HomeMy WebLinkAbout926384 U' (,vvd9G " UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT I l RECEIVED 1/29/2007 at 2:40 PM RECEIVING # 926384 BOOK: 647 PAGE: 396 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) Capitol.8ervices. Inc. P.O. Box 1831 Austin TX 78767 800/345-4647 -.J L THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY Ib, This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ~ is 10 be filed (for record] (or recorded) in the REA E TE CORDS 2, 0 TERM INA TION: Elfecliv..,.ss 01 the Fln.nclng Stat.ment Id.ntlfled .bov.ls tennineted with ...spect to oecurlty Intereot(s) 01 the Secur.d Party authorizing this Tennln.tion Statement. 1., INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # Receiving No, 925274, Book 643, Page 158 12/12/06 3, U CONTINUATION: EII.ctlv.n... of the Flnoncing Statomont Id.ntifled obove with re.pect to oecurity Int....ot(.) of the Secured P.rty outhorlzlng thl. Continuotion Statom.nt ,. continued for the additional period provided by applicable law 4 U A SSIGNM ENT (lull or p.rtl.I): Giv. nerne of ..olgn.. in Itom 70 or 7b ond _ree. 01 o..lg_ In It.m 7c; ond olso give noma 01 ...Ignor In Item 9, 5 M ENDM ENT (PARTY INFORMATION): Thl. Amondmont O"OC\l Debtor 2[ S.....ed Patty of record. Checl< only lID! 01 the.. two bo.... Iso check mlI of the following three box.sO provide appropriate Information In Items 6 and/or 7. O CHANGE nem. .ndlor .ddrao., PI.... rerer to tho d.t.iled instruction. in re ards to chan in the name/addr.ss of It art. DEl£1E nom.: Giv. record nama to be del.t.d In It.m 6. or 6b. 6, CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: 6., ORGANIZATION'S NAME Anadarko Petroleum Corporation OR 6b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7, CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: 7a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 7b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7c, MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 7d, SEE INSTRUCTIONS 7f, JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 7g, ORGANIZATIONAlID II, if .ny o NONE All that certain collateral more particularly described on Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated herein, 9, NAM E OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD A UTHORlZING THIS AM ENDM ENT (n.me 01 .solgner, " thl. 'a .n Assignment), If this Is an Am.ndment .uthorized by . D.btor which adds collateral or adds the authorizing Debtor, or if this Is . TermJnatlon Authorized by . Debtor, check herø 0 and enter name of DEBTOR authorizing this Amendment. OR 9., ORGANIZATION'S NAME The Royal Bank of Scotland pic 9b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 10 OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA Lincoln County, WY (Anadarko: December Advance - 165484) FILING OFFICE COPY-NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STA T8\/IENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV, OS/22/02') HOU:2657815.1 O~l;(~haG/¡t 000397 UCC FINANCING STATEIVENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM FOllOW INSTRUCTIONS (front end beck) CAREFULLY 11 INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # Receiving No. 925274, Book 643, Page 158 12/12/06 12 NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (same as item 9 on Amendment forml 12s, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR The Royal Bank of Scotland pic 12b, INDIVIDUAL '5 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAIIIE. SUFFIX 13, Use this space for additional information THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY Additional Debtor: Anadarko E &P Company LP FILING OFFICE COPY- NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC3Adl (REV, OS/22/021 HOU:2657815, 04f,4 ,,» C "1 ~,.;..~ ò'~t .:-l"~'U"- ..,-., _. 000398 Schedule A Collateral means: Ii) well head; the Subject Hydrocarbons and the Receivables resulting from the sale thereof at the (ii) each and every Contract; (iii) any and all additions, accessions and improvements to, all substitutions and replacements for and all products and proceeds of or derived from all of the foregoing items described above in this definition of Collateral; and (iv) the deposit account (the "Proceeds Account" jointly designated by Debtors and Secured Party at the financial institution agreed upon by said parties to hold any of the proceeds of the Collateral pursuant to the terms of the Security Agreement and the Development Finance Agreement; in each instance, however, only to the extent such Collateral relates to a Designated Well that is described in this or another financing statement filed pursuant to the Security Agreement or the Development Finance Agreement or on any Exhibit attached hereto or thereto, as same may be modified, supplemented or amended from time to time. below: The following terms used in the description of the Collateral shall have the meanings specified "Contracts" means all contracts to which the Grantor now is, or hereafter will be, bound, or a party, beneficiary or assignee but only to the extent such contracts relate to the sale, gathering, treatment, processing or transportation of Subject Hydrocarbons, and all exhibits, schedules and other attachments to such contracts, as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified or replaced from time to time. "DesiQnated Well" means any oil or gas well that is a Designated Well under the Development Finance Agreement and includes, without limitation, each well described on Exhibit A to this financing statement. "Development Finance AQreement" means the Development Finance Agreement between Debtors, as Owners, and Secured Party as Funding Party, dated as of January 20, 2006 but effective as of January 1, 2006. "Receivables" means all of the Grantors' rights to payment for Subject Hydrocarbons sold, whether now in existence or arising from time to time hereafter.. "Securitv AQreement" means the Security Agreement, between Debtors, as Grantors, and Secured Party, dated January 20, 2006, but effective as of January 1, 2006, as the same may be modified. supplemented or amended from time to time in accordance with its terms. "Subject Hvdrocarbons" means all oil, gas, natural gas liquids and other hydrocarbons in and under and that may be produced from the Designated Wells after January 1, 2006, except to the extent specifically excluded therefrom pursuant to the terms of the Development Finance Agreement. HOU :26578] 5.] O..-À"-.)t!..·,·\·~~' ~¡ "".I fC_ '\) .....J f,..~. ··if. 000399 Exhibit A Description of Designated Wells December Advance Well Name: Cow Creek 22-33E Anadarko Well Number: 70793 Rowl Number: 6741 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 22.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 33 Quarter: NE SE Well Name: Seven Mile Gulch 6-21 Anadarko Well Number: 70071 Rowl Number: 6039 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 20.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 21 Quarter: NW NW Well Name: Whiskey Buttes Unit 230-03E Anadarko Well Number: 70058 Rowl Number: 6029 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 21.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 3 Quarter: NE SE Well Name: Whiskey Buttes Unit 231-03E Anadarko Well Number: 70060 Rowl Number: 6031 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 21.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 3 Quarter: SE SW HOU:2657815,] 0'11' '''þ~ ....~C\ ," ,.~ II;" ~.,. ,"'., ..,J'\" .._I ,ø.... ,y' .It. OOOi100 tJ ~ ~ ~a ~ ~.~ ~ I~~ ~ =f f' ~ ,f '~ ~ \~1~ I ~ ~ 1,1 . 2400' " "l Ir ì ~ I, "- ,.r NOOW'4'·W - ZHD.7.2· (...) ~I N()OW".J,·W.. zø.S7' (M...) . J J. ~i· II "'iI~ " iJII iI fOil I I : il r ~ !II! I !5~~~ë ,ifl ~ I (, ' ".,$'I,~I '1000' ~.J!.,;Ji~~ CD ~5'J §'. Þ i', '&!'. ... ... .. ODO' I§~¡:~:~ !i ~! i .~ u; 11 .' , i n ~äfl\li-=. 1l œ,.. fi .. , I ¡ ; \' ,:. g ~ If @. ~~í~8~I: ~~I ¡ :,: ~ +,I! J~ ' :' \, ¡ , "'\" '. <' ,., ~!~i~~.3 ~ FM.. ti p 8 ),,, -- , ' ~~-.;;9DJE R ::I i.;;: 't'. ::II " ," UlUI¡I;~ i a."~ t:S &It ~ I ".,', ., 1000' 6~, ~'U ê ~ e.Jii ~ ~ ,.1 ~ ...... ~i ~~~ ~ltf . rr·1 'I' ~it'>i~¡;in.a g:. , i-t Jz ~it il¡~ I!p ,it )0 ~ '~ "~ , "W .. NfJfJ'þl'" -a.1l1.4I' (",.. 1:,1 i:, ti I ~ ,.. ~ fi l ;1:5 :1.1:51 ~ ' ~§¡;~¡!; I:'" ., '.. 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Pence, of Rock Springs, Wyoming, hereby state: This map was made from notes taken during on actual survey under my direct supervisIon on December 5, 2005. and it carrf4ctly shows the locotion of SEVEN MILE GULCH UNIT 6-21. NOTES . WELL LOCATION . FOUND MONUMENT (BC) EXHIBIT 1 ~RIFFIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1414 ELK ST., SUITE 202 SCALE: 1" ·1000' ROCK SPRINGS, WY 82901 "'OSNa, 13612 (807) 362~6028 DA'TE: 12/9/06 PLAT OF DRILLING LOCATION FOB WESTPOBT alL II GAS co., LP 220' F/NL & 500' F/W£, SECTION 21, 1: 20 N., &112 W., 6th P.M. UNCO'LNCO~ WYOMING If'tt,(,.li'·'»t~,- 1,°, ,} '\J ......1 1'''''0' '.41 ~..~ ....' . ".rÞi I . n I II ; .. i ~ ~ I % ~ ~ ø I ~ i CD ~ Q~ i I 62 Q m f'1 ~ JII CD ~ ." ~ > __.. I! sa ~! --::_ø(l) o . z UI g~~ Üi~ '- ..... ~ OJ .,.o~ ~ ~œ-.J FI~ ~cø-:tIal ~. 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