HomeMy WebLinkAbout926975 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Larry and Ann Young Address: 819 East Chariot Drive Sandy, UT 84094 C9YRt£I Thll ....... being recordt', lole., ....s, and ! accOllllllDd... to the partftI therein. LMd till Co. Her.Þ, exprn.., dIICIIImIany responslbllltr _liability for the accuracy _tint thereof. . 000490 WARRANTY DEED (Individual Fonn) ANN V ALENE YOUNG, a married woman GRANTOR(S) of Salt Lake County, State of Utah, CONVEY(S) AND W ARRANT(S) to ;í' LARRY YOUNG and ANN YOUNG, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties GRANTEE(S), whose address is: 819 East Chariot Drive, Sandy, UT 84094 for the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: See Attached EXlllBIT "A" ***This document has been prepared as an accommodation by LAND TITLE COMPANY without the benefit of a Title Search and its a~curacy is not guaranteed. _ . d..fv;j ;.- e 6rt.l«{.-I . day of J~, 2'Ö07. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor this t71-h RECEIVED 2/23/2007 at 10:47 AM RECEIVING # 926975 BOOK: 649 PAGE: 490 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE £ ¡/; :'1 i // ML- a f..utL. v tJlA..l\] ANN V ALENE YOUNG 0 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /1- avo ¡-; Ù",a/ra day of ~ry, 2007, by ANN V ALENE YOUNG the s ·'gners of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WI ESS / Y HAND AND ~IAL SEAL. , , , / /ì () ì, 0 ARY PUJ;5LlC I \. ME~ISSA J. VELTRI . 1344 Welt "'75 South ~iv.rdaJ., Utah '....05 My Commission Expirei ¡,,, __/8'- "'\ It I 0 June 18, 2010 Lv d-V ST.'\TEOFUTAH File Number: 61052 Land Title Company Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page I of 1 "'-w·........ _...... ,_ i(t T ) 0926975 , EXHIBIT "A" " . .,. " . ..' ~ " À'portion o~ t~e Salt River" H~i~hbf, 9Ub,diYlø;~;~~~k~~~~g'::,~~;:,;~it:_~.on:p,\ ,";';', \'L of thè SW1/4SE~/ 4 of, ~ection1/T33~~í _R~19W:í",~'t,h:i:~i.;l~'J:.~,:,:":,,,:a,¥,~:1J9ii~/:" ",<'~"", "", , between the Wyoming Game andFlsh' .P.ublic'Area:, and ,',t'fìè, N6:rtn; p "'::':':"',:i ...\ ,. ' line of said ,Subdivision, Lincoln' County, WÝ.oming"beinÇj' more.; ,',: ,: ,,".. .';" particularly described as fol16~s: " "', ." ~ .,-p , , ,. .. '-.' ',' " BE<?INNIN~ at a point in the EastRf9ht-bf~W~Y li11eof: U.'S. ,HighwaY"~9i'"åa.id po~nt be~ng ne.ar a BLM type pmonument :foundr,nax:king the Northwest: ò.orner"'çf "a, ,WyomirigGame and Fish Property, said monument, bei'rigN23 I) 53 '22'tlÈ;'4,3.99',;fèe;t 'from. a concx;:ete 'highway monument found marking,thê ,Southerly' termínis Òf'a 2'143. 46ß ,foot ~adius curve in the Eàst Right"':of-Way,'l,ine of said U. S. Highway ,89 and also be~'ng 866°29133 tiE' ,2'143 .,31'1 'feet,;measur~d (2143. 46Bfe,et record) from ,the radius point of said durve;the:n'ëe 810°24 '56 tiE, along the Northefly line of ,said Game and Fish .property,;205.41 f.eetto a BLM type monum,ent found¡ thence S3 °231 29"E,along the Easterly 'line of,.said,Gë~me :a.nd Fish, property,' 98.01 feet t'o aBLM type 'monument ,found; thl3i'1ce "S46~~54,'22'IIE 77. .,07 feet to the Southwest cqrnèr of ,LOT 30¡:theriC¡i:' N5';t~;29"1,S9:i',E;:'~:,'k"idrt9'''ð>NortiÜir:ty , line of said LOT 30,83.17 feet toa rebä,r:tòµndJi1ä:tk:Lng,the 'Southwest corner . of said LOT 27 ¡ thence N12°17IE/alongthe,'weeit." line 'of. sài,d,LOT27 i 212.00 :feet ¡ thence, N47 °07' OlliE 33.12 feettpEl1é:·:qÖ\¡thwe'st 'Rrght~9t'-Way'line of a proposed.60 'foot wide J:oadapþroximat'~ly,'follqwingt~e~è~latin9 graveled roadway; thence N42ØS2159"W, . a:long saidRi9ht~of,;;'Wayl:;t.,h,~{~,:1,.6;5'4 ,teet to a bend in said Right ~6f ~Wayl±ne¡thertdeN61 °3.'5~'I;$.O·"~'~'é?órtEi'Ìiul119~l'ong:: 'øâid , Right-of-Way line, 1.91 féétto a poiI)t ~nþhe'North:'.Iiri;e·þf·s~id ;$aìt ,River Estates ' SUbdivision; thenèe S89 °.5513öI1W, 'al'Örig,J.ås-t:/ffå:id.NQrf;h:"l;t,rt<è:;, 3.30.02 feet to a point marking 'the Southerly terminiE3'øf'Qi 2 J,;S 8 .,46B,:,f6¢i't radius curve in the ,East Right,-o,f-Waylirietò, U.S. Highway' e9 , ançì;à:ls,o ,being 868°4813811E 2158.468 feet from the ,radi~spointof, sàid, curve,' 'said point , also being N89°55';30IlE 0.37. 'fee.tfrom ,existing concrete highwaymqnument¡ "thence N87°48I02I1W15.87 feet to a point marking the Northerly terrrdnis of a ,2143.468 foot radius curve in said', East Right.,of~Way l~rie artd:a¡so being 'S6804012111E 2143.468 feetfrbmthe'radiuspoirit ,of last said· curve, said point also, bei,ng N68°40 '2~I'W',0 .4B . feet ~~Oin 'exist.ingconcrete highway monument: thence running SoutherlyalQng : last, said c\'lrvethr,ough ,a, central 'angl,e ,of' 2 ° 10148" an arc dis:tartc~ of .Bl; 555fêet ,,' to' the Point of ,Bé"ginn,ing. C,,,,,, , .' .' ( .', ,',' '., :..... Sûbj ect to reseryatión~ 'and restrlcti~ris,:',t9.~~~~hiùt,i~<:,t.-he,..UîÙt~d States Patent and to easements andrights-öf-way,of,rec,0rd or~n,use. " TÓgether' with ,. ail iTt\provemer~tsa~dapPt1rt~ri,~n.~'~·~,the:r;eori.,., , -,.