HomeMy WebLinkAbout926468 (J ~S3 ROADWAY ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT TODD MOORES, GRANTOR, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, inhand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to WESTRIDGE HOLDINGS, LLC, A MICHIGAN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, its successors and assigns, GRANTEES, whose address is P.O. Box 278, DOff, MI 49323, a perpetual non-exclusive sixty foot wide roadway access and utility easement to be used for ingress, egress and utility purposes over, under and across the following described property, namely: See attached Exhibit A for description prepared by Crank Companies, Incorporated entitled Legal Description-Access Road. Together with the right to construct, maintain, improve and repair the said roadway and utilities. Said easement shall be appurtenant to Lot 2 of Westridge Holdings Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as shown on plat in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Kemmerer, Wyoming on December 8, 2006 as Instrument No. 925169. 8h r WITNESS our hands this / -- day of _JK-,i~~^7 ' 2007. -J~~.~~ Todd Moores RECEIVED 2/1/2007 at 1:19 PM RECEIVING # 926468 BOOK: 647 PAGE: 763 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 2-1 \5 "CJ c- STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) fo egoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Todd Moores this ,2007. ¡JÊ- _ day of .cf.t;' Witness my hand and official seal. ¡~oft1-l My Commission Expires: OðD?Fto SHEuEt 8NÐNJ. . NOTARY PIÆIUC '='e~ '"': -v ,~C;)~ OSZ6468 Crank Companies, Incorporated Consulting'Engineering & Land Surveying Division 41 us 30/189, Diamondville, Wyoming 83U6 · Fax (301) 871-6351 P.O. Box 365, Di,1mondvi/le, Wyoming 83116 · Phone (301) 817-9093 LCfal Description-Access Road .' Todd Moores to Lot 2 Westridge Holdings Subdivision An easement for ingress and egress through that portion of the NW1I4SW1I4 of Section 20 of the resurvey ofT.22 N., R.IIS W., oftheC 61h P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming as conveyed by warranty deed from Hams Fork Investment Group, LtC to Todd Moores as recorded in book 628 on page 41 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's offiee. The boundary lines of said easement extending to or truncating at the north right of way boundary ofU. S. Highway 189 and the west boundary line of Lot 2 of the Wcslridgc Holdings Subdivision. Said easement being 30.00 feet wide, IS.00 feet each side the following described centerline. Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 20 of the resurvey ofT.22 N., R.IIS W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County where is found a stone monument; thence Soo12'42"E, 2633.62 fcet to the west !4 comer of said Section 20 where is found a stone monwnent; thence S29°17'00"E, 934.80 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said point being a point on a eurve of the north right of way boundary-of U.S. Highway-I-89; ------ - .c____Ch_. -- ----- Thence N61 °57'55"E, 24.83 feet; Thence N70003'l5''E, 161.72 feet; Thence N58°59'OS"E, I J 0.77 feet; Thence N47°53'41"E, 169.05 feet; Thence N42°25'28"E, 222.92 fcct; Thence N43°1T06"E, 89.06 feet to the point of terminus. Said point being á point on the west boundary line of Lot 2 of the Westridge Holdings Subdivision and bearing S35°32'31 "W, 428.90 feet from the C·W 1-16 comer ofsaìd Section 20 where is found a 3" diameter aluminum eap on 2 W' diameter aluminum pipe stamped "Crank Companies, Inc., PELS 5465, 2006" with other appropriate markings. Said easement being 778.3 feet in length along its centerline more ofless. Y:\4161 WESTR/DOE HOI,DINGS SUB\CORR..F..')POND~NCl:ìLcg¡¡1 Desc: 10 Ult 2.1.100 121612006 Z00'd dvE:S0 L0/8t/t0 990Zt899t9 ~UI s~ept !ns !~steJ!~