HomeMy WebLinkAbout926525 0000:18 AFFIDA VIT TERMINATING TENANCY BY THE ENTIRETIES STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) Rosemary E. Ivins, first duly sworn, upon her oath, deposes and says: 1. I am the widow of Anthony H. Ivins and have knowledge of and am competent to testify concerning the facts as stated below. 2. That I am of adult age, a resident of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming, and the Affiant herein. 3. By Warranty Deed recorded March 30, 1977, in Book 135PR on Page 10, Instrument Number 491238, in the office of the Ex-Officio Register of Deeds for Lincoln County;Wyoming, ANTHONY H. IVINS, as Grantor, conveyed unto ANTHONY H. IVINS and ROSEMARY E. IVINS, as husband and wife as tenants by the entireties with rights of survivorship, the following described property situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to-wit: Lot Eighty-eight (88) in Star Valley Ranch Plat Three (3) as platted and recorded in the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Subject to Declaration of Covenants, conditions and Restrictions of Records. 4. Said ANTHONY H. IVINS died on January 6, 1993, in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, and the official certificate of his death is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 5. By reason of the death of said ANTHONY H. IVINS, his interest and title in said warranty deed has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested in ROSEMARY E. IVINS, wife of ANTHONY H. IVINS. AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING TENANCY BY ENTIRETIES PAGE 1 OF 2 RECEIVED 2/5/2007 at 11 :29 AM RECEIVING # 926525 BOOK: 648 PAGE: 18 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY DATED this 12th day of January 2007. O~i;~6S2~) ~"r" r E_ j v ,; $ ROSEMARYE. IVINS STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) 0000:19 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Rosemary E. Ivins this January 12,2007. Witness m hand and official seal. d ~ JACKD.ED~~S-NOTARYPUBLlC ' J¿~) ~ COUNTY OF : STATE OF - -- LINCOLN WYOMING otary Public MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 18.2010 My commission expires: dt.- 18, 2iJ{O AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING TENANCY BY ENTIRETIES PAGE 2 OF2 O<"\·~L~ ~r'r- ".7 A... 'U.;:) '" ,.) 1; ~ TYÆ OR PFIHT IN PERMANENT BU'CK INK FOR INSTRUCTIONS SEE HANDBOOK .. . . .. a.~~ \''' ~~~ VR2..a9 "',\U J!,;M 000020 LOCAL FilE NUMBER I.DECEDENT·NAME "FIRST STATE OF WYOMING ;)EPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIF:ICATE OF DEATH STATE FilE NUf..aER 3. DATE OF DEA.TH (Mo., Day, VI., "'!IDlE lAST Anthony January 6, 1993 e. DATE OF BIRTH {Mo., Day, VI.) ... SOCiAL SF.CURITV NUMBER March 5, 1 91 9 7.. PlACE OF DEATH (Checll. only one} ~: QMll o 1~11en1 0 EA/Qulpatten' ODOA 7b. FACIliTY NAME (II nof InS(ltullon. "lie .net IfJd ntmber o Nuralng Home ~tIdence 0 Olher (SpeCI'y) 1c. CITY. TOWN. OR LOCATION OF DEATH Td. COUNTY OF DEATH Lincoln 123 Cottonwood Lane Southeast of Etna 8. STATE OF EURTH {It not ... U.S.A., name counuyJ 9. MARRIED, NEVER MARRIED, WIDOWED, DIVORCED (SpecJty) Married to. SURVMNG SPOUSE (I' wile, give ngldttn mime) Utah Ellen Rosemary Roper 11. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? f Speclly yes Of no) 12.. USUAL OCCUPATION (Giwt kbl ot worlI' done titling mos' 01 waf"'" NI., wen U reIJf8d Professor 12b. KIND OF BUSINESS OR tNDUSTRY Yes Education 13.. RESIDENCE - STATE 13b. COUNTY 13c. CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION Wyoming 130. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? (&peelly t'U 01 no) Lincoln Southeast of Etna Cottonwood Lane 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN? (SpeclfV no Of va. - " ve., apecll1 Cub.n, .....ècan. Puerlo RIc.n. Elc. 15. RACE -American Indian. Bleck,WI1lIe.Etc. rSpecJfyl '6. DECEDENT'S EDUCATJON ISped" onfy ""'''''''- .........1 Elementary/Secondary 10-12 College (1-40l5T1 12 6 17 FATHER'S NAME No N. d{ y"O 1"..If,) Firat Middle Lasl Mald8n Surname White 18. MOTHER'S NAME Fil'lt ........ H. Ivins Hamblin Grant Bertha 19.. INFORMANT-NAME (Twe 01 #'rIA" t Db. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT Rosemary Ivins IBe. MAIUNQ ADDRESS STREET OR R.F.D. NUMBER Spouse CITY OR TOWN STATE liP CODE Box WY STATE Idaho /-/.5- ~:5 6:45 AM 23d. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Mo.. ChlV, Yr.' 23tt. PRONOUNCED DEAD (How) January 6, 1993 7./:5" 24. NAME AND ADORE5S OF CERTIFIER (PHYSICIAN OR CORONERI(T)oJ)e 01. Print) Perkes, MD: 25.. REGISTRAR 110 Hospital Lane: Afton, WY 83110 ~ 26b. DATE RECEIVEO BY REGISTRAR (Mo., o.y, Yr.) /-/"1- ~ s . PAAT I. Enler the d........ I' I, compllcatlone Ihal cau.od dealh. Do nol enler the mode 01 dying. euch .. caldlac 28. or I.....'"y ar"lIIl. ahock, or heert Iallure. U.I only one caUle on.ach line. IMMeDIAlI CAUSE (Flnm die.... or condlllon rellUlllng In de.lhl .. Approltlmale Ilnt.,val hlween lanaal .nd o.'lh. I iJf}1 Me( I i F fflMd. ' I !~ V11ð I b. aUE TO(!])ta~aS~ (J .:tx ~ \on Ccr-./ d-A ~I ðc..C!.lu 7 ( R"r4 DUE TO tOR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): ~ :JC lQV3 '7 ('!; DUE TO fOA AS A CONSEQUENCE OFI: Sequentially 11&1 condlllons, II .ny.leadlng 10 Immediate an.... Enter UNDERLYING CAUSE IDI..... Of Iniurv "'-I Initialed .venl. tiNting In ..lhl LAST d. PART N. OTHER SIGNifiCANT CONDITIONS-tandillon. comllbutlnQ 10 death but nol relallo to causil gillen In PART I. Yes 28. MANNER Of DEATH 301'1_ DATE OF INJURY (Month, o.y, Yo",) 30b. TIME OF INJURY 30e. INJURY AT WORK? (Specify res Of no) lwei D~ndlng Irweallgallon ...Idonl M 30e. PlACE OF INJURV-AI home. I.,m, II...." 'actory. oIllee t..dletlng. etc. (Specify) 301. lOCATION (Streel and Number or Aufel Roule Number. Clly or Town. Slale) 9ulc1de - o Could not be DeternVned THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this reproduction is a true copy of a record on fi 1 e in Wyomi ng Vi ta 1 Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. This copy is not valid sea 1 and the signature Registrar is in red. unless of it the bears a Deputy raised State Date Issued January 19, 1993