HomeMy WebLinkAbout926440 (¡I File No.: 61001 RECEIVED 1/31/2007 at 11 :20 AM RECEIVING # 926440 BOOK: 647 PAGE: 652 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Address: JAMES A. & LINDA L. SANDNER, TRUSTEES P.O. Box 3274 Alpine, WY 83128 WARRANTY DEED (Individual Form) HARVEY F. FINKELSON and BARBARA E.FINKELSON, as Trustees of the FINKELSON FAMILY TRUST ESTABLISHED u/tla dated September 25, 1998, as amended hereafter, and their successors in trust, GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, CONVEY(S) AND W ARRANT(S) to 3& ¡f JAMES A. SANDNER and LINDA L. SANDNER, TRUSTEES for the uses and purposes set forth in the JAMES A. SANDNER and LINDA L. SANDNER REVOCABLE TRUST, dated May 11, 1994, ~,~v 1/ GRANTEE(S), whose address is P.O. Box 3274, Alpine, WY 83128 for the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. ~~, /. HARVEY F. Fl . KE SON, TRUSTEE WITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) this 30th day of January, 2007. . 1 - l- «' \ - 'I ¿t'k I ..... I ~~{~. ~ BARBARA E. FINKELSON, TRUSTEE I STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF TETON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 30th day of January, 2007, by Harvey F. Finkelson, Trustee and Barbara E. Finkelson, Trustee the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. /1 PENNY DYKES - NOTARY PUBLIC C UNTYOF (I) TETON STATE OF M WYOMING Y COMMISSION EXPIRES 7/5/2010 Notary Pu ic: My commission expires Î~5-;;'O/o File Number: 61001 Land Title Company Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page 1 of2 I. . I 0326440 . ., LJ:GAL n,gC~ON Tbat part at th. SW"SII( C.t S.atian 32. T~6N, Rl:J.9W, L,it¡c::gln I CØUht~, wyo,n£ny, betnw ~ut at thaI: tt'l.Ot af 1'8ØOrd Ln the oft ice ot the. Clerk af L!naoln Çøuhty in Book 278 Df Þhatomtltia R'D~rd. on page ~B2, desctlbe4 a. fallows, . BI~IHNIN~ at a point 'on the westerly ii~,t-at-war 11n8 of U.6. lJighw.ay 89, NHo.1:I1_4BIIW, 1!'71.35 t.et 'f7:all\ the IJo\Jtheast carnal' of tho 11\ at said Seotion 2Z( found b8 described 1n tha CQ7:n.r Regard filed in 'ald ott1ael . . , thel1ae N3So-..1.:,,-:U;"w, 588.04 feet, ..Ion; said W.sterly . rri9ht"of-way line, to . 6" K 61/ ~r;Dnte þcst with brass caþ inscribed, 11 STl\~B .IXOH"" 'I DIP'!'. n ; 0 . " . M^nl(~R'" , . . thencs gantinu1n¡ N2,o"U'''31I1W, 16.70 feet alonq Idd westedy right-af-way line to the thread af Dry ~r..~1 000653 ~'eI108 cour.!n, alon~ Ba1d thread ae fellow. 1 B31°-01'''48"W, 43.3' filet, S54'~2Gf-06øW, 85.71 foeti S41'-371-48UW" 114,t3 flet; N80'-ZOI"Z4"W, 10.63 feøtl . 814 '-18' "3I"W, no. 69 fElut, .N79°-2~t-DSlIIW, ,1,04.51 teet¡ 8880"09 '-'oUI/W, 120.47 feet; , N65'-1GI-ZU"W, ~O.Ø9 felt, 8S7' -411,,4 7"1f, 193. :uS r~8t, to an ihteJ:8lcUon with the west line ot uid 'tract of record J.11 BQok 278; . I ,.,...... . weet Une, tbence 602'''181-18''11, 'ZZ3.n fe,1: , along 8ald to tI. point; t:henoQ soa '-42'-34111, 10&.30 feet, along Bdd w."t 1 ,be , ,t.o B po!n!:; thence 609'''031-08.118, 1073.D2 fast, to tha IOJ:B~ Dr DBtatBH:rIlGI ¡NCOMPASSING an I~Qa of Ð.Ø, aar.., rno~. Q~ 1.,., . .. the ÐASI BBAR,XNG fot' thi. eut-"'ey. 1s ,It tie f~om t:hø .ou~h.ut; co~ner of Sectian 22 to a Morley (RLS 595) BurV8Y markar.tound in thø top of .. ~i9ht-Of.'"'Way fenae poet, Þethg' N87'''551'''UIIWI alll~h IIpo1nt" .aJ:'kad by I 5/B" x 24" -tea:!. r..f.ntorcinø. I:ad Wit.h ß 2" alula1nuIJI C41þ insa:dbed, "SURYSYOR. SetIBRÞlt, L'l'D bIG P:J:t.'~'l NV PLS ~JC¡D" I tltth appròÞJ:'iats details . . . . anuary 1'98 8Y Jul, ~995, r.v Bed .8 NaY.mba~ 1'" '¡nkr,..d.. ' ..-... I,· . LESS AWD EXCEPTING THE FOLLoWING DESCRIBEn PARCEL: ~.J. -,;IIU- VII I J'.. ,;!.1 r .l'\Ul'J-~älJU LLL.Lt: - l-I.L!Jlne O~264{\O . -1.M4__ PØ /01, 8c/Ion4 ~.....1IOa Nø. I" UIooII /llØlUIIIon "" I'~ 1dIlIo.......... No. _ -~ra_ 8nltA.I_ .ftt~N.._ -lIOIbhllonNo. _ UIIiI~No.I7I'1f UAIII.CW~ A.IGHEABEL W\1I. ~No.UIi' S_....." IoTÐ. ~ w..m, IIØ''''~~ ..........w,.1Ifnø I.oVlIlol8J11681, 1_ ~1dIIIo '<'II {-O:J'1-Ol1:50 1-'1:5'1 ~~~,~~ U-~~O ·~~3'Qm·ItON IOK RAltVEY F. FJNDLsON .AND lMRBARA E. FlNKELBON ADJUSTED FINKELSON TRACT 000G54. To-wit: w w That part of the WYtSB~ of Section 22, T36N It! 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record m the Offico of the Cle:k of Lincoln County in Book 278 of Photostatic Records on pago S82, deecrib( (f as follows: BEG1NNlNG at a point on thtl westsr]yright-of·way line of U.S. HÏ£h'Way 89, N140-13'- 48"W, 1 571.35 tè~, ftom the southeast comer of said Sootion 22; thenoð N25C1.13'.31"W, 58S.04feet, along saidright-of.way line, to a marker; thtnce continuing N2S"wI3 '-3 I"W, 76.70 feet, along said right-of-way line, to the thread of Dry Creak; thence COut8ÏOg said thread as follows: S31C1-09'-4S"W, 43.26 foot, to a position; SS4°-26'-06"W, 85,77 feet, to a position; 841°-21'4$"W, 114.13 feet, to a position; N80°.20'.24"W, 18.76 feet. to a position at the intcrseotiQIt of said thread with an existing f\moe line, and l~ave said thread; . thence S23°.27'-5S"B, 465.93 foot, along said fence line 8Ud a southerly prolongation thereo' to a point On the north line of that tract of record in said Oftice in Book 577 'of Photo statio Reoords on page 421; thence S89°-03'.08''B, 283.98 feet. along said north line, to the POINT OF llEGINN.ING; BNCOMPASSlNG au area. of3.2 acres, more or less; the BASn BEAlUNG fOr this survey is a tie from tho 80utheast COInoI' of Seotion 22, T36N Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming. to a Morley (RLS 595) survey marke).' found in the top of a right-of-way fanee pOST, btrlng N81°-5S' .26"W; . It is the intent of this description that the oalled-for mon'UInents, and not the existing fence lines, oontrol tho location of the propcrty lines; tho actual thread of Dry Creek is the boundary; the be,arings and dÎstanCØ8 called for along' said thread are approximations only for tho pUIpose of caJouJating the approximate acreage; eaoh "comer" found as ~oribed in tho Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk ofL~oln County¡ eacb "poìnt" m.arlœd by a 518" x 24" steel reint'orcJng rod with a 2'" aluminum oap inscribed. "SURVEYOR SCIŒRBEL 111> ,AFTQN WY PLS 5368" or ~ISUiWBYO~ SCHElU3m. LTD BIG PINEY WY PLS 3889", with appropriate, details; each ''marker'' marked by a 6" x 6" concrete post with þrass cap inscribed: "STATE IDGHW A. Y DEPT. R.O. W. MARKER.", with appropriate detalJs; , "Modifloatlon In any way of !he foregoing d~8Ct'Íptlon term/oates liability øf the surveYor"