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File No.: 60107J 4984
Harriet, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company formerly known as
Buffalo West Holdings, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Uabillty Company,
grantor(s) of Alpine, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Bobbies, LLC, a Wyoming Umited Liability ComplUJY,
grantee(s), whose address is: 19010 Lynn Lane Y orba Linda, CA, 92886 the following described real estate, situate
in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
That part oftbe NEY.5W.4 of Section 29, Township 37 North, Ruge 118 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming described
as folio..,.:
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BEGINNING at the Southeast point of Lot 11 of the Pallsades Heights Subdivision of record in
the omce of the Clerk of Lincoln County, WI Plat No. 249, said point beiDg On the Northerly
right-4d'-way lJoe of State mghway 89;
tbel..:e North 26°31.5' West, 167.18 feet to the Northeast point of said Lot 11;
thNal conthmlng North 26°31.5' West, 60.69 feet along the Easterly line olLot 10 of the said
Palisades Heights Subdivision;
tbeaee North 66°09.5' East, 140.15 feet to a point on the Westerly right-of-way Une ofPaUsades
Drive of record On the said Palisades Heights SUbdivisJOD P1at;
thence South 26°31.5' East, 221.31 feet along the Westerly rlgllt-of-way line of said Palisades
Drive to a poiut on the said Northerly right-of-way line of State HIghway 89;
theaĆ South 63"28.5' West, 140.00 feet along the said Northerly right-or-way Jiue of State
IDglnray 89 to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
An of the East 60 feet of Lot 11 of the Palisades Heights Subdivision of record In the
Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as Plat No. 249, described as fonom:
BEGINNING at the Sontheast point of said Lot II, on the Northerly right-of-way lIDe of State
Uighuy 89;
thence Soutb 63°28.5' West, '60.00 feet along the Southerly Dne of said Lot 11, commou to the
said Nortberly right-of-way line, to a point;
tllenee North 26"31.0' West, 168.97 feet to a poiut on the Northerly line said Lot 11;
(lienee North 65°11.0' East, 60.00 feet to the Northeast point of said Lot 11;
thence South 26"31.5' East, 167.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
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nat part of the East 60 feet of Lot 10 of tbe Palisades Heights Subdivision of record in
theOOice oCtbe Clerk of Lincoln County as Plat No. 249, described as foUows:
BEGINNING at the Southeast polut of said Lot 10;
tbellce South 65°11.0' West, 60.00 feet along the Southerly line of said Lot 10 to a point;
thmce North 26°28.8' West, 61.71 Ceet to a poiut;
thence North 66°09.5' East, 59.99 Ceet;
tbeace South 26"31.5' East, 60.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights WIder and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Wttness my/our hand(s) this ¡J, -+!1 day of Febrqaty, 2007.
Buffålo West Holdmgs. LLC, a Wyommg LIIl1itcd now known as Harriet, LLC
liability Company d '-l A
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BY: omaa S Hamet, Mañagmg Memoer (J if
State of Wyoming )
Countyof~bRu~ Johnso,
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2J, day of February, 2007, by Thomas S.
Harnett, ManagIng MCIpber of Buffalo West Holdings, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company.
WitnesS my hand and official seal.
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/ Notary Public '