HomeMy WebLinkAbout926694 File No.: 6010'16335 RECEIVED 2/8/2007 at 4:24 PM RECEIVING # 926694 BOOK: 648 PAGE: 390 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY 000390 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED NetBank FUDdin. Services a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of tile United States of America and having its principal place ofbusincss in , State of , the ORANTOR. and Michael B. Brown, Elizabetb A. Bfl'wa and Brenden M. Brown, Joint Tenants with Right of SUI""ivonhip, grantee(s). whose address is: P.O. Box 237 LaB ge WY 83123 WITNESSETH: that the grantor. f¡ r and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, the recei whereof is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents, grant. blU'gain, sell. CONVEY AND WARRANT onl as against all claiming by, through or under it unto the said Grantee all that certain tract, lot. piece and parcel of lønd situate in Lincoln County and State of WYODÜDg. and described as (ollows to wit: Lots 11, 11 and 13 ofBloek29 of the Fint AdditioD to the TOWD orLaBua~ formerly Tulla, LinÅ“lD ÜiJDDty, Wyoming.. described on the omclal plat thereof. SUBJECT, however, to all ICservations. restrictions. protective covenants, exceptions, easements ana rights-of- way of record. in sight, or in use. IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be signed by it duly authorized I,ðicer 1his ~o day of ~n vc...~ . 2007, NetBank Fundina Servbs ,. State of '50 ",,",- Co.fC>J, "0) )S9. County of íLt. ~~ \.a.",d ) Å On this ¿p day of ~ú-nua.~. 2007. before me personally appeared ~~þ \"\.'-1 ~ X to me personaJly , who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he Îs the Vice President of NetBank Funding Services and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said NetBank Funding Services by authority of its Board of Directo and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporaüon. I ~ My commission expires: \\ \ \\ \ \I J 11/ 1/ II11 ~,,\\\ ~RI HO (III/I, ~ :\~ .......... Vz;.;I~ ~')..~,.... ...., ~~.." ~~.. ....r..~ fCI:J/' ..'QTAFpl '\'0,% _.\,' r '_ == : : = _, _____ t- - . . - ~ \. ~PU8L\C.!Î § ~ '" ~ "Cj¡.' S ò'- tP. '. 'S '2. -".. ... % oi;;:·~P.!;,?··\·'~~i' ~I. "'1 ,H CA0\)\..'\ "", II11 ,{' ,\\' 11///1/ JIll \ \ \ \ \\\