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0007 S
W lis Fargo Home Mortgage
At n: S. Erickson, MACx9999-018
2 1 Wells Fargo Way
Mi neapolis, MN 55467
RECEIVED 1/22/2007 at 2:27 PM
RECEIVING # 926244
BOOK: 646 PAGE: 748
0149943 15
(To execute or release title, mortgage or deed of trust, security filing, transfer of equity and insurance documents and proce ds.)
Th undersigned borrower(s) whether one or more each referred to below as "I" or "me" residing at
Bu er/Owner of the following manufactured home:
", '¡ ,^
.£, I
Seri al No. 3
Serial No.4
anently affixed to the real property located at
rope y ress
as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Real Property"), does hereby
irr ocably make, constitute, appoint and authorized with full powers of substitution
WE LS FARGO BANK N.A. ("Len r"),
P. . BOX 5137 DES MOINES IA 50306-5137
its uccessors, assigns or designees as my agent and attorney-in-fact, in my name, place and stead in
an way which I could do, if I were personally present, with full power of substitution and delegation,
(1) to complete, execute and deliver, in my name or Lender's name, any and all forms, certificates,
ass gnments, designations, releases or other documentation as may be necessary or proper to
im lement the terms and provisions of the Security Instrument
da d 30th day of JANUARY. 2006 executed by the undersigned in favor of Lender, (2)
to omplete, execute and deliver, in my name or in Lender's name, any and all forms, certificates,
ass gnments, designations, releases or other documentation as may be necessary or proper to make
ap lication for and obtain the certificate of title for the manufactured home designated above, and to
ha e Lender (or its designee) designated as lienholder on the certificate of title for the manufactured
ho e,(3) to complete, execute and deliver in my name or Lender's name, any and all forms,
cer ificates, assignments, designations, releases or other documentation as may be necessary or proper
to ave the manufactured home treated as real estate for any and all purposes under state law,
inc uding but not limited to the surrender of any certificate of title, any election to treat the
m ufactured home as real estate for tax purposes or to
(Page 1 of 4) EC227A Rev. 12/01/05
eet any other requirements in order for the loan/fmancing secured by the manufactured home and real
e tate described on Exhibit A to be eligible for sale on the Federal National Mortgage Association
( Fannie Mae"), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association ("Freddie Mac") or any other secondary
arket purchaser, (4) to receive, complete, execute or endorse, and deliver in my name or Lender's name
a y and all claim forms, agreements, assignments, releases, checks, drafts or other instruments and
hicles for the payment of money, relating to any insurance covering the manufactured home, the
i debtedness secured by the manufactured home or the Real Property, and
( ) to complete, sign and file, without my signature, such fmancing and continuation statements,
a endments, and supplements thereto, mortgages, deeds 0 ff trust and other documents including releases
these items, which I may from time to time deem necessary to perfect, preserve and protect Lender's
s curity interest in the manufactured home, the Property and any other property sold with it. The
dersigned borrowers acknowledge that at the time this Power of Attorney and my Security Instrument
a d any of the forms, certificates, assignments, designations, releases or other documentation are prepared
t e serial number for the manufactured housing unit may not be available. The manfactured housing unit
ay be a factory order in the process of being constructed. Immediately, upon receipt of the serial
ber, I understand and agree that the above items may be completed and corrected to properly
. sclose all the applicable home identifications, including the serial number. I understand that I will be
ovided with a copy of any corrected agreement.
o induce any third party to act hereunder, I hereby agree that any third party receiving a duly executed
c py of facsimile of this instrument may act hereunder, and i for myself and for my heirs, executors, legal
r presentatives and assigns, hereby agree to idemnify and hold harmless any such third party from and
a ainst any and all claims tht may arise against such third party by reason of such third party having
r lied on the provisions of this instrument. I have given this Power of Attorney in connection with a
1 an/financing to be given by Lender and to induce Lender to make the fmancing available. It is couple
ith an interest in the transaction and is irrevocable. This power of attorney shall not be affected by my
( ur) subsequent incapacity, disability, or incompetence. I do futher grant unto said Attorney-in-Fact full
thority and power to do and perform any and all acts necessary or incident to the execution of the
owers herein expressly granted, as fully as I might or could do if personally present.
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(Page 2 of 4) EC227C Rev. 11/29/04
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I, the undersigned Notar)' Public, in and for ~ aforesaid State and County, do hereby certifY
t t "'S.=-7T ß. SpÇZ/y I..... ( ,,-cc.. c--'1 L. Sp~r (
B rrower(s), personally appeared before me in said County and acknowledged the within instrument
t be their act and deed. Given under my hand and seal this vÐ day of
N~;'?- * -
State of (1 ~ 0 YL ~ V\.S
My commission expires: L Ò {C!1£;>éJ7
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(Page 3 of 4)
EC227E Rev. 11/29/04
09 624t~
The legal description of the Property Address ("Land") is typed below or please see atta.ched
legal description:
rtion or the SE1/4 or Section 26, T34N, Rl19W, 6th P.M., located South rrom
Town or Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described
as allows:
BEG NNING at a point in the North line of that certain parcel of land described
in Xhibit "A" of Warranty Deed recorded in Book 365 P.R., Page 459, Lincoln
Cou ty, Wyoming, said point being 776.87 feet N89°53'2Q"E.from the Northwest
cor er of said parcel of land; thence running N89°53'20"E, along said North line
394.05 feet; more or less, to the Northeast corner of said parcel; thence S30
11' 7"E, along an Easterly line of said parcel, 325.07 feet; thence West 412.16
fee; thence North 323.80 feet to the Point of Beginning.
(Page 4 of 4) EC227G REv. 12/01/05
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