HomeMy WebLinkAbout926265 File Number: 61039 OOOAO'" RECEIVED 1/23/2007 at 10:37 AM RECEIVING # 926265 BOOK: 646 PAGE: 807 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Address: EDWARD L. TERRY 2.401 Lc.rKe Porlí D/~/5L)lTe 33s .5t11yrflG I &eC)r~ìq 1Ö(Y3èJ WARRANTY DEED (Corporate Form) WHIPPLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a South Carolini Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State o~ with its ,principa.l office located in ~ County, State of, C0~O (,3 í'q 500tl\ eC¡fo 11"1 £\ GRANTOR, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to SALT RIVER RANCH, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, GRANTEES whose address is l4() I Lcr I~e Port Dr, 5fe 3"S5:"1nytll q~ for the "",4 5CfJ sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the follo~ing desc~ibed real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto 'I i J ?-- t¡ t¡ Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements ana rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officer this 12th day of January, 2007. WHIPPLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a South Carolinl Corporation By f'~ EDWARD L. TERRY STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF TETON On this lih day of Janury, A. D. 2007, before me personally appeared, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Director of WHIPPLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a South Carolin,go- Corporation and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. EDWARD L. TERRY ~~).~ Notary Public: ' My commission expires t () ( q we; I ~r·r···'íàÃÊ~PúßUõJ C~èmt.\J of ~,t, St..1tO of \, Lmceln ~ Wyoming , ~".~~r~?~~:e~~~~£~~J File Number: 61039 Land Tille Company Warranty Deed (Corporation) Page 1 of2 PARCEL 5: 0926265 00080S Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 28 of Alpine ~etreat Subdivision No.2 a.part of the east. 1/2 SE 1/4 Section 9, T.36 N., R. 119 W., Sixth Principal Meridian, WYand running thence northwesterly along a 645 ft. radius curve to the right a distance of 31.84 ft.; thence N 78 OO'·E 50 ft.; thence N 12 00' W 80 ft.; thence N 78 E 2~0 ft.; thence S 12 00' E 80ft.; thence S 23 24' E 250 ft.; thence N 87 30' E 203.27 ft.; thence northeasterly along a 210 ft. radius curve to the, right 97.67 ft. along a 60 ft. road right-of- way line; thence N 54 4,4' 41" W 210 ;62 ft.; thence N 37 27' E 186 ft.; thence S 52 33' E 195 ft.; thence S 07 DO' E 73.28 ft. to'a 60 ft. wide access road right-of-way line; thence east along the north right-of-way line of an existing county road 140± ft. to a point 50 ft. east from the' east bank of the Salt ~ver; thence southerly 1320z ft. along a line Parallel to and 50 ft. east from the east bank meander line of said river; thence west 1320+ ft.; -: thence north 970.:1:. ft. to the point o'f J beginning excludiñg t'he following described property: ., ' , (Beginning at a point which lies west 995.02 ft. and South 438.00 ft'. more or less from the East 1/4 Corner Section 9, T. 36N., R. 119 W. Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, said point being on the west Right-of-way of Kibbe Parkway, and running thence southerly along a 210.00 ft. radius ,curve to the left a distance of 125.01 ft.; thence S 25' 30':00" E 96.42 ft.; thence, We'st 262.68 ft.; thence North 200~00 ft;thence N a7 30'00" E 20~.27 ft. to the point of beginning encompassing an area of 1.04 acres more or less.), t · . Containing a net area of 2a. 55 acres more or less, and excluding theref:z;oom that one certain lot ;cortveyed to Rex Robinson on Nov. 13, 1973, record~d jan. 21, 1974 PR lOa, Page 594, Lincoln County Wyo. records :J;:"esulting in a Net' area of 28 acres more or less. . This deed shall be subject'to existing easements of record or in use to and for the benefit of any adjacent parcels of land. ALSO EXCEPTING THE FOLLOWING LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS . A part: af BBCUon 9. '¡'36n" Rl19W, 6th Frt-nctpal Ha~:LdtanJ ,Wyam1nß.., BC3ß:l.nninB At A pø~nt: an the Wß.Bt ~tgnt.of~WRY ltne of K1Þb:l.a Pø~kway which pain~ ltea 8auth 1275.69 ft, an~ Wsat Oa9.03 f~, fram the ~1/4 Car.ner at QRtd BQcCtan S, Rnd runn~nß ChancÐ. weQ~ 415.a8 fC, ta A pa:l.nt an a CU"EJ'on J..at: 3ßL! .thence along BRtd g~a nartherty andta the left on R radius of 225.00 ft, a dh~ønae at 196.49 ft d . ~hence N51 1100 I 00" ß 246, 91 f~" thence fJ39 1100' OQ"a 74,23 it" t::henc:e Riang ø 225 ft,. rAdtua curve ta the aøat:wQ~d and to the left a diPtAnøa af 194,~9 f~'1 ,Chance B891130'00"a 15 ft, J thenca southwat:d IJn ø . 2:ï ft. raatUB CUn'Ð ta the dsht a ~btan~ø af 39.27 ft", thence SOl 1130' OQ"W 176, as ft, to the potnt: af ' heß:t.nning, , ^ aixty (60'Y'føëî't:· -right-of-way (Kibbie Pat:1tway) baing toca~ed th1~t:y (30) feet: each aide af the fcllawf.ng deaeribed centerline, Bas1nnins At a ~gtn~ (Had:Lal . BUQrtns R181t30' 00"2) an the' went end af the aA1t: Rive;- Ør~dGe. whiøh 1teB Bauth 295.73 ft, Bnd weal: a44.~1 ¡"foot from the 21/4 Carner af·aact:Lan 9, T36N, R119W, Sixth P ,M" Wyoming and funntns thence f3cuthwaatedy , alang a 180,00 faot radiua curve ta ~he laft 304.73 ft. :. to a paint af tangenCYi thonca ß251130'OD" E 175.00 ' , ft. to a ~Qint at pUlVe, ~hÐnCÐ pautheaatet1Y aLong I'a 280,00 foot fadius cu~vo ~a t:he rtght: 1.31. ,95 f~. to a paint af tangenoYI thencp PO¡1J30'OQ"W 446,69 ft. ta the end øf the ai~ty foot: rißht-af.wßY, ' . ~ I:, A1.aa a ftfty (50) foot ~ißht.a~-w~y (Caribou fa;ßBt Dr~ve) beinn l.aoated twenty f:l.va, (2~) feet: ea~h Q~dß. at the, fanawtns deaofibød cantÐfUne, Begttlntng .Qt a paint (tbe tntÐ~pectiQn af KiÞhie Fa;kwAY and Caribou Forest Drivè) whiøh liaa aauth,1049.fi7 ft, And West 853.10 ft, from tha ~¡/4 Carner of Beptia" 9, T36N, Rl19W1 6th P,M" Wyomtnß and runn!ng them:p NBB~JO'aO"w 70.uO ft, ta ø pa!nt: ot curva¡ thence nQrthwaBte~ly stana a.200.00 faa~ ra~tua curv~ to ~he right 112.79 ft', tD a 'po1nt:. 'at ~1:m8ßnCYI ' thence N 39°00 00" W 74,2~ ft, C:c the t3nd p! t:hl3 fifty (50) faat rtßht:..of..way I .