HomeMy WebLinkAbout926713 000501. RECORDING REQUESTED AND PREPARED BY: American Document Services Inc. 250 Commerce, 2nd Floor Irvine, CA 92602 (714) 665-2800 ELIZABETH GARCIA (AMER DOCS) And When Recorded Mail To: American Document Services Inc 250 Commerce, 2nd Floor Irvine, CA 92602 RECEIVED 2/12/2007 at 10:31 AM RECEIVING # 926713 BOOK: 648 PAGE: 501 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Space above for Recorder's use u Loan#: 271030202 Senrice#: 202989ASl 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 + , ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE For good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, H&R BLOCK MORTGAGE CORP., A MASSACHUSETTS CORP., 20 BLANCHARD ROAD BURLINGTON MA 01803-0000. By these presents does convey, grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over to: OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION, 3 ADA ffiVINE CA 92618-0000. The described Mortgage, together with the certain note(s) described therein with all interest, all liens, and any rights due or to become due thereon. Said Mortgage for $106,250.00 and recorded in the State of WYOMING, County of LINCOLN Official Records, dated and recorded on NOVEMBER 01,2006, as Instrument No. 923980, in Book No. 638, at Page No. 829. Original Mortgagor: RAYMOND W. GANDENBERGER AND JA DEEN GANDENBERGER; HUSBAND AND WIFE; AS JOINT TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES. Original Mortgagee: H&R BLOCK MORTGAGE CORPORATION; A MASSACHUSETTS CORPORATION. Legal Description: See Attached Exhibit. Property Address: 6490 STATE HWY 238, AFTON WY 83110. Date: JANUARY 30, 2007 H&R BLOCK }10fTGAGE CORPORATION, A MASSACHUSETTS CORP. By: .Lá/~-L-- Rachel Warmack, Vice President ( 1 State of County of CALIFORNIA ORANGE } } ss. On JANUARY 30, 2007, before me, Elizabeth Garcia, a Notary Public, personally appeared Rachel War personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose n is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies) and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or e entity upon behalf of which the pe son( s) acted, executed the instrument. (No 271030202 202989 589hrb wy 000502 092671,) EXHIBIT A SITUA'1'Ef)!N1HECOI.1NTYOF LINCOLNANDS'l'ATEOFWYOM:tNS. .. .-., ... . .._,. .." 'B.o, , ._.. " '. . - - . .. . ..- - , .,. ,.. ". -.. . PAR.'1'· OF . LOT 2 ',J3LoCK4, .OFwaBAFTON ORIGÍNJU:,'l'OWN'SÍ'1'Ei'ØF· ........ ... RECORD, LOCATBDIN ··LINCOLN ·COt1N'I'Y, . ..W'{OMING,W;J:THBOtJ.NDARI·ES MORB, PARTICULARI,Y·DE$CRIBEDAS·FOLLOWS: BEQImfINGONTHE WESTBOUNDARYOFSAXDLO'I' 2,B1.O"K4, ATA POIN'I' WHICH IS 21 ,PEE'I'NORTJlFROMTHESOOTHWESTCORNEROFLOT 2; ANI) RUNNING THENCE NORTH , ALONG· LOT LINE, A DISTANCE OF 78 FEET; THEblCEEAST.A DIS'1'ANCEOF 330. FEET .TO··THE EAST·SOONtJAAY·OF LOT 2; THBNCBSOUTH,ALONG .'LO'rLlNE, ADI.sTANCE:.O~ ··7$·. FS2'l'j 'l'HENCEWESTA DISTANCE OF 330 FEET TOTHBPOIN'l'OF <BESX:NNtING~ . . . ...,. .. ~CLOSt'NGAN AREA OF 25, 740SQUARE..FEET rO.591 ÄCRE),·...MORE: ·ÖR LESS. Þermanent Parcel Number: 3218..302"03..015 DONALD RICI-tARD LARtI'i1IEREAND THBRESA LYNN LARIVIERE, HUSBAND AND WIFE,. AS TENANTS BY THE SNTIRß.TIBS 145 ADAMSSTREE'I',. AFTONWYS3:UO Loan· Reference Number : ·52272Z/S844996 Fi:l'st AlnerieanOrder No: ... 10594659 Identifier:'FIRSTAMERtCAN!J!:Nt)ERS.AÐ\iAN'rAG!