KNOWN BY ALL THESE PRESENTS, That Richard Morgan and Sharon Mot[an, does
hereby ce~ify that mortgage bearing the date of September 25, 2000 made and executed by
~ames & Crowley and Betty Leu Crowley, as mortgagors to Richard Morgan and Sharon
Morgan as mortgagees conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the
payment of $7,900.00 as therein stated, which me.gage was recorded in the office of the
County Clerk aM Ex-Officio Register of Deeds. of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on
September 29, 2000 in Book 453PR on pa~e 88 me.gaging the following described real estate
in said County, to wit:
Lot 107 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 3, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the
official plat thereof.
is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and
discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim
unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged.
our hands this ~'~/ day of Sep~6mber, 20.01.
l~./qRichard Morgan
Sharo~ Morgan
State of Nevada
County of Clark
The foreg.~ing instrument was acknowledged before me by Richard Morgan and Sharon Morgan,
this ,~z;/ day of September, 2001.
Witn6ss my hand and official seal.
,:::omm ssion ,,9-,9, %, rtm
- / - [~ k."~Erl~J/ counw o~ Cla~
~ No: 99-~675-1 ..........