HomeMy WebLinkAbout926245 ETNA WYOMING WATER & SEWER DISTRICT P.O. Box 5031 Etna WY 83118 /.../ "'1 000752 BILL TO B d Barnell 171 West Basi.n hrump, NV 89048 RECEIVED 1/22/2007 at 2:32 PM RECEIVING # 926245 BOOK: 646 PAGE: 752 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 12/0 /'06 DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE AMOUNT NC. 12/31/'06 $6,457.76 DATE DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Balance forward 6, Monthly User Fee for 3/4" tap 2 32.00 64.00 6, Finance Charges on Overdue 1 92.64 92.64 6, Balance Finance Charges on Overdue 1 94.02 94.02 6, Balance Fi.nance Charges on Overdue 1 95.43 95.43 6, Balance CUR ENT 346 09 j?~;J1. );~ (}¿/Þf..~l~ ¡t1, ÇJtL v, ¿If.?VI . 4/·<.,'1"""" 'f,. ^- 1·30 DAYS PAST DUE 31·60 DAYS PAST DUE 61·90 DAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE AMOUN DUE 0.00 5,805.31 $6,45 .76 0.00 306.36 000753 I DIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT State/Commonwealth .of J '{ Q '" ~ "'\ County of l \ t\ ~T\ \ r'. }ss On this the I~}l.... day of &u 1'1\~ Joo l.p Day fi) \ Month Year me, ~ À Cì "'- u l v 4\ ùc\ \\ ë:- '-\ , the undersigned Notary ." \ Name of'l)tary Public ." Public, personally appeared ~~ QS) à I '\ f\-I\ oj à SO¥' -- Ñame(s) of Signer(s) ~personallY known to me - OR - , before D proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ~-:,_..:....."';"'¡"._.- to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same for the purposes therein stated. Ù-.,." "..,~-,.--_........,... ..... .~.-..r.-#·'~~'''h~,,,.·~~~!'·',.~~:~·h_;¡'l: ,'.''''·'{il~~¡:Y:'è'~'lìf~~'~ i'~ÜTAHY PUf3LlC § ;: ì i r n Ih .1,,'~;"':'<:;;~\ (', , . ~ p C j'l"'Y of ~..( '0 ',Ik ..~., dtate or ~, \, ~! I I ¡:',......"....,..... .........'i¡1.)f Wyolllinq q, '.' · mcoln '~A;: :';p~ . ~\ ,~ L I '~£'9Y ~I I \t) » ;) ',_ .' :"";"~C' d- áO' .) ,~£~iJJ.~~',~;l:~,.L,~~,:;;,:::;~;,,#<.~~........,6 ,"'r ~'.. " '.;" ..... 1"" Place Notary Seal and/or Any Stamp Above OPTIONAL Although the information in this section is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document, Top of thumb here Right Thumbprint of Signer Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: © 002 National Notary Association' 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 . Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 . www.NationaINotary.org It No, 5936 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800 US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) 02- - :I Etna, WY Water and Sewer District 00754 P.O. Box 5 31 Etna, WY 83 18 Li coin County Clerk A n: Jeanne Wagner P. . Box 670 K mmerer, WY 83101 In April of 2006 a letter was sent to request a lien on the properties of Mr. Walt Barnell y th Etna, Wyoming Water and Sewer District. Several attempts have been made to get th in place. Once again we are submitting the documents you requested to ensure th lie is in place. T property is located at 108086 and 108086-1/2 US Hwy 89. T35 R119 511 SW 1/4 1/ . Mr. Barnell has two taps, one located at each of the properties mentioned. As of D cember 1, 2006 Mr. Barnell owes the district $6,457.76. The balance continues to ac rue finance charges on the total amount past due at 18% per annum. The district co tinues to send Mr. Barnell a monthly bill at 2171 West Basin, Pahrump, NV, 89048. As you indicated to Don Baker, we have enclosed a check in the amount of $8.00 to pay fo the lien processing fee. We would appreciate your help in this matter. If you have a y qu stions, or need further information, please feel free to contact us. Do Davidson/Chairman Et a~ Wyoming Water & Sewer District En losures An Equal Opportunity Provider