HomeMy WebLinkAbout927279 File No.: 6010714947 Ouuuss WARRANTY DEED Gary Wright and CraIg WrIght as custodIans, in behalf of Jack Wright, Gary Wright, Judy Kennedy, Kayleen Dana, Craig Wright and Kathy Jasperson, grantor(s) of ACton, State of WyomIng, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Wmant To Stanley Snyder, grantee(s), whose address is: 25334 Oak Street Lomita, CA, 90717 the following described real estate, situate in Lmcoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: Beginning at a poiDt which 1114 rods South from the NW Comer of Seetion 31, Township 32 North Range 118 West 61. P.M. Wyomiøg, and running thenee East 69 rods, to the eomer of the tract hereby conveyed; thenee South 20 rods; thenee East 5 rods; thenee North 20 rods; theDee West 5 rods, to eomer #1 the place of begbmiDg. LESS AND EXCEPT the land described In WarraDty Deed recorded May 10, 1991 iD Book 196PR on page 373 of the records of the UDCOIn COUDty Clerk. Hereby releasing and w81ving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyommg. Witness my/our hand(s) this J day of March, 2007, .....,...- ! (f' J ¡ Gary Wnght aa custochans, m bcha1f of lack Wnght, Gary Wnght, Judy Kennedy, Kaylccn Dana, Cmg Wnght and Kathy Jasperson ~~~~ By: Gary CU8 o~ RECEIVED 3/212007 at 3:23 PM RECEIVING # 927279 BOOK: 650 PAGE: 55 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY State of M..:! 7.P'f\Þ... ) ~,N0 ~ss. County of The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me tlus 0 , day of March, 2007, by Gary Wright Witness my hand and official seal. My",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..._ ¡.,:¡cW, S, 'Z.<><>'I ~ VVL I ~ ._~, Notary Public ~ ROSA M. HERRERA NOTARY PUBLIC - ARIZONA PINAL COUNTY My Commission Expires November 15, 2009 €\B SInIImUno Deed . Warranty WY. Rev. 212712007