HomeMy WebLinkAbout927271 L"',",ULU"'U _~.. I, t<."',","'LVLU'::j tt ::;1L.O::;1"J.::J, .DUUJI.. O"J.::;1, .t'd':Je ~~~ RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) Partial Release :tf:.1Po1[Q D 000014 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That 1 st Bank - __A ___'__~_'~"þ_'. ....__~... A (;orporation. of the County of__1.lª-C;.Q.J."n anù State of Wyolning_______________, doe~ hcn;by certify that a certain mortgage, bearing ùate the 11_____ day of -Se.ptpmher_____' A D_ 2003 ..--.-" made and executed by _________-ºªvid R and Marcia A Spurl~_ç~ ~._---_._----- a~ mortgage _. to ___ 1st Bank aka First National Bank West .._---- as morlgagee. (;onvcying cel1ain real estate therein mentioned as security r(¡r the payment of $ 403,199. 5n.._________________. as therein states, which IllUltgage was recorded in the olliee of the County Clerk and Ex-Onicio Register of Deeds of______________n _____ ~~~coln ______n__ County, State of Wyoming, on the 24 day of September 2003 -- in Book; 536 of MOltgage~', at page 8 , and mOltgaging the following described n:al estate ¡n said County, to wit: Partial release of lots 74 & 75 Trail Ridge Subdivison, Third Filing, Lincoln County, Wyoming, According to :that plat filed in the office of Lincoln County Clerk RECEIVED 3/2/2007 at 10:05 AM RECEIVING # 927271 BOOK: 650 PAGE: 14 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is. with a, note se(;urecl thereby. anclthe nlbrernentioneu debt. fully paid. satislkd. released. and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee docs hcrcby relcasc and tjuit(;laÎlllunto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged, IN WITNI;SS WIIEREOF. the 15t Bank has caus~d these Presents to be signed by its. Branch President ---.----.--.- __.' A. D. ~~~~___ BY Its cashier, Note: If it is not desired to described lands in space therefor. insert the ¡bllowing: "Alllands described in said mortgage. TI-IE ST~TE OF WYOMING County oJ Lincoln } ss. On this 27 day of February ________.___p____..______ Penny Jones . 20~. bcforc mc pcrsonally appearcd to mc pcrsonally knuwn, who. bcing by mc duly sworn, did say that he is thc __ st I' Bank Branch President of ..----.-.-.---- -____·_·_.____.'·.h.P~_.__._ _U..h_·...__.._.~.._ and lhatthc seal aflhcd to said instrumcnt is the corporate seal of said co l e,-V- corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said ackno~ ,.1. .-. ..' . ., ".. '. . ",,' .." deed of said corporation, CHRIS W, KOLP NOTARY PUBLIC éötJìWfl8'F m~lds~~Iß,eal lis LINCOLN ., WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 21.2010 27 daYOf-fibr) \_ \ ~t 2007 ~\(f.;;\Q, day of ~ s;:. +- , A, D. My commission expires on the ð-I TI ¡r; STATE OF WYOMING. County of ______} 5S, This instrumcnt was tiled for record at A D_ 20 , and duly recorded in Book o'clock onl'agc___ M" on the _____day 01'__________________ County Clerk and Ex-Ollicio Register of Deeds No, --'--- Fees, $ By Deputy Clerk -------