeMy WebLinkAbout926203 OOOC" 1. Recording Requested By: HOMEQ SERVICING I RECEIVED 1/22/200yat 10:34 AM RECEIVING # 926203 BOOK: 646 Pf.GE: 691 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY And When Recorded Mail To: HomEq Servicing POBOX 13309 Mailcode #CA3501 Sacramento, CA 95813-3309 Space above for Recorder's us~ Loan #: 0100026525 Customer #: 740 RLS #: 1268595 7 ') ./ í 'C/ RELEASE OF MORTGAGE/DEED OF TRUS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned for an in consideration of the payment 0 indebtedness secured and the cancellation of all the notes thereby secured nd the sum of one dollar, the recei t whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, satisfY, con ey and quit claim unto: JOHN P KRABBENHOFT SR AND MARJORIE KRABBENHOFT, heirs, legal representatives, successors and/or assignees, and assigns all right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoeve it may have acquired in, through 0 by a certain Mortgage/Deed of Trust bearing the date JANUARY 26,1999 and filed for the record in the County Recorder of LINCOLN, State of WYOMING, as Instrument No. 856452 in Book No. 425 at Page No. 441 on FEBRUARY 01, 1999. See Attached Exhibit 'A' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said, W ACHOVIA EQUITY SERVICING LLC SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO HOMEQ SERVICING CORPORATION (SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO TMS MORTGAGE INC DBA THE MONEY STORE) BY HOMEQ SERVICING ITS ATTORNEY IN FACT, has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President, Dated: JANUARY 12,2007 Beneficiary: W ACHOVIA EQUITY SERVICING LLC SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO HOMEQ SERVICING CORPORATION (SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO TMS MORTGAGE INC DBA THE MONEY STORE) BY HOMEQ SERVICING ITS ATTORNEY IN FACT " ~l ..J // By: Blanca Vargas, Vice President \\1TN~t/# Alex Be asco State of CALIFORNIA County of SACRAMENTO ~D~ Linda Anderson } } ss. K. Munoz On JANUARY 12,2007, before me, . a Notary Public, personally appeared Blanca Vargas personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies) and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the p rson(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my a nd official seal. / --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARED BY: HomEq Servicing POBOX 13309 , Mailcode #CA3501 Sacramento, CA 95813-3309 877/867-7378 Alex Belasco I 09Z620J I 000G92 EXHIBIT - A Part of t.he SE3( of Section 32, T33N RilB" of the 6th P.M. , r..incoln Cou.nt.y, "Pfy'oming being UlQrc: ,particulat:ly de9cribed tu; follows: tJEGI'NNINC .at a. point where tho North boundary li.neof the SE~ of said SeO'tion 32 int;e~s.ots "0'.9. Highway 69 on the Ea.st edge of said Highway, said point of intersection being approxima.tely 2097 feet Weet1:rom the Northèt1stcorner of sa1d SEJ,.C of sa;J.d ,gection 32, and running thence Sout.heasterly along the Elaet: .ri9'bt;-o~~ny bound,a,ry of said Highway Bas. 6 fe~t to the point of beginning, and running thence East, 280 feet; thenoe Northwesterly ,165 feet, on a line parallel to the East; right-af-way boundary of said U.S. Highway 691 t.'hence West. 280 feett more or leaSt to Èll!tid Bast Y.'ight-of~way boundary: t.henoe Southeasterly, 165 feee~ more or lese, along said Bast right-of-·way boundary to th~ point of beginning_ ALSO A tract of land lying inl;.he ~SE;C of Bald Se:ction 32 being mora partJ.c:'ularly described as follows: BSC3INNING at a point which is NOJ;'th 2279.47 fl;let and West 1823.00 feet fX"01\\ the Southeast comer of said Section 3 2 tlnd proceeding thence East, 291.:t0 feet; thence N 410'34t W. 200.00 f@ct; thence ßast, 121.34 feet; thence S 230'04' B, 232.50 feet; thence S 30°16' E, 129.1.5 feet; thence West! .:.180.00 feet, to the eaet rigbt of way boundary of u. $. Highway 891 thence N 419 34' W, 235. 00 feet, along said 'Highway, t~ the point of beginning. 0100026525 KR1\BBENHOFT - W'~'l