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Alvin L. and Alice L. Robinson Family Trust, dated April 10, 1997, Alvin L. Robinson
and Alice L. Robinson, Trustees , Grantors, of PO Box 677, Afton, WY 8311 0, for and in
consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid,
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to Douglas C. Bankhead
and Marilou B. Bankhead, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, Grantees, of 4756
Spring Meadow Circle, Bountiful, Utah, 84010, the following described certain real property, situate
" (
in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue
of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit.
The property as described on Exhibit "A" a copy of which is attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all other
things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and
restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands.
WITNESS our hands this a 0 day of January, 2007.
Alvin L. and Alice L. Robinson Family Trust, dated April 10, 1997.
BY:~) if~
Alvin L. Robinson, Trustee
Alice L. Robinson, Trustee
RECEIVED 21712007 at 4:11 PM
RECEIVING # 926659
BOOK: 648 PAGE: 293
The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by the Alvin L. and
Alice L. Robinson Family Trust, dated April 10, 1997, Alvin L. Robinson and Alice L.
Robinson, Trustees, this 30 day of January, 2007.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
County of State of
Uncoln Wyoming
My CommIssion Expires Sept. 15, 2007
~xm.b1t A
Description: Hesson Parcell
A portion of the property, as referred to in the Deed
recorded in Book 452PR, on Page 94, and in the Deed
recorded in Book 511PR, on. Page 339, with tbe Office of the
Clerk ot Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the NWl/4 of
Section 4 T31N, Rl19W, of the 6th P,.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly
described as follows~
Beginning at the-Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698 2001 location for
the Northeast Corner of the SW1/4NW1/4 of said Section 4;
thence S88°48'14"0, along the North line of said
SW1/4NW1/4, 44.55 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 24 as,
s~oWµ on the West Hills Subdivision plat recorded with
Instrument No. 749847 on Plat,_No, ~343, with said Office;
thence N6°26'31"E, along tbe, East l1-pe of said Lot 24,
152.09 feet to a Southeast' c,qrµ.er:.o~ Lot ,13 of said West
Hills SUQdivjs~on;
thence S82°25'04"E, along the South line of said Lot 13 and
continuing along the South line of Lot 21 of said West
Hills subdivision, ,987.73 feet to apo~pt in t~e ~oµtP line
of the NEl/4NW1/4 of said Secti.on 4¡
thence N88°48'14"E, along last· said South line; 368.86 fèet
to the Northwest Corner of the SW1/4NEl/4 of said Section
4 il
thence Sl033'04"W, along the, We~t line of said SWl/4NEl/4,
568.82 feet to theNortheas~C9rner: ~f the Borden property
as referred to in the Deed' r,~F·ò~~e,~'.:·i'~ Book 403PR, on Page
780, with said Office; ,
thence Westerly, Southerly, and Easterly along said Borden
property the following: N88°32'12"W 135.21 feet, S5014'56"E
599.07 feet, and S59°19'07"E 73.59 feet to a point in the
North line of the Mignano property as referred to in the
Deed recorded in Book 573, on Page 345, with said Office;
thence N87°33'23"W, along last said North line, 50.86 feet;
thence N79°52 r 34"W, 'continuing along last sa'id North line
266.49 feet;
thence S89°55'30"W 1,006.94. ~~e~,tp a point in the East
line of said SW1/4NW1/4;
thence N1°38'23"E, along sa~d ga~t 11ne, 1,124.46 feet to
the Point of B~ginnin~. containing 35.00± Acres.
TOGETHER WITH and: The 60 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement,
as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 301PR, on Page
3, with said Office to Crow Creek County Road No. 12-141.
TOGETHER WITH: The 60 feet wide Right~of-Way Easement, as
referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 573PR, on Page
345, with said Office to the Right-of-Way, as referred to
in the Deed recorded in Book 301PR, on Page 3, with said
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All, Easements, Exceptions,
Restrictions, Reservations, Rights-of-Way and Improvements
of sight and or record.
... .