HomeMy WebLinkAbout926559 000151 STATE OF WYOMING AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP ) RECEIVED 2/6/2007 at 10:16 AM RECEIVING # 926559 BOOK: 648 PAGE: 151 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) AMANDA F. BURGOYNE of ADA county IDAHO state, being first duly sworn on her oath, disposes and says: That she is the only surviving child of JAMES M. CRAWFORD who died 9-1-06, in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. That at the time of death JAMES M CRA WFORD, he owned certain real property by virtue of certain Warranty Deed; said lands being more particularly described as follows Parcell Lots 29 and 30 of block 28 of the first addition to the town of La Barge, formerly Tulsa, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. Parcel 2 Lots 27 and 28 of block 280fthe First edition of the town of La Barge, formerly Tulsa, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. Lot 27 is also described as follows: A Parcel of land being part of Lot 1 of block 5 of the Alleman second Edition to the Town of La Barge, Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence S 89 58' 4 7" E distance of 100 feet to the Southeast comer of said Lot 1; thence NO 09'58" E, along the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 1, a distance of 21.04 feet to a point, said point originally being the northeast comer oflot 27 of block 28 of the first edition of The Town of La Barge; thence N 89 50' 11" W, along a line originally being northerly boundary line of said Lot 27 of Block 28 of the first edition of the Town of La Barge, a distance of 100.00 feet to on the westerly boundary line of said Lot 1 of Block 5 of the Alleman Second Edition, said point origina~ly being the northwest comer of said Lot 27 of Block 28 of the first addition to the Town of La Barge; thence S 0 09'58" W, along the westerly boundary line of said Lot 1 of Block 5, a distance of 21.20 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lot 28 of Block 28 ofthe First Edition of The Town of La Barge, formerly Tulsa, Lincoln Coun , Wyoming, and running thence North approx 8.96 feet to the Southeast comer of Lot 1 fBlock 5 to Southeast of Lot 1 of Block 5 of the Alleman Second Edition to the To of La Barge and running thence 1 0926559 000152 West along the southerly boundary line of said Lot 1 of Block 5 to Southwest comer of said Lot 1 of Block 5; thence East along the northerly boundary line of Lot 28 of Bloc~ 28 to the point of beginning. Being all that portion of Lot 27 of block 28 of the First Edition of the Town of La Barge lying between Lot 28 of Block 28 and Lot 1 of Block 5 ofthe Alleman Second Edition. This Warranty Deed being recorded in the office of Lincoln County Public Records on October 28, 1996, in Book 389 PR on page 140 of Lincoln County Public Records. ALSO 1964 Frontier Mobile Home VI# 20487957 That the deceased JAMES M. CRAWFORD is the grantor in the before mentioned property. JAMES M. CRAWFORD, deceased, was NOT married at the time of his death: That attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full are certified copies of the Certificate of Death of said JAMES M. CRAWFORD, deceased. DATED this 8J~daYO~HUã ~006. BCXJ]ð ~ """" -- SïI4Tts: of .IiJ¡.: H-O ') .<1N1 £~ , (OclA-i( ¿Jr nlJll') ---------- Subscribed and sworn to before me by AMANDA F. BURGOYNE, this 2..2,\-1,0 . Day of -Zj M(j/~f.:.1t ,.2OOt) 2co'/ WI1NESS my hand and official seal. ßúJdL My commission expires on :;2 -I'J.--~ ð/I ..."........,,'.. ,.... 104''~ .'" ~ '"7-^ .. fit" ........ v....... "... ... u- '" ~ c., .. J\1: ..? '" :..... 0......$ . ~.' :;. .~. :>: "'d .., .~= :~3~ c. ~ :tIS: __" ,A .,.. ._. -~... V' 0< 1'-. \ 0 ... -( I' ~ t'ot¡'" \~.. C' .. I ill'- -. . ##. ~<) ........ ""« "1 If 0 ,..,. I"".......",... 2 )STAT'E' OfFWÝÒM1NG" ,~'~rÁfTJ\1E~T OF~EÁLÎH. ...... HU00153·'···· ':::. ':". .' :', 7 / ::I;?EATH ÇERTJF,JC~ TÇH ~ ~, I ~ ~, ~ ~ I I \j. ~ ~ ~ ~ i I ~ I I ~ L It ., ¡¡¡ " ~. ,';' , \/ ,stat' FIÎe N;ürriber:2ÒÒ6~bo2729 .:....: Soc.jal·S~cuçjtYlNumber: ..:.' . HH WAge ~tt.~efu[i'!ìe 9tDeálh: 54 y~ars Decedent: Name: / James Mitchell Crawford H, Gender:... :,:. ·,Male,:·· ",,::: .:,,' ,i·····.:::'. '.:. Date.of Bi,rth: ·$eþ~ê'mb.erp1,t9~~ "-- \ ì Date andPlaçeQfDeath: H.. .H' HHH' g~eo~b~~r~~:i;. Ê:~;~~~r q~:.~3?qf:}··' '.:.:,'H·.'H .H...[.... H..... of D~ath:tinè:Qln , , . AdditionaJD,ce;dentJ~forlT!atio"!:'·t:,: Place of BIrth; \ HHarrlson, Arkan!!~as? Residence: H':. La Barge, Wyoming Marital Status: Divorced. .'. Name øf Fathßr:'::J~mes VVêsløý''ÇräWford\> ." . Maiden Name. of Mother: VVyndh~Kathiyn8rewer Infor.ma~t: Mary Kuykendall . i - n. H" .~ ~:t~g~i~ØB¡JÞo~;ii~n;:f; BJrìâ; , ", Place of Disposition: -",iola Cem~.~~.ry,.~~.Bar~~~\'V~~.f.'1¡nß! . -'" ":;': '.:::."",.. .-;:; ..¡;;:. ~- .":::";:;: ", ",,~ ..::. '.. ;.;. Cåuseof eåth:Ú'H) ...... ..:. .... . ". . \ '\ '::.. :;" .' The imme iatecause is listed on the firstJine. fol/Qwed'byafiyunderfying causes. ~) M t t r N S II C II'LCA." .'.' " ,".", ," .,'. ,-. '.. a eas Iç: pn rnaH e.: \.Ing ..... H"~"':H'H \ H""~"":':" H ther Sig ,:ifiè~n~f~Ondjtiöns:~ot R:~.qrd!d.:, ... ')::;:. :·j!r.) Mahner of Death: Natural Death ... '. ';., . .' . ...... .:('\:¡¡::..' Cé.rtifier:..·· .. .. Name: . Address: :-Y," . ; ; :;:;. //;~':){. ".' .... ) .:::;: ..:.:.,....' ',:,.:.,.-,.. .:........... ,- .;';':. -.....;..... '." . Michael Menolascino, M.D.;,;' ...... .··e·q;~ox ~,5~, J~c~:~og,V\':YQrNng.':::'H:[ .:.:.: .:.; .\ .... .:-;'" . .:.: ' .. '.. . ", ',. .. ~:., '"r ,. ,.:: .:.:. ':".: Sep,fember14,200S"":.I·;:"··· ¡ ':.,,' j .. "'''.:-,''''",;.;'' -"';.,:;,-'; " . .... "';:',".' , ,'.-":"', ~.: '.' .... " ¡ . " . '" 1 . 3:18 398·: . / This Is a true certlflcallon of the document on file In the office of Vital RacQr~s S",~lpes. ç!1eyenne"W¥Pmlng.:,::._.:.~ ~".·'·.'M"":" . . '. f..-',", ",' ".' ".' .. '" ",' ',,"'... ....." -," .... .... ÖATEISSOEÖ: ""SePtembe~~?/ 2QPS Brenfo. Sherari(M.D..t-,1.PJ-i: DirectÒr and State'Healt~ Öff1cer ·.This copy)~ n.ol .y~lid ~~les'.J?repnred ~_P8p~r ~j~þ.ftn;~ngra~~(J.:þordeJ;;;' \ \ .[. ". ::..../' I I I I II·. I I Interval: 2 years . ....