HomeMy WebLinkAbout876198 R E C i!; I\/?_ [) i... I lq (.', ~.)!. ?.! ILl: 6 t. l?,I T'{ (., L E R k '~' ". .... ""~:,i,3J'"J [ ....... . 'ASSIGNMENT oF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that ~hhfi for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has sold, ~d by these presents does sell, assign, and transfer to ~0HING CO.UNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY address of 155 N BEEOH STREET; e~SPER,' ~ 82601 ' that certain Mortgage dated fi~T~R 2~, 2001 , by and between SCOTT BERGL~, A ~RIED PERSON as mortgagors, and WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. as mortgagee,, which Mortgage covers the following described property located inLINCOLN County, State of WYOMING to-wit: SEE ATTACHED LEOAL DESCRIPTION~ And which'Mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk of LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming on the$4~H 25th day of SEPTEMBER, 2001 , as hlstrument No. 876184 in Book ' 4?3PR , page :547 ' 1N w1TNEss WHEREOF; THE UNDER SIGNED ASSIGNOR sets its hand and seal this 24TH day of SEPTEMBER , 2001 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. JB/~'ICE L', MCCALLA CommonwealflffS[a~e of ~B~S~ PRODUCTION OPE~TIONS ~NAGER District/County/Parish of DOUGLAS On this 24TR day of 8gPTg~gR ,.2002 ~ before me, a Notary, personally appeared 3ANZCE L. ~CCAELA to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn (or affirmed), did sa~ that he/she is the PRODUCTZO~ 0PE~TZ0~S ~NAGER of NELLS EARGO H0~E HORTGAGE, Z~C. and that the seal affixed to the inst~ment is the corporate seal of tile corperation (or association) by autl~6rity of its board of directors (or trustees), and acknowledge~ the inst~m~t to be 't~e free act and deed of the corporation. Wyoming Assignment of Mortgage ' , '~ ' ' -~" ''~ ..... "~ ' ~ .... ' Ii'of Nebraska ' ~g95WlwY) 11/97 19711; dENNIFER VMP MORTGAGE FORMS- (800)521-7291 SCHEDULE C The land referred to' in this commlunent is situated in the .State of Wyomh!g, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: That part.of Lot 3 of Block 2 of the original Townsite of Alton within Section. 30, T32N RllSW, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being all of that tract of record in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 187PR on pa~e 75, F. XCEPTING the North one foot of said tract, described as follows. BE~INNIN~ at the Southwest corner of said tract of record in Book 187 common to the northwest corner of that tract of record in said Office in B0ok 152PR on page 637 on the west line of said Block 2, N 01:45'56,, E, . ~42.50 feet from the southwest corner of said .Block 3;~ thence N 01°45'56" E, the 'base bearing for this survey, 49.0 feet alon~ said west line common, to the west line of said tract of record in Book ~87 to a point, $ 01~45'56,, W, 1.0 feet from the. n.orthweSt corner Of said tract of record in Book 187; thence S 88e14'04''. E, 155..5 feet, parallel t° the north line of said tract of record in Book. 187 to a point on the east line of said tract .of record in Book 187, S 01~45'56'' W, 1.0 feet from the northeast corner Qf said tract of record in Book 187; thence S 01~45'56'' W, 60.5~fe~t along the .said easg line common to the .west line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 11 of Deed~ on pa~e 182 to the southeast, corner of said .tract of record in Book 187 and common to the northeast corner of that tract of record- in said Office in Book 142PR on pa~e 29; thence N 88~14'04'' W, 69.7 feet alon~' a common line to said tracts of record in Book 187 and 'Book 142 to a point; thence.con~inuin~ N 88~14'04,, W, 8.31 feeu alon~ said common line. to a nail in a porch; thenoe N'~45,56,' Z, 11,5 feet alon~ a line common to Said tracts of record in Book 187 'and Book 152 to a ~common corner of said - tracts of record; thence N 88~14'04".W, 77.5 feet along a line common to said tracts'. of record to the corner of beginning.