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THIS DECLARATION, is made January~, 2007, by WJW Holdings WY, LLC,
a Wyoming limited liability company, and WJW Holdings, LLLP, a North Dakota limited
liability limited partnership, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", who desires to
provide for the preservation of the values and amenities of the property described in
Article II of this Declaration, hereinafter called the "Property", and who makes the
following declarations:
A. The Developer is the owner of certain real property situated in Lincoln
County, Wyoming, which is being used as a semi private airstrip known as the Alpine
B. The Developer is also the owner of certain real property which is adjacent
to the Airpark, and such property is being developed for residential use by pilots, aviation
enthusiasts and others;
C. The Developer desires to establish for its own benefit and for the mutual
benefit of all future Members of the Alpine Airpark Association, and others, certain
easements and rights in, over and upon Developer's property and certain mutually
beneficial restrictions and obligations with respect to the proper use, conduct and
maintenance thereof;
D. The Developer desires and intends that the Alpine Airpark Association and
its Members, occupants and all other persons hereafter acquiring any interest in the
Alpine Airpark Association shall at all times enjoy the benefits of, and shall hold their
interests subject to, the rights, easements, privileges and restrictions hereinafter set
forth, all of which shall run with the land and be binding upon the Property and all parties
having or acquiring any right, title or interest in or to the Property, or any part thereof,
and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof, and all of which are declared to be in
furtherance of a plan to promote and protect the cooperative use, conduct and
maintenance of the Property and are established for the purpose of enhancing and
perfecting the value, desirability and attractiveness thereof; and,
E. To this end the Property is subject to the covenants, conditions,
restrictions, reservations, easements, liens and charges set forth in this Declaration,
each and all of which is and are for the benefit of the Property and each Owner. These
covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, liens and charges shall run
with the land and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or
interest in the properties herein described or any part thereof, and shall inure to the
benefit of each Owner thereof.
NOW, THEREFORE, Developer declares that the Property is and shall be held,
transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subiect to the covenants, conditions,
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RECEIVING # 926439
BOOK: 647 PAGE: 632
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restrictions, reservations, easements, liens and charges (sometimes referred to as
"covenants and restrictions") set forth in this Declaration.
1. The following words, when used in this Declaration (unless the context
shall prohibit), shall have the following meanings:
a. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any lot, condominium unit or plot of land
shown upon any recorded plat of the Property. If a Lot as shown on the plat or a
portion thereof, is added to an adjacent Lot, then the same shall be considered
as one Lot for purposes of this Declaration.
b. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more
persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Property,
including contract sellers, but excluding those having an interest merely as
security for the performance of an obligation.
c. "Building Plot" shall mean and consist of one or more Lots or one Lot and
a portion or portions of adjacent Lots which have the same Owner.
d. "Family" shall mean one or more persons living in a residential building as
a single housekeeping unit and shall exclude a group or groups of persons where
three (3) or more persons thereof are not related by blood, adoption, or marriage.
e. "Developer" shall mean and refer to WJW Holdings WY, LLC, a Wyoming
limited liability company, AND WJW Holdings, LLLP, a North Dakota limited
liability limited partnership, its successors and assigns, if any successors or
assigns shall acquire a majority of the undeveloped Lots for the purpose of
f. "Property" shall mean that real property described more specifically in
Article II of this Declaration.
g. "Association" shall mean the Alpine Airpark Association, Inc., a Wyoming
non profit corporation, its successors and assigns.
h. "Association Documents" shall mean, collectively, this Declaration, the
Articles, the Bylaws, and the Association Rules.
i. "Declaration" shall mean the covenants, conditions, restrictions,
reservations, easements, liens and charges set forth herein, as may from time to
time be amended.
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j. "Board" or "Board of Directors" shall mean the board of directors of the
k. "Common Area" shall mean those areas identified on any plat of the
Property for use by more than one Owner, including the Runway and Taxiways.
I. "Runway" shall mean the improved surface located on Lot 43 of Alpine
Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2, Amended, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and any
future real property intended for runway use.
m. "Taxiway" shall mean any improved surface located on any Lot within the
Airpark intended for use by aircraft to access a Runway.
n. "Hangar" shall mean any structure, capable of sheltering aircraft and
providing aircraft with access to a Taxiway or Runway.
o. "Airpark" or "Alpine Airpark" shall mean the airpark, including the Runway,
Taxiway, Common Area, Lots and other real property subject to this Declaration.
p. "Residential Unit" shall mean any dwelling structure located upon a Lot
used for residential purposes.
q. "Motor Vehicle" shall mean a car, van, truck, recreational vehicle, motor
home, motorcycle, all terrain vehicle, utility vehicle, pickup truck, golf cart or other
gas or electric powered vehicle.
r. "Review Committee" shall mean the Alpine Airpark Architectural Review
Committee established pursuant to Article III.
s. "Period of Developer Control" shall mean that period of time commencing
with the execution of this Declaration and terminating when the Developer
decides to divest itself of responsibility for Architectural Control.
t. "Rules" shall mean the Alpine Airpark Operation and Safety Regulations
adopted by the Association.
u. "Member" shall mean any Member of the Association. The Owner of each
Lot shall be a mandatory Member of the Association. If a Member is a
corporation, trust, limited liability company, partnership, or other entity, the
Member shall be represented by a single individual which is an authorized
representative of the Member such as an officer, partner, owner, agent, trustee,
employee or other authorized agent of such Member.
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The Property which is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and
occupied subject to this Declaration is described as follows:
1. Lot 78 Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2, Amended, 4th Filing, Lincoln
County, Wyoming, according to that plat recorded in the Office of the County
Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming.
2. Lots 90 and 91, Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2, Amended, 9th Filing,
Lincoln County, Wyoming,
3. The Northeasterly 235 Feet of Lot 25, Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2,
Amended, according to that plat of record in the office of the Lincoln County
Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming.
4. Lots 20, 21, 27, and 42 of Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2, Amended,
Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. ALSO That
portion of Lot 41 in the Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2, Amended,
Lincoln County, Wyoming lying North West of the following described line:
Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of said Lot 41 South 36°56' 17"
East, 302.00 feet from the North corner of said Lot; thence South 53°04'01"
West, 459.22 feet parallel with and 302.00 feet Southeasterly of the
Northwesterly line of said lot to the Southwesterly line of said lot.
5. Lot 48, Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2, Amended, Lincoln County,
6. Lot 43 of Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2, Amended, Lincoln County,
Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof.
7. Lot 19 Alpine Village Subdivision, Amended, One as filed and platted, Lincoln
County, Wyoming.
8. Lot 29 Alpine Village Subdivision No.1 Plat 2 Amended, Lincoln County,
Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof.
all of which real property shall hereinafter be called the "Property". Developer reserves
the right to add real estate to the Property by recording a joinder and ratification of this
Declaration with respect to the additional property, which shall subject such property to
this Declaration.
1. Alpine Airpark Architectural Review Committee. There is hereby
established The Alpine Airpark Architectural Review Committee for the Property which
shall be comprised of the Developer until the time that the Developer decides to divest
itself of responsibility for Architectural Control. When such control is relinquished, the
responsibility shall be vested in a committee comprised of three Owners, who shall be
elected by all Lot Owners of the Airpark. The elected committee shall, at that time,
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adopt a meeting schedule and rules of operation. It shall be conclusively presumed that
the Developer has not divested itself of responsibility for Architectural Control unless
there is a sworn affidavit of record stating the same.
2. Procedure for Submission of Plans and Specifications. Two (2) copies of
plans (for which receipt must be acknowledged in writing) will be submitted to the
Review Committee. Approval or disapproval of those plans will be made in writing
within ten (10) days after the receipt of those plans. In the event the Review Committee
fails to approve or disapprove of the plans and related documents within this ten (10)
day period, approval will not be required and the related covenants shall be deemed to
have been fully met. Approval shall not be arbitrarily withheld or delayed, it being the
intention of the Review Committee to grant or withhold approval for the purpose of
establishing a quality, restricted residential district, free from objectionable or value-
destroying features and in conformity with the governing zoning codes, building codes
and other applicable regulations then in force.
3. Review Fee. The Review Committee shall have the right to charge a fee
for reviewing requests for approval of any construction or modifications, which fee shall
be payable at the time the application for approval is submitted to the Review
Committee. The fee charged by the Review Committee may include the actual or
estimated fees or costs incurred or anticipated to be incurred by the Review Committee
in consulting with an architect or engineer with respect to the plans submitted.
4. Architectural Control. No building, fence, wall, landscaping feature, pool,
play structure, driveway, sidewalk or any other structure shall be commenced, erected
or maintained on the Lots, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration
thereto be made to any buildings on the Lots until the plans and specification for same
have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Review Committee or its
appointed architect from time to time.
a. Plans submitted for approval shall include the following:
i. One complete set of house plans, one site plan and a completed
application form.
ii. The house plan should indicate construction materials and
specifications, roofing material, exterior finishes and colors.
iii. The site plan should indicate the basement outline with projections
shown as a dotted line. The garage "footprint" and exterior steps or
decks should be indicated. The main floor proposed grade, and the
basement floor grade should be clearly shown. The site plan
should clearly indicate the finished landscape grade at each corner
of the building as well as those adjacent to any unusual
indentations within an elevation. The site plan should indicate
sidewalk, walkway, and driveway locations and sizes.
b. Accessory structures such as Hangars, pools, pool houses, gazebos,
utility buildings, storage buildings, additional garages, decks and play structures
should be indicated on the site plan.
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c. Any and all solar heating devices or satellite dishes, TV and radio
antennae must be approved by Review Committee or its architect.
d. Each Lot will be restricted to construction of one single family residence
with either a two or three car attached garage, and one (1) Hangar. Detached
garages may be approved, provided they are constructed as part of the design
style and are constructed with the same exterior materials as the house. No
lean-to, car-port, vehicle storage building detached from the residence will be
permitted, without the written approval of the Review Committee.
e. All residences shall have a minimum two-car garage. Three-car garages
are encouraged.
f. No residence shall exceed two stories in height when viewed from the
The Property shall be subject to the following restrictions:
1. Land Use and BuildinQ Type. All Lots zoned residential shall be used for
single family purposes only. No improvements or structures whatsoever, other than a
private dwelling house, Hangar, swimming pool, Review Committee approved
outbuildings, garages and fences (subject to limitations hereinafter set forth) may be
erected, placed or maintained on any Lot on the Property.
2. BuildinQ Location. No building shall be erected on any Lot unless side Lot
clearances and front line set backs are in compliance with applicable zoning ordinances
for residential zoning districts unless variances are approved by Review Committee,
however, in no event shall any building or structure in excess of twenty-two (22) inches
in height be erected within 150 feet of a Runway.
3. Lot DrainaQe Control. No Residential Unit, structure, building,
landscaping, fence, wall or other improvement shall be constructed, installed, placed or
maintained in any manner that would obstruct, interfere with or change the direction or
flow of water throughout the Property, or any part thereof.
4. FencinQ. All fencing provided by the builder or Owner, or anyone other
than the Review Committee shall require the approval of the Review Committee prior to
5. LandscapinQ. The front and side Lots of each Property shall be sodded or
seeded prior to the end of the first summer construction season that the home is
completed. If a Property is completed in the winter, it shall be sodded or seeded prior to
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the end of the following summer. If a Property is completed in the same year, the rear
Lot shall be seeded or sodded within one year of occupancy of the completed
6. Diseases and Insects. No Owner shall permit any thing or condition to
exist upon any Lot which shall induce, breed, or harbor infectious plant diseases or
noxious insects.
7. Antennas. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the installation of
antennas, satellite dishes or other devices for the transmission or reception of television
or radio signals or any other form or electromagnetic radiation shall be subject to the
prior written approval of the Review Committee. Therefore, no antenna, satellite or
microwave dish or other device for transmission or reception of television or radio
signals shall be constructed, installed, erected, used or maintained on any Lot without
the prior written approval of the Review Committee unless applicable law prohibits the
Review Committee from requiring such approval. Any such antennas must be still
installed in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Review Committee.
8. Trash Containers and Collection. No garbage or trash shall be placed or
kept on any Lot except in covered containers of a type, size and style which are
approved by the Review Committee. In no event shall such containers be maintained
so as to be visible from neighboring Property except to make the same available for
collection and then only for the shortest time reasonably necessary to effect such
collection. All rubbish, trash, or garbage shall be removed from Lots and shall not be
allowed to accumulate thereon. No outdoor incinerators shall be kept or maintained on
any Lot. All garbage or trash shall be collected by a garbage or trash collection service
as designated by the Developer or the Review Committee.
9. Rooftop HVAC Equipment Prohibited. No heating, ventilating, air
conditioning or evaporative cooling units or equipment related thereto may be mounted,
installed or maintained on the roof of any Residential Unit, garage, Hangar or other
building so as to be visible from neighboring property.
10. Basketball Goals and Backboards. No basketball goal or backboard shall
be attached to a Residential Unit or other building. Basketball goals and backboards
attached to a freestanding pole may be installed on a Lot provided the location, design
and appearance of the basketball goal and backboard be approved in writing by the
Review Committee.
11. Animals. Other than household pets kept for non-commercial uses, no
animals, livestock, poultry or insects of any kind shall be raised, bred or maintained on
any of the Lots. All dogs, cats or other pets permitted under this paragraph shall be
confined to an Owner's Lot, except that a dog may be permitted to leave an Owner's Lot
if such dog is at all times kept on a leash not to exceed six feet (6') in length and is not
permitted to enter upon any other Lot. Any person bringing a dog onto the Common
Area shall immediately remove any feces deposited on the Common Area by the dog.
The Board may restrict the portions of the Common Area on which dogs are permitted.
No dog, cat, parakeet or similar household bird shall be allowed to make an
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unreasonable amount of noise, become a nuisance or pose a threat to the safety of the
Owners, their guests or invitees. No structure for the care, housing or confinement of
any animal, bird, fowl, poultry, or livestock shall be maintained so as to be visible from a
neighboring Property. Upon the written request of any Owner, the Board shall
conclusively determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, whether, for the purposes of
this paragraph, a particular dog, cat, parakeet or similar household bird is making an
unreasonable amount of noise, has become a nuisance or poses a threat to the safety
of the Owners, their guests or invitees. If the Board determines that a particular dog,
cat, parakeet or similar household bird constitutes a nuisance, is making an
unreasonable amount of noise or poses a threat to the safety of the Owners, their
guests or invitees, the Board, in addition to any other remedies available to the
Association at law or in equity, may require the dog, cat, parakeet or bird to be removed
from the Airpark.
12. Mailboxes. Location of mailboxes will be consistent with the overall
development plan and subject to approval by the Review Committee. No delivery boxes
other than mailboxes for U.S. Mail will be permitted without the specific approval of the
Review Committee.
13. Clotheslines. No outside clotheslines or other outside facilities for drying
or airing clothes shall be erected, placed or maintained on any Lot so as to be visible
from neighboring property.
14. Vehicle ParkinQ StoraQe. Motor Vehicles must be parked in the garage of
a Residential Unit unless there is insufficient space within the garage for the parking of
all such Motor Vehicles, in which case such Motor Vehicles may be parked in the
driveway situated on the Lot provided such Motor Vehicles do not exceed 7 feet in
height and do not exceed 18 feet in length, are not used for commercial purposes and
do not display any commercial name, phone number or message of any kind. No Motor
Vehicle of any kind may be stored on a Lot except in a garage. For purposes of this
paragraph a Motor Vehicle should be deemed stored if it is covered by a car cover, tarp
or other material. Recreational vehicles, motor homes and similar vehicles which
exceed 7 feet in height and/or exceed 18 feet in length may be parked in the driveway
on a Lot for the purpose of loading or unloading, but in no event shall such recreational
vehicle, motor home or similar vehicle be parked in the driveway for more than twenty-
four (24) consecutive hours or for more than seventy-two (72) hours within any seven
(7) day period. All Motor Vehicles kept on or about a Property shall be currently
licensed and shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times, temporary
mechanical difficulties and breakdowns excepted. The Board shall have the right and
power to adopt rules and regulations governing the parking of Motor Vehicles on Lots
and the Common Area and implementing the provisions of this paragraph. In the event
of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this paragraph and the rules
and regulations adopted by the Board, the provisions of this paragraph shall control. No
Motor Vehicle shall be constructed, reconstructed or repaired on the Common Area,
and no inoperable vehicle may be stored or parked on the Common Area. No Motor
Vehicle shall be constructed, reconstructed or repaired on a Lot other than in a garage
or Hangar, and no inoperable Motor Vehicle shall be stored or parked on a Lot other
than in a garage or Hangar. The Board shall have the right to have any Motor Vehicle
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which is parked, kept, maintained, constructed, reconstructed or repaired in violation of
this Declaration or Association rules and regulations towed away at the sole cost and
expense of the owner of the Motor Vehicle. Any expense incurred by the Association in
connection with the towing of any Motor Vehicle shall be paid to the Association upon
demand by the owner of the Motor Vehicle. If the Motor Vehicle is owned by an Owner,
any amounts payable to the Association shall be secured by the Assessment Lien, and
the Association may enforce collection of suit amounts in the same manner provided for
in this Declaration for the collection of Assessment.
15. Signs. No billboards or advertising signs of any kind or character shall be
erected, placed, permitted or maintained on any Lot except as herein expressly
permitted. A name and address sign used solely for the purpose of identification of the
dwelling house occupants may be placed on the property by its occupants provided the
sign is no more than two feet square maximum and the design of the sign is approved
by the Review Committee prior to installation. The provisions of the paragraph may be
waived by the Review Committee only when in its discretion the same is necessary to
promote the sale of the property in the area of promotion of the Property. The Review
Committee may erect, place and maintain such sign structure or structures as it deems
necessary for the operation or identification of the subdivision.
16. Nuisance. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on
upon any Lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an
annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. Such restrictions shall include, but not be
limited to using the Lot as a dumping ground for rubbish, garbage, trash, or other waste
materials, the placing thereon of unsightly piles of dirt, lumber or other material except
during construction, and then only during the course of construction. Such restrictions
shall also include allowing noxious weeds to occur on the Lot either during or after the
period of construction of the home.
17. Dirt Removal. No topsoil or excavation material may be removed from the
Development property. When, as a result of basement excavation or Lot grading, there
exists an excess of soil or fill material, permission to remove that material must be
obtained from the Review Committee, or its engineer. Otherwise, the Review
Committee will direct as to where the excess material, or soil, if any, is to be deposited.
18. Appearance During Construction. All Lots are to be kept clean during
construction. All garbage is to be stored out of sight. No garbage/trash burning will be
19. Propane Tanks. No combustible liquid or gas tanks, exposed to view from
the public street, shall be allowed on the Lots.
20. Temporary Residence. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or
other outbuilding erected on a Lot, shall be used as a residence, at any time, nor shall
any residence of a temporary character be permitted with the exception of motor homes
and travel trailers, subject to the terms of paragraph 14.
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v .~:t
21. Easements. The easements for the installation and maintenance of u I it~ '
and drainage facilities are shown on the registered plat of the development. Within the
area of the easements no structures, plantings, fencing or other materials shall be
placed, erected, or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the
installation and maintenance of utilities or which may change or alter the direction of
flow of drainage channels or swales in the easements or which obstruct or retard the
flow of water through drainage channels or swales in the easements. The easement
areas of each Lot and all improvements on it shall be maintained continuously by the
Owner except for the improvements for which the public authority or utility company is
responsible. All claims for damages, if any, arising out of the construction, maintenance
and repair of the utility or drainage facility or on account of temporary or other
inconvenience caused thereby against the Developer, the utility or the public authority
or any of its agents or servants are waived by the Owners.
22. Power and Telephone Lines. No lines, wires, or other devices for the
communication or transmission of electric current or power, including telephone,
television, and radio signals, shall be erected, placed or maintained anywhere in or
upon any Lot unless the same shall be contained in conduits or cables installed and
maintained underground or concealed in, under or on buildings or other structures
approved by the Review Committee. No provision of this Declaration shall be deemed
to forbid the erection of temporary power or telephone structures incident to the
construction of buildings or structures approved by the Review Committee.
23. Minim:!. No Lot shall be used in any manner to explore for or to remove
any water, oil or other hydrocarbons, minerals of any kind, gravel, gas, earth or any
earth substance of any kind.
24. Basements. No basement shall be constructed for temporary residential
purposes and no basement structure shall be used for residential purposes unless and
until the entire primary structure has been erected.
25. Structural Chanqes. No house or structure shall be moved onto any Lot,
unless it is a new structure built to meet all current applicable building codes and
specifically approved in writing by the Review Committee. Further, no structure, once
erected, shall at any time be altered or changed so as to permit its use to be in violation
of these restrictions and conditions.
26. Mortqaqes. The breach of any of the foregoing covenants, conditions,
reservations or restrictions shall not defeat or render invalid any lien, mortgage or deed
of trust made in good faith for value as to any Lot or Lots or portion of Lots in the
Development; but this Declaration shall be binding upon, and effective against any
mortgagee, trustee or Owner, whose title or whose grantor's title is or was acquired by
foreclosure, trustee sale or otherwise.
27. Overhead Encroachments. No tree, shrub, or planting of any kind on any
Lot shall be allowed to overhang or otherwise to encroach upon any sidewalk, street,
Taxiway, pedestrian way or other area from ground level to a height of eight (8) feet
without the prior written approval of the Review Committee.
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092643928. Machinery and Eauipment. No machinery or equipment of any kind shall
be placed, operated or maintained upon or adjacent to any Lot, except for: (i) such
machinery or equipment as is usual and customary in connection with residential use;
(ii) machinery or equipment necessary for the maintenance or construction (during the
period of construction) of a building, appurtenant structures, or other improvements; or
(iii) such machinery or equipment which Developer or the Association may require for
the operation and maintenance of the Airpark.
29. Further Subdivision, Property Restrictions, RezoninQ and Timeshares. No
Lot shall be further subdivided or separated into smaller lots or parcels by an Owner
other than the Developer, and no portion less than all of any such Lot shall be conveyed
or transferred by an Owner other than the Developer, without the prior written approval
of the Review Committee. No further covenants, conditions, restrictions or easements
shall be recorded by any Owner, Lessee, or other person other than the Developer
against any Lot without the provisions thereof having been first approved in writing by
the Review Committee. No application for rezoning, variances or use permits pertaining
to any Lot shall be filed with any governmental authority by any person other than the
Developer unless the application has been approved by the Review Committee and the
proposed use otherwise complies with this Declaration. No Lot shall be subjected to or
used for any timesharing, cooperative, weekly, monthly or any other type or revolving or
periodic occupancy by multiple owners, cooperators, licensees or timesharing
30. Variance. The Review Committee may, with the approval of the Board,
grant variances from the restrictions set forth in this Article IV if the Review Committee
determines in its discretion that (a) a restriction would create an unreasonable hardship
or burden on an Owner, or a change of circumstances since the recordation of this
Declaration has rendered such restriction obsolete and (b) the activity permitted under
the variance will not have any substantial adverse effect on the Owners of the Airpark
and is consistent with the high quality of life intended for residents of the Airpark.
31. GaraQes. HanQars and Driveways. No garage shall be converted to living
spaces or altered or used for purposes which would prevent the use of the garage for
the parking of the number of vehicles for which it was designed. The interior of all
garages shall be maintained in a neat, clean and not unsightly condition. Garage and
Hangar doors must be closed at all times except when Motor Vehicles or aircraft are
being moved in or out of the garage or Hangar.
32. Use of Taxiways by Aircraft. The Taxiways may only be used by aircraft
for the purpose of ingress and egress to the Taxiways and Runways of Alpine Airpark.
The use of the Taxiways for such purposes, however, shall be subject to the following
a. No aircraft in excess of 15,000 pounds gross weight shall use the
Taxiways without approval of the Board.
b. No aircraft may be parked or stored on a Taxiway.
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c. No aircraft may be repaired, maintained, painted, cleaned or washed on a
d. No fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid or solvent shall be drained or deposited on a
Taxiway or any landscape easement adjacent to a Taxiway and any fuel, oil,
hydraulic fluid or solvent spilled, drained or deposited on a Taxiway or any
landscape easement adjacent to a Taxiway shall be immediately removed.
33. Repair of Aircraft: Storaqe of Fuel. No Owner, Resident or other person
shall disassemble, overhaul or repair any aircraft or its power plant on any Lot except in
a Hangar. No aircraft fuel or oil may be stored in any unenclosed area of any Lot. Any
fuel must be stored in proper safety containers. The storage of any fuel, oil or
hazardous substance on a Lot must comply with all applicable federal, state and local
environmental laws and regulations. If any hazardous substance is deposited on the
Common Area, the Owner responsible therefore shall promptly take all action necessary
to remove the hazardous substance.
34. Parkinq of Aircraft. All aircraft parked on a Lot must be securely tied down
or parked within a Hangar. No aircraft which is not ahworthy with a current annual may
be parked on any Lot except within a Hangar. No aircraft, which in the sole discretion of
the Board is unsightly, shall be parked or stored on a Lot, except within a Hangar.
1 . Easement for Maintenance and Enforcement. The Association and its
directors, officers, agents, contractors and employees, the Review Committee and any
other persons authorized by the Board are hereby granted the right of access over and
through any Lots (excluding the interior of any Residential Unit), for: (a) the exercise
and discharge of their respective powers and responsibilities as defined in the
Association Documents; (b) making inspections in order to verify that all improvements
on the Lot have been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications for
such Improvements approved by the Review Committee and that all improvements are
being properly maintained as required; (c) correcting any condition originating in a Lot or
in the Common Area threatening another Lot or the Common Area; (d) correcting
drainage; (e) performing installations or maintenance of utilities, landscaping or other
improvements located on the Lots for which the Association is responsible for
maintenance; or (f) correcting any condition which violates the Declaration or other
Association Documents.
2. Easements for Encroachments. If any improvements on any Lot or portion
of the Common Area now or hereafter encroach on any other portion of the Property by
reason of: (a) the original construction thereof; (b) deviations within normal construction
tolerances in the maintenance of any improvement; or (c) the settling of shifting of any
land or improvement, an easement is hereby granted to the extent of any such
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encroachment not in violation of the Lincoln County ordinances up to a maximum of six
inches (6") for the period of time the encroachment exists. The Owner of the
encroaching improvement shall also have an easement for the limited purpose of
maintenance of the encroaching improvement. This easement does not relieve any
Owner or any other person from liability for such Owner's or other person's negligence
or willful misconduct.
1. Membership in Association. Every Owner of any Lot which is subject by
covenants of record to assessment by the Association shall be a mandatory member of
the Association. The foregoing is not intended to include persons or entities that hold
an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. All members of the
Alpine Airpark Association shall be governed and controlled by the Articles of
Incorporation and by the Bylaws thereof.
a. Use of Common Areas. There shall be appurtenant to each Membership
in the Association a non-exclusive right and easement to use the Common
Areas, including the Runway and Taxiways in common with all other Members
and all other persons entitled to use the Common Areas. Such right and
easement shall be subject to such limitations, restrictions, rules and regulations
as may from time to time be promulgated by the Board including, but not limited
to, the right of the Board to suspend the right of any Member to utilize the
Common Areas for any period during which the Association Assessments
(including any special assessments) attributable to such Member's Membership
remain unpaid or for any period during which any violation of the Association
Documents shall continue. No Member in the Association shall have any interest
in the property owned by the Association other than such rights attached to a
Member's Membership as provided herein. The Board shall have authority to sell,
transfer, convey, lease, convey easements or grant concessions consistent with
the overall character and use of the Airpark with respect to parts of the Common
Areas and to change the character, description and use thereof, subject to the
provisions of the Association Documents. Any funds received by the Association
from leases, concessions or other sources shall be held and used for the benefit
of the Association.
b. Use Restrictions. The Common Areas shall be used only for such
purposes as are permitted in this Declaration by the Members, their employees,
agents, servants, tenants, family members, licensees and invitees and for such
other purposes as are incidental to the permitted use of the Common Areas. The
use, maintenance and operation of the Common Areas shall not be obstructed,
damaged or interfered with by any Member.
i. No Member shall keep or maintain any thing or shall suffer any
condition to exist or cause any other condition on the Common
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Areas which impairs any easement or right of any other Member or
otherwise unreasonably impairs or interferes with the use and
enjoyment by other Members of the Common Areas.
No spotlights, flood lights or other lighting of any kind shall be
placed or utilized on the Common Areas, except (i) as initially
installed by Developer, or (ii) as has been specifically reviewed and
approved in writing by the Board.
Without limiting the foregoing, each Member shall use the Common
Areas at all times in a safe manner and shall refrain from any
activity which might interfere with the reasonable enjoyment by
other Members.
Each Member shall comply with all of the Association Documents
including, but not limited to the Alpine Airpark Operation and Safety
Regulations adopted by the Association. Failure to comply with the
Association Documents including, but not limited to the Alpine
Airpark Operation and Safety Regulations shall entitle the
Developer or the Association to suspend the Member's right to use
the Common Areas, as well as any other remedies available as
provided herein or by law.
2. Creation of a Lien and Personal Obligation and Assessments. The
Developer hereby covenants, and each Owner of any Lot by acceptance of a deed
thereof, whether or not so expressed in such deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to
pay the Association annual general assessments or charges, runway access
assessments, and special assessments for capital improvements. All assessments
shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against
which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment shall also be the
personal obligation of the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell
3. Method of Assessment. By vote of a majority of the members, the
Association shall fix their annual assessment upon the basis provided herein, provided,
however, that the annual assessment shall be sufficient to meet the obligations imposed
by this Declaration. The Association shall set the date(s) such assessments shall
become due. The Association may provide for collection of assessments annually or in
monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual installments, provided, however, that upon default of
the payment of anyone or more installments, the entire balance of said assessment
may be accelerated, at the option of the Association, to be declared due and payable in
4. General Assessment. The general assessment levied by the Association
shall be used exclusively to promote the improvement, maintenance and operation of
the Airpark. Each Lot, whether improved or unimproved, shall be assessed at a uniform
rate with the assessment commencing for the year 2007. The assessment for 2007
shall be $300.00 per Lot.
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5. Runway Access Assessment. The runway access assessment levied by
the Association shall be used exclusively to maintain and improve the Runway and
Taxiways within the Airpark. Each Hangar shall be assessed for annual runway access
commencing for the year 2007. The assessments for 2007 shall be $2500.00 per
Hangar. In addition to any other remedy contained herein, at law or in equity, the
Association, or the Developer, so long as the Developer owns any Lot, shall have the
right to restrict access to the Runway from any Lot or Hangar which has not paid the
runway access assessment.
6. Special Assessment for Capital Improvements. In addition to the annual
assessments and runway access assessments authorized above, the Association may
levy, in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable for that year and for not
more than the next four succeeding years for the purpose of defraying in whole or in
part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of capital
improvements located within the development including the runway, roads, paving of
roads, common areas, parks, entrance and the landscaped area or area of the
entrance, street lighting, banners, or other decorations to enhance the aesthetic value of
the subdivision, sidewalks, or any other improvement, including fixtures and personal
property related thereto, providing that any such assessment shall have the ascent of a
two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Owners who are voting in person or by proxy at a special
meeting duly called for that purpose. The aforementioned notwithstanding, as long as
the Developer owns any Lot, any special assessment must be approved in writing by
the Developer. Any special assessment shall be levied in equal amount for each Lot.
7. Surplus Funds. The Association shall not be obligated to spend in any
year all the Assessments and other sums received by it in such year, and may carry
forward as surplus any balances remaining. The Association shall not be obligated to
reduce the amount of any Assessment in the succeeding year if a surplus exists from a
prior year, and the Association may carry forward from year to year such surplus as the
Board in its discretion may determine to be desirable for the greater financial security of
the Association and the accomplishment of its purposes.
8. Transfer Fee. Each Person who purchases a Lot from a Person other
than the Developer shall pay to the Association immediately upon becoming the Owner
of the Lot a transfer fee in such amount as is established from time to time by the Board
to compensate the Association for the administrative cost resulting from the transfer of a
Lot. The initial transfer fee shall be one (1 %) percent of the Lot sale price.
9. Enforcement of Lien:
a. All delinquent assessments, together with interest thereon (at an interest
rate equal to that rate charged by Lincoln County for delinquent taxes), and costs
of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, shall be a charge on the land and
shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessment
is made. Each such assessment, together with interest thereon and costs of
collection thereof, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the
owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due.
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b. If the Association elects to claim a lien for non-payment of assessments, it
shall at any time within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of default make a
demand for payment to the defaulting Owner. Said demand shall state the date
and amount of delinquency. If such delinquency is not paid within ten (10) days
after delivery of such notice, the Association may elect to file a claim of lien
against the Lot of such delinquent Owner. Such claim of lien shall state:
i. The name of the delinquent Owner.
ii. The legal description of the Lot against which the claim of lien is
iii. The amount claimed to be due and owing.
iv. That the claim of lien is made by the Association pursuant to the
terms of this Declaration.
v. That the lien claimed against the Lot is in an amount equal to the
amount of the stated delinquency.
vi. Due demand has been made upon the defaulting or the delinquent
Owner pursuant to this Declaration and that said amount was not
paid within the ten (10) days after such demand.
Upon recordation of a duly executed and acknowledged original of such
claim of lien by the Recorder of Lincoln County, the lien claimed therein shall
immediately attach to the real Property and become effective subject to the
limitations hereinafter set forth. Each default shall constitute a separate basis for
a claim of lien or a lien but a number of defaults may be included within a single
claim of lien. Any such lien may be foreclosed by appropriate action in court or in
the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of real estate mortgages pursuant
to the statutes of the State of Wyoming.
The lien of the assessments provided for above shall be subordinate to
the lien of any first mortgage, first purchase money security deed, or security
deed representing a first lien on said property. Sale or transfer of any Lot
pursuant to foreclosure shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to
payments which become due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or transfer
shall release such Lots from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming
due or from the lien thereof.
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1. Areas of Association Responsibility. The Association, or its duly
delegated representative, shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of
the Runway, Taxiways, and Common Areas of Alpine Airpark, and all improvements
located thereon, except for any part thereof which any governmental entity is
maintaining or is obligated to maintain. The Board shall be the sole judge as to the
appropriate maintenance of all Common Areas. No Owner, resident or other person
shall obstruct or interfere with the Association in performance of the Association's
management or maintenance of the Common Areas, and the improvements located
thereon. With regard to area of Association responsibility:
a. Snow Removal. The Association will use its best efforts to kee~ the
Runway and Taxiways free and cléar of snow and ice between October 15t and
May 1 st of each winter season. However, Alpine Airpark is hereby designated as
limited use during those periods and no representation is made by the Developer
that the Airpark will be operational during such times.
b. Improvements. No Owner, resident or other person shall construct or
install any improvements on the Common Areas or alter, modify or remove any
improvements situated on the common areas without the approval of the Board.
2. Areas of Owner Responsibility. Each Owner of a Lot shall be responsible
for the maintenance of his Lot, and all buildings, Residential Units, landscaping or other
improvements situated thereon. All buildings, Residential Units, landscaping and other
improvements shall at all times be kept in good condition and repair. AI grass, hedges,
shrubs, vines, trees and plants of any type on a Lot shall be irrigated, mowed, trimmed
and cut at regular intervals so as to be maintained in a neat and attractive manner.
Trees, shrubs, vines, plants and grass which die shall be promptly removed and
replaced with living foliage of like kind, unless different foliage is approved in writing by
the Review Committee. No yard equipment, wood piles or storage areas may be
maintained so as to be visible from neighboring property or streets. All Lots upon which
no Residential Units, buildings or other structures, landscaping or improvements have
been constructed shall be maintained in a weed free and attractive manner.
3. Assessment of Certain Costs of Maintenance and Repair. In the event
that the need for maintenance of any Common Areas is caused through the willful or
negligent act of any Owner, his family, tenants, guests, or invitees, the cost of such
maintenance shall be paid by such Owner to the Association upon demand and
payment of such amounts shall be secured by the Assessment Lien.
4. Improper Maintenance and Use of Lots. In the event any portion of any
Lot is so maintained as to present a public or private nuisance, or as to substantially
detract from the appearance or quality of the surrounding Lots or other areas of the
Property which are substantially affected thereby or related thereto, or in the event any
portion of a Lot is being used in a manner which violates this Declaration, or in the event
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the Owner of any Lot is failing to perform any of its obligations under the Association
Documents, the Board may make a finding to such effect, specifying the particular
condition or conditions which exist, and pursuant thereto give notice thereof to the
offending Owner that unless corrective action is taken within fourteen (14) days, the
Board may cause such action to be taken at said Owner's cost. If at the expiration of
said fourteen (14) day period of time the requisite corrective action has not been taken,
the Board shall be authorized and empowered to cause such action to be taken and the
cost thereof shall be paid by such Owner to the Association upon demand and payment
of such amounts shall be secured by the Assessment Lien.
1. Enforcement. If any party shall violate or attempt to violate any of the
covenants or restrictions contained in this Declaration, it shall be lawful for any Owner to
prosecute proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or
attempting to violate any such covenants or restrictions and either prevent him or them
from so doing or to recover damage for such violation.
2. RiQht to Enforce. Failure to enforce any of the covenants, conditions,
restrictions, easements, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed pursuant to the
covenants or restrictions should not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter,
nor shall it be construed as an act of acquiescence or approval on the part of the
3. Duration. The covenants, restrictions and conditions of this Declaration
shall run with and bind the Property and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable
by the Owner of any Lot subject to this Declaration, their respective legal
representatives, heirs, devisees, successors and assigns for a term of thirty (30) years
from the date this Declaration is recorded. After which time said covenants and
restrictions shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years
unless an instrument signed by a majority of the then Owners has been recorded,
agreeing to modify said covenants and restrictions in whole or in part.
4. Severability. The invalidation of anyone of these covenants or restrictions
by Judgment or Court Order shall in no way affect any other provisions which shall
remain in full force and affect.
5. Amendments. This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
may be amended by Developer until it divests itself of the responsibility for architectural
control. It shall be conclusively presumed that the Developer has not divested itself of
responsibility for architectural control unless there is a sworn affidavit of record so
stating. After that time, this Declaration may be amended by an instrument signed by
the Owners of not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of the Lots. Any instrument
amending, modifying or canceling this Declaration must be properly filed and recorded
before it shall be effective.
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6. Limitation on Developer's Liability. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary in any of the Association Documents or otherwise, each Member
acknowledges and agrees that neither the Developer nor any officer, director, member,
partner or shareholder of Developer or the Developer's successors or assignees (or any
officer, director, member, partner or shareholder in any such successor or assignee)
shall have any personal liability to the Association, to any Member or any other person
arising under, in connection with or resulting from (including without limitation resulting
from action or failure to act with respect to) this Declaration or any of the Association
Documents or otherwise, except to the extent of the Developer (or its successors or
assignees) interest in the Property; and, in the event of a judgment no execution or
other action shall be sought or brought thereon against any other assets, nor be a lien
upon such other assets, of the Developer nor any officer, director, member, partner or
shareholder of the Developer or the Developer's successors or assigns (or any officer,
director, member, partner or shareholder ih any such successor or assignee).
IN WITNESS of its terms and conditions, the undersigned, being the Developer,
have caused this Declaration to be executed the day and year first above written.
WJW Holdings WY, LL ,Developer, Owner
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me January;¡Q 2007 by
William J. Wiemann, the President of WJW Holdings WY, LLC, a Wyoming limited
liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company.
,... blçtfJ'Y Public
S~~rth Dakota
My Commission Expires Oct. 16, 2010
Notary Public
F:IFllesIJRBFllESIJRB-1299 Alpine Alrperk AssocICOVENANTS-v4.doc
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me January~ 2007 by
William J. Wiemann, the General Partner of WJW Holdings, LLLP, a North Dakota
limited liability limited partnership, on behalf of the limited liability limited partnership.
Notary Public
. . -~8'E~'·~··~' "......._..,.",.,-",...."."."...
._,,-- , :.
! JAM ~s R. LLlS \,1
Notary Public f
State of North Dakota . , '. :
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