HomeMy WebLinkAbout926339 \1 OOOZ39 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Leah C. Bitton, a single person, of Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming, in consideration of the trust created herein and for the other covenants contained herein, conveys and quitclaims unto Leah C. Bitton, as Trustee, for the uses and purposes set forth in the Leah Ivie Bitton Family Trust between Grantor and Trustee, dated December 1, 2006, grantee, of Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming (mailing address: 107423 North Highway 89, Etna, WY 83118), forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as she has or ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: E1/2NE1/4 except the east 50 feet which is U.S. Highway 89 North, SW1/4NE1/4, that portion of the NW1/4SE1/4 described as follows: Commencing at the NW corner of the SE1/4, thence S63°20'E, 1,479 feet; thence NooE 664 feet; thence N900W 1,322 feet to point of beginning; all in Section 15, T35N, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being approximately 131 acres. r) r ~ EXCEPTING THEREFROM, the following described parcel of land: That part of the NE1/4 and that part of the NW1/4SE1/4 of Section 15, T35N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 11 PR, page 10, as more particularly described on the attached "Description for the Glaspey Family Trust Dated 15 May 1992, Glaspey Tract". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Leah C. Bitton has hereunto set her hand as of December 1, 2006. RECEIVED 1/26/2007 at 10:59 AM RECEIVING # 926339 BOOK: 647 PAGE: 239 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY \ /~~ CÄ-e-~ cZ, Jß~ Leah C. Bitton 1 09;~6339 OOO~·10 STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Leah C. Bitton this 24th day of January, 2007, Witness my hand and official seal. GERALD L. GOULDING· NOTARY PUBUC County 01~, State ,of UncClln W Wyoming My Commissivn Expires May 2. 2007 j¡~cY~ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: May 2,2007. 2 O~2(hð""hJ' PnJItIlIoftll LInd M....". PIUIN._ Wyo. Ro pIIlIIon No. 184 u.... AegIsIf.1Ion No. "70 - At;M1Ion No, 3990 -AogIW-...- S<oIA._ Wyo. At;M1ioo No._ _ A......... No. .... UIIh RIgiIItIIon Nt. 372111 UAllLOWf A. SCHEIIBEL Wyo. ...........110. _ ......, _...... LTD. -. W¡oninv IIiOPInIy,W¡omMo -. W¡oninv llva Hot SpmoI, idahO 1oIaoIpoieI.- DESCRIPTION FOR THE GLASPEY FAMILY TRUST DATED 15 MAY 1992 GLASPEY TRACT To-wit: - - That pal1 of the NEY. and that part of the NWY.SEY. of Section 15, T35N RI19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of Ihat tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book II of Photostatic Records on page 10, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of the NEY.NEY. of said Section 15; thence 8S9°-55' -OTE, 53.65 feet, along Ihe north line of said NEV4NEV4, to a point; thence 82so-12'-24"E, 264.95 feet, to a spike; thence 846°-46'-59"E, 240.82 feet, to a spike; thence S39°-41 '-03"E, 319.89 feet, to a spike; thence S29°-27'-02"E, 665.56 feet, to a spike; thence 838°-14' -09"E, 513.34 feel, to a spike; thence N89°-50'-38"E, 69.86 feel, to a poinl on the westerly righl-of-way line of U. S. Highway 89; thence SOoo-09' -22"E, 1021.64 feel, along said weslerly right-of-way line, 10 a point on the south line of said NEV4NEY.; thence N89°-53' -4 7"W. 1267.03 feet. along said south line, 10 the southwest comer thereof; thence SOoo-12'-19"E, 664.00 feel, along the east line of said NWV4SEV4, to a point; thence N63°-11'-59"W, 1477.95 feet, to the southwest comer of said NEV4; thence NOoo-14'-33"W, 1323.04 feet, along the west line of the SWY.NEY. of said Section 15, to the northwest comer thereof; thence S89°-54' -18"E, 1317.81 feet, along the north line of said SWY.NEY., to the northeast comer thereof; thence NOoo-II'-58"W, 1323.35 feet, along the west line of said NEV4NEV4, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCaMP ASSING an area of 103.12 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the SEV4 of Section IS, T35N RI19W, being NOoo-10'-01"W; each "comer" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/S" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD APTON WY PLS 536S", with appropriate details; TRUS-' '9-/SIEd 'vie "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" o O~t11 O~J~~6~.t39 THE GLASPEY FAMILY TRUST DATED MAY 15, 1992 GLASPEY TRACT PAGE TWO OOO~'12 TR\JS·119·ISIEd Ivie