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W0rd8 uIed in muldpJe øecdooø of dda dQCumeÐt Il1'O dofiaed bekJw and otbcIr wo.nII are defiDed in Sectioas
3, II, 13. 18. 20 and 21. Ca1Iin ruJes teþI'diDg Ibc UIIIe of words used in tIûs doComen¡ am 8Iøo providcx1
in Section 16.
(A) "SIl9ll'ÖJ l:altnuDeat" mc8IJ 1his documeot, which is da1Id I'ebnazy 21.~, 2007
toøetbet with all RJdcrs ro this document.
(8) "Bortower'" is
JIe:n:;Lôee L "~.OII, AU 'O'DIIa:n:b4 WaIIIIII&
Bmmwer is Ibe martþ¡Or UDder dûs Security InIIron1eftt.
(C) "MEIIS" is Mon¡qe BIecIrooic Re¡iIUadoft S)'11emI.Inç. MBRS II a sepaIIte c:arpœadœ tIIat is acdn¡
IOIely 18 a oomiaee for IAßder 8Dd I..eodcrs suc:œøoø and aaigDs. MERS II the mortpl. ........ tIaiI
Sccarit)' .....t. MBRS II mpnized IUd NI8Iiø, under tho Ja.,. of De1awn, 8Dd baa In Iddre8s and
œJepbone numbet of P.O. Dox 2026. Flint. MI 48501-2026. tel. (888) 679-MBRS.
WYOMING.Sing'e Family-Panni. Maelfr_dl."a. UNIFORlIlNSTRUlleNT WITH IISRI '_1011 1101
~ -eA(WY) (IIIIOII).III! / ')
....., 01 1. Inll..II;/ÎLk1h.----
YMP MOr1....IOIII_U. Inll.
First Horizon
307 734 7891
- -¡
(0) "Leader" is '%UT IIORIZOH IIOJII r.o.ur t'OUo.øXOX
Lmdcr .. a COUQJIP%OX
orpniIe4_ oxIIdq UDdm' the JaWl of 'lD 8ftD or D1fIWI
Leoda"lIddresaia 4.000 JIorbœ Way, XniDg, ~... 75063
(I) "N_" ...... the pmmiIsory IIOIe signed by Bonower and dated rebna:a:y 21øt., 2007
The Note .... that Borrower owes Lendc:r
(U.S. $ 2"'0, 000 .00 ) pJus _1efaL Boøower .. pmmJøed CD pay Ibis debt in reauJar Periodic
Pay¡nentuød.lOpaydlodabtinfuUootlllerlban JlUCB 1, 2037 .
(I') "1\.....1," means the propc4y tbø is cIcIsatbaI baIow under the hcadiDg "TIaDJf'c:r of RJ¡IdI in the
.. ....,-.". '
(G) "Loa" means tho detn evidenced by the N01e, plus 1ntcrcsc. any prepayment cbaqellßd 'late charges
dua wukIr the Noto, aDd aU SWDI due under 1hfa security II1SII'UIDeDI, plU1IDœre.st.
(JI) "RideII'I" means aU Ridm m this Security IøsInJIDaU .... - eucuted b1 Borrowet. Tbo foUowln¡
Riden me to be execurcd by Bonower [check box as øppIJcabJc]:
§ Acti.14 RatoRkler § Condominium Rider § Secœd Home RJder
BIlIoon 1Uder Planned UDit Development Rider 1-4 Family Rider
VA Rider Biwcet1y Paymem Rider Otbcr(1) [¡¡pedfy]
(I) "Applicable Law" means IU COIIÞOIUDg applk:ablD fedeta1. .. aDd. Joça1 ........ repIaIioøs,
ord1oøncea and administrativo I1LIœ 8Dd onIers (chat bavc tho efI'= of Jaw) II well.. aU app1ic8b1o fiDad.
nonwØpJJClJab1e jud1eial opiDîoDs.
(J) "CommDDit)' AIIodatioD Duel, Feel, aDd Aøøalments" means aU d.uc8, fees, Illllle8llßCI1Þ aad other
charges Ibat ø impoIe4 00 Borrower or the Property by a CODdominium IIIIICCÍ8dOD, bomeowneI1
8IIDCiIdon or similar orgaJIi7J1t1nn.
(K) "EIecIraDk: FIIDdI Traasfer" IMIJIII any traDICer of funds. other dum a 1rIIJJ.SiICIion ori¡inaIed by check.
dIaft, or sJmiIar IJØIX"Z bIs1rmneD1, w1ûch is iDidafal duough an e1ecInmic œrmbuIl. lDIqJbooic iu8trument,
c:ompu1X:I', or ~ tape 10 18 10 Older, instruct, or awborizo a t'Iøandal institution 10 debit or credit aD
aœounL Such tam iDcludeB. but is not 6m1ted to, point-of-sale 1IBDIfcn, aulOlDaled 1e11er macIùDe
uansacdona, 1rIDIfcn Initialed by IC1cpbonc. wIm ttanJfets, and au~ clcaringboule tnmsfet8.
(L) "Eøcrow UeIIII" mama woøc iœms that are deIerlbcd in Section 3.
(M) "MIIee1IaDIoua Proc:eedIJ" means any compeosatioo, øeuJement, awant of damages, or proceeds paid by
any tIúrd patty (OIlIer dJao ÍD8UnII1CØ pmceeds paid UDder dJe çøycn¡es deSCribed ill Section 5) for: (1)
damago 10. or dcIImdkm of, the Property; (ii) condemDalion or other taIdoø Of an or 8I1Y pm of Ihe Property;
(IH) aJllveyance in lieu of condemnadon; or (iv) nùsreprc.scntadona of, or OIIÙIIIOIIII as to, the valuo aad/Or
condbkm of Ibe Property.
(N) "MorIpgelœarlDce" meana inJuIarwo pmœdin¡ Leodet against the noapllymcot of, or default 00, the
(0) "PerIodJe Payment" means the reguJar1y sclJcdulcd amouot due for (i) principal and inURlt und.c:r the
Nma. plus (D) any amounts under Secdoo 3 of dús Security Jøslrument.
(P) "aESPA" mama die ReIl EsIII8 SeIdeœeot ProccctuœI AI:t (12 U.s.C. Section 2(j()1 et aeq.) and iÞ
ilnplcmcndng reguJaIion, ReguIaIiœ X (24 C.F.R. Pan 3500). 81 dIey ml¡bt be ame&1de4 from dmo 10 lime,
or 88)' addidODaI or IUXICIIIOI' Je¡Vc1~ or rquIadon that governs ahc IIIIIDe subject DI8I1er. As uøed in tbiI
SecuriLy InsIrumeot, "RBSPA" œfcrs to aU RqUÚ'elDeu18 8Ild resttictioos Ibat aœ imposed In regard CD a
"fcdcrally rdatcd IIIOI'Ip¡e loin" even if tho I.œn d.oea not qualify HIli a "1'ederaU.y reWed mongugo loan"
under RBSPA.
~"A(WY) (Il/1011.01
Inlllall: A,~",,--
form S051 1101
(Q) "S....... IDlDtereIt or Borrower" IDC:IDI any party Ibat baa liken lido to d10 Pmperty, wbelber or not
dud party baa auwncd DonoW". obllpfions UDder tile NolO IIIId/or dill Security InsIrumeßL
11ùI Security ID8tfamcDt øeeures ro Leodtr. (i) tbe repayølCDt of &be Loan. IIIId all reœwala, exllllSioDa aad
modIfk:adooa of Ihe Note; aad (ll) die performInce of BotI'OWOI", covenants 8Dd qmemeats under dais
Sccurhy Jurument IDd tbe Note. For dùs puqJOlO, BOI'I'OMl does heIeby 1DOItS88C. pao¡lIIId cooW)'
10 MBRS (solei)' u IIOD1iDcIo for Lender 8Dd LeDder', ~ IIIJd asaips) IIId ID tbc IUCCOIDI
aad aai¡aa of MBRS. with poviCI' of ... !be foJIowIna dc:øibed JIIUI8f.Y 1OCIII4
in Ibe CWaty of LiDaolJa
['l)pII of RacanI.... JIIri.di«1oaJ [N1IIIfJ of Raoordlq 1UrIIdIedøø)
LOT J1 or UV'DVI- IIDDOWS SICOJØ) .aœrn0Jf '1'0
wu-&.L» !'.III 8.1/.. O. ØC!'1'IOR 30, ~37I11, a118W,
ACCOJUmIQ 1'0 ':rJIU PLU nLBD ......1JAU' 11. lilt,
PLA~ ~ 26t-D ZB8!IDKIIT BO ?7"'8.
Pmœ1IDNumber: County. 3n830tG013000 Cicy.
505 1ID.at. ai,"~ IJri....
("Property .AdcImII"):
'I'OOB'11ŒR W'I11IIIl the Improvements !lOW or ht:reIfII:r erected on tho propany. and all CIIIIIIleß1S.
IIppIIrII:ßaItt and 1'Ix1urœ now or bereaftcr a part of 1be property. All œpJaœmco1l1llld IIddIdœs abaU aIIo
be c:cmnd by this Security InsInuDcnL All of Ihc foqoiDs is Jåated 10 in rhis Scœrity lalinlmeat as tile
"Property." Bœowet nndcrsIands and ø¡rees that MBRS boJds ODly IapJ. tide to the blrcresra granted by
Borrower in tIUs SecurI1y IDs1rument, buI. if' ncceARrY to cxmpIy with law or CUItOD1. MBRS (u IIDIIIiaee for
Leoder and Leader·, suc:ce....1Dd 1IIipI) bas Ibe tigbt to CIeI'CÍID my at aD of IboIe mror.. uwudl"s.
but DOt I1mt1e4 10. dIo rJ¡bt to 1'onIcJoøe and leU Ibo Propmty; 8Dd 10 ate any action required or I.aIdcIr
ÙIC1ndh1J. but not JiaUIcd 10. rckIøaiD¡ and canceUn¡ t.bJJ Security IoIIrumeot.
BORROWER COVBNANTS that Borrower Is JawfuUy aeiIec1 of tho asœœ hereby cooveyect and bas
Ihc riabt 10 ØIOft8I8Ct JI1UI1ID1 COÞey Ibe Property and that the Property is1lllCllC:lllll1 ... tor
~""hnt_ of mud. Boaowor WII'IIDII 8Dd will deferJ4 pacnUy Ibe dale 10 the Property .... en
c1aimI and dInumds, aubject to 8I1Y encumhruœa of record.
THIS SBCURrIY INS'IRUMBNT combIneI unUOnn covenants tor nadooù uøe and ÐOß·uaiform
coveaaats wirh limited variIIions by Jurisc:Uçdon 10 c:onstitu1e a uniform øcçurity ioJ1roInaU coveriq real
wlrlch c:umntly bu the addrca of
CiI7J , Wyoming 83128 (1.IpCadllJ
_elA(WY) (0001).01
p... tor 1.
'lilt....: )J]-1-_"
FoI'llIOS, 1101
, FEB-21-20C
First Horizon
307 734 7891
UNIFORM COVENANtS. Bouower and Lender covenaat and acreo. follows:
1. PQmat of PriDdpaJ, Intel'tllt, EIerow IteIIII, Prepayment CIuIrJIØ, aDd Late Cbarge&
Boaowcr sbaU pay when dŒe tile principal of, and Jo=- on, the debt eviduwed by the NOID IIIId 8IIY
prepayment cb&u:ges and late cbatges due under the No"," Bouowt:t sba11 also pay funds for Bøctow Items
pUlSU8l¢ to Section 3. Payments duo under the Note and this Sccuri1y InsÞument shall be made in U.s.
çl11'lellCy. However, jf any cheçk. or olber iosb'ul1lel1t rccctved by I.ender. payment under 1bc Note or this
Security IDIUUmcDt Is rçQu'Ded 10 Lender ~ Lender may æqDR Iba1 8ft)' or aU subscqueIU paymeIIlB
due under the Note and this Security InsIrumeot be made in one or mom of the foUowin¡ fonns, 81 sole=d
by Lender: (a) cash; (b) IDOI1OY order; (c) c:e.nified c:bcck. bank çha:k, areasaret's cbeck or çashier's cbeck,
provJded 1D1 such check Is cbawn upon an inBtitutiOJI whose deposiIs are insured by a federal agency,
inatNmentality, or eadty; or (4) EJecIroDic PuodJ Tnmsfat.
Paymenll me deemed received by Lender wilen received .. Ibe JacaIion de8i&Oa1ed in tile Nou: 01' at
such olber IocaI:ion as tQ)' be ðc-il"alPd by Leodet in accordaœe wllb &be oodœ proviJioDs In Scallon 1S.
Lender may œbJm any pay1DCDt or pqnúd payment If tho paymc:Dt or pIIdiaI paymeAlI are insufflofcat 10 brio¡
we Loao cumnt. Lc:DcIer may ~ aDy paymcDt or ~ payment insuffigjent 10 brio¡ the Loaa cummt.
wkbout WBiwr of any rights hclellJldcr or ¡njudb to III ri¡ht$1O Jdùse such pa,men1 or perdal ¡aymenIB in
the rubm:, but Lender Is IIOt obJl¡ated. to apply I1JCh payments at the lime such ~ are a:œpted. If each
Periodic Paymeat iB appUed. as or its øcbeduled due date. Ihen Leader need not pay inrcrest on unapplied
funds. Lend« may bold IIUda unapp1iod funds amiI Borrowet' makca payment to brln¡ Ibe Loan cum:oL U
Borrowet docs not do 10 within a reasonable period of time, Leøder sha11 either apply such fuods or nøm
d1em 10 Boaowcr. Iluot appJied earlier. suçh funds will be applied to the OU1BbInIIinf ptirJ.cipa1 baJaDco uncb'
rhc Note immediale1y prior to foree)osUIe. No offset or claim which Borrower might bave now or in tho
futœ:e agamst Uudcr sbIll relieve Boaowet &om making paymeolS due under tho NOIe and dúI Security
Insøument or pcrfomùDg the COVeuanIB and a¡reemtIIl8 secural by dùs Security InJIrumenL
3. 4ppUeatloa of Payments or' ProaedI. Bxcept.1I8 otborWiso deøcribed in tbia Section 2, &11 paymcmII
acœpœd and applied by Lender JIbaIl be app1icd in the following order of priority: (a) in.. due under me
Note; (b) principal duo undc:r we Note; (c) 8IDOUftIJ due under Secdoo 3. Such pø.ymenIB ahal1 be app1ied to
eacb PeriodIc Payment in the ordtz in wbk;b it became duo. Any remainín¡ amouDtIIlb81l be IppIicd fit8t 10
1aro c:hatps, aecoad 10 any od1er ØDWUI1ta due UDder 1biI ScI;urity Inattlunan, and then to reduce the principal
bIIJaDce of 1bo Nom.
If Lender receives a. pa.ymeot from BortO\VU for a dDUnquent PerlodJc Payment wblch Includes a
suff1ckmt amount to pay any late ~ue, the payIMII1 may be applied to tho det1oqueot paymeøt and tho
.. charge. If more Ihaß ono Pcriodiç t is outsl8DdiDg. Lender may apply any paymeot received from
Borrower to the rcp¡tymeot of the . Payments if, and to the exœot that, each paymcat C8D be paid In
fuD. To chc ex_ 1bat. any w:eu e:xiIO aft« the payment Is appUed to the fun paymœt of one or more
Pœiodk: Paym.e.0t8. neb oxçoss may be app1icd to any late chqea due. Vo1unlary prepaymenrs shall be
appUed fint to II1Y prcpayD1eIIt chat¡es and tIleD lIS deaibed in Ib8 NOIe.
Any app1å:adon of paymcDts. iDs1mmce procoed8. or MiIœ1IaDeous Proceeds to priDc1pal due undet the
Noœ abIJl not cxtcDd or po8lpoDe the doc date. 01' cIuIn¡e 1be. amount, of Ibo Periodic PaymeÐt.s.
3. FuDds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Leader on. the day Periodic Payments aro duo under
the Note. und! die NoID Is peid in ful1, a 8IDD (!he "Funds") to pmvidÞ for p&)'IDeßt of ømoonll due for: (a)
taD8 IDd 18~' IIIId ok iIems wbid1 can 8ÚIÚD póority over this Secmrity IDstrumeat II a Hen or
encumbraøcc on the ftopeny; (b) IImeboJd paymeølJ or ground 1a11S on the ~, if my; (c) premiums
far any and aU ÛIIIUIIJœ œqulted. by Lender UDder Section S; and (d) Monp¡e Insurance pnmduma. if l1li1,
or any sums payable by BOItOWCt 10 Lender in lieu of the peymeut of MorIp,øe ÞSUI'lJ'lCO pnmiumI m
aø:onIaDœ .-tbo proVÙIiODI of SectIOn 10. TbeIc.. are called "Escrow 1--." AI orIt:QD or. any
limo during the Þ:rm of tile lGan, I..eDdI:r may requko tbøt Conummity Associadon . Fees, and
Asseasmen1S, if any. be escrowed by Borrower. and such dues. feel and asøcssnaeIIÞ 8baIl be an B8c:I:oW ltaU.
Bottowor sIuill promptly funùsh to Leader aD ootiœs of IInOUDII to be pIkI UDder ibis Section. Borrower
shall pay Lendet the Funds for Bøcrmv Itema uøIcsa I..cDder waives Borrower. ob1iødon ID pay the FundI
for my or aU EIaoW IIOmL Lender may waive Borrower', ob1ipdon to pa)' 10 LcDdcr FundI for l1li)' or an
Escrow Iœma It filly time. Any suçh waiver may 0D1y be in 'fIrltlng. In the event of IUCh waiver, Borrower
aball pay ditectly, when and whete payab1e, the amoUOII due for any BscIOw Items for wldch payment of
~"'(WY) (OOO1.02
'''' 4 Gf II
I~! )1J;~_
Porlll 1011 1101
Funds baa becD waived by I..enda' and, if Lender rc:qu1reI. shall fumilb 10 Lender reœIpø ~ such
payment wiIbio øucb dmo period as Leader may requite. Bonowcr'. obllpdøo 10 make sucb paymcaø aDd
ID provide øcdpra sbIU for øIl pII1pC)M be deemccllO be a eoVClllllt aod IpemtÐt CODIIincd in 1bI.s Secorit.y
InIØUlltClll.II die pbraøe "COYeß8Øt and a¡p:eemaa&" fa used in SecIioa 9. If Bouower fa obIipIed to pay
I BIcrow ItaDI direcIIy. plll'lUlDt to 8 waiver. ønd Borrower fails to pay Ibc IßIOUßt due for an Bscrow Item,
I.-b may aadlo ill ri&btI UDder Soodon 9 8Dd pay aucb amount aad Borrowa: IIbaU IhfID be ob1IpIe4
IUIder Section 9 to.repay to I..t:nder l8y such amounL Lcmder IMY œvoke the waiver 81 to any or all Blçmw
IIemI at III' dme by a JJOdce ¡ivea in ICCOIdaDcc wiIh Secdon IS and. upoa suCh ~ Bortowet IhIJ1
pay 10 Leodar aU Fuads, audln such amouot8, Ih8t are tbea requiæd 1JDder tbiJ ScdÎOD 3.
Lender may, at any dme, coUect II1d bold FundI in 811 amount (a) mft'icient to permit Lender 10 apply
dIo Puuds It tI1D time specified. UDder RESPA, 8Dd (b) not 10 e¡œecd aho 1N)l:Imnm IIIDDUDt a Ießdet CIII
require under RBSPA. Lender IbI11 estimate Ihc amoum of Fuoda due on the buJs of CU1'I'CDt dim IDd
re8lDll8ble eltim_ of Cllp'¥itures of fuaure B8crow I.. Œ odaerw1Io m ICCDdaDce _ A¡IpJJœbIa Law.
1ho PundlIbaIl be belli in 111 iDadludoo wbœD depoaiIa _ iDIund by . faJm1I1p11Cy, iIIIIrDmeaIaIit.
or entity (incIudIDg Leoder. If Leader is an iaJdtudoD wboIe depoaiIs are so iasurcd) or In lilY Ft:dIIII Home
Loeo Bank. Leader sbaU apply the Punda 10 pay !be B8crow Items DO 1aœr tbIIn the time specified UDder
RESPA. Leoder sba11 not cm.¡e BODOWe&' for boJdiaS and applym, Ibe Jluoda. ennaaUy ID81yziD¡ &be
escrow 1CCOIUIt, or YØrifyiDg tho BIaow Iœma. W1leu I..cadcr pay. Bouower interest on tho P'umIs aod
AppUcabkl Law pernÙII Lendcc to IIIØte IUCh a dIIIp. Un)ea an ~t ia DJIdo II wridøa or AppUœbJD
Law æquircs Ia....to be paid OG die FuIIda, laIdcr ....1IOt be I8q1IimI to pay IJornJMI' IDy ... or
eaminp on die FImda. Bœowcr 81141.eoder C8D ..... in wrldøg. bowover._.... 8bIU be paid 011 clio
funds. Lender I11II1I ¡lve to Borrower. widJout chirp, III annual acçoundng of Ibo Puada IS requ1re4 by
If tbere is a surplus of Funds held in CICfOW. as dá'Iœd amder KBSP A. Leader sbaJl a:count 10
Borrower for Ibe exceu funds in IØOI'd8nœ wbb RESPA. It tbcrc is a IIbœ1qe of FDDds bcId in cteroW. 81
dcfIDed UDder RESPA. I.øIdcIr ål1 aodfy BoImwer as rcquind by RBSPA, aad Bonowcr tb8D pay to
Lender Ibe IIDOUIIt neceuary In mab up abe shoI1I8e in acœntancc with RBSPA. but in DO ~ dI8n 12
monthly paymentll. If there is a d~ of PuncIs beJd in CICroW, II definod under RBSPA. LcDdor sbaI1
notify Bonower 18 requiœd by RBSPA, 8Dd Borrower shall pay 10 Lcmder Ibe IIIDDWIt necesøy to mako up
tho deficiency in aordanco wUb RBSPAt but In DO more dIIn 12 moalbly paylDCDlJ.
Upon paymeot in tun of aU SUIIIJ &ec:UftId by tbla Securil)' llløumø, Le.ader Ih8l1 prompdy œtuad 10
Bonowet aoy PuDds bo1d by LAmdm'.
4. Cluu'l1II LIeDI. ~ sha11 pay øIl fixes, _."...~t" cIIar¡ea, tiœa, IIId ~ont
auributablo to die Propc:r1.y whicb CIII. aaain priority OVCll' tb1s Seem!:)' InsIn1mant. b&ebold paymeall or
pound ICIIIJ on Ihc Property, if my, and Community Auocialion nues. Pœt. 8Dd AsscumenI8, if ØIrJ. To tho
extent tbat theIe iIema arc Bscrow IIImI, BCII'I'OWef øbaIl PlY thorn in tho manner ptOYkIed In Seodon 3.
BoDowcr IbaIl pmmpt1y discb8r¡c IDY 11m wlùcb has priork.y over dda Sccudty ID8Irumca1 ua10ss
Bonowfr. (ø) qnes m w.rttin¡ to 1bc pø.ymem of the ~ secøred by die lien in allllllllet ICCt!IIIIbJe 10
Lender. bot ouIy 10 toøa 18 Bonower is paforodDa aucb ~t; (b) CODIeIt8Ihe lied fA good fdh by. or
defends epJnIt CI11'orœancut of Ibe lieD ID, Jepl prv-'Iiq¡S wbich iD Lender'. oplolon operaIØ to preveat the
onfIJIœment of the lien wbÐe tboBe proc-'i"l8 are pending, but 0Dly und1 such procccdJnp lie çoOC1uded;
or (0) secunII fiom the ho1dcr of die lien an qreemeot sadsfBClOl'Y to Leodcr nbordinadn¡ the 1im 10 dDs
Securily IIIIIrumcaL If' Lcudar deteI'JDiacItbat .y pan or die PlOpM:y is subjeçt to a 11m wbIcb CIIlIIIIIn
priority over dûa SecuriI.y InJÞumeIU, Lcftdcr may live Bonvwer. POdce idctadfyiøg Ibo Ucla. WIdún 10
......A(WY) 100011.01
p..uo' 1&
1111111111 )1J~'L"
Form 1011 1101
First Horizon
307 734 7891
- -'"
days of the dale OD wbicb that notice is ¡iven, Bonowc:r shall satisfy d10 lien or rako one or more of die
acIioo& let fonh above in Ibis Secdoa 4.
Leoder may requiro BOII'OWK to pay a ~dmo charse for a real CItato tax vmifk:adon BDdIor rcpordog
aervice used by Lcudcr in connecIion with Ibis Lœo.
5. P.roperty IDIuraDce. BOl1Ower sha11 keep Ihe improvements now cxisdng or bt:reafter erccœd on the
Property iøsun=d øp.bJBt Ioa8 by fire. bazerds included within dlo tam "exllmded coverago." aad aoy ocher
baœ'ds iDcludin&t but DOt limital 10, eartbquakes and floods, for which Leoda' requin:& insuraoco. TJùs
.insuraoœ shall be IDaintained in the amounts (inç1uðilll dedŒIib1e levels) and for Iho parioda &bat Leader
requircl. WbaI Lender n:c¡uirœ pursuant to the preceding ICIl1aIœS can chaDgc during the tI:m1 of die Loan.
1be ÙIIuruncc amier pmvidins tho insunmœ shall be chosen by BorIOwet subject to Lender'1II D¡bt to
d1Iappmvo Boøowet·s cboJœ, which rigtu shall DOt bo _erdsed unreaøJ8bly. Lender IItIY œquire
Borrower to pay, in connection with ddIII Loan, eitl1et: (a) a oœ-time cbarge for Oood ZODe detømùnaI:Ion.
cartiticadon and tnåin¡ setvices; or (b) a one-lime cbargo for flood mne determinaIion 8Dd =tiiicatIon
services and subaequent cbargea each lime remapplnas at similar cban¡es occur which reuollllbly mf¡bt
affect mcb determiDadon or c:ertification. Bonower &ball atso be JellK)DJibJc for Ibe payment of any fees
imposed by the Fedeœ1 BrPcrgency Maoa¡ement AJCDCY in c:onnoctioR wi1b the review of any flood ZODO
deœrmiDation rcsuldn¡ from 1m objection by Borrower. '
If Borrower fails to maintafo 10)' of d10 çovc:ragea de8cribed abovo. Lender may ob18in Jnsurance
coverqe. at Lender's opdon IIld Bon'owet's CXpc:lllO. Leader is under no obUptiœ to parchaso my
pørdeular type or 8IDOUßt of ~ 'Iberefore, such covera¡e sha11 cover Lender, but miabt or might. DOt
pIOUICt BIJII'IOWet, Boaower', equity in the Properly, or the contents of the Propen:y, apiDat 811)' risk. bazIrd
or liabi1i1y BDd mi¡bt provide greater or lesser covczage dmn was previously in çffect. Baaower
acknow1cdps that tbe cost of the inauruce covcrqe 10 oblaiaed might significantly exceec1 dIo cost of
insu:taIK:e &bat Bonower could have oblatœd. Any amounlS diøbur8e4 by l..eDdtz under tbiø Sectioa 5 shall
becomo IIdd1doøal debt of Borrower secure4 by Ibis Security 1DIttumenr. 'lbeIo IIIIOIIIdB shaD bear mlrftlt at
me Norc DUe fmm the dare of diøblllllllleDt aød IhaU be payIIbJe. with sudt fnramt. upon notice from 1.aJdtz
to Bonowcr n:qllelltin¡ paymeøt
All in8lØDCO poUeies requited by Leader BOd renewaJs of such po1k:les sha11 be subJ= to Leodet's
riøht 10 disapprow sucb poIk:icI. shill inc1udo a standard znott,pge cIauso. and shaU ßIIDI LeadCIr 8B
JDOrtpgee and/or 11111 IdditlOJlaJ Joss payee. Lender sbd have tho right 10 hoJd Ihc policie8 and tellCWal
œr1ificafes. If I..eoder øqum Bœrower aball ptOnI.pdy give to Leodet all reccipll of paid pømiums and
nmewa1 notices. If Bomnver obtains aoy form of insurançe ~ not olhcrw.isc: rcquiRd by LeDdct. for
cIamø¡c to, or desIrucdon of, the PtopcrIy, such policy shaU iDc1ude II ltandard mortgage oIaoøD aDd shaU
name Lendc:r II monpgcc. and/or l1li111 addidoaal loP payee.
In rhc eveot of _. Borrower IIbaU. stve ptOmpt DOtice ID the msutaßce carrier and Leoder. Leødor may
make proof of Iou if not ßUIde promptly by Borrower. UnIas Lendet aod Bonower otherwise agree in
wrldns, any Joauraoce proceeds, wbelbec or not the underlying in8utancc was required by Len4er. sbaU be
applied to rmomdm or repair of tile ~, if d1c re8(DIBIioo or repair is economically feasible and
Leo.'s secariEy Is DOC Jcasened. During suçb repair and œIIOndion period, Lender sbaI1 have dID riJbt to
bold such WIUIIDCO procet.d8 undl Leuder bas bad an opponunity to inspect such Pmpaty to easure Ihc WOIk
has been compJ.eœd ID Leoder', sadsfaçdon, provided that such inspecIioo shaJ1 be UDda1aka1 prompI1y.
Leader 1nI)' dJlbUIIID proœeda for Ib.e rcpIdn IOd restoradoD in IlIIo¡le payment or in B ae.rJas of proaIe8I
paymeots as tile WOIk is œmp1eted. Un1eøs III IIpeement is JIUIde in writitI¡ or AppUcabJe Law aquire8
inœn:I¡ ID be pût OD such iDsunmce proceeds. Lendar shall DOt be œqgJn,4 to pay Borrower any in~ 01'
eII1Ùß88 on suçh proceeds. Fees for public 1Hijusten., or olber third pBrIies. teIaJncd by Bmrowet shaU not be
paid out of the iDsunuJçc pnx:eeda and sha11 be the ROle obUgalion of Bon:owar. If the teatomtIoD or npIr is
not economk:aDy £eaaible or Lender's security woQld be 1cøøeaed. the insurance proceeds ahaJl be applied to
~"A(WY) 10001'.02
Form 1OG1 1/01
d10 SUIDI ICICUled by tbis security 1'D8UumeI1t. wIdIa or !lOt tbcn duo. wkb CIJa axœss. if .y, paid to
Borrower. Sud1 ÌDSmBDœ proceeds sba1I be applied in ""' ordf:r provided for in Section 2-
If Boøower abIIIIdona Ibo PIoperty, Lender may tuc. nosodaro ønd .. any aVldJabIe IDBarInœ cllbn
and teIaIed Ø2IIœrS. If Bmmwer d.oea not œspond within 30 days to a nodcc f10m 4mder IIuu Ibo ÙIIIII1IIIœ
carrier baa offered to øettIe a claim. then Lender may lHIIotiIIIB IIId settle the cJaim. Tbe 3O-day period will
begin wbcø the nodœ is ¡ivcm. Iu either MOt, or if Lender acquires tbCI Property under Section 22 or
other'wilc, Bonower hereby UIips to Leøckt (a) Borrower'. ri¡b1I to lIlY ÙJIuI'IDCe pmceeds in aD 8IIIOUIU
DOt to exceed tho IIDOUD1I unpøId under die Note or tbis Security IDsIrurDcn1, l1li4 (b) aDY odIa' of BorJower'.
ri¡htI (0Iber thaD Ibe right to any œfund of UIICIIIDed premiums pIi4 by Borcowa) UDder an inlßltPWl
poUdeI covlll'in¡ the Property, ißsofar IS such rIgIus am IppIkabIe to the COYenp of the PIopaty. Leader
may use Ibc iDøaDœ proœeda either to Iq)Iir or Ie810re the Property or to pay 8IIIOIIßII unpIId undet the
NotB or thia Secmity IDsUUØlCDt. whether or Dot tbeo due.
.s. ~. Bœowe.r Iba1l OCCUPY. _bll.,.. aad UJC tbc Propert.y II BIJIIOWf:t'. principal œaidenco
\VidùD 60 days .... tbo eleCudoa of Ibis Security InsInImrIa 8Dd IIIuIJl c:œdll1ID 10 aœupy dae Plopetty .
Bormwer's priDdpa1 n:sideIø for at least ODe year aft« Ibc dale of DCCIIpIDCy, uøJeas Leader 0IbftwiI0
øarecs in wridDI, wblcb COIIIeDt øba1l DOt be uare&8OD8bty wi1bbo1d, or uaJeu cs1Dl1llllln¡ dtcu4.....
cmist wh1ch are beyoø.d Borrower's control
1. rr-r,ation, Mabt.teDUœ aDd ProteetIoø or tile Properay; lIIIpectloDs. Bortower shall DOt
deaIIoy. damI&e or impair Ibc Property, allow me Property 10 deIeriorIto or commit WUID OIl die Pmpcrty.
Whetber or 80t 8cxrowa' is reafdin¡ In Ihe Pmparty, BoItower sbII1 ~..Ibe Pmperty In onIIr to pnmmt
rbc PIopeny from deterioradÐa or decæaIing in vatao duo to III amdidoD. UDIess It II deI8rmIacd puI'IU8IIt to
Section S that repair or I'CIIiJratioo is DOt eœnonùcaUy fcul.bIc. Borrower ahall promptly .repair the Property Jf
dImIpd to avoid further deœriomdon or cIønIIp. If insurance Of condeømadoD proccedI are pIid in
COIIIIOOdOD with dImIp to. or the taking of. die Propcny, Borrower IIbaIl be respoasibJe for rcpafriDg or
reaodDg die Pmpan:y 0Dly if I..euder has released proceeds for IUCb PIIIJN*8. Lender may disbune proceeds
for tbo tqI8ÚI _ RáJrIIIioa in a aid¡Je J».YIDOIU or ia a __ of props ~ . tb6 __ Is
c:omplefød. U tho ÎIIIUI1IIœ or aIIIdemoIdœ praœeda .. DOt sum~ 10 n:púr or Jatoro die Property,
BaIrower 11 DOt relieved of Borrower', obUptloo for the completion of such repair or rosøadon.
LoDdcr or tø IIpIIt may make reasoaabJc ca. upoa and ialpCCtiona . of the Property. If it has
n:asonab1e caue. Leader may iaspect tho intIriot of the ÜP¡IfOVcmcall on die Property. LeDder 8baI1 Jive
Borrowvr notice at tile dIDo of or prior to IlUebm ioI8rior Anspecdoø. spec.ifyia¡ tueh I'e8IIOIIIbJc c:auøo.
L BOItWÞ...,þ¡ 'I Lola Ap,....... Bormwer IbaIl be in dofau1t if, duriD¡ Ibe l.om1 øppllcldœ JrOCe88,
Bœower or my peøoas or enddeIlCdng .. die dinIc:don of Banower or with Borrower's Iœowled¡e or
COD8eDt gave lII8b:da1ly 1'al8e, miJleading. or JDaœurarc intbnrtJltinu or statements to Lender (or failed to
provide Udder with mareria1 infonD8lioa) in connection with tbe Loan. Maand J"IA_"d..aϿ include. but
are not 1imIIIxI1D, œpreae.olations conc:cm.ins Borrowcr". oc:caplllllÇ)' of the PIopet1y as Borrower'. principal
t. PrGtedIoa of ......., J:nteœt in tile r... t) ad ...... U.... ..... S8I:IuttJ 1!Idb...t. U
(a) Bcxrowcr filii to pedbnn die ccmuøIS and qfeCIIIIIIIIII mnmDœd ia Ibis SecuriIy IaIIrUDIent. (b) Ibcrc is
aleþ1 proceeding dIat might l'tgPiftr.ant1y affect J..endet'J iPtcrcst ia tÞc Pmpa;ty IJ1d/Or ri¡hts u.nder düs
SecuriI:y Iull1rulneØt (øucb as a proceading ÍD bIIDkrup1cY. probate. lot coademnadon or farfciluro, for
eafœ:emeot of . UeII wbicb nil)' auaiD prtorI1y over this Socurlty Instnuncnt or to enforce JaM or
,.,.."'-0lIl). or (c) Boaower has ~ Ibe Property. tbeß Leader may do 8Dd pay for w'-ver Is
rcIIIOOIbJc or tpþ(OPt'iatD to pIOIeCt LaKIer'. ioIaat in die PmpeItJ and rigbII UDder dd8 Socuri1y
IIsmDmt, iadudin¡ pIOteCtiD¡ 8DdIor ....g Ibc valuð of Ibe PmpeIty, ad secarJng aa4Ior rapaidD¡
the Property. Lender's actioll8 QID im:Iudc. bot are not .Iimi1ed 10: (a) paying any IUIDS ICOUI'Cd by a lien whfcb
baa priority over this Security IDØ1rUII1CD&; (b) appc:II'in¡ in court; and (c) paying rœIOII8blo
~-fA(WY) (01lOI1.01
'M-. ~
i 1"
In.....! . -' ...,......."
Far. 1011 1m1
PIIp 7 or 11
FEB-21-20r- "16
First Horizon
307 734 7~91
-- . i
aumueys' fees to pIOlCCt its Û1tczat in the Property and/or rights under 1bIs Scx;mity IDsttumeoI, iIIc1udJng ill
secured posIdon In a bankruptcy pmcccding. SeçurIog 1110 Property incl. but is not 1imbI;xI1o, entetioJ !he
PIupcrty In make repairs, chango Joçb, repJaœ or boatd up doors and windows, drain water from pipes,
eUmInaœ buDd1n¡ ex' other code violBlious 01' ~ C()f)d¡dorIJ, and have utilitia turDed on at off.
AIIhou¡h I..eod« anay take acdon under Ibis Section 9, Lender does not have ID do 10 and is AOt UDder any
duty or oblipIioo to do so. It is ø¡reed that Lender incw's no JiabIUty for not lilting aDy or aD Øons
authorized 0IId« 1hiI Section 9.
Any IIDIOIIIdI disbuIIed by Leader UDder 1bIs Secdoo 9 tbaI1 become 1dd1oo..aJ debt of BarJOwer
secured by Ibis Sec:urity 1n8lnlmeßt. 'IhcIo ØIDOIIIIIII IbaII beIr interest at the NolO .. 1iom Ibo dà of
disbu11emenr. IIIId sbaU be ~Je. with such iDraaI, upoo oodc::c 1iom Leodet to Borrower œquesIio¡
If Ibis Security Insuument is on a 1eaIeImld, Borrower shaU comply wida .n Ihe provIs1ona of the Jease.
If Bcmower acquirm fee tide 1.0 Ibo Property, the 1euehoId and the fee dde å11 IIOt mer¡e unIeaS Leoder
apcIlO tho IIICIpI' In writin¡. ,
10. MIII1pp Iusuranœ, If Lender roquired Mortpp Insuranco as a CODdidon of DJIIkiD¡ lite Loan,
Borrower øbIIl pay 1be pIeßÛUIDS œqutœd to main1ain &be Mortgap Insumnce in cft'ect. If, for 811)' reason.
!he Moripp Insurance covcn¡c mquiœd by Lender ceases 10 be availøbJc from &be lIlOItP&e iøaurc:r _
pnMously provided such inmnmœ ad Borrower was roqainxlln mab separaIe1)' designated pay11Jm11B
toward the premiums tor MorIp¡e Insurance, Borrower sbaI1 pay the praníums required 10 obtain covc:n¡e
substantially equivalmt 10 tho Mortp¡e lDsuranœ pœvjoUlly in effeçt, at a c:oat mbstantiaDy cqoivalen~ 10
die co. to Bonowet' of the Mo1Tp¡e Inlurmœ previously In effect. from 111 al1erDale JDOCtB8Øe iDaurer
se1ccbxI by Leudet. If snbsbP1lfsl1y equivalent Mortpge Insur8Dce covcn¡e is not avaiJable. Borrower sbaU
CODdnUC ID pay ID I..cIadar tbe amount of the lICIpIII'Irely ~ payments dtar. were due wheo tbc inau&'aßce
coverage ceased to be in effect. Leader wi11 aeçept, UIC ami retain these paymentS .. a nœ-œfumlab1e loas
reserve in lieu of Morfp¡e Ioaurance. Such toss ft'M2"Ye sball be non-refundable, notWid1øtandiog the filet that
the lÞan is u1rJmøly paid in foil, aM Leader sball not be œqu1red to pay Borrower any interest or earnings
on such loss reserve. I.mder C8II DO longer æi¡uirc Joss œscrve paymeRlS if Mo.ngage Insurmcc coverage (in
the amount Inð for 1110 period that Lender requires) provided by III insutet selected by ~ spin becomes
available, II obtained, and I..eDdor teqnRs lCIJ18IIÞ=ly deaignaIed paymeD.tI toWard 1IJe pœmiumI for Mongap
Insurance. U Lender required M'orrgage Insuranc::c IS . coodilioø of matins: the Loan and Bort01VtIr was
required rø IIIIIkc IIepIII'aIDIy ~ paymcntltoward the premiums for MŒtpp Insuraace. Bonower
shalt pay the premiums required 10 mAin"." MoIf&aae IasurIDce in eff=ct. or to provide a non-refundable Iou
IalCE'YC, until Leader's requirement for Mort¡a¡e Insurance ends in açcordam:e widt any written agreement
betweea Banower and Leader pt'OvJdin¡ for IUI:b termination or oatil Þmnination is requiœd by Applicable
Law. NolhiAg in dû8 Secdon 10 affects Boaower·s obUgadon to pay Ioraest at the talC provided in the Noœ.
Mortgsgo 1DIunmc::c .reimburses Lender (or my entity that purchases &bo Note) for cerIain IoMes it may
incur if Borrower does DOt repay the Loan u agreed. Borrower is DOt a pan.y 10 dte MorIpae Wumßce.
Monaa¡e insurers evaluate their toœ1 risk on aD IIUCh insurance in fOfœ ftom time 10 time, aDd l1li)'
enter into øgreemeatI wiIb other pørtieø that sbaœ or modify tIJcjr risk, Dr reduce Joaea. 'I'heae agœemculS are
on terIU and condiIioos that are satisfactory to the lIlOItpge insurer and the other party (or pardes) to Ibcøo
agrccmcafl. 'lbcøe qreements may requim the IIlOlt88ae insurer to maIœ paymeolB using aøy 8OU1'CC of funda
that the I110ItpgC iDsuœr may have availabte (which may include funds oblaincd from Mm1pp InIllUlDCe
AJJ a resuk of tbcsc agœemeot8, Lender, II1Y pun:bascc of the Note, anotbcr maurer. any œiosurer, any
othar entity, or any sfñIiøJa of any of the foregoing, may œœ.ive (direcdy or iødirecdy) amollllll that derive
from (or might be cbør8cImi2I=d 85) a portioD of Borrowcr'a paymenla fat Morf88p InsurøDoD, in ac:banp
CUI' Bbadng or modifyins 1bo m.orIp&e insurer's risk, or red1JCÚJ8 Joases. If such asreemcmc provida Ihat III
af01iatD of I..endel takes a sbaro of the insurer's risk in excbangc for a &bare of the pRIIIIÚUUJ paid to the
insuœr, Ihe arraqemeI1t" ofren tmmaI "c:apdve reiDsurancc. · Furthc:r:
(a) AD1 ... agreemeDII will not aß'ed tbe amoUII" tbal Borrower hu 8areed to pay for
Mortp.- I8saraDc:e, or OJ oilier terms of tile LoIn. S1ICh qreemeats wiD Dot iDøeue *be lDlount
Borrower wDI owe for Mortpge 'JDnranee. aud they will DOt atitJe Bomnfer to an)' reftmd.
4IIt "A(Wy) (0001).0.
P....Df 18
'"hl."IM: '-_
FarJIIIDl1 1181
(b) Aay IIICIa. .....eaCa . _ at'ttICt the rip.. Bomwrtt .... . II any . with respeet to the
Mort...'...........1IIICIer tbe BODleowatl'l ProteåIoD Ad of 1998 or 8DJ otber Ia". T_ rIP" DIIJ
fDdgde .... rIpi to neeIve œrtaIa cIIIc:IoAr8, to reqlltlt aDd obtaID .,....,;- 01"" M.....
1DWr1llØ, to baVl the MortøIt bIUr8Da tlnlúutlld ..IÐIDIdcaIl1, aJIIð/or to receive . nfIIIId of 8D7
MortaaIellllataCe ....... dud WIn IIIItI8I'IICd at the dlDe of such caaee.... or tumlDatloa.
11. AIIIpmeDt 0' M......alOU ProœedI; rcwtelture. AU MiIœUmeous Pmceed8 are hereby
assigned to ad abaIl be paid 10 Leader,
If rhe Property is damqed. such M1sce1Iøneous Proceeda shall be ~ 10 J:C8IOra1ion or ICpIIir of Ihe
PropcIty. If 1ba reøIDnIIkm or repair is cconomicaUy feøaibJe md Lender s security is POt Iouc:ned. DoriDg
sucb tep8ir aod reøtonIion period, Under shall havo the ri¡ht to hokl such MiøceUaDeous PIoceedø until
Lender has bad a oppartuDity 10 inspect such Pmperty to CI1SI1œ the work baS beea completed. fo Leadt:r..
sadsf8cdon. provkled dIIIt IUCh inspecIion shall be UDdatabm promptly. Lendet may pay for tho æptdrB 8Dd
rcstomtion in a siD¡Je diøbur8emel1t or in a IJOIios or pIOpaIII paymllD" as the wadi: is çompIeIocI, UÜlllla
apemeøt is made in wridn¡ 01' Applicable Law œqukcl mtcrclt to be paid on such MiIœUIIIeouJ ProœedJ.
Lender shaJ1 act be rcquind ID pay Bouower any in.. or camios. on aud1 MiaceIJaneous Proœcds. If 1bo
~ or repair Ja DOt eaooamiœlly feasible or LencIer·. BCeUEby wouJd be Jcøacoed, tbe MJøJtaJIcoua
Pmceeds 8b811 be appUod to the SUlDS øecœed by Ibis Sccuri1y 1nøIrunum&, wbel:la' or not tbeD duo. wi1h the
e.m:u, if any, paid 10 Bon:owcr. Such MiaœUaneoua Pmœeda sbaJ1 be appUed in tho œda' pmvided fat in
Sccdon 2..
In die event of a fOIII18kio¡. deIItrucdoo, or 10øs m vaJuo of tho Property, the MiaceUaneo1l8 Proc:ec:ds
sba11 be applied to the 81ID1S accurcc1 by drla SecurIty IDItruIDeIU, whether or DOt then due, with the excaII, Jt
en)', paid to Banuwer.
In the CI'VeII1 of a partial taJdng. dostruotioD, or 10u in valllO or the Propert.y in which dJo fair IDIIbt
vaJuc of the Property im~ediale1y before the partiIl1åin8. deatructlon. or loss in value Is equal 10 ot greaœr
than tho amo= of the 8UIDS secnred by this Secmi1y InsUumeot JmmediaIe1y bçfon, the partia1111dø¡,
desUucdoD. or Joss in valllO, unIe.Is Bonowcr and I...eadcr otherwise aaree in wridng, the SUlDllICICured by Ibis
Security Insrrumcut sbaIl be reduced by Ibo amount of Iho Mi8œUaDeous PJoœcdJ muldp]ied by Ibe
followin¡ fraction: (a) Iho totallllJlOUDt of the sums øccun:Id iIrunet1iaœIy betoœ die þIItIia1lBkiD& dt=ItrIJçdoo,
or lo8a in value divided by (b) the fair mafbt ~ of the Property inbnedWe1y befcø die pørdallÜiDJ.
deslNctioD. or loss in VIlue. Any ba1aDcc sIud1 be paid ID Boøower.
In aho OWDt of a pIrtia1 takiDø. deIIUucdon. or los8 m ".tuc of ~ Property b1 wbicb Ihe fair ~
value of tile Property inunediaIe1y bcfOle the partial taking. desrrucdoD, or Iou In value is Jess Ihan ~
amount or the IIUJDJ 8eCtnd immNlt....Jy bcf~ Ibo partial taking, de8lrUC1ian. or IDIIII in value, unJess
Bonowat and LcDder oduftiIe agree in writing, Ibo MiP'J~1JS Proceeda sba11 be øpp1led ID the sums
IICCIIraI by this ~ IDaaumcnt wbetbet or nœ tho IIWDI are 1ben due.
If the Property is abandoned by BDI'IOWer. or if, atu:r DOrke by Leader 10 Borrower dI81 the Opporm¡
Party (as dcfiDcd to the oat aenreoœ) offers 10 mab an awm1 to seale a claim for damIaes, Borrower fails
10 æspond to lAmda: within 30 days after the dale the uodce is given. Leadl:r Is IUthorized to coUcct aDd.
apply Ibo MIIcelIaneous Proceeds eiIher to resuntion at repair of the Property or to d'Ie sums secured by ddIJ
Secari1y InsIrumcnt. whetbr or not rbcn duo. HOppoIIn¡ Party" means the third party Ib.It owes Boøowcr
MiBceU8noous Proceeds or the p&\1.Y øgaiDst whom Borrower baa a rigbt of action in œpnI to MiølIIAOUS
Boøowcr sbø1I. be in default if 1ft)' 8CIÎOD or prv-ti.." wbeIhet civU. or crim1na1, Is bepn dJat. 10
Lcodet's judømeaI. çooId n:ault in rotfeitule or tho Property or other material impøhmeDt of Lendrs inIeœst
in Ihc Property or rigbø undm' Ibia ~ Inøtnøcnt. Borrower ca cure such a ddauk aud, if aa:e1cnIiœ
bas oc:amed, œåIsIato as ~ In Secdon 19, by causing 1bo øedon or proceediøg 10 be d*rigcd widl.
ruling that, in Leoder's JUdgPumt., pœcludea fOlfeitute of Ihe Propc:rty or oilier maI8riat impøirmeDt of
J..æds"s inlmeSt in the Property or rigIuB UDder this Security tnscrumcnL 'Ibc proœeds of any award or cJaún
fC)l' damø.¡es that In IIIribu1abIe 10 !he iJop8Ument of Lendar's interest in tbe Property In beœby UIJgnecI
aad shaD be pøki to Leoder.
AU MiIceUaaeous Proceeds dJa¡ _ not app6ec1 to øøroradon or m¡IIIr of dJ.e Pmperty sbaI1 bo IIIJPIIa1
in dae Older ptOVidod for in Secdoo 2..
41\ ".CWY) (ODDI).02
Inn'''.1 ) IJ:~,_
Fonn 1011 1101
P.... or 11
· FEB-21-200- .. 16
First Horizon
307 734 7891
... "..
12. Bom~~er Not RelelBeda ForbearaDee By Lader Not. Waiver. ~tCflslQJ\ of tile dmc for
payment or lJIOdificadon of amot1ization of die sums secured by 1hiII Security Instrument paIJfId by ü:ader
to Borrower or any Sum:sø in Intere&t or Borrower IbaU DOt opcratO 10 re1caøa the DabiJity of Borrower or
any SDCCCIIIIOI1 in InIeæBt of BOII'O\\'eC. Leoda' 8haO not be required to conImence ~111p apiDat any
SUCCCS80t Ja InIInIt of BorroWfJl' (I' to refuse 10 oxtaId lime far JB)'IDeÐt 01' 0Iherwiae ØIOdily IIDOIdzadoa
of tM IIWIII IiICCUIed by Ibf8 Security Instrument by :reaon of any demand made by tho origiDa1 Bonowcr 01'
any SIICCOIBOII In Imcreat of Borrower. Any fodlearancc by Lcodrz in exmclsing any richt or ICØlCdy
includina. wiIbout 1imiwion, Lender'. ~ace of paymCDtS from tbbd p&nOlII, entities or Successors in
Intaeat of Borrower or in amounts less tban tho amount then due. sbaU Dot be a waiver of or preclude 1be
emdIe of any riaht or ..œy.
13. JoID. aDd s.v..... Liabilit1; CHipen. SKaIIOI'S and A8ipI Bcnuad. Bortuwet coveoanl8 aød
agrees dull Boaower'ø obUgatlons and .liability sbaI1 be joint IIDd aevmal. However, any Borrower who
co-øignø tbis Security Insøumeot but does not axecula tile Noœ (8 "c:o-sIgner"): <a) is co-lIpin¡ dûa Security
IDstrument only to mongagc, grant and convey the co-øipet's Jlterest in tho}JnJperty under dJe 1mDB of dûa
Seçurlty 1u8Uument; (b) is not personally obUptcd to pay the IIIUD8 secured by tbiJ Security Ioøtnuneot; and
(c) a¡rees Ibat Loader and any other Borrower can agree to extaId, modify, fOIbear or make any
aa:ommodaticms with ~gard to the ImD1S of thia Secwity Instrument or the NDte without tbe co-signer's
Subject to the pmviskms of Section lS,lIDY Sua:eaaar in Interest ofBorrowet who IIISUII1CII Bonower's
oblipâons øndcr this Security IøalrWnent in wridng, and is approved by Lender, sbaU obtain .n Df
Bonuwet's rights and beocftœ under th1s Security InsIrWDCDL Bonowcr 8baU DOt be rc1eued from
Borrower's obUptlons and UabWty under this Security IDsttumcnt DDlcss Lend« agrees to sudI re1euc in
wrldng. The COVCDIDta and qreo¡ncnts of drls Security IostnDnent 8baJl biDd (cxçqK .. provida1 ill Section
20) aod benefit the successors ønd BlSIgDø of Leader.
14. Loan CIIarþ8. Leader may clJarge BOI'1'Ower fees for serviœs performed in connection widt
Bonowcr's default, for the purpose of protecdn¡ Lender's inrerest Ja tho Property and ri¡b1S under Ibis
Security 1Ds1rUlnCot, lncIudiDg, bot DOt. Umital to, aIIomoys' fees. propcny iIIBpCCIion and valuadoA fees. In
teprd to any othar fees, the abaeøce of expross mdmrity in Ibis Security IDs1nuncot. to c:bIrp a specific fee
to .Boaower sbaIl DOt be c:oosÞ:ued as a prohibition on dae c:Iuqing or such fee. Leodcr may not c:bItrge fees
that are cxprcss1y probibÏlld by tbis Security IDalrumeDt or by Applicable Law.
If the Loan is subject to a law wbida seas max.imum Joan ch8rgea, and that law is finaUy inteIpn:rcd so
tba1 the Jntaat or other Joan charges colkdal or to be coUectcd in çonoeçtion with the loin exceed die
permføallInillB, then: (a) any suçh Joan charge øba1l be reduced by Ihe amount na:essary to reduce Ibo charge
to d1c pcrmilled limiI; ad (b) any SUD1I lI1n:æy collected frorn Bonower wbich exceeded peI1IIiItcc1 limits
will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make IÞis refund by rcdudog Ihe principal owed under
the NOID or by maJdnø a dhwt P'yJDeot to Bœower. If a Id'und reduces priodpa1. the reduction will be
treated as a pen:IaI prepayment without any ptq)ayII1a1t cluqe (wbetbet Of not a prapaymeot chargo is
provided for under tho Nocc). Bonower's aceepIaICO of any md1 œfund made by dkect payment 10 Bonuwcr
will conSlÎtule a waiVCl' of any right of acsjon Borrower might have Iriaiog out of lOCh ovcn:harge.
1S. NotIeeL An notices given by Borrower or I..eudc=r in coonecdoD with tbiJ Security IDaIrumeot most
be in writing. Any ncnico to Borrower in ccmnecdon wbh Ibis Security Insuument 8haIl be deemed to have
been ¡iven 10 Borrower wheD lDIiIed by titst class mail or wbcn acIwIlly delivered to BoaowCl:'s nodœ
adckeø if lent by odu:r IIKIIIJI. Notice to IIOY ODe Borrower øIJIIJ1 cœatitute I10Iiœ 10 an Bonowen UD1cIa
Applicable Law expreasty requm otbr:lrwüle. The notice addreu shall be the Property Addrea unless
Boaower has deaignarcd. a subsdJuœ notice address by nodcc to Lender. Borrower .sbaI1 prompdy notify
LœIcr Df Borrower's change of addJ:ess. If Leodel' øpeclfies 8 procedure for repo.rtIn¡ Borrower's cbange of
addIeø. then Borrower shall only report a change of address through dIat specified proœdme. 'I11ete may be
only OlIO deslgnlœd notice address under dUs Security Ioa1rument at anyone dmc. Any nodce 10 Lender ahaI1
be pvaa by de1ivcdng it 01' by maIlio¡ it by ftrst da88 mail to Lender's addn::a BtIdI:d hcRio unle&l Lender
bas desirated ana_ addreIII by notice to Boøowet. AJ1y notice in COIIDeCIÌDn with this Security Iøs1tument
shall not be deemed to bave been ¡iveG to Leoda' until acauaIly mc:cived by l.eu&:r. If any notiœ required by
this S«:urity InIlln1JDent is also required undet AppUcabIc Law. die App1iœb1c Law requirement will satisfy
the œrœspondjng n:quiremeot under tIús Security InstrumeDt. ft
Inhl'-: ),,,l7 L.
FOrM 1051 1/01
"'''A(WY) (OOOO).GI
P...10Of 1.
16. GGvmaIq LawJ SevenblUtJ; a.... of COllltrudioD. 'Ibis Security 1'nsInmaeDt abIll be gowmed
by federal Jaw and the Jaw of tho jurildk;don in which the Property is located. All ri¡hlll1IDd obliptioDs
ÇQolBined in tbI8 Security IDs\l'UD1Cllt are aubject to lilY requirements and Umilalions of Applil:ablc Law.
App1icab1e Law oúgbt exp1ici11y or iøp1icidy allow rho pønia to a¡ree by coouact Of it might be si1eDt, but
such sUtæc JIbaIl DOt be cooBtrued as a probibiJion øgainIt a¡n:ement by contr:act. In the event tbat any
pnwisIoa or oI8nID of Ibis Security Instrument or tbé Noœ cont1icta with Applicable Law, sacb c:oDflJct sbaIl
not IIffcIc:t other proviJioQ of rh.Is Security Inrdrulnent or the Note wbich can be liven effect witbout the
confJicdna provision. .
As ullCld in Ibis Security Instrument (a) WOlds of the masculine gender shall mean and bJçIudo
COI1'CIIpOIIdin neater words or words of tho feminine ..del; (b) words in 1110 singular abaII mean and
include Ibe phualmd vice vena; and (c) tbc word nmayn gives sole discretion wid10ut any obligation to 1akc
an)' øcdon.
17. Bunvwg 'I Copy. Borrower shall be liven one copy of the Note and of tb1s Security IDsIrumeoL
18. TrøIfer of tILe Property or a BeaefIdaI Intenøt ID. Borrow~. As used io tIùs Section 18,
IIIntcrclt in the Propcnyn means any legal or benoficiallnt.c:œ8t in the Property, including, but DOt tirJlIœd ro,
those tJcnlIfiCÚlJ inll:restl tntnsferred iQ a bond for dœd. COIlInK:t for deéd, insIaI1Inent sales CODII'Ø or CICI'OW
øgt'CCIßICIØ.Þ tnœot of wbk:h is tile traDSfef of tIdo by BcmoWCl' at a t'uIme date to a purchasor.
If ø1I or any part of Ibe Property or any IntaM in the Property is sold or traß8f.-rcd (or If Banowr Js
not a naIIØI person and a bcDeficjøl inlm'e8t in BOI'IOWet is sold or traD8fm'ed) without Lender's prior written
c:ooseot, Lender may requiœ ImmediIID payment in foU of all .ums II&'ICUftId by this Security 1Dstt1JmeDL
Howevet, this opdon sba11 not be em'CiIecS by Lender if such cxerciIc is probib1ted by Applicable Law.
If Leader exercJses Ibis opaion, Lender sbaU give Bormwct notice of acœbadon. 1110 notiœ sbal1
prOOde a period. of not _ than 30 days from tile dale tha nodœ is given In accordanœ wIIb SecI1œ 15
within wbich Borrower mUS1 pay III awns secured by dùJ Security 1Dstmment. If Borrower faUa to PlY theBe
sums prior to the oxpiladon of this period. LeDder may invoke any ~ penniUed by this Security
Inatrument without f'utdu:r notiœ or demInd on Borrower.
1'. Bornnr.-'. Rlpt to ReiDltate After Aecùrratiou. If Borrower meets œrtaIn condi1ions,
Borrower IhaIl have the right to have eufOlCC:DlClU of Ibis Secwity Jna1rument dlscondnued at any time prior
to die __ of: (a) five days befCR sale of the Property pursuant CO any power of IIIlc conllined Ù11bis
Security Inmmncnt; (b) such otber pcrJod III AppUcabID Law might specify for tbe œrminadoD of Bomrwer's
ri¡ht to œiallIIID; or (c) entry of a jud¡ment enforcing Ibis Security In8IrumeDL '1boøe c::oodidoß8 are that
BCJI1'Ower: (8) pays Leader all sums which tbea wouJd be due undm' Ibis Security Iftatrumcnt end Ibc Nota ..
if no acœ1r.nltinn bid occumd; (b) curos any dcf'lIIllt of any other COYCD8D18 or ø¡recmrntI; (c) pays 111
exponscs lDcuaed in enforcing tbJs Security WIrlllDlmt, inc1uding. but not liDúkxI tD,1'e8IOIIIblc 8t1OmO)'St
fees. propcny inspection and 'YI1u8doø lees, and other f=a incurred for 1M P\1IPOIO of pIOIIICdD¡ Leader's
intereat in the Property and rights under this Security 1Dsrmmtmt; 8I1d (d) lakes such acdon as Lender may
œuooably ¡eqWre to ..ore dLm: Lcmdcr's in1mIt in tho Property 8Dd Jishta uodet this Security IDsIruman.
and Borrower'. obUpdon to pay tho SùD1S ~ by Ibis Security In8Þ'UmODt, sbaU COIlIiIme uoc:Iumpd.
Leader may œquire that Borrower pay lOCh œlallalanent øunIS and oxpmllClll in 000 or IIIOl'O of the foU.cnriDg
forms. 8ll1eIccta:I by Lender: (a) c:ab¡ (b) money ani«; (c) cetdficd check, bank cbec:k, treasurer's cbeck or
casbJer's check, provided any such cbeck is drawn upon an inadludon whose deposiIB are insured by a feda11
..eney, inSlI1JlD(ZlBlity or eotity~ or (d) E1ecÞoDic FundI Transfer. Upon reinswement by Bonowa-, Ibis
Security 1nSlrUlDCDt and obUptiODl secured hereby sbaIl remain runy eftective as if no acccIeradœ had
occuacd. However, 1hia right to ~ sbaIlllOt apply in die cue of acœIeradoD undtJr Section 18.
20. Sale of Notel CbaD. of Loa Senicer; Nodee 01 GI'imuIœ. The Note Of a pertia1 infC'RIt in the
Note (1Oged1er wid1 this Security 1nIU'umeIU) can be sold me or mare times without prior nodco to BmmWCl'.
A sale Ddght result In . cbaoge Ù11he entity (known as tho "LoIn seMœr1 dial c:oUccls PaiodIe Paymcmts
due under the No., and this Security InstnUneDt and performø Dk ~ Joan øerviciDg oblipdoDa
under die NofC, dda Security 1nstrwneßt, and AppUœbIo Law. '111ae also miaht be one or more chaogca of
the Loan SeM=' unre1aIIId to a _ of tile Note. If there is . cban¡e of the LaIn Serviœr. Bonower wiJl be
givoD 't'Iriøal DDIico of die cban,ge wbfch will SIØI &be IIIIDD _d Iddre8a of the DOW Loøn SerWx:r. die
acIdnu 10 wIdch payments IbOuJd be made and any other infonnIIJon RESPA requirœ in ç()lUltdton with a
~ oIA(WY) 10001l1.D2
'a,. U 0111
Innlalll fl~7"-'"
For.. 1011 1101
FEB-21-20r~ . '06
First Horizon
307 734 7891 ~ '5
DOdœ of u:aosfer of scrvidng. If the Note is sold and tbeIcafter 1he Loan is lStniced by a Loan SerYk:et otbet
Iban lite purchaser of d1e NOli. tho mongagc 101m øvk:ing obllgadona to Borrower wU1 remain with the
LoIua Scrvia:Ir or be traDSfeaed 10 a u:cessor ,LoaD Serviœr aud me not assumed by the Noœ pua:hasc:r
ooJea odœrwJae provided by the Note pu.rchucr.
Noitber Borrower DOl' Leodet may COG1me11Cey joiD, or be joiDcd to any judfcia1 8CIiDn (as either an
Jndividual Uti¡ant or tho member of a class) that arises from the other party'. actions Pursuant to ibis Sccmrity
lnalrument or that aUeps dIM the od1er pIIIt.y has bœached lilY p.roviakm of, or an)'" duty owed by rœsoa of.
this SecuritY InBlnllDellf. œdl md1 Borrower or Lender has notifjcd the odJer party (wiIh web JIOtIg, giVIID in
compUaoc:c wiIb tbe nq1dremcats of Section IS) of such aUe¡ed breach and atfonfed the ottJmo lEY hereI.o a
reuonabJo period atœr the aiviP&' of auch notice to tab correcdvc aetkm. If Applicøblc Law provides a time
period wbicb mU8t dap8e bafore c:a1IIo ICIIoD gm be eaten, &bat dmc period will be deemed to be 1aIOII.Ib1o
for purpœeø of Ibis paø¡rapb. TIle aodco of accoIeradœ aod opportuDIty to CUI8 ¡i.wn 10 Boøowcr puIIUIIIl¡
ID Secdoo 22 and the notice of acceIenItion given to Bonower pursuant to Section 18 sbaU be deemed to
øatis£y the notice and oppoE1UDi1y to take cmrective action provWoas of dUs Scotion 20.
21. Hullrdoaa Subøtocea. As used in dUs Scotiœ 21: (a) "HazIrdous SubstanœaH axe those
subsÞmceI dd'ined II IDJÙC or bazIrdouI substances. poUuIBDll, or WII1I:I by Bn\'hœmealll Law aod 1110
foUowiDS subltaDcel: pllDliDe, ~ otbet fJanunablc (I' toxic peb'OJeum pmducta, toxic peIticides 8Dd
hetbicidcl. vo1lu& IOlveots, múaiaIa containing asbesros or forma1debydc. ad radioactive materiaJJ; (b)
"BnvimnmeotBl Law" meaos federa1lawa and Jaws of tho judldfcdon where the Property is 1oca1œ tbat Idatc
to bea1tb. safelY or enYÚODllleDllll pmIIIctioD; (c) "BnviroDmenra1 CJeønup· JncJudea .)' reøpuase ICtfon.
remedial action. or removal aœion, II dcIiDed in BnvironlneD1a1lö'¡ and (d) an "Bnvfmluncol81 Coodilion"
means a condldon Ibat can cause. cooUibuœ 10. or otberwiIo 1rigger 111 Bnviromnental Cleanup.
Borrowl2' 8haU not cause or permit the pœI!ICIlÇC. use. dfaposaI. stor8p, or rcIca8c of any HazanIous
Substrmœa, or IbreateD to rcJeasc any H.azanIous Subsaances, on or in the Property. Borrower Iball not do.
nor a1Iow lI1yoDB die ID do. anyIbio& aff«:tiøs tho Property <a) Iba1 ill in YioJadœ of any Brrvironmcntal
Law. (b) whIcb c:reall:l1II Bovb'onmeßta1 CODdidon. or (c) wbkh, dUB to IhB pseseace, uae, or te1eue of a
Hazardous Sub8l8nce. creates a condidon thai 8dversely affects me va1ue of the Property, '1110 preceding two
seøtencel sba11l1C)t apply to lite presence., use, or storlgc on the Pmperty of smaJ1 quanddes of Hazardous
Subs1aDcea tbat are ¡erøaI1y recognif,cd 10 be approprIatI: ID normal re&ideoda1 UIU anc1 to III8inU:oanœ of
the Property (1nc1udbtg, but not limited to, baiardous IUbIIanœa in CODIUIIIer pnx111C18).
Boftower øbaIl promptly ¡lve Lender wriaca DOtÎCO of (a) any inveadplion, cJaJm. demand, lawsuit or
other don by 80)' pemllltDtal or reguJatory qency or ptivaae party Involving the Property IIßd any
Hazardous Subataoco or Bnvimnmental Law of wbiclt Borrower has acbJal knowJedae, (b) any
Brrvironmcn181 Cond~ iIIcluding but DOt limited 10. any spilling. JeøIdog. dføc:Iuqe. reJease Œ threa of
releaIIID of any Har.ardoUI SIIb8raDœ. IIDd (c;) lIlY oond1don CIUIOd by the pn:IIIJCI8, .. or re.1eIIIe of a
Hazardous Subslancc which adversely affects the value of the Pmperty. If B01TOWCI' Ieams. or II nodJied by
any sovcmmc:ntal or re¡uJaIory authority, or any private party. that any removal or othet remediation of any
BazanIowI Subllaœo 8ft'ecdug tho Property is oec:eaary. BOROWCt sbaI1 promptly lab 811 ftN'II-y œmecUa1
actionIln ECXmIIocB wbb Brrvironmcntal taw. NodUng berdn IIJdl CIaI1e IDY obJIption on Leader for In
EnvironmeDlal Cleaup,
~.IA(WY) (0Q05,oa
Pili 120' ,S
Forlll 1051 1101
NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Leader further covCII8Dtaod a¡ree IS foUows:
%2. AceeIIratløD; Rlmedles. LeIder øbaI1l1ve dœ to Bornnm prior to aeeeleradoD toUowlq
hall_A·,I bradI or ., coveøanI or aJlallllmt Ia tbiI SecurItJ lDIIrum_t (bat aot prior to
aueJeraØoD .... SedIøa 18 ..... Applicable Law praridtø otIIInriIe). De DotIœ ..... spedIJ: (a)
die defaull; (b) the actioD reqaIred to eure die dtIaIt; (e) a date, Dot ... &baD 30 clays from tile date
the DOtic:e .. liveD to BorrowB'. by wlddl tile default Blusa be cund; u.d (d) tIIat falun to are the
default 0" or Wore tbI dati øpcdIIed fa tile notice ..y result ba acce1tratioD of tIae ..... eecured by
tIllS 5ecarIt11D1tnuD1Id ad .... or 1Iae Propeny. The DOttœ IbaIl furI:ha' IDforID BOMh.. of the
ript 10........... acceleratloD. aM die rfPt to briD& a court aåIoD to .-rt the ...~ of a
clef'ault or DJ otb.- dIfeIIIe of Borrower to araIndoo ad lilt. II tile dera* Is IlOl eand 011 or
....... tile date øpedØecI ba dullIOdœ. IAader at Ita opdoa .ay require bamdate P*JD'eat ID ran of
aD IØIIIICIII'Id by tbII Security lJQtruDJeDt wItIaout furtbtr demaDd aad ma)' laYOkI the power or
... øcIlIDJ otblr l'CIIIedIeI penaltted b)' Applicable Law. LeDder ..... be IIIIIIIId to coiled III
apaøeslaarred Ia pllnalD& tile ..eel.. pnmded iD tIdI SedioD aa, JllClladi... bat DOt JbDittd to,
reaoaabltllUotDeJl' r. aød ecIIÞ or tIdI nIdeDce.
If lMIder .'YokeI the power of sale, Lcadet IbaIIpve notice of latlllt to loredoIe to BOI'I'OWII"
aDd to thl ptI'IDD Ia ,..'cm of the Proper1J, if cliØ'ereat. In ac:c:ordaac:e willi Applicable Law.
Leader aW Bift aotiœ of .. IaIe to Bonvw... ia tile mlUlDll" provld8d Ia SectIoÞ 15. LeDcIer IbaII
pub.... the aotiœ or ..~ aad the Prvpa'tJ sbaII be sold Ia the IIUIIUIII" pftllCribecl by Appllcabll Law.
Leader or its dlllpee IDlY purebue the Prv~ tl at 8D1 sale. The pl'OClllda of tbe ale...... be applied
ia tbe foUowIag orden (a) to all apeases of the IIIIt, iDc:IudiDg. but Dot IiIIIited to, reuoubJe
attora.,.' _; (b) to aD IUIIIIIIIC:III'Id b:rlhll Seeurfty J:astnuatat; aad (c) aa)' ... to .... perIOD or
pellClllllepUy _titled. to It.
23. IItl-., Upon payment of all SUIDIIICCUftId by t1ùs Security 1nsInuncnt, Lender sbaU æIcaso tb1I
Security IDstnImeIII. BOIIOWCII' 8baU pay any nICOI'd8dœ C08fS. Leadet may cIJar¡e Bœrower a fee tor
rcJcIsIq rhIs Security InølNmeDt. but oo1y if the fee is paid to a third pørty for services 1'etICtcmI1IJd the
charaiD¡ of the fee is pcrmiued undct AppUœblc Law.
24. Waivers. Borrower rc1eøIas and waivea aU rights undar 8Dd by virtue of the bomeøad eumption
tit ·eA(WY) (OOOI.D2
PagB 1Ut 111
Inltlata:./ ? l (..;.......
Farm aOl1 1101
STATE OF . }t:_'XQ.5
Tho fore¡oJn¡ ioBll'UDleßt was acknowledged before IDC 1bis
bLerridee L KatllOl1
MyCommiakm BxpIn!o: 't\-z.lloðS ~
\"'§¡;'" ~'.jJ September 27. 2008
GIt -IA(WY) (01IIII).02
lIor.'1II1 1to1
BY SIGNING øm.oW. Borrower acceplS and agrees 10 Ibo tenDS and goveoams amtJdoed in dúa
Security Insuumcat and in any Ric:Ier oxccutCld by B<xrowa' BOd nICOI'ded with iL
').' .~/ -"'.'.""'.
// _"8____'
'..'{, -,.l'~
"', ,'- ·Bonawu
tIIt..A(WY) (0001).01
,.... .4 of 1 J
Form 8051 1101