HomeMy WebLinkAbout926744 II i'j \c,"t '1 t ¿,I "), Æ. J RECORDATION FleQuESTED BY: 1.t Balik Alpine 79 Hlghwey 89 1'.0, Sox 3110 Alpine, WV 831Z8 oeÓ8ð7 'jb """........... WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1 st Sank Alpjn, 78 Highway 89 1'·,0. Box 3110 Alpllle, WY 831:28 RECEIVED 2/12/2007 at 3:42 PM RECEIVING # 926744 BOOK: 648 PAGE: 607 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SEND TAX NOTICES TO: 1 st Balik Alpin, 79 Highway 89 P,Q. Box 3110 AIDlne, WY .83.128 SPACE ABOVE THIS LIlliE .ISFOn RECORDER'S USEONL y. MORTGAGE THIS MORTGAGE dated January 29, 2007, !ø made and 8x$ou,ted betwe8n SOLITUDE HQlDINGS, LLè, A DELEWARE LIMITED LIABiliTY COMPANY AI',ID M~ADOWLARKCONSTRIJCTIQI\I LtC, A WVOMING LlMITEQ LIABILITY COMPANY freferred w bélow as "Grantor"} and 1at Bank, whoSe' address 18.'19 HlghwaV 89. P~O..Box 311(), Alpine. WV83128lref&lredto b4lawøs "Lender"). GRANT OF MORTGAGE, For valu.abJe consJdenìtlbll. GraRIOr moItR,gøs'~lId oonvøya tø Lender aU 01 Grantor'·e tight. title. al1(l Intêreat In anC to the lollowlng dascrlbed ra,,' property, together wl~h.aU ~xløtlng or subrequemly ·ereÇtad or affi)(ed bUildlnge,lmproveh)enta and fllltura8; ell eøsemen~$, rights of way, and epnunenancea; aU ~øler. water rl\jhts, watèrçoursli:ò and dl~. rlg/l. Unclodln(¡..I;li)Ok. In otUltla.s with .ditCh or IrrtgetlOn nghIS). end ell other rlghl8.~ reyeltiltS, ,slId pro'(lt8 re1øtlng to ,tl1e rl\81 property, IIIC. ludrog without limitation al1 m,neral8, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters, (the Real Pi'qperty" located in Linoolh CO\Jl)ty, St¡¡te of Wyoming: LOT 91 OF ALPINE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION .AM:&NDED 9TH FILING,. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYoMING .AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFfICI.AL PLAT NO. 2 FILED ØN DECEMBEF(~, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 9250711 OF THE RECORDS' Of THE LiNCOLNC:QUNTY ClERK. . The Real Proper.ty or Iteaddre$81$ oommonly known as 10191 Alpine Village SUbdMsion, Alpine, WY ~128. Grolltor prasently osslgne to Lel1der all of Grentor's right, title, and ihterest in end to ell present and future leases of Ihe Pro.perty and all Renla from the Property In addition, Grantor grants to Lendar a Unllor·m Commercllil Codo securltV ¡ntallst In the Person.8I Property ¡¡nd Ren\á THIS MORTGAGE, INCLUDING TIlE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SEèUIIITf INTeIlEiST IN THE RENTS- ANP "SRSQNAL PRQpeRTY, IS GIVeN TO SEiCURE (AI PAYMENT OF THE INDE~1'EDNES:S AND 011 PERFORMANCE ØF ANY AND ALL ObLlGATlQNS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RElATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS MORTGAGE, THI$. MORTGAGE ISQIVEN AND ACCEPTED aN THE FOLLOWING TeMS" PAYMENT AND' PERFORMANCE!. Except ·a8 otherWise pro~íded 10 Il1ia MOI'tgBg" ,Grar:ll.Or sholl pay to lend.er all amounts secored by this Mortgage as tney become due lind shall strictly peñorlJl all Gf Granl.O;'s·obllgationi under tljla Mortyage. POSSESSION AND MAiNrENANCe OF THE PRQpeRTY. Gran10r ogreos that Gramor 's PO$SlfsaJon and uso o'f tho Pro~rty sholl be governed by the IbllDwlng provision. PO.lenlon and Use· Until the occurrence 0.1 an Event of Dofeo/t, Grantor may (1 remain I" PO""881On snd control 0/ Ihe Properly, (21 use, operate or manege the Propeny: end (3) collect the Rento from·t!\e Property Duty to Melntaln.. Grantor s.hell maintain the Propelty In tanantøble .c.onditlon ondpromp11y perform all r.eporrs. repleeemento, Ind rnalntononce noco88ary to preserve Its velue. CompHance With Environmental laws, Grantor repr""ents ðnd warran\á to Lander thQt~ (1) Dllring the p~nod of' Qraoml'S own.rshlP 01 the Property, thare has bllen no \lee, genèratlon, man~;aoture, storage, traatment. disposel, (alellSe or threatened rèfo'ase of any Hals"lQl/e SubStanco by .ny paraon on, under. Ibout qr f~m th" PropaflY; ·(21 Grantor has no. kl1OwJ"dge of. Dr roeson. to b~rleva thot .th8le has been, except as proviously d,sGloUd to 81 d acknowle({ged by Lenøsr. In wr~og, la) any breaQh or vlo.laUánot 1Iny Ený ronmentlil Løws< (b) any use, goneretlon, mariuroctur~, storage, ·treatmont, .d~sÞ8eal, rela.,. or ,thr."at1!nod 'release ·of .ny Hazordouø iNbst1lnca on, under, about or from the Property by MY priOr owners. ·or. oGcupan~ of the Property. or Ic) any oatuol or· thrltatened lillgall"" or olilimø of any kind by any person relaling (0 such mattars; and 1.31 .E~C8ptas pravloWly dlsclO$e.å to end ,aoknowladgod by Lend.t III writing. .(el nolther Grantor nor any t81'l8nt. connaator. agent or other authorltéd uSJIr 01 tho Pro )llrty shan use, gonarate, rnenulaclvre', 8tore. trBot. dispose of or release any Huardoll8 Substanoe on, uodet. abQut or fTom 1ha Pr )perty; and (bl Iny .uch 'actlvity sholl be qonduotod 'In comþlionee with all appllcaÞle fadersl, at"., and local law., regullltlon8 .....d ordlnancls. ¡ncludlng without Iimlte~lon all Envlronmentol 1.8w. Grontor authorizes ~endar and 1111 agoots to ant.alll·pon the Property· to make suoh inspections alld t/ts'ts, ot Grolltor's a:xp8nse, as ~a:ndør mey delim appropriate to detarmine oompllance of the Propttrty Willi. this sectiOn oi Ihe Mortgage, Any ;nepIII:lloll$ cr t lsts made by Lender shell be for ~ender's purposes only and .""11 not be çonotruad 10 creme any responsibility or liability Dn tha 'part 01 ~8nder to Grentor Dr to eny other porsøn The r.presentattons aM werral\~11I8 contalnld hereIn Ire based on Grentor's due diligenea III Investigating the Proporty for Hezardous Substances Grantor hereby (11 releStos and waives any fUlure olSims eg,inat Landor lor Indemnity or contributIon in the event Grllnlor becomes liable for cleanup or other costs under any s~ch lews; and (2) fI1)rees to Indamr\IIv, defend, snd hold harmles. Lender IgOllISt any and all clslme, IOSS8.S, liabilitIes,. damages, penaltlos, Ind e"penlel which Landor may directly or Indirsetly sustain or sutler resulting from a breech 01 this section of Ihe Mortgage or 88 a QOns8Qûence 01 eny use, ¡¡Oneratlon, manlll8i:ture, storege, d,opDsel, releese or threatened releese occurring prIor to Grantor', ownershIp or Intllrest lit the Pro.perty, whether or ·not the slime was or should have been known to Grsntor. The provisions ·ot thIs section of the Mortgage, Including the obllgationtö Indemnify end dofend, sholl survlvo the payment of the Indebtedn$ss .and t/11' 1!lItl8fA<;tion !lnd r8oonveyanc~ of the lien of this Mongage and ehall I)qt be aHeeted b.y Londor's ocquisiMn 01 eny .nterest in the PrOPtrrty, Whether.by loro.ol08ur8 or otherwlso, . Nulaence, Waste. Grðntor shall not cauae, conduct or permll Dny nuisance nor commit, ·patmlt. ar suffer any s.trlpping 01 or weste ·on or 10 the Property or any POrtion ofthe Property. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing', G,antor will not remQve, or grant to any other party the right to remove, any 1101bor, mlnerels (Includmg oil'and g8e), coal. olay, scorle, 8011. grDvel Or rock products whhoullendar's prlDr written consent. Removal of Improvements. Grantor shalf no.t demollah or remove any Improvemonts Irom the Reel PropertY without Lendor'a pnol wr.llton consent, As a condition to Ihe removal of any ImproVements, londer mey roquirs Glan'~[ to make arronge111enle sa1.if'lactory 10 Lender to repleoe euch ImplOVemel1t. with Improvement. of It lee91 CJJ:luel vllue, Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender'.e loents end ·rep'.$entatlvee mey e.nter upDn the Real Property ot øl 'reosonebJe tlm8j¡' to attend to Lender'8 'ntole918 and tD Inapect the flliiIl Property. fpr pûrpo$Os 01 Grantor's cpmpljence with 1f1e terms .end 'condtdo~8 .01 this MQr.tgage Compliance willi. Governmental llIqultem8rits, 'Grantor ilhalf promptly comply with all lawa, ordinancos·, 1I.l1d .rogulatlons, now or herasfter In effect, of ell govemmental 0llthorllle8 .8p¡iliDebla to'1he use or oocupancy of the Property, Inc!u.ding wjthQ1.It .lIlII1t.tlon, tho Amoritens With Disabilities Aot Grentor may contest In good faJt1'1 anY such law. ordlnllnce, or regulation or\dwlthhold .iI'omi>lience th!nng Inv proooedlnll, Including Spploprlete epPgelai 90 long oe Granto.r has notiflad ~enr.i8r in wrltfhg prlar to doillg so and 90 jong "e, on Lander'e aole oplOlon, Lender'e ¡n·wrest. in the Prøparty ere not )eópardized' ~eoder may require .Grontor ·to poet adøquatø 8ecurityor a 8ulety bond. reaaQl\ably satisfactory to Lendor, to Pl'Otect Lencfer'~ Interest DUly 10 I'!olect. Grantor agrees neither to abandon or leave unattandec the Proparty. Grantor shell do all othe.r aOls, In addition to those sets set forth ebove ·In this 8e~tion, which frolY! the cher~ct~1 end use of thB Ploperty "re ra8sOl'!ably necessary ·to protect and preserve .Ih" Property Loan No: 761001508 0926744 MORTGAGE (CQRtloued) 000808 PåÎ e2 - TAXES· AND UeNs, Th~ lollowlng pro~18lons relating, to thB tax98 and 11~"'on·th~ Pr~þerty al'8 .part of thlil MOIIg898, Payment, Grsntor ·8hlll pay when due (end In all e~enta prIOr to d.linquencyl 81i tllKe., payroll tex.., special t.xe., ."..ements, wot.r oharges and sewer servlo. charg.. levied ega!nst or on account of tha ProperlY. Ind .hell pey when due aU claim. lor work done on or for sor~lces rend.red Or material lurniahed to the Property !3r8nlOr shaJl malntein the Property ·Iree 01 eny lions h8vlng prIOrity over or equal to Iha InlerOSI 01 Lender under this. Mo"gage, excoPt for IOOee liens sþaolflc811y agr~ed 10 In wrllll\g QY Lender, and e>tcept for the liun of taxes and assessments not due e. further epeol:fìød In ths Right to. Conton pstagr.ph. Right to. ·Contest. Gronlor may withhold ·payment of any tex, assél.ment, or claim ·In oonnsotion with a :good fell" d~pute over the obligation 10 pay, $0 long as Lender's i~ter"st. In the Propeny leno11¡toPBrr:!I:ed. .If e. lien arise.O'r Is fll.d.. a r88\,1110f nonpaymenl. GrantO'r sheH Mlhln '¡{teen 115) deyallfter tlíè·llan 8r.ees Of. .If II lien 18 ·fjIØïl. w.htlln·llftWnl; 5J .(lav8 after ·Grantor hatU)OUö8 þf III' tiling, ·&cllIa the- dlacharge of the I'en, O'r If- r~~e8ted t!V ~8r, dSpQslt WIUI Le·ñder·caah ·or 11 BufflO'lent corpotato ·surety bond or·.other .ec.url~ satiefactory ·to L<indar In an amount sumlil.n! 10 !l1.charge· the' lien pl!Je any ·004118 and reaeoneble· ;attorne.vS" le.es, or ·O'lher ëhirlJeS !hal c.ould accrue 88 a result at a fareol08\1f8 ør ·sare !JHder !he .lie", In any conteat,~rentor :eh \lIdafell(J i1a8If::a!ld "8ooor atid ahell .satiely eny adverse ludgment beforllenfO'rcolTlent against the PropertvGrl1ntor shell nan)e lender 8S an addltlanal òbligoe under eny suretyb¡)nd furnished In tho ·conteat prDceedlngs. Evil enca of PDymenl. Grantor 8halJ.upon demand IU11)1811·tO' Lender 'åatf,faot\)ty IIvldencé af paymetlt of the taxes ór ..tBU8fJ!lilnis and shall authorlzo the appropriate govemlnentnl offlolal to deliver to Lender 8T any time a written atatement 01 the t8X80 and aSlles.slTillnlS against The Property rtottoe of Co.notr~ctlon, Orentor shall nOTify Lender aT leeot flftosn (1-61 dll.Ys· before eny work Is commenced, sny 8"vJcts ·ore furnlshod, or sny materia18 are aupplled to The Pro.perty, H any ·m80h80Ic'a lion, lTiateriþlmen'a·lien., Or oth8! lien ootdd be e8srmed qn account of the work, 8srvlc.s, or lTieterlïils. Grentor w.1II: upoo requesT of- Lender fur"'sh to'Lender advance lIS8u.rBnCQIr 8IItl¡leDtory ·to ·Lender that Grentor call and will.pay tne COSI of ~uch ImproVem\lnt8. . PROPERTY DAMAGE IN8URAßCE,. The fcllowtnQ .provi8ipnl re.18\1ng to' Insuring \'he PrQPerty 8(e 8 pen Of1hl8 Mortg<!li8. Melntenam:e· O'f Ineeronce.. Grllntor shell procure .and maintein pollole.· .of ·fïre Inauranee with ltendard exlen@(! cOI/.IIfege· ondol'\lemenbl M 8 roplscelTient baels for the lull InBur·able vall)e·covenng nlllmprovam'ntB Dn the Aell. Pra.l>erty in an emOlln! aulf.¡liIe¡¡t to avoid "pplicallon of ony cOinsurance clause. and with a atandard· mortgagee' cla\lae· In fo·vor af Lendar. Gr.ontor Iho/l 8100' procure end maintain comprehonslve gen8relliablflty ,nsuranee In such· coveraQe amDunts os lender m~y request w1th Lønd.8f ·belng narnad<1I1 ·addlÎlonal Il\$ured. In euch liability !neuronoe pnliel!!S Additlb!1S!iy·, Grantar shall mmntaln such ·other Insuranc., Including but I1<1t limit.ed to ha~ard, bU8intes In¡OrrUpllon and boiler Inaurence .s Lender may (equlr.8 Polle,., $hell be wntten by .uohlnsurence oO'mpante. ønd In."uOh form as may be reeaonebly acceptablo to Lender Grantor ahall deliver ro Landor certlfloetes of coverage from each In'u"" containing e stlpulot,on thOI covarego will not be cencelledor dunlni.hed without a minimum of thirty 130) daY3' I)tlor written notlco to Lender end nOI containing any d'$clulmer of tha Insurer's liability far failure to. give suçh notice. Each InsuranDe pOlicy aiao Ihall Include an <lndor.sement prov1dinll that r.ovorego ,n lavor of Lendar will not be impaired in eny way bv any Ilct, omlsslan or dufeuJt 01 GrantO'r or any qther person. Should the Real Proþerty be locslad In an area deslgneted by the Olrattor of IlIe Federal Emerger¡ey Menagement AgenQY es a special. flç¡Dd hazard area. Granlor egreee to' obtain end malnlaln, Federal Rood Insuranoe, If available. for tho full unpaid prtnclpal belnnce of the ·Ioen and any )fIO( Ilenl O'n tho pro~rty ,ecurlng the 10l\n, up to the ma~lmum polity IImlls 8et undel Ihe Natlonel Flood In~Ur¡ n08· pr4llrero, or a.1 otherwiSII required by Lender, and to maîntain lu.ch il\sur.eno.G :Ior ·the ter.m \)f tho·1òan AppllcatlO'n of ProoOflls, Grantor shell prbmptly notify Lender afon¥ lose ar dam.age to· the Property :11· the· e$lima1~ IIOat f repaIr or replacement exceeds ·$1.000,00, Lender may mski! ·proof. of. lanlf.Grenrpr -fillls 'to:do so wh"ln flit.en <'1$1 d~ QIlha·c08l/ellV. Whether or nOI Lender'a security I. Impeirsd, Lendar may, ·at ltnder'_ .liI.ctlon, ·reOëf)1e and reteln tl>$ þrOCeQi!S of any ·Iniorailca end apply '\he ptoceeds to the reductiOn af the jndebtedne~s, peyment of 1Iny lIan ,slleD·Ung ·the P(opertv. Dr the test(jr.atfoR snp·ropaJr of ·th" Property. If Londer elects to apply the· praoe·ods 10 ·rastoratlan and rapalr, Grentor sh..ll tepelt ar ropJece tf1ij domagpd· or dO$!i'oved It(1prpv.msht$ m a manner eet¡$faclory to Lender lender she.lI. UPOR .ø¡isfectory proof of ·such eXpenditure, payor ;olmburoe (¡,antor '(Om tho proceeds lor the reasonable cost of repair or reslorallon If Grantor Is not In default under this Mo'tgege. Any proceeds which have not baen disbursed within 180 deys afler Ihelr reoelpl Dnd which Lender haa net committed to the repair or restoretlDn 0-1 the Property shall be used f¡rot to pey .ny amount owmg to Lender under this Mortgege, then to pay aoorued interest, and the romalnder, II any, shall be epplled to the principal balance of the Indeb.tedness, If Londar holds any ·proceeds alter psyment in full 01 the Indebtedness, such proceeds shell be paid to Gtantor as Grenror'e ¡ntereats may eppesr Grantor's Report on Insurance, Upon request of tendor, however not more thon once a year. Grantor shall furnish to Lender a repon on each eXiSting policy af insurance $howlng. (lithe. name 01 \tie Insurer; {~) the risks "'lured, 131 the amount 01 the policy; (4) the pro~ny Insured. .the then current replucemej1t lfalt18 of such proJl!ll,ty. and .¡hl¡ ·mann.er ·of det8tmlni.ng thel 1/oluel and 15) Ihe expirallon dote 01 the policy. Orlìntor shell, upon rsqueSI of LenØúr, have en indeptndellt appreiser s.ellafaotory to Lencler ·dotl!rmlne the: ca.h value 'oplscement cost 01·1hø Pro~rly· LEN1)ER'S EXPENDlTtJRES, 11 sny action orproc.eeding I.s oommeocad that wO'uld 1~nátortally affeot Lenáer'8 Interest In the- ProPèrty or if Grantor le/ls to comply wlt11 any proviailln of 'this Mortgage or any RBlated Documents, looludlng but Aat limited 10 Grantor's fellure to discharge. 0' pay when due eny amounts Grentar 18 .squlred 10' discheroe Or pey u.nder th~s, MO',lt/ilge Or S,ly Related Documsl'\1', Lender on G~r'8 behalf may (but ehell not be obhgeted to) take eny action thet Lendsr deems appropriate, Including but no·t hmlted to di.charglng or þey¡I\g. all taxes, hene. securitY Interesla, oncumbrancus end other clelms, al eny time levied Or pieced· on the Property and paYing all costs for· Insuring, ",slntalning end preserving the Propeny All such expenditures Incurred or peld by lendar for such purpo·see· will then beur Interest at the rell charged under the Note from the de18 ,ncurred or peid by Lender \0 the date of repayment by (3rantor All euch expenses will become e pert 0'1 the Indebtedness and, at Lender'e optIon, will {AI be payable on Qomand; (81 be added to Ihe balance 01 the Notll and be apportlone·d an10ng and be payeblo with eny InstalllTient payments TO become due ·during eithar (1 J the term 01 any applic<lble l08ur<lnc.è :polloy: or III the remainlf1g term of the NOli: or ICI be treated as a balloon paymont which will be due end paY8ble et the Note'.s maturity, The Mortgage ·al.o witl IØÐure .psyment 01 these smOllnts Such rlg~ shall be In ad.dttlon to ·ell other rlgtit' end remsQlea to WI1I.h ~nt,ler mey be .enfiUed uPol'1Defsu!t WARRANTY; DEFENSE QF TITLE. The followlnQ provJ$lonS relating to ownilrshlpCllf tho Pmperty .~re a part ot tills MortgaQe:' T1tla. Granlor WarraiJte that, {al Grantor hplds gòod aod.mlik.teblø1it1e oheçor.d to tl)a· ~r6pørty, In hi.. :$Imple,. 'free and ol'ar 0'1 .lIlibns and encumbrances other than those eel·forth In··ths. Aell Property description or In eny·title J.ns.urence·,pO'I cy, lllle ·report, or final title oplOlon luued In IlIlIor of, and accepted by, Lender In connection with thIs MOrtgage., end Ib)Orllntor has th~ lull right. power, and ~ thorltyto e~ocute and dolìvenhis Mortgage to Lender· Def~n.. of Tille. Subject to the eXcoptlon in the poregr.ph above, Grentor warrant. .1)(1 wlJl forever deleod the title to' the :Property agll'nsl the lewful clalme of all poreons In the event any action -or proceeding la cømmanced thaI questions Grantcr's title or the int..rest of Lender under thla Mortgage, Grentar shall defend tne ·actlon at Grantor's expense. Grenlor may be the nom!nel party in sUCh proceeding, but Lender Sh811 be entitled to participate In the procesding and 10 be repr.sonted In ths prMeedlng by counsel of Lender's own choioe. and Grentor will deliver, or cause to' be delfvered, to ~endet such Instruments ss Lender may requesl -Itom tilTie· to t1me tCII permit auch parllclpeuon.. Compllanoe Wllh Lews. Grentor werranta that the PrOpel1:y end Grentor's we of the Property compile a with all eXis-tlng eppllosble lewe, ordinenoes. snd rogulatlons Q·f ·!}overnmenuU euthorltiëll SurvIval of Representation. end Werre"tl.., AU represantatlo/ls, warrentles, .anQ egreement. made by (!i(anlor .In this Mortgege ehell survive the oxecutlon and de1lvory af this Mort¡)sue. shell be cantinulng. In nDturo. a·Rdanoll remain 1'1 full lorc·o and ·elleçt· until eueh time e8 Grantor's Indeþtedn841s shall be palll In full· CONDEMNATION. The follbwm9 provisIons relating tocond.emnetion prøceedlnys, lire. p",t of-tI1le Mangoge Proceedings, If any proeuedlng ,n concle.nnaticn Is tiled, GrenlOr shell prDmptly notify Lander 111 writ/JIg, ind ·Gr<l!1tor aha!1 p(,mptly take sUCh 8tOps as may be ner.essary tu delend the ectlon alld obtain the award· Grenlor may b. Ihe nominal parly In such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to pertlèlpete In the prO'coeding and to b9 repressnt"d in tha proceeding by oO'unoel of Its own chólce, and GrontOr· will deliver or couse TO be delivered to Lender suoh Instruments end documel'\1stlon as mey be requeste.d by LoO(l81 from tima to time to permit such part·lcipetlon ApplicatIon of Ne1 Proçesda. If all or IIny parI of the PI'Q~rty Is çQndemn~d by .eminent· domain prooeed'ngs or by any proceeding or purchase In heu 01 cOlldumna1iQn, Lender triay at Its elacllon requIre thât ail or any pOrli!>n of the ne1 proceed. of tl1e award be epplled to lhe Indebtedness or Il:Ie repair or restoratlen .of the Proporty. The net -PJoeeeca Qf. ·tl1e award shan. msen the· ewerd· ,alt~r psymentQ an reasonable cost$, e.xpet:1ses, end attorneys' feas ·tncum,d þy·l;ender .in COl'1ne.ólR¡t) wJ1h the :cohdeml1allon, ..--.---- Loen No: 7610015080926744 MORTGAGE IContl.luød) 000&09 Page 3 IMPOSITION OF TAXES. :PE&;S AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENT.A.L AIJTHORlrle&. The IClllowlng. provi61ons relalll\ J 10 goveltlmentsl18x86. fe8$ sl)d cherges aró 8 part øf ih'llI Mortgage' . Current Tax.., Pees and Charges, (¡pOI) lequest by Lender, Grenlor shell exe.cute suoh d'ocument$ In addít:1on tOthl. Mortga\)8 and uke whatever ,ather aotlon Iii requÞted by Lender to .perh!c,t arfd. .continue L,ì)der'8 liiln !In tnI' Real Plöþsrty. Grantor 51Ia' ' relmbul.e Lender for all texea, as described below, tagelhtr with a' ' .expenses Incurred In rVCOI{jlng, ¡)ertectlng Of cont1nulng. thiS M0f'l98ge. including without limitation all taxes, leea. documentary. stamps, anti other charges 'fPI récordlng Qr I.egUlto/log this Mortgage Tuu. The tollowlng ehall.ccnstlt!rte taxes to which this I~tlon applies: 111 a ep.oclflc tax upon' this type of Mortgage or upon ell.cr any part of the Indebtedness seoured by this Mortgage; (21 a·speclflc tax on Grontqr which tirentor Is authorized or -re.qulrad to ·deÌfuctfrom payments on tho Indebtedness secured by this type of MQrJgega; (3) a.~" On !hi. tYPII o.f Mortgage chargoable against thè Lender or tha holder of the. Notal and (4 a .peclfl.c tax on all or any portiOn ,of the Indebtedness or on payments· of prlnQlplÍland Interelt mode by Grantor Sub,eq\lent Taxel_ If any tax to which this aeotl.on appllfs lsanactaq'eub¡equentto Utè d~ta of n~ .Mort( ·age, thls·eyent sha/l have the aame effect at an Event of Os'eult, end lender moy 8XBlCil& .ny or ·aU of Its avallahle remecnes for an Event of Default 81 provided below unleas Grantor elthel. 11 'Jay ¡ the ~ax before Jt beo"m., dellnqoant, or (21 contests the tax .a8 providèd 'above In the T a"ss and Liens 8ec~on and dopoelt$ willi Lef'íder cash I)r a a\lfficlent Q'c¡rppretfl s~rety bond or other Seèurityeatls/actory to :Lender SI:CURITY AGREEMENT: FINANCING STATEMENTS. The fø1lewlng proyls1(1ns roll1ting 'to this MOftgage as a security a!Jlè !mef1t are a plrt of this Mbrtgage. S.curlty Agreement.' This instrumont shell constItute ! Security Agreement to ths ·extent sny of the PropotW constitutes flxtules, end lend.sr sMII hevII all of the rights Dla ·s.cur.ed party under tM Uniform Commercial CèJdb· as· amended from lime to trt1'lØ. Security InteRlet. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall take whatever action Ie req"",lsd 'by Lander to porf1l'Ct ·sndc9ntlnue 1<4nder's security lnt8r !st ¡nthe Rentll and Pilra.onal Prpperly. In addition .torecor{jll1g this Mort~age In the roal proPerty ractlrds, .!Jindal mey, ar anv tIme and Wilhout lutlhar eUI~Prl~.tlon from ß/entor, file e><ecutoil .counterpsr·!$. copies Ot repr.oducllonl lif. this ,Mortgage' as a' financing statement. 'Grantor ,"'all relmburso Lendar for all !>qJen.el Incurred.ln perfeotlng.or cOl1t1Ol;Iln\1·lhll .øcurl\y·1nt.Ot....t :Upon c:le.ISult, GrMtor .hall not removø, lellar or dotech tile Pet.onel Prop&r!:V .from tha· Proptrty.. Uþ(jn ,delðUlt, ,orailtor· shell.. eS88mbl. sJlY· Pers<loál ProperlY .noi affixed to the Property In a manoer and at aplacs !Gason.bly conYenio/'lt to i)'ranti)( end Lender and make· 'it evsllsble t<:i lander Wlthin'lhroe 131 days aft !r tec'elpt 01 written demand 'from Lender to the 8Kiern pø.rmitted 'by ·applicable law Addressoe. Thll moiling addrelses ot ~rèrntor (dsbttlr end Lander Isecured party from "'!:tiCI¡ In10rm060(l concemli11l the $Ocurity In1&re"t gtanted by thIS Mortgagfl may ba obtnlned. '(each 88 required bV Ute UnlfClrm Commerci~1 Code) arll" ftS statad on 'Ihe rltst pege ofth,s Mortgage, FURTtlER ASSURANCES; A TTQRNEY -IN-FACT. Thatallowlng p/ol/Islons relatin\! tm .f,urther 88sure,.,ces end attorney·I,.,-taC1 are II I ÐJ( of this Mortgage· Perther Alluranoes, At any ttme, and from tlm.s to time, upoo requlIst of Lender, Grantor will meke, execute olld dellvar, (It 1'1111 cause to be mede, executed or delivered, to lender or to Landaf's delignee, and whsn requested by lender, cause to be tjlO!I, roc(lrde¡l, rellled, or rerecorded, a8 the ceee may bfl. at such times. and irt such officeslmd P180$8 es LendO'f may deem ap¡)r.opriattl, any .and :nlls.uch mo(\gog.8I, daedl 01 trust, seourlty deeds, "Ø(jurit:y øgteemanta, fllJ8nclng. ·lteiementl, continuation ItatOltlènts, Instl'ument1l 01 'further esaute,.,ce, cMtlfloatB.', and other documenls 8S msy, In the So111 øPÎ(llvn of Lellder, :b.e ne08llserv. Of deaÎrebto In order to afføctueta·, complete, porfecl, continue, or praserve (1) Grentor's ,obllge~ions undel the N,Clte, thiS Moltgege, and 'the Related Documa"'l$, end {~I tho hens and security l,.,teruls created bY thhl Mortgage ·as tlrst and prior lie", on the Ptoperty, whethel IIOW ,owl18d (lr he.nj'atr.or ecquirlid. ,b.y Grøntor, Unless prohibilad by law or Lender 8( reaS to the contrary 'In wrlllng. GrentOr shall r.'mbur3e Lender for ell C\l8'111 ftnd ,e:xpen.os Incurred In oonneotlon with the maners rwfarred to In thlsporagraph·. Attomey-In-Foct. If Grentor fells to do any of tho thing8 referred to in the preceding pBragraph, Lendor may do so f(lr ond III the name of Grantor and M Gremor's expense, For such ptJrposes, Grlntor hersby Irrev(lcably appoints lender ss Grantor's ettorney-in-foct for the PWPOIO of making, exocuting, døllverlng, filing, re.oordilig, and dC>tng lill othar things 8e may ba necIIs8ary or desilab~o, In Lander's sole opinion, to accomplish Ihe motters referred to In the preceding paragraph RJLl PERFORMANCE, If Grentor pays alltha Indebtadnels, I!1cludlng without limitation .ell1utUfs advances, when doe, IInd o:fllerwlse performs ell the obligatIons Imposed upon Grantor under this Mortgage, Lender shall executa and. deliver to Grantor e suitable .s$tlslQctfon 01 thiS Morrgaga a,.,d suitable sta.tements 01 termination 01 ·any finarfáiDg ststement on file !Wldancmg lend.sr'·s se~urlty InlereS\ In 'Iha Rents and' the personsl Proparty· Grantor Will pay, II penYlilted by applloable law, ft,.,V roasoneble termination .lee liS daterminad~y Lender ,ròm tlmo to time, EVENTS OF OEFAUL T, Each of the following, at Lender's option, .hJlII c.onstltutll ,an ¡¡Yllnt of p\lfalJlt u"der ihis, MortQ.ilQe: Payment Defartlt. Grantot f8~S to make jny payment whsn due und.rthe Inl abtodnese. Default on Other Paymsnt1l" Failure of Grantor within' the time 'eqtJlrod bv ttll.s Mo(.tgage to make eny paymllnl for tal<el or insurance, or ønv other payment ne(lessory 10 prev !nt flJln(¡ ot or to elfeOt 'c;!lschsrgo of aoy lien'. Other Default.. Grantor faile to comply with or to pulerm any otner term, ob11gatlon, covenent or condition conlllined in this Mortgog.e ·or In any (If the Rolated DOllume,.,ts or to comply with or to psr/orm any lorm, obligst10n, oovonant or conditiOn contained UI an.y oilier agresmant betwnn lender a~ Gro,.,tor. Oafault In Favor of Third Partlea.. Should Grantor dvhult under any lOin, extensIon of credlt,seourlty egreement, purchase or Sslas egraement, or any otl18r ogrlloment. In fS\l(l1 óf any othsr creditor or persOn thot rnay matllrlaUy a.flot¡t ~y ot Grantor's propertY or Grantor'l eblllty 10 repay the Jndobtedneos Of GI/mtor's ability to perform C;;rantor'a obligation. undor thl.a Mortgege or MY rolatad document, False Statements. AnV warranty, represenlatlon or stut8ment madll or lurnmhed to Lander by Grsl'llor ór ,on Grantor'.. behalf undel this Mortgage or the Related Documents III 'felae or mlslosding In any material respecl, either now or st the time mode 01 f\lrolshed or booomes false or mlsleatl1ng at ony tIme 'Ihereafter, Defeotlve conato..llzatIOll. Thi. Mortgoge or ony 01 the Ralalad Documents cooeos..to I>elnfull force and effect tincluding lallure 0.' any collsteral document to croate a valid and pltfo¢od security Inlltreat or lIenl at any· Ii.me o'nd fot eny reeþon:, Dsath or lneolvenoy. Ths dissolut,oo of Grentor'l (regardless 'Of whether electiOn to oontlnuo is m.ado), any· .member withdraws from the limited lIeblllty compeny. or eny othor ttrmmotion of Grsntor'a exhllonce 08 a 901"'9 buelness. or tho death of any member, tne InsOlvency of Grantor, tho appoIntment 01 0 reoeiver tor any port 0.1 Grantor's propotty, ahy Ðs.tgnmen.t for the benaflt (If creditors. uny type of crllditor workout, or Iho oommoncomont of sny proceedln( under anvbonkruPtcy or Insolvoncy Jf1W~ by or agMIst GreAtor Crldltor or Potfelture Proc"dlng., Commencement of fOleoloaula or lorleiture proceedings,. whethar by Judiclol proceodlng, sell-help, ropos.els,on or any other method.. by any credl'tor of Grsnl'or or by any governmenlal agenoy agaInst e(lv property S8'Curlng Ihe Indebtedness. This Include. e garnishmont \If any of Gran,or's acco~"t8, Including .depoelt accounts, with Lender- However, th,s !:vent at Delaull ehell nOI apply 11 thera ie a good 'f~lth dlsp\lto by Grantora& 10 thl vaHdlty or rea.sonable!)ess on"e c10111'1 V'/hj~h I~ tho basl8 of the creditor or lorlolture procaedlng snd If Grantor giv.es :Lender wrlttoJ\ notice of the cndltor or forfeiture. procÐedll'g. end' /lèpollts with Lenl/er monIes or a aUICItY bond for the creditor or forfeiturO'lIfoce'Oding, In an am(lllnt determined by lendsf. in Its sole dl$creuon, a& belOg an adequeta raserve or bond far the diSPute, Breach of Other Agr·esment.. Any brtlaot\ by Grsntor under the terms 01 any 'other agreemont batween Grantor ani!' UndJjI ihat IS not remedied within aoy groco pe'rlod prolllclod thotaln, ìnol~íng without limitatIon any .agroement concerDing any indeblednlls~ or other obligatIon of Grantor to Lender, whether existing now or later Evehta Affecting Guarentor. Aoy 0.1 the precodlng events occurs with respecl to eny QO&(.alllo(. 01 ,,,,y. of lhe Indobted,.,oss or any Guarantor dlltS or becomos incompetent, or rav(lhe or dispUte. the validity of. or liability .under, any Guaran'!y <II thti lodebtedness In tho ellent of a deoth, Londer, at ita (lpllon, maY, but .hell not bo reqUltod to, piNmlt the Guarun'tor'l ostete to assuma uncondftlonally the obligat.ons olislng under tl1e guarenty in a mellner' setisfactQry to Lender, Ind. In :dolng eo, cur. ony event of Oe·teult. Adverse Chango, A nloterlal advarsa change oceuls In Grentor's financial cond1tlon, (lr lender bellevel tha pri)speot of payment or performencs of Ihe Indabtedness IS unpalfod. Inlecurlty, Lender In good felth believes it.ell 11'>881'ura. RIGHTS AND RE/'iIEI)JES ON OEFAUL T. Upoo the oocurrenoo of an Event of Dllfoult and at a"y tlms tharesft !r, L !nder, et Lender'. option. msy Loan 1110: 761001508 0926744 MORTGAGE ( Oontlnuédl 000610 Page 4 axarciaø 8"y one or more of the folluwlng Jlght. ond remedl~, Inaddipon to any otner rights 01 remodlee provid~d by lew, Aeca'ø"ta Indabtednes.. Lendar 'shell have the 1¡9lit· 8t Its. optIon wllhout no(lce tQ Graatorto deoler. tha antlre Indebted"a'8 immedIately due and payable, Including any ptep8ymentpenelty which G[antor wo¡¡ld I!e- requllod topey. UCC R.madlel. WIth rO'II9CI to /ill òr Ot1y part of, thO .pel.onal Prdperty, Lender ¡hall: h~ve. all the rlgh($and' remldies of a nOl l8d perty under the Uniform Commorclal Code. Colltct Rtntil. Lender shall have: the right, w1tliout :notlcHo Grantor, to tllk8 posse.sion of thè Propei'ty, Including dunng 'he pendelllCY of foreclosu,e, whether judicial or nOn,judlcial, enel colltêt the Rent., Inoludlng emo.u"t. put due and ·unpeicl. and apply th.e nal þI!!coeds, Ovar and abova Landar's cO.I', II.galnlt the Ind1lbtednes. In furtherance 01 thlo ,Ight, Len"'" O)ay ,.i;jW' any tenant o,othe, uter oJ the Property to make peYI...el'ttll of rent 0' u,. foes. directly 10 Lendsr.. If'the Rent. el.O collected by 'Lender, ihen Or.I1tor Ir,evocably de.lgna1es Lender 8S Grantor's attorney-/nofaet to endorse Instruments reoeived In payment thereof In the .Iame of Grantor and to negotiate the .a'.... and oollect the proceedl, Payment. by tManlS Qr othe, usa.. to Lender In reSpO'\ee to Lende,'s de(l'1and shall sanslythe obli9ðtll)n. for whloh the peyment. ore made, whether or not any prope' grQunds for the do,...anÙ existed Lender may e.xerelse. Ito rights under thi8 subparagraph either In pereon. by agem, or through a re"elver Appoint Reo&lve,. Lender ehall hlv. the nght to have a recalver eppOlnte.d to ta.ka posSeSSlof> of ·.11 or eny pert of ·the Property, with tho power to protect and preserve the Pioperty, to opera\1l the Prop!>rty preceding lorecloeure or Mle, end tÒ' oollect the l'Ient8' Irom the Property and apply the proceeds. over and .eb¡,ve the COlt of the ',ectilvsrtlhlp, Ìlgìilnst tile Indebtedn...... The rocelver may lelve without bond If permitted by law. Lender's right to the 'appointment of a rec.lvoI ·shell e)ll.st whether or not the. lJJpalel1t, wlue 'of the PFQJ>IJrty e)(ct!leda the Jndebtedness by a .ubstantlal .amount EMployment by Lender ahe1I'not dls~ua"fy a per.on from "rvO:O.g 'Ba .a receJv.et. JudicIal Poracloaura, Lander may obtain a !lIrJiohil'daèteè foreelosing Gi'enfor's1n't:øreSIIn all 0/ any' p,a<'t of the· Propérty, Nonjudicial S.le, Lender may fore.oloso Grsntot's Intsrest In ajl 0, ~n any Ilart o'f the Property by non-Judicial 8$Ie, end sp.eclfieelly· by 'power of sol." or "adVertl8ement und ~alo" 'lor80105uro 811 provided by sta1\lte.. Defiolency Judl/m.nt. If per·mllled by applICable Jaw, .Lender mey obul" aludgh1ent fo, ·any deficiency rem81nm9 In tht!l IndebtSdnes¡ dUB to Londor .'ter application of all amO\ll'îts reaelv&< from tha oxorci1Jo of tho righti ptovj~ in thll section Tenanoy at Suffe,ance. If GrantOr remains In P08S0S1l10" of the Property after the Property IS aold as provldf\d abo~e or Lendar otherwIse beco.mes entitled to possession of the Property upon default 01 Grantor, Grantor ahall bècome 8 tenant 8t sufferønce of LeMer or the purchøsor' of the PropertY Und shall, at Lender's option, e(\her 11 pay a reeso03bJe rental for tha use of theProparty, or 12.) vacm tho Proparty 'rnmed,otely upon tho demend of Lt!lnder. Other RemedIes. lfInder ahell haVaall.other rightS :and '!an\8dÌ88 provld.dln·thla Morlga,ge Or the Note or .available at law or ~n equity Sale of the Property, To the eX1em permitted by apphcabla iew, OrBlltor herebY'Wði\ltis any and ell. rlghNo have 'Ih~ Property marl/helled. In exercising Ita rll1hts and lemt!ldieB. L80der shall bß free ttI'.ell :all.or any part ·of the I''toperty to.gether Or nparmly, In one eele' or by s.perete 8ule. Lender shall be entllied to'bid at eny pUblic nle .011·all. or any J>Ol'J.'iolt of ,he- Pr"Þ~IY Notloe of $al.· Londt!lr ah¡lllglve Grt!l,tlto, rea.onabl, notice of thv lime and pI.BOO of any pµblrc ,.alo of \h.e Peraonal Property Or of tha t,me after whloh any Pfly.ele sal. or other rt1tendlid· dísJ>OslUon o'f the' Personal Property IS tl:l 'be :me~_ RitlÏson~& 8 {lotios shEill mean ootlca IIlven at 188st tan (10) day.. before tha time 01 the .ale Or ·disposltlon. Any Sále ot·the PersDnJlI Proparty may be ma<lo ¡It CQn¡ul'ictlon wllh eny sale of the R.al Property Election of Re,n.dles. Election by Landar to puraua eny remedy shall not exclude purau¡t 01 any other temedv, and an election ·to make expenditure. or to take acllon to parlonn an obligation of Grantor under· this Mørtgege. aftar Gralltor's failure ~o perr/orm, .hell not affect Lender's right to declare a doloult and exarOI.e Ita r.medles. Nothing .undar thie MortgSllt!I or otherwIse shaU be C.onstrued so ae to limit 0' restrJct fha nghta ðnd remed~88 avellable to Lender follow.lng an eVelit el DeJ""'t, or In any way to limit or roa.trlOt me riOhts ....d ability elf Lender to proceod directly agelnsl Gren'Ior ond/or agoln81 ,any othar c.o-maur, guarantor, aurety ·or endoleer and/or to. procaed 'gelnsl ony other cOllator81 dlractly or Indirectly $BOU'ing ·tho· Indeljtednass. Attorney.' Fee.: bpOrtles, If Lendar Institutes at1y 8ult or action toentorc. ony ~f the tenn~ of thIs Mongago, Lendlll shall Oe. 'en filed to recover such sum es the court may adjudge reasonable ~s ~t10rn.y.' I.... 'at trllll bnd upon any IIPP"" Whether 0" not any cou~ 8011011 IS Involved, and \0 the extent not p,oHlblted ~y law, all .r~8I1onablè oj<pense. LenëlQf Il\curs Ihat In L1Ind,lrr'soplnion lit\} '!8I:aasary .at any tIme for the protectIon of ¡ts jmeren or the enforcement 011t8 right. shall b.oomt!l a pa't 'of tha Ind4btednt!lss 'I'IBynbl. on .demand ·end .hall bear Intereat at the Nota rete from the date of- the 8><PIII1ditura lIIil1l rapøld.EJ<panses oO\(8r.ed by this paragraph Inc!\ldo. wl.tho.IJt limlt.ation, however subject tQ any limite under appllcaple law, lender's ro~sonable :attGrneya' fBes ·end Lender's legal expenses whelher o.r not .Iho.,e is a lawsUit, Including reaeonllbJo attomays' foes onde)(penoas for bankruptoy proCoèdinge !lncludîng efforts to. modify or vacste t!lny outometlo stay or inJuncl1on" epPa'els. and any 8ntlcipaled post-judgment collectIon servloes, ·tlit! c08t of aearch~ng r.ecords, obtBinlng til/o reports (Including foreclosure reporta), survoyora' reports, snd apprelsal fees end title inoureMe, ·to the oxtent parmltted by appllcable law Grentor also will pay any c;out! costs, In addition tQ all other sum. provided by law NOTICES. Any notice required to be given under this Mortgage. IncludiAg without lr.mlUltlon any notice 01 default and any· notice of sala shall be given In writing, and shall be effective when actually delivor.ad, when actually recalved by telefaÐslmUe (unlesa OtharwlSII required by lawl, when daposited will' a netlonally recognized overnight courier, or, jf mail.d, When deposjt~ ¡n the United ·StRtaa meil, at flr.t olasa, cenlfled or regletered m8U postage )rapnld. dlroaled to 1ha sddres,es shown· near 11\0 Þeglnnmg. or 'thls Mortga.go All aoples of nOlle88 of foreolosur. from tn. holder of any 11011 whloh hee priority over ihls Mortgage shall be·80m to Londer's eddrt!l8'. ae. .hown noar"the Þø,gllintng ,ôf ·thl. Mongoga. Any party may ohango Its addresl fo, notlcas undor this. Mortgag, by giving f!!rma! ""Mt.n 'nl11\08' to the other partiDa, apeclfylng that the PUll)05e of the notice Is to ohango th. PerW'a addresa" For notlçe 'purpost!ls.Grantor agre81 to keeþ·lander informed et :e1l ulnes 'of Grantor'a curr1lnt addrøt$, Unleaa otherWl:18 provided or required by lew, If the... 18 mote then one. Gralìtor, any notíèe: gl~n'.by Undar t(j;eny G',alitor Ie d.emed tQ be nobi:e given 'to all Grantora MISCEllANEOUS PROVISIONS. The Iollowing I111sceilaneou8 provlalon. Bre 0 1I0l't (If thl. Moi'tQage Amendment., ThiS Mortgage. together with anY Relsted Documenta, oonatltutDs the entlr. understanding end 8gr~rnent of the partie a as to the malt.rs aet forth In this Mortgage No al1erotlon of or amendment to thl8 Ml)rI9'890' .hall be effec\IVe ~JrJlass given In wrlllng and signed by the )1Irty or pertles sought to be che'f/ad or bound by the alteration or amandn,ent. Annual Ropor!1l, It tha Pr0p.'1y ia used fOt l.ur.posteS othor than Grantor's residenoe, Grentor shall furnish to Lender, upon reque.t, a certified statement of net operMlng lI'OOllle rBOelved from the Property during Grantor's p,svlouil. fisoal yitlr ,'I such form end detail .s Lender shsll require "Net' Qpetat1ng ,ncom." ch.1I mt!lan all ceth rece'pts trqm tha Property· Jass .11 ca.h upendí1\J1es m.de In oonneotlon with lha opt!lradon of the ·Propartv. Capt'onHead¡ngs, Ce'ptlon h~,adlng..ln tJ". Mortg.g8 are for oonvenlence !WIpeses only end are not to be used to. rntarprat or define tha provisions of th,' Mortgege Governln~ Law· This Mortgaílo will be govafned by federal law applicable to Lende! and, ttI the axtel\! nut pr.eer11ptJtd by tøderal Jew,th. law. of the SUIte of Wyoming without regard to 1\:$ oonf1lcrtsof law ptoyi.lol1., 'f.hll Mortgage ·ha. 'been accepted'by Lend.., In tha Stat. of Wyorrllng, Choice of Venue. II th.re Is e lewsuit, Crantor "g"os' upon Li>ndar's' rt!lqut!l1lt to submit to the JUnSdlction of me oourts of Lincoln COunty, Slate 0' Wyoming. Joint t!lnd Sevaral Liability, All obligations. of Grentor under thla Mortgaga snail be Jo"n and several, and all "rferences to Grantor shell moan each and every Grento,· 'I'hlS mesns that each Grentor signing balow i. respoll1lible lor ell obUgatlons In this Mortgage. Where ony one or more of tM peruea Is a ~orporatlon, p8rtner8hlp,IImlted liability company or similar entity, It Is notneoeee.ty for Lsnder to Inquire Into the powars Of ony qf the officars, d¡reclors, partners, mambe", ur othar anenta acting or purporting to 8C·t on the entity'. bèhDlf, .Dnd ony obhgations made or created In reliance upon the prufess.d exarClse of such powore sh.1I be gueranløed under this Mortg.ege. No WaIver by Lender, Lende, shall not· be deemad to havo welved anl'rights under thi3 Mortga,ga unleas auch Wâiver Is gIven In writing and .igned by Lender. No dela'y or oml..S.lon 0,11 tl'lo .pert 0.1 Lendar In èxe,clsit1g any right .hllllòport!l(ø ~. a ·.waiVar of .uch rloht or anv other right. A waNer by Lender of a provlslon:ot th!a::Mortgaoa ·ahall·not prelUdiC\t or c.01'1lltÏ!!ite "0 w.ll/er 01 L t1dera right :Qihtil.Wise tl! demend .rrlot compUance wlth.that proviSIQ.... Or any oUlar prOvision ôf thiS' Melltllege, No ørlbr ",,"ver ·by· Lander... "or any ~ôurse .ell dealing bDtween Landor an!! Grentor, .hell COMtltute . wølv,r of any .01 Lender'. rll/hts or 'of ~"y of Greritor\. ·oþltl/~tll)n\l. as to any t<nure . transactIOn.. Whèt1eve,' the conaont of Lðndèr )s requorÐtlunder this Mo(!gøge, :the· gr.~ntlng of suçh cone.nt I>y Lander In .1'1\1 l118tance .hall not cons1Î\ute contìnuing consant ·to subsaquent instancelS where· such 'consent 18 required .nd· In .1I,olloe8 such .consent ¡,nay be ~--- Loan No: '61001~08QS26~~4 MORTGAGE (Continued) 000611 Page 5 """"""'== - gronted or withheld In the sole discretIon ot I.ender Severability. It a court 01 compe1orif unidlct1on finds any·provislon 01 this Mortgega to. b& illegal, iIIv.illfd. or unenf'orcli.bla as .to any pereon Or olrcumstance, mat finding ahalt not m.ke the offendln } provision illegal, Invalid, or unenforceable as to any other p81son or Circumst.nce If fonible, tho ollendlng provision shall be considered modified ,0 .thaI It bl1lc\!I1'IU legal, vlilid. ørldanf9rceible. If me offending provision cannot be 80< rnodillad,lt shan ba con,ldered deloted irom· :tII1$ "MortO'''' Unlas$ otherwlso requìred by law. the illegellty, Invalidity, 0/ unenfol'OoRbility 'of ony provisIon of !his Mortg8!Jo shail not offect the fogelllV, volidlty or enlorcaablllty of any .other provl$lon of this Mortgago, Merger, There sh.ell be no mergor of th9 Interast Ø/ estate oraBled'by this Mortgage with 'anyother:frnGr8St or estata in the Proparty at any t'mG held by or for tha benefit 01 lender In ·any cupaony, wJthoµt the wrl~øn c.oAsent. 'if lI~ndør. Sueo...o" end ANIline. Sub ~cl tp ~ny·llml1eU()na at1l.ted Inthf. Morti)ogo on trahslitr '01 Grantot's Inla'88t, IhIS' Mortgage shäll bu· binding upon and inure to "the benefit o,f the pe'tles, thair sUC.C$esotl and osellln., II ownership 01. the Proparty becomØ$ ve.ted III 8 person other then Grantor, Lender, without notice 'to (¡raol"., me» i/eeJ with Grantor'a succ..sorll with raferance to this Monga.ge and the In<!ebtOldnaos by way 01 forbearanoe or .x1llnslOn without r.eleaslng Grllntor from the .obllgatlons o~thia' MO'lge.ga or liability under the Indebtedness rima is of 111. Enenca, Time i. of tha e18Bnco 'In the perrorm8hee 01 this Mortgage. Waiver of HOIM8tead !ixamptlon. Grantor 1.lerJlby rt,fBð&8S"0I10 VIIélvea oil rlghu an<! b8/)&lrl$ of the homeot8ad. exemptio,,. fsws .of the Slote of Wyomlllg as to an fndabtednesa aecur.d by· thIs Mortgage,. 'DEFINITIONS. Th. following Upltolized WOrds Bnd tAI/I118 shall hevlI the followlng.meanlnge when, used In this Mortg:age ·lJnlasa speolllcally stated to the· aontrary. all relerencae to dollar ,amounts "$h~1I n,.eanamounts :11'1 Isw.f.ullnonev of tho ·Unltad. Slates. j)f Ame'loa. Words'Md \erms. uaed In ·the singular shall '!'Iclllde thG. plural, and the plurolsoall Include 1hl\ alhguiar. lie ·thluJo.ntaxt m/lY rsqWe, Words )d larms root o.therwlse dellned In \hIe Mortgage .ehallhavo the .maanlnoa.attrl~utød to.8ueO ij tml\ In'the I)njlørm Colt\metciaICÞde" Borrower. Tho word 'Sorrower' rnGatls MEADOWLARK èON!>TRUC'tION LLC.. A WYOMING LIMITED LlA81LITY COMPANY PO BOX 3638. ALPiNE. wY. 831-28 : and SOliTUDE HOLDING, LLC. A DELEWARE LlMjTED LIABILITY COMPANY PO BOX 3638 ALPINE, WY. 831 28 and Inoludas 811 co·signers and co·makars 'Iilgnlng the N.ota and aU Iholr sUCOOSeors and assigns. D.fault. Tho word 'Oef<lult' means the Oe'la"lt set forth In this Mengege.,n tho aectiOn tlt/ed 'Ooll\\llt' EnvIronmental Law.. ThG words 'Envlronmerrtel Law.s· mnn M1/ and all state, federal and locol statUlos, re.gufntions and ordinanaes /alatlng to the protection 01 human health or \he environment, Inaludlng withoUt ·ltmjU.ti·tm the .Comprshemnvli Environmental R"ponse, CompanSBtIOn, and Llebility Act of 1980., ·es emended, 42 U.S.C. Section 51601, at s.aq. I~<::ERêLA"1. \ha ~uperlund Amandmarrts snd Reauthorization Act Of 1986. Pub. L. No, 990499 '¡"SARA'f, me Ha2ar!1ò\Ì8 M leri~ a Tra/'l8þortellQn Act, 49' .U:.S·;C, $êc!Îor't 1{I01, erseq., the Røsourco Consarvatlon end Recovery Ae1, 42 O.S.C, Section eool. et. seq.,or o¡her applicable stato or laderlll Isws, rules, or regulations' edopted :puI.uant the...!o. Event of Default. Tho w.ords "Ev.enl of Defs"lt" meln el1y of the 8Ven\$· of rJ.faull set lorth In 'this Mortgall.e In the evants 01 default nct'on of 'thIs Mortgo.ge. Gl8ntor. Tha word "Grentor' maor\lt MEA.DOWlARK CONSTRUCTION LLC., A WYOMING liMITED UABILITY COMPANY PO BOX 3638 ALPINE, Wy, 83128 : and SOLITUDE HOLDING, lLC, A OELEWAflE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PO 80X 3638 ALPINE, WY, B3128 Guarantor. The word "Guar6ntor' means any guarsntDr, 'aurely, or ~.ccommodatrorì party of 8ny or ail òl the'll1dabtØdness. Gusranty. The word 'Guaranty' moans the guaranty from Guarsntor to Lender, ¡n(Huding without Ilmftatlona guørftRty .01. ell or 1¡Irt allhe Note He.erdous $\lb.tenc.a., The words 'Hazardous ·Substances" mean metarlels \het, bacaUsø 01 the,r quantitY, concentrawn 01 physical, chemical or ",foenous characteristics', may cll.Llse or poseD prelrent or poæntlal hazard to human health or tha env,ronment when Improparly used, treated, stClted, disposed of, ganetð'l8d, menu'nctur.ed, ltànspGrted or othllr"";.. handled. The' words 'l-Ia38.dous Substances" ara used In their very broldeet· Banee .and IIIclude without limitation any and all hazardous or tOKIC substencas. maleri,ls or waste as defined by or listed under the Envl)'onm.ntal Lows. The term ·"Hozor.doue Substandes' also Includee. without 1II'/I;1-'l1I0n, patroleum and petroleum by·products or eny Irnctlon thereof-and 8$be$10S Improvemenls. The word 'Improvements' lI)e~ns allOXiSting and fUIU(a i,,\lprQVernlnU, building.s. structures, mobila homes ef·llxed on the Real Property. laclUtles, addltione, rcplaCements and 01/181 COII$ttuctlon on Ihe Reel Prppe)"ty. Indebtedness. The word 'Indobtedna"" means all prlnCII)al, Interolll. end other amounts, coste end expanses payable under the Note or Rolatod Documents, Togethor with all rlinewë!a of, :extl!l~ions 01, 'modJ1fCa1!onS j f, 'cønsolîdstlpns of and' :substltutions lor the NOle Or Roleted Doouments end any amounts ·expanded or advanced by lender ·to disbhargo G1al:>.tOr's obllÌ atione ot expanses Incurred 'by 'Lollder to enlorce Grantor's obligations urrder tn" Mortoego, roge1her with rntorltSt on such emounts as provided In "thIs Morl.gaga Lend.., The word 'Lender" maGns 15t Bank, Ita SUocessors snd B8$I\)ns,. Morts.ge. The word 'Mortge9tt' means this Mort{ li\}$ belwoan GrantiJr ·snd Lendar, Note. The word 'Note' means the promihory nole date( Januar.y 29, 2007, in the orlgll'l.tll pria·tlpalam1Jl¡nt '01$379,728.68 'from GI'8ntor to Lender, together with all renewals of, extensions of, modifications of, re(lnanolllg$ '01, consolidations of, and substitutions for thO promissory note or agreement. The malumV'dete of thiS Mor.l:gage is Januar.y 29, 2009 Pe'sonal Property. 'rhe words 'Peraonal Property' moan all equipmerrt, fixturee, .and other articles of personal proþerty now or heroa/ter owned by Grantor, and now or hereafter attached. or ·aftikød to· the I~eal ,Proparty; tog ther w)t!:> all 8aoessl008. perts, and additions to, nil roplacomsnta of, and I111liubs1ltutlens for, eny ef 'sup", propliny; and 'tp\lat/1OI' Wrlh. ell prooeéds (inolu~ing wlilii)ut IIrnit~tfon 8'11 In!ursnoo prooeeda snd refunds 0.1 pramlums) Irom any aafe' or otne/ dloposltlon Of '(1'00 ·ProM/tv. Property. The word "Proporty' means ool~ectlvelY thè RÐ~I propèr'lv e"d. J;Iio' Pilrilö".¡ Propsrtv, fleel Property, Tho w.ords 'Real ProperlY" moan 'the rasl,.property, Inlerests 'and rights. a~ further described 1I1·:thI8 Mortj åge Ralsted Documttnta, Tho words "Related Dbéwnantø' mean .all pf,Qmlsaòry notos, cladít agroementa, loal.l :agro¡unenIB, el1llJronmentaf ilgreomenta. Quarantles, security agreemènts. mo'tgeg.ès¡ doods /)1 'friJst, security .doodB, Collatarul. mortgagee. and III.olhor instrul1\ents, egreements and documents', whethar now ·or hi)reolter'ex4õt;no, exaouted In connection wf~il the Ihdeb(edness Rtnls. The word "Rants· m81lns all pr.aent and .futurll rtnt8, rtvenuas, 1110.0018, l6Iues, royelties, proflll, and other bena/lte detlved from the Propetly Loan No~ 76'00t608 67'-1L\ MORTGAGE (ContInued) 000612 Page 6 EACH GRANTOR ACJ(NOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE Pfl9VISIONS 01' THIS' MOfl'J'$AGE, AN.O EACH' GRANTOR AGBEES TO ITS TERMS, . GRANTOR MEADOWLARK CONSTRUCTION LI.(;.. A WYOMIN.G LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PO 80X 3638 ALPINE, WY. 83128 8~~DO~K CONSTRUCTIQN ltC., A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PO BOX 3638 ALPINE, WY. 83128' BY:~ ~Aul at. . . . uMr fo~ MEADOWLARK 'eöNS'rI'iUCTlO~ LI.C,. A WVQMINGLIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PO BOX SE!aB AI.PlNE. 'NY. 83'12& LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACKNO ~~"."",,<"\,"¡'. STATE OF _.If.r¿l) ltVG COUNTY OF LIP t.() LN ) JSS J CHRISTINA 1<' ALLRED" NOTARY PUBLIC COUNlY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 04/30/2009 On this 5n1 day 01 fø¡~,r¡q.r ,20 ðÎ , 0 eppesred REX Ã:-ÕÕÕRÑÍlÕS~Man8ger ~ëõ'lfS'fflüëfIõN LLC:-- A WYOMING LIMlrEl:) LIABILITY COMPANY PO BOX 3E!38 ALPINE, Wy, 83128 , and known to .no to be 8 member or designated Iu¡ònt of I~B nmll8d liability company thel executed the Mortgege and acknowledged the Mortgage to ba the iree end volunlary Bot end deed of the limited liability company, by authority 01 ~tat.Ute. '19 articles of organizatIOn or 119 operetlng Dgroement. for the use. and purpose. tberem mentioned, and pn .oalh st8IGd that ho or ·she ¡s aUthoriz.ed 10 exacute thIs Mortgage and '0 fa 8)(ecuted the Mortgege on behaH 01' It IIrnjtaø liability compeny.. .. By Nptery Public In and·forth. State of W~bM'~ lI,tldlngat [fnn I ~~M~r\~ My commlislol1 ,,'¡plras~ - ~l> -ðq LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACKNOWlEDGIVIE:NT CHRISTINA K. ALLRED· NOTARY PUBLIC : S8 COUNlY OF .."'¡; STATE OF LINCOLN· WYOMING ---,.~..._--_.__.- , . On d,18 £ W day of fiflJlUtµ'~ _, ~O _~L. before MY C~~~~30/2009 appeared-,¡'6'-Â' A. (JtJo F-IV ClOS' __ and known to me to be lal member(slór de"~d agent(al ònhe limited ila ¡lIity cO!11þBl1y the.t eHecutëã:¡!le MQrtgage and I!CJmowledgiiërih'e Mprtgage to be the frea aod voluntary' ect and deed of the lIm'ted liability· oompany. by euthörJIy of 8tatvte. Its arth:IM 01 organ~~ti\¡n or .tts operating 8groemant, I'or the uSes and purposes th8,iln menUoned. and pn oath. .tatJK that he or S'loeMay la/ero authorized to execute this Mortgog,o D~d In fact e (8c~'¡'tha Morlg a on beholfòl theill1litad Ilal!lIIty compàhy, 8Y~. R..ldlngat f/r.A. N.DI.ry Public In and for the Stat, of My commission oxplru. 4" 3b-O~__ STATe OF -.ff..-r..'!!!!..~N(J__._._ COUNTY OF UN (!.() L rI loan No: 761001Jì9267'1lt MORTGAGE (Continued) 000613 Page 7 ~ CHRISTINA K. ALLRED - NOTARY PUBLI . COUN1Y OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 04/30/2009 On th,s __~_ .~_ day 01 ~y~~_ ._.._,___. 20 .cr:J.-. before me. the undelslg"ed Notary Public, personally oppea,ed GEORGE V. PALOMBA, Monay.r of SOLiTUOE HOyiNO. LtC. A DELWARE UMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PO 80X 3638 ALPINE. W'f(. 83128. .and known to .me.lo be 8 member Or ·deoì.g"ateø ogont of the limited liability compony that 'exeo\lted:the Mortgage and eoknowledgod the MOItgpgø to be t/1e free aNd volµntary 8e.t and deee! of the limited 8b1Hty eompony, bY authOri\y of statùje, its artlcl.. af orgonitot On lOr ItIf operatIng. e,groemeiTt'. for tIm uaes andporpon; therelll mentlGned, arid Òn· Geth stated that he lOr .he t8 ,",iholl:redto"e~oçuta this og~ and ¡" laot exec d tho rt :on beh.! QHhe limited Ii.binty comÞsn}--'¡ B R.sldlng at t:lJ:::J::t3. Notory PUblic ht and for the Swaof ¿J j() rV\ / f1 r My .amnil..101I upI". Lf -:.;.<j) (;A LIMITED LlA81L1TY COMÞANY ACKNOWlEDGMI:NT STATEOF_W~J COUNTY OF _-~k" .._____ SS: ) STATE OF _~'^"'~~ COUNTY OF Lt 1'\.( 0 ~ ____ ) ) S8 ) STINA K. ALLRED - NOTARY PUBLIC COUN1Y OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRËS 04/30/2009 LIMI'tED LIA81L1TY C:OMPANY ACKNOWLED On thIs l-th _)/ay: 01 Jj r' , 20 _~. before me. the u"derslgned NOtary PUblic. porsonally .~poa'e~~~\J. ~ _ _ . . _ ~_'.~' Bnd known to me to be la) member!,! or· de"ã1gnetGd aoent!s) 0.1 t:ha Ijn)ited liability (¡ompal'ly ·that 8xBcuted the Mortgage Ðnd öckoowlodged tho Mortgage to. be the tree and voluntary Bet and deed of. the limite.~UbblUty colTt¡:>ehy, þy <lu(ho'rity of S\8111.1e, its artlcloa of organization or its operating agraemem. for the uses and purposes ·thoreln mentIOned. illld on oath 8toted that he· or she/they I.'are IlUthollZGd to oxecute th'8 Mo 8ge and In fact e.~.Ollted· the Mortgege on .behalf.Gt the limited IlliþililY compony. 8YResld"'!! 1It 8-n t&. L-/-3Ù-O CI M~·.commli1.10n exPlreo _ _ I ~-;:Õ~"Y"""M.eö._ c.fþ>,I1......~.,.,"".."""-._.I..t.JØf7. .A!l1I~,.¡it.¡''''''. ;¡ ,.~ )oUAfI..NM;H~PIMIC'Q·t'c: ~'1tÀ