HomeMy WebLinkAbout904553 I¡t;?^' · ..-.; . ....".. .0 ,. .::;:)~:~:¡:~:~:~( ···,:,I~; 904553 ", r'· "r" I V E D '-', ,I 1" LI N co L t ~" :':"r'"I.I~! TY CLERK O. 1,1 ", ! I ., ':1 1'," :.,,1 l¡: 0 I l\ ; ~ " i':.~ t Jr·..' ""'/ ~ GillER . ,:~. ,,: : . \ : I. \.... M ' I~, t( r:¡ , ,','. . r¡ \,,/ ('IMINa- WARRANTY DEED,·I',, ( , BU\.JO ~ ,7 2...PR pA,úL..D..4ß.2 MARCIA L. DOERR. a Slacle Person, grantOr of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. for consider3ti,,)n of Ten and 00/100'9 ($10.00) and other good aDd valuable consideradon In hand. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO TEACQS, INC.. a Utah Corpoudon, grantees. whose aðdress is 10506 AlIW}'llh Str;:~'l, Sandy Utah 84094 tbc: foUowb1g described real estate, situate in LlncQln Celllnry and Sr:ltc of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue ofÙle hOu1Cstead exemption laws of the state to wit: q Lot 92 of Prater Canyon Estates lTolt 4, Lincoln ç.;,'~nty I W)'oming as descrlbedon the official plat thereof. SUBJECT, however, to aD reservations, re&triction~, prote(:tivc COVCDBJlts, exceptions. easemenU and rights-of.way of record, in sight. or in u~c. WITNESS our bands Ùll3 -ií .;-k /') ,r::.) J ¡ if ('-:..12 titr ,2004. day of ο{ ,~j.~~.J / ~ Marcia 1. Doerr State of Wyoming County ot~'; W~ ) )ss. ) The foregoing instrUt1ient was .lfq.owledged b(.(o('e me by Marcia L. Doerr this 3 C>, day of t> ~ I 2004. WUl1en my hand and official seal, þ~ü;¡/ó ~Uc My Commission E.xpires: ;;¡ - J ð - C) (p DICK G, IFF,O, RD .NOIa ry Publìc , County of , State of Big Horn , Wyoming My Commission expires March 3D, 2006 -.--;.-;;...:.;--:.-.. --..-